I am now Semi Retired and working for the Fort Harrison VA Hospital Medical Lab as a Sub Contractor
Medical Courier
I was Unlawfully Replaced ~ Fired ~ by a New VA Government Contractor
for doing my Job Perfectly everyday for the past 6 years
And in the Future
if I am able
as I am still dealing with Post Concussion Syndrome causing low Endurance
reducing the number of hours I can work everyday
from a work Injury while working for the Helena School District
and then Montana State Fund committed Fraud against me
as my Investigation of Montana State Fund has Proven
the State of Montana Government and Montana State Fund are Organized Crime
as many of We the People of Montana agree along with former Employees of MSF
Montana State Fund is Organized Crime
with All the Blessings of our Law Makers and our new Governor
who does not acknowledge the Crimes of the Montana Government
against All of We the People who are Montana America
~ and so maybe one day ~
Part Time on the Side by Appointment Only
Minor Automotive Service
Currently the majority of all my tools and equipment are still in storage
and I still do not have a completed building to work from
as My now delayed plan is to build a shop and then do a little work on the side
and build a race car if nature will still let me
My Expertise are Trouble Shooting Technical Problems
others could not for the past 40 plus years
and fine tuning engines for maximum power and performance
~ Dialing in Race Car Motors ~
and On-Board Computer Diagnostics and Service
and 4 Gas Emissions Testing
The top two rows of Books behind me in the photo above are
Mitchell Technical Manuals and cover only
Atmospheric Emission Control Science Theory Physics and Chemistry
since 1960
and Automotive Computer Science since 1967
and has been a part of my Professional Life everyday since 1976
while I am self-educated in many sciences while learning new knowledge everyday
and I am Student of Constitutional History and Law since 1980
and if and when I am working again on weekends
P.O.Box 4664 Helena, MT. 59604
“Oil Changes to Timing Belts & Everything in Between”
Automotive Diagnostics
Service Center & Minor Repair
~ for ~
Cars and Trucks
Foreign and Domestic
Journeyman Master Technician
since 1976
I was at 1400 Joslyn Unit E ~ for 2 years
2013 ~ 2015
at 2097 Euclid Ave. ~ for over 8 years
2005 ~ 2013
and 735 Last Chance Gulch ~ for over 22 years
1983 ~ 2005
and thanks to Irresponsible Land Lords
as their Buildings became un-Insurable and or Condemned
Auto Tech has moved again for the third time in 33 years
and with nowhere to move to
and hopefully
Part Time in the Back Yard
as I am still not doing any auto service at this time
and I still do not have a Building to work out of yet
as I am unable to do any services or repairs until I have a building to work out of
and so thank you to the hundreds of you who come to this web page every month
and to those who call with your Questions that I am happy to answer
~ so ~
~ or ~
and when I am able
please call ~ or ~ e-mail
and make an Appointment before driving to this location
as this is a Private Residence and not a Commercial Business location
~ I have removed my Address for Security Reasons ~
Serving Helena since May 1983
Automotive Experience since 1971
I was Factory Trained
~ at ~
Ford Motor Co.
Chrysler Corp.
General Motors
with further Education with Allen Group
along with many update classes in Technical Sciences over the past 40 plus years
~ my specialty’s are ~
Major/Minor Tune-ups
Ignition Systems
Fuel Systems
Carburetors and Fuel Injection
On-Board Computers
Emission Control Systems
4 – Gas Emissions Testing
Valve Adjustments
Electrical Systems
Starting and Charging Systems
Timing Belt Replacement
Minor Repairs
I was Licensed by the State of California
in 1976 for
Vehicle Inspection and Emissions Testing and Certification
I was chosen to Evaluate the ASE Automotive Education Program
by my Helena High Auto Shop Teacher Allan Walter now retired
who’s Class Won the Chrysler Trouble Shooting Contest every year
while Allan Walter has helped NASA with Trouble Shooting problems
through out his Teaching Profession
I received a Doctor Honor in October of 2011
for my of work in
Atmospheric Emission Science Physics and Chemistry
and Heat and Energy Transfer Science
I am an Honorary Member of Doctors for Disaster Preparedness
and the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons
and I have worked with and reviewed for the Galileo Movement
and I am a Member of the Montana Sheriffs and Peace Officers Association
as I have Investigated Scams against We the People of Montana
and have shared my Investigations with local Law Enforcement
I was Invited to participate in the
London Symposium on Climate Change
at the
Oxford and Cambridge Club London in 2013
I have an ongoing science debate with Joe Berry Stanford University for many years
I am an Independent Lobbyist for the Truth in Life and Science since 2007
I am still Dyslexic
and this does not prevent you from learning and knowing
this only slows down the learning process
and I have a very large collection of Dictionary’s very old and new with in reach
and I have corrected Definition mistakes in Dictionary’s
but I still can not spell worth a Damn
but a lot of people who can spell can not fix your brand new car
that your new car dealer can not fix either
but I can for the past 40 plus years