AlGoreism = Climate Reality Project
Scam References on page 3
as Al Gore has a world wide Carbon Credit Business
~ that will have zero effect on climate change ~
but it is not an Honest Carbon Credit Business
~ that will have zero effect on Climate Change ~
it is a proven to be Dis-Honest Carbon credit Business
~ that will have zero effect on climate change ~
as Al Gore is proven to Cheat his Customers with his Carbon Credit Business
~ that will have zero effect on climate change ~
his Carbon credit Business is a proven Scam
and is Al Gore the test prove Fraud in Science and Hypocrite a Billionaire Yet ?
Knowledge is Questioned not Believed
as True Belief rejects knowledge for True Belief
Settled Science does not Exist in real Science
as there is something new to learn and know everyday
and Preaching self-debunk un-proven theory is settled science is
Moronic Fraudulent Lunatic Science
Al Gore and Bill Nye
who are ~ test proven ~ Political Media Frauds in Science
with the help of CBS News
… only Big Dummy’s in Science can be Scammed by Big Dummy’s in Science ~
as both believe their UN-Questioned belief is reality
making them Pathological True Believers
making them Scientifically Test Proven Pathological Frauds in Science
they can not articulate and do not comprehend
and have earned zero right to scientific opinion
as they give their opinion based only on their true belief
while providing and zero peer-reviewed science to prove they are not Pathological
To: Heidi Cullen & Climate Central
you are test proven Pathological Frauds in Climate Science as you can prove nothing
beyond your true belief in self-debunk computer Ouija Board prediction
to prove Carbon based Humans cause Climate Warming
while you refuse to Publicly debate the real science
and the best you could do in the past when confronted with fact tested reality
was to block my emails
rejecting fact tested knowledge before reviewing it for the sake of your True Belief
and when offered a reward you could provide zero scientific reference
to support your true belief in flawed incomplete Garbage science
used to make a computer Ouija Board climate prediction of the un-known future
based on ~ one half ~ of one climate variable while ignoring a dozen climate variables
and all Climate History all further debunking your true belief
in what is a debunk never proven unproven theory
proving you are just a True Believers of Political Media Paranoid Climate Religion
a very Scientifically Test Proven Political Religion
and here is only one of more than a dozen Climate Questions
You & Al Gore & Bill Nye & Climate Religion can not answer ~
or any University on this Carbon based Earth
Preaching Carbon based Humans cause Climate Warming
~ ? ~
How does something the size of a sewing thread
trap heat in something the size of a football field
~ ? ~
~ while knowing ~
most of the atmosphere is -200* below zero
and what goes up ~ still ~ comes back down as
~ All ~
Heat ~ still ~ Rises
leaving a void of negative pressure ~ a vacuum in the lower atmosphere
at the Poles of this Carbon based Earth for -200* below zero air to fill
with the -200* below zero air with increased levels of frozen water vapor
and increased levels of -200* below zero CO2 = Dry Ice
crashing back downward to the Poles of this Carbon based Earth
with the increased levels of -200* below zero Dry Ice
cooling the air 10 times faster and 20 times longer
than the increased levels of frozen water vapor
warming up to about -110* below zero on the way down
more than off-setting the hot CO2 rising
that is removing heat and energy from the lower atmosphere
as the cold CO2 causes a cooling effect of the lower atmosphere
as water vapor and CO2 is the by product of warming not the cause
as warming occurs first and then water vapor and CO2 levels rise
by evaporation by the variable Sun off-setting the warming by the variable Sun
~ debunking ~
Bill Nye and his ~ what if ~ All the Ice Melted
and if Ice did not melt the Sea level would decline about 60 feet every 10 years
from evaporation by the variable Sun and Sun energy separating frozen water
as the O = oxygen evaporates as the dirty H2 = hydrogen flows into the Sea
as the Ice is melting from the bottom side by the hot liquid core of this Carbon based Earth
as Ice melts and moves during Ice ages too
and one day all the Ice on this Carbon based Earth will melt
just before the variable Sun with many cycles
that continues to be warmer and brighter over time vaporizes this carbon based Earth
while there is a variable distance between the Earth and the Sun causing a Climate variable
ignored by Climate Religion
as very Real Science is very ignored by Bill Nye
and his
Political Media Paranoid Climate Religion
as they continue to ignore a dozen climate variables and climate history
that we know of today in this brand new science with many new things to learn and know
all further debunking their true belief in their
Computer Ouija Board Prediction
based on one half of one climate variable
based on proven to be very flawed very incomplete Garbage science
as they reject test proven fact and the scientific method
~ their ~
True Belief
what if ~ maybe ~ likely
words of belief that can prove nothing in Real Science
as these words of belief are to sell Fear and Paranoia of the un-known future
for their Political Agenda they very much Profit from
while a real scientist will admit when they are wrong and grow forward in knowledge
as True Believers ignore tested Knowledge for their true belief in self-debunk prediction
as I have been emailing Bill Nye for many years and he has yet to respond to fact tested reality that Bill will not debate as he continues to Preach his Garbage science from his Butt
while only a Lunatic in science can state the science is settled
based on self-debunk computer Ouija Board prediction
