The History of Cars and CO2

The very first cars built back in the late 1800s ran so rich they produced very little CO2. They had so much fuel going through the engine that the exhaust would burn your eyes and poison anyone standing next to the exhaust.

It was about the mid 1950s before cars started to produce higher levels of CO2. By the 1970s, with more efficient engines and pollution controls, the CO2 levels went up to as much as 14 percent of the exhaust, all the way from 5 percent or more back in the late 1890s before indoor Heating and Electricity and two-way plumbing in your Home.

Cars still do not have sewer plumbing.

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Dry Ice — Cooling Stuff Down Since 1928

Guess what Dry Ice is made of? That’s right: CO2 — carbon dioxide — 100% pure CO2. It will cool anything ten times faster than frozen water and can stay at minus 110 degrees and colder up to ten days. It absorbs heat ten times faster than frozen water and will last twenty times longer.

So for the last eighty years, if you need to make something very cold very fast, then Dry Ice (CO2) is for you. But if you need to warm something up, CO2 is the last thing you want to use.

You can put out a fire or cool a flame with CO2. CO2 is the by-product of a very clean and efficient burning of most fuels that burn with oxygen and when used to dilute oxygen and fuel together in combustion, because it has already burned once it cannot burn again. It absorbs heat like a sponge and will lower the explosion temperature in a gasoline engine five hundred degrees for the last thirty six years to lower NOx coming out the tailpipe of your car and will cool off just as fast as it heated.

We can store heat in pretty much anything. Some things just heat and cool faster than others. So we can add one thousand degree CO2 to engines and still lower the explosion temperature five hundred degrees. Welders use CO2, and not to make the flame hotter. For years we packed Dry Ice (CO2) all around air-fuel intake manifolds to make the air and fuel cooler going in to race car engines to produce more power.

So if we could produce enough CO2 and put it in the Air maybe we could reverse Global Warming for a few seconds. But be careful, maybe if you add too much CO2 to the Air you will start an Ice Age like the one we had seven hundred million years ago that lasted one hundred million years when the air was all CO2. 

So who (or what) knows best? Computers? I don’t think so. And even if CO2 could cause warming there simply is not enough of it to change anything. Take a thousand gallons of water and add one third gallon of Gin for the carbon part of CO2, [one part carbon and two parts oxygen] That is a thousand to one mix, just like the carbon part of CO2 is part of the Air. Plants and Trees love water vapor and CO2 — guess what comes out the tail pipe of your newer car? If you were to plume the exhaust from your newer car into your greenhouse it would have the same effect as you going to a oxygen bar.

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14.7 To 1

The air to fuel ratio in a gasoline engine will always be 14.7 parts air to one part fuel.

Anything over 15 parts of air to one part fuel and the engine will run too lean and will misfire and produce zero energy while putting (HC) Hydrocarbons into the air.

So the only way you can increase fuel efficiency is to make the car smaller and lighter and or put a smaller engine in it.

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scientific consensus or pathological political hearsay?

A scientific consensus would mean every scientist performing the very same experiment the very same way and having the very same results.

There is no experiment in which to form a consensus, it is only a hypothesis. My scientist is me, not four computers that I could program to say anything I choose. The doors to science are never closed and if they were we would still be killing cats because they are evil and bloodletting to cure the sick. I do not see a consensus. I see a naive bias paranoid media reporting only what they wish to believe and schizophrenic governments with no facts or proof of any kind. And the best the computers could do in a real court of law is pathological political media hearsay.

True science is – not – about faith and believing, true science is about discovery searching for the truth.

Reality is – not – pumping Carbon dioxide into the ground, the ocean has been rising for the last twenty four thousand years, reality, is moving to higher ground.

I guess we are too busy inventing problems we cannot fix, instead of fixing the problems we can.

Science with out fact, is Fiction, there is no consensus of science, there is no documented scientific or legal proof, there is only belief with no fact, and total disagreement.

Our elected Representatives should be required by law to take a science understanding and comprehension evaluation before voting on scientific matters, with the results recorded with the vote.

Sadly, from what I have seen and heard over last many years from our media and government, most of them have no science comprehension what so ever, and are in charge, and falsely representing science, of very important science matters effecting all of our lives in every way everyday.

The Media has failed completely, to investigate or provide any creatable scientific proof, of any kind, that climate change is caused by mankind, belief science is the only science, the Media can prove.

When I need medical facts and information, I don’t go to my Attorney.

When I need legal facts and information, I don’t go to my Doctor.

When I need scientific facts and information, I don’t go to the media or to a politician.

Those with no science comprehension, have no right to a scientific opinion.

The media and government have turned their backs on 175 years of proven science facts, and 500 years of Climate science, for unproven science, while 32,000 scientist have signed a petition stating the unproven science is flawed.

