All life on this planet has a carbon base. Volcanoes are responsible for all of life as we know it and if we had no active Volcanoes on this planet ever, there would be no life as we know it today. All of the life giving CO2 on this planet is from Volcanoes and even today most of the CO2 we need for life to exist on this planet comes from volcanoes.
Life began as we know it about six hundred million years ago after about one hundred million years of Ice Age. And trapped under that ice for a hundred million years, CO2 from very active volcanoes, so when the ice broke the air was filled with lots of CO2. The first life on this planet began with plants and later trees, they are carbon-based life from CO2 and much later creatures came to life to eat the plants and like the plants they too are carbon-based life No Green House gases no life, no volcanoes no CO2, no carbon-based plant life no carbon-based creatures to eat the plants and no carbon-based life of any kind.
No volcanoes — no CO2 — no life as we know it.
Volcanoes can also end life on this planet, as we know from a DNA funnel going back seventy-four thousand years ago and as few as thirty breeding women may be all that were left after twenty feet of ash covered much of the planet with as much ash in the air blocking the Sun. How would you like to live through a Super Volcano and then a Ice Age caused by the Volcano. So when Yellowstone Park blows again I think we are all in very BIG trouble, and it is over due to blow.
Oh well, I guess we all need something to worry about, so, it might as well be something we have no control over, like Global Warming or Global Cooling or Asteroids hitting our planet or rain or sunshine.