based on ~ one half ~ of one climate variable
~ * ~
a Science Body will Question and Test and Debate the Facts
a Political Body will reject the proven fact tested knowledge of the scientific method
for their Political Agenda based on their True Belief in ~ one half ~ of one climate variable
that Humans are responsible for 3% of or less in the air today and is
the equivalent of sewing thread down the middle of a fifty yard line on a football field
if the atmosphere was the size of a football field
as Climate Religion states Humans are responsible for ~ all ~ Climate Change
Political Science Fiction and Scientific Fact are two different things in Fact Tested Realty
~ so who do you believe ~
those who just ignore NASA Data for their Political Agenda
who Preach their Political Media Science Fiction based on test proven Stupidity by Politicians and Journalist who have publicly failed grade school science
Snopes.com = Political Media Pathological Frauds in Science
as these Political Morons in science continue to dictate their science fiction to the Public
as they have earned zero right to scientific opinion as they are a Political Body not a Science Body who are preaching their political agenda who have publicly failed grade school science who can provide zero scientific reference to support their Fraudulent political media garbage science fiction based on un-proven theory based on flawed incomplete Garbage they call science while rejecting test proven fact
to sell their political Fear and Paranoia of the un-known future
based on self-debunk prediction
in science they do not Comprehend and can not Articulate
as they do not know what is real and what is not
as their Fact Check is based on their Political Hearsay Make Believe
with zero comprehension of the scientific method
rejecting the scientific method for political true belief
they report to the Public what is Fake in the News
when they are the test proven Fraudulent News in Science
for their True Belief in their Political Agenda
proving these so called fact checkers are test proven Political Frauds in science too
just like CBS News
as they have taken political sides in science they do not comprehend
for the sake of their True Belief proving they are not Real Journalist
as they promote the side of the story they truly believe in
while proving
they are Political Media Preachers who can Factually prove nothing in real science
as there is zero test proven Truth in their Political Science Fiction
proving they are Political Clones with no mind or thinking of their own
who just Believe what they are told to just Believe
when there is zero belief in Real Science
I Challenge the Political Clones
to an open public debate in Climate Science with a
~ Reward ~
for the scientific references
Carbon based Humans cause Climate Warming of this Carbon based Earth
Man Made
Carbon based Oxygen = CO2 = Carbon dioxide
the cause of all the Green and all Carbon based Life on this Carbon based Earth
Dr. Bruce A. Kershaw
40 plus years atmospheric emission science and testing
Helena ~ Montana
are Cowards to Reality in Truth in Science for the sake of brainwashed political agenda
as Climate Religion always refuses to Publicly Debate Climate Science
proving it is a Political Media Religion
while test proving to the world they are Frauds in Science
as only Frauds in science can dictate science
with zero Public ~ Question ~ Test ~ Rebuttal ~ Debate
so are you a Brainwashed Political Agenda Clone based on Hearsay True Belief
or do you have a mind all of your own
NASA Data has debunk the words of True Belief
by Political Media Paranoid Climate Religion
as their Garbage Science Fiction is doing test proven Harm to the Carbon cycle
of this Carbon based Earth
the cause of all the Green on this Carbon based Earth
costing Trillions of dollars
because they comprehend the real science and never will
as Politically Brainwashed Political Media Morons in science dictate science
proving Political Media Fascism dictates science by their rejection of the scientific method
~ again ~
How does something the size of a sewing thread trap heat in something the size of a football field while knowing all heat still rises and -200* air still take its place
Political Media Paranoid Climate Religion
refuses to acknowledge
their self-debunk computer Ouija Board prediction of the un-known future
further proving they are a political media religion
based on zero proven test proven fact
as they have earned ~ zero ~ right to scientific opinion
True Believers continue to just Truly Believe what they told to just Truly Believe
with out
~ Question ~
as real science is
Questioned ~ Tested ~ Debated
True Belief
as those who have earned zero right to scientific opinion now dictate science
as they do not ~ know ~ what is real and what is not
but have decided for the Public what is real and what is not
as they just Truly Believe proving they are not scientists of the scientific method
… why are we spending trillions of dollars to reduce the cause of all the Green
on this Carbon based Earth
The cause of the first atmosphere made by the hot liquid core
of this Carbon based Earth
causing the Carbon cycle with oxygen and hydrogen
the cause of all the food we eat and all the oxygen we breathe
as we are now pumping Man Made CO2 into the Ground
as this is reducing the cause of all the Green on this Carbon based Earth
while lowering oxygen levels in the air while turning underground water into an Acid
while Plants and Trees would very much like 4 times more
Carbon based Oxygen = CO2 = Carbon dioxide to Breathe to be healthier and stronger
on this Carbon based Earth
Al Gores Bogus Scientific References sent to me May 18, 2010 are on Page 3
further proving Al Gore is a test proven Pathological Fraud
~ * ~
Rejecting proven fact tested knowledge of the scientific method
for your personal feelings of true belief