A Pathological consensus is not a scientific consensus of any kind.

Keep Faith in Yourself and keep proof in you science.

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CO2 causes Extreme Cooling

When you add carbon dioxide (CO2) from the three thousand degree exhaust, from the engines exhaust manifold, though an E.G.R. (Exhaust-Gas-Recycle) valve, back into the intake manifold with the air and fuel mixture going into a running gasoline engine the explosion temperature in the combustion chamber will drop about five hundred degrees, from 3500 degrees to 3000 degrees Fahrenheit. It was about, 1972 the U.S. Government enacted the Clean Air Act presenting a very big challenge to car manufactures. Car Emissions back in 1972 were about fifty percent less of what they were back in the 1940s, but the smog was getting thick and it was time to clean up the Air.

So the car scientists went to work. They needed to lower:

  • CO (carbon monoxide: one part carbon and one part oxygen, carbon with no fuel or energy attached). This is the gas given off by the blue part of a flame and is at higher levels if the engine is running rich
  • HC (hydrocarbons: carbon with fuel or energy attached), which is unburned fuel in vapor form and will be at higher levels if the engine misfires,
  • NOx (oxides of nitrogen: produced by burning nitrogen and oxygen together at very high temperatures above 2500 degrees).

So they reduced the CO by leaning out the air/fuel mixture, Today cars produce zero carbon monoxide, one part carbon and one part oxygen, when the engine is completely warmed up and running at normal operating temperature.

They reduced the HC levels, from about 400 to 800 parts per-million to about 35 to 90 parts per-million, (one misfire can cause up to 2000 parts per-million hydrocarbon) out the tail pipe, by changing the primary ignition from a set of contact points to turn the ignition coil off and on to a electronic ignition.

 Next was the hard part, reducing NOx. They needed to reduce the explosion temperature in the combustion chamber a few hundred degrees under all load conditions with leaner air/fuel mixtures which will only make the engine run hotter.

And what they found was, by recycling a small percentage of the exhaust gases (co2) back in to the engine with the air and fuel mixture, the explosion tempature would drop about 500 degrees, and lower the amount of nitric-oxide, coming from the exhaust, in order to meet EPA emission standards set in the 1970’s, and still very strictly enforced today.

 I wonder way no one at the EPA knows this science ? from the 70’s ? still in use today ?

 So at 6000 R.P.M. ( revolutions- per- minute ) on a four stroke, eight cylinder engine, the engine will produce, twelve thousand explosions every minute, or seven hundred and twnety thousand explosions an hour, or two hundred explosions per second, or one explosion every five ( ms. ) milliseconds, with about one millisecond of cooling time for each explosion, cooled five hundred degrees by CO2 ( carbon Dioxide ).   ( a  millisecond  (ms.)  is one thousandth of a second ) 

*( This information is available in most high school auto shop classes, Vo-Teh auto shop classes, collage level technical training schools, car manufacture technical training centers,  auto parts stores, book stores, Libraries and any auto repair centers that service on board computers and emission control systems and any state auto emission testing stations all across the USA, and all around the world since 1974. ) or google E.G.R. Valve for over six million results, or go to dry ice in any dictionary or encyclopedia for the last eighty years. )*

I have been working with this science, every work day of my life, for the last thirty three years, in 1976 I became licensed by the state of California, to test, inspect, adjust, repair and certify, emission controls.

This has been common knowledge for millions of people world wide, with thousands of publications in every language, for over thrifty six years, with hundreds of new publications every year. and over eighty years for  – dry ice –  ( pure CO2 ).

Now everyone wants me to believe the computer studies, (Hypothetical Conjecture) a Guess of a (Meteorological Prognostication) a prediction, that say CO2 is the cause of global warming, even though human studies and ( proven science fact ) disagree. Well, I have never seen a computer roll up its sleeves put on a lab coat and walk into a laboratory, fire up the Bunsen burner and start experimenting for years on one unproven theory, ( hypothesis ).  But the reason CO2 cools off the combustion process is, it acts like a bunch of little heat sponges in the combustion chamber and because CO2 is the by product of burning it has already burned once so it can not burn again, so it absorbs heat during the explosion. CO2 cannot produce heat, But it can lower the explosion temperature in your car’s engine five hundred degrees, to meet EPA standards for the last thirty six years.

Yes, we have global warming again, in the last six hundred million years the glaciers have melted, many times.

CO2 is not the cause of warming — it is the reaction to warming. We produce CO2 from heat. The computer-generated studies on global warming have yet to prove their  HYPOTHETICAL CONJECTURE a guess,  with physical evidence. My human-generated study shows global warming can cause CO2 levels to rise which is the 180-degree, complete and total opposite of the computer studies.

