Do not Vote for Mike Cooney for Montana Governor


June 17, 2020


If we could end Political Parties and Reverse the 17th Amendment

this carbon based world would be a much better safer place to live and be

and I became a Student of Constitutional Law and History in 1980

after then Senator Max Baucus Introduced me to Mike McGrath

and his then Chief of Staff Steve Browning at Steve’s then new home in Helena

and my Steve Rest in Peace

as Mike does not know me Personally but we know of each other

and I supported Mike in all of his elections over the many years

and I will continue to support Mike

while Steve and I would run into each other on many a Monday evening at On Broadway

as we sat at the Bar just the two of us as Steve waited for his Meal to go

as I waited for a table

and I am guessing Mondays were Steve’s night to Cook for Judy

as they were a very positive influence in Helena for many years

and Steve will be missed by many

as I have only respect for both Mike and Steve


Sadly the Democratic Party now owned and controlled by Billionaires

has turned into a Cancer Destroying America

~ and ~

Mike Cooney

is running for Governor of Montana

who is a Life Time Career Politician

and now Lieutenant Governor

for Criminal Governor Steve Bullock

while I fully supported then Governor Brian Schweitzer

as we had many very positive communications during his Term in Office

and if Brian had Run for President I would have supported Brian 100 plus %

~ as change in all of Life is continuous ~

some good and some bad

and we are all imperfect Humans

who must continue to learn and know and grow forward

and the Montana Law Makers are in Helena for 90 days every 730 days

and then the Deep State Democrats are in Charge of Montana for the other 640 days

with no real over sight by Law Makers

as the Democrats are for Democrats and everyone else is the Enemy

as the Democrats have proven they are not for all of We the People

as they ignore proven fact tested reality for their Lunatic Political Treasonous Agenda

as the State of Montana is now run by Criminal Democrats who do as they please

and get away with many crimes against We the the People who are not Democrats

as the Democratic Party has proven their Political Fascism

against the Majority of We the People of Montana

as they have the support of Majority of the Media and Press owned by Democrats

as Crimes by Democrats are ignored by the Media and Press

as the Media and Press are no longer Journalism

they are now Political Sermon lying to We the People

and Democrats owned by Billionaires have proven

they are the Cancer Destroying America

as the Democrats are Elitists and Loyal to Democrats

and the rest of us are the Peasants whose lives do not matter to Democrats

as the State of Montana Democrats in Charge of Montana Government are Criminals

who have intentionally Destroyed the Lives of many Montana Citizens for many years

to harm those they believe are the Enemy of the Democrats as proven


Mike Cooney is the Crime Boss Steve Bullock’s Number Two Man

now Running for Governor of Montana

to continue the Crimes Corruption of the Steve Bullock Criminal

Democratic Administration

and it is time to end the Political Ploy by the scientifically Proven to be

Fascist Treasonous Crimes of the Billionaire owned and controlled

Democratic Political Media Corporation Destroying America

with their Political Ploy for Political Power Control and Greed

and it is time to end the Criminal Treasonous Acts

as Mike Cooney is very much a part of the much Bigger Evil

and if I was in Mikes Shoes

I would become an Independent and Walk away from Cancer Destroying America

and become part of the real majority of We the People in the real America

the Independents

who have Zero Representation



Walk away from the Treason by Democrats

and put America First and We the People First

Rather than the Democrats First

and then put Montana First

as Political Parties in their efforts to Destroy each other continue to Destroy America

so walk away from the Politically Preached Hate Paranoia Ignorance

and Treasonous Fraud against America

as the Democratic Party is

a very proven to be Criminal Treasonous Fraudulent Billionaire Corporation

based on Proven Hate Paranoia Ignorance and Fraud

against the majority of We the People

as the Democrats are Pathological not Factual

as the Democrats have proven they are the Cancer not the Cure

and being an Independent I have leaned Democrat most of my Life

as I gave money to and voted for Steve Bullock many times

but never again will I vote for proven to be Treasonous Democrats

Destroying America

as Democrats play follow the their Leaders when their Leaders are Criminals

as they are Loyal Clones to the Proven Cancer


Bruce A. Kershaw

Helena ~ Montana

Class of 74 Helena High

Independent ~ Scientist

who can Scientifically Prove Fraud by Democrats

that is Ignored by the Media and Press owned by the Democrats

further proving Democratic Fascism against the Majority of We the People