is: Lunatic Science
Political Media Paranoid Climate Religion
as they continue to sell their Fear and Paranoia of the un-known future
with their
Test Proven Lunatic Science of Al Gore and Bill Nye the test proven Lunatic Science Guy
as they can provide zero Real scientific reference
to support their Lunatic Fraudulent Public statements
statements debunk by NASA Data
Lunatic Science is stating the Science is Settled
when settled science does not exist in the scientific method
Lunatic Science is ignoring more than a dozen climate variables
for their personal feelings of true belief in ~ one half ~ of one climate variable
Lunatic Science is ignoring the past 2 million years of known climate history
further debunking
their personal feelings of true belief in ~ one half ~ of one climate variable
as these test proven Lunatics in science who refuse to Publicly debate their Lunatic science who can provide zero real scientific reference to support their Lunatic statements as they have earned zero right to scientific opinion as they continue to dictate their Lunatic Science to the Carbon based Humans of this Carbon based Earth
Real Science of the Scientific Method is Skepticism
~ knowing ~
~ 1000 years ago Montana had California Climate for 200 years ~
knowing it took 130 years to as warm as it was 130 years ago
knowing we have lived through 20 Ice Ages and 20 Global Warming periods
over the past 2 million years
Scientifically test proven Lunatic Science is:
Publicly stating the cause of all Carbon based Life on this Carbon based Earth is:
~ toxic pollution ~
Scientifically test proven Lunatic Science is:
Publicly stating White Steam = Water Vapor coming out of smoke stakes is:
~ toxic pollution ~
Spending Trillions of dollars to reduce the cause of all the Green on this Carbon based Earth will not and can not Reverse self-debunk computer Ouija Board climate prediction and when the ~ opposite ~ of your computer Ouija Board climate prediction of the un-known future based on only ~ one half ~ of one climate variable
comes true
what does this then prove in ~ real ~ science of the scientific method
Preaching and Selling and Politically Brainwashing
Fear and Paranoia
based on self-debunk computer Ouija Board prediction of the un-known future
as test proven scientific fact is: Lunatic Science too
but of course if you do not comprehend and follow the real science everyday of your Life
then how would you ~ know ~ either way
beyond only your personal feelings of true belief in Political Media Brainwashed debunk hearsay make believe in test proven Garbage called Science
that is doing test proven harm to the Carbon cycle the cause of all the Green
on this
Carbon based Earth
as Test Proven Lunatics who can prove nothing beyond their personal feelings of true belief in self-debunk prediction based on proven to flawed incomplete science
~ Fraudulently Dictate Climate Science ~
Bruce A. Kershaw
Helena ~ Montana
I am Called the Denier by the Preachers of Climate Religion
~ while ~
Every word Al Gore and Bill Nye Preaches to the Carbon based Humans of this Carbon based Earth where everything living and not living has carbon in it with the exception of a few microbes has been Scientifically debunk and is a Test Proven Political Lie
The first thing you read on Al Gore’s Climate Science 101 page in big bold letters is
scientifically proving
Al Gore & Bill Nye Failed Grade School Science
as settled science does not exist in real science of the scientific method
as there is something new to learn everyday
especially in this brand new Climate science
as Al Gore does not know far more than he does know because he continues to reject all preexisting and new knowledge for his True belief in Self-debunk Prediction
based on Flawed Incomplete Debunk Science based only on ~ one half ~ of one climate variable while ignoring a dozen plus climate variables and all climate history
as Al Gore continues to preach his Pathological Fear and Paranoia of the unknown future
as Al Gore & Bill Nye reject fact tested Knowledge for their ~ debunk ~ make believe
Preaching Carbon based Humans cause all Climate Change of this Carbon based Earth
with Carbon based Oxygen = CO2 = Carbon dioxide with zero Scientific reference
does not prove Carbon based Humans cause any Climate Change
Al Gore and Bill Nye are the Preachers
for their Climate Reality Project a Scientifically test proven Political Church
based on Scientifically test Proven Political Media Lies and Garbage science
based on zero scientific method
Al Gore and Bill Nye
can Provide Zero Science Reference to support debunk Bogus public statements
debunk by NASA Data ignored by Climate Religion
as Al Gore and Bill Nye continue to Preach their test proven Climate Paranoia
based on self-debunk computer Ouija Board Climate Prediction
as Al Gore comprehends zero real science beyond his Paranoid Pathological make believe
Al Gore and Bill Nye can provide zero peer-reviewed Science
to prove
Al Gore and Bill Nye are not Test Proven Pathological Frauds in Real Science
~ From my on going Climate Science Investigation since the spring of 2007 ~
with thousands of hours of investigation
with 40 plus years of Atmospheric Emission Science
and over 40,000 request for the scientific Proof no one can provide beyond true belief
in self-debunk prediction
I have Evaluated Education Programs
I received Doctor Honor in 2011
I was invited to Participate in the London Symposium on Climate Change
at the Oxford and Cambridge Club June 2013
Political Media Organizations Preaching Climate Religion
try to discredit and belittle me because I am just an Auto Mechanic
I am a Master Technician in many Technical Sciences
and an Expert in Atmospheric Emission Science Physics and Chemistry
and Heat and Cold Energy Transfer Science
I was Licensed to Test and Certify Automotive