So when humans and computers do not agree on a subject matter then it is time to do nothing until we do agree. I have worked with computers with Artificial Intelligence for over 30 years and when my computer and I do not agree, we stop going forward and back up and by the time we get to the bottom of it all, I am usually right and the dumb computer is wrong.

Dry Ice is pure CO2, It cools anything ten times faster than frozen water can and will cool twenty times longer.

That fact would mean nothing to a computer.

Most of the CO2 on this planet is in the ocean, there is 70 times more co2 in the ocean than in the air, most of the active volcanoes on this planet are under current sea levels, they produce high levels of CO2 into the ocean and warming the air causes the release of CO2 from the ocean through the evaporation process, the warmer the air the greater amount of CO2 is evaporated into the air, and the amount of CO2 will change, as volcanic activity changes every day,  CO2 is caused by global warming, not global warming caused by CO2.

Greenhouse Gases are the cornerstones of Life as we know it.

 No Greenhouse Gases — No Plants, No food, No Oxygen, No Life.

CO2 is one-one hundredth to four one hundredths of 1% of the air.

There is more CO2 over the ocean [thanks to under water volcanoes] than land.

 CO2 is only the thickness of a dime on the fifty yard line on a football field.

 Energy from the Sun is the best future for energy and the cause of global warming.

 We would already be energy independent today if we had spent the money put into the War in Iraq on energy independence. Instead we are going to spend another trillion dollars pumping CO2 into the ground to pollute underground drinking water, and if CO2 finds its way into natural gas wells, the gas will not burn.

All the lungs on this planet produce more CO2 than all the cars. Maybe we should remove oxygen from the air, it is two of the three parts of the greenhouse gas CO2 and it is twenty one percent of the air.

Is there enough CO2 for plants and trees to live? It is a proven fact, plants and trees are healthier when co2 levels are 15 times higher.

CO and CO2 is carbon with the fuel or energy removed, now bonded to the oxygen that allow fuel to burn, and now the oxygen can no longer allow fuel to burn with the carbon bonded with it, it can no longer produce heat or energy, it can only absorb heat and energy.

Think of carbon as a fuel tank, when it is full, it is a hydrocarbon, when its empty, it is carbon monoxide and or carbon dioxide the aftermath of burning all the fuel, and now it can be used for extreme cooling or be absorbed back in to plants and trees to become food and fuel energy once again.

Carbon is like a bucket, you can use it to carry fuel for fire to burn, or carry dry ice [CO2] to cool something to minus 110 degrees below zero and colder.

Wood and coal and charcoal and gas, and any thing that grows, eatable or not, is carbon with fuel attached to it.

 The human body is carbon with fuel attached to it, the human lungs, exhale oxygen with carbon attached to it, for plants and trees to absorb.

CO2 is carbon with no fuel attached to it and will put out the fire or cool the flame. CO2 cannot cause heat it is the by product of heat and energy and will absorb heat very fast,

 and then cool as fast as it heated.

 Everything living and not living, has carbon in it.

 I eat carbon, breathe dioxide and exhale co2, carbon dioxide in its purest form is DRY ICE.

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Computers Are Stupid Too

If my car computer was as slow and unreliable as my PC and Internet service, I would be pushing my car more than I drive it.

A computer is a blank page until you tell it what to know, and how to know it.

Artificial Intelligence Program Computers have a very limited ability to reason, through a process of elimination.

A computer cannot Decipher or Contemplate the History of a subject matter or problem.

They, not they, it’s and things, have no awareness of anything at all. Computers cannot consider or ponder thought or truly think or sort through and filter the good from bad information or even know what good from bad information even means or is.

Computers cannot think about it off and on all day or sleep on it and wake up with a new answer to the same old problem. Computers cannot invent, or think of new ideas, you know, like that light bulb turning on in or head. Computers cannot see, feel or smell a problem or have any intuition about a problem.

So here we are basing the future of man kind on computer generated studies, that’s dumb.

When I and my computer do not agree in diagnostic mode that is a red flag, not a green light to go forward, but only I know that, the computer does not know that we do not agree. And in most cases I am right, and the dumber than me computer is wrong.

A computer can be in conflict with itself and not know it. Computers have no common sense or the means of knowing what means is, or what “is” is and never will. A computer only knows what you tell it — put bad or incomplete information in, and you get bad or incomplete information out. Computers are limited to what you already know. Yes, they are faster but not smarter, so they make faster mistakes. They are only as smart as the persons pushing the right buttons, my dogs are smarter than my computers and sometimes smarter than me.

One thing computers will never know?  The – REALITY – of Anything.

I can fix my computer, but it can not fix me, the oldest computer I have worked with, was made in 1966, to control fuel injector timing and on time for a car engine.

One thing computers have in common with you and me ?

Computers can be lied to and fooled, and then lie back to fool you.

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CO2 from heat — not heat from CO2

Guess what happens between Ice Ages? The ice melts. CO2 does not cause warming — warming causes the release of CO2 from the ocean through the evaporation process into the air. Along with all the other chemicals in the ocean. So warming must occur first. CO2 is simply the reaction to heat, not the other way around. CO2 cannot produce heat but heat can produce CO2. CO2 levels go up after warming, not before. Most of the active volcanoes which are under current sea levels produce high levels of CO2 into the ocean and the warmer the air the greater amount of CO2 is evaporated into the air. CO2 is caused by global warming, not global warming caused by CO2. CO2 from heat not heat from CO2. And the greenhouse gas responsible for global warming? A giant ball of greenhouse gas, the hydrogen Sun. CO2 in its purest form is Dry Ice.

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No Greenhouse Gases — No T-Bone Steak

Greenhouse Gases are the cornerstones of life as we know it. No greenhouse gases, no life.

Let’s build a greenhouse. The first thing we need is dirt for the nitrogen compounds containing all the minerals and carbon elements required for growth. next we need two greenhouse gases, hydrogen and oxygen, to make water. Now we can plant a seed in the dirt, water it and watch it grow. But it won’t grow! We don’t have anything for a plant to breathe. We need another greenhouse gas, CO2 — carbon dioxide. So we add CO2 and it still will not grow. What is missing?? How about a giant ball of greenhouse gas burning very hot in the Big Sky, and that would be hydrogen atoms colliding causing light while transforming into helium, our star we call the sun.

The sun is a Greenhouse Gas. No hydrogen, no sun, no life on this planet. No water and no carbon dioxide, no plants would grow to be food and make oxygen, cows can not eat or drink or breathe, no T-bone steak. Greenhouse gases are the reason we have any life on this planet. Take away the greenhouse or any part of it and you will have a very dead planet, no life, zero. We breathe in 78% nitrogen, 21% oxygen and exhale 78% nitrogen and about 16% oxygen and 5% CO2. Greenhouse gases are not pollution, water is not pollution, carbon dioxide is not pollution, hydrogen and oxygen are not pollution. You can pollute water and carbon dioxide with a toxin or foreign substance, but greenhouse gases are not pollution, they are the cause of life as we know it.

Today the air we breathe is 78% nitrogen, 21% oxygen, 1% argon, the last 00.038% is radiation, electricity, water vapor, microorganisms, dirt, ash, pollen, sulfur, methane, nuclear waste, carbon monoxide, lead, carbon dioxide, nitric acid, ammonia, neon, krypton, helium, ozone, xenon, hydrogen, hydrocarbons, nitric oxide, radon, mercury, arsenic, iridium, neutrinos and anything else you can think of floating in the air. CO2 is one-one hundredth to four one hundredths of one percent of the Air. Plants have gone from having most of the Air to breathe over 500 million years ago, to as little as only one-one hundredth of one percent today. carbon dioxide (CO2) one carbon atom and two oxygen atoms together, in its purest form is Dry Ice.

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The Separation of Church and State — and Corporation

The Federal Government will not be responsible for education and Welfare. That is the responsibility of Family, Community and Church.

Guess who said that? Thomas Jefferson.

Robert Kennedy said he hated our welfare system, He said it was wrong. Soon after he was assassinated by a Palestinian man from Jordan, and thirty years later Yasser Arafat receives the Nobel Peace Prize.

WE are a Government of Law and Rights — But the Laws have been changed and the rights have been taken away. It (the Government) is no longer We, now it is entities who own and control WE.

Bruce Allen Yeoman Kershaw

George Washington was right, totally and completely, George thought political parties were a very bad Ideal and I can see where he was coming from. Do you want to be a small part of something very big or something all of your own, a little small insignificant piece of the pie or a completely independent whole self person of your own? A very small part of a large entity or be a very big person of Conscience, Mind, Heart, Sprit and Soul with a voice all of your own?

Thomas Jefferson’s biggest fear was entities controlling the government above and beyond We The People and that is why there is no mention of any entities of any kind in the Constitution or The Bill of Rights and sadly his greatest fear still came true. In 1887 a group of railroad barons bribed everyone in Washington D.C. and very soon after the U.S. supreme court granted constitutional rights to entities, now corporate entities run and control the government and all of our life in every way.

The word corporation goes back to the 15th century, corporations are entities, and own and control the government, and is way all of our rights and ownnership  of the government have been stolen from We the People.

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A true Patriot


A true Patriot is one who protects his country from the government,
someone who will fight for the rights of We The People
rather than Fascist Traders who will take them away
and then grant them to corporate entities
and government corporate entities

God Bless the Universe, not just We.
Life is the smallest fraction of time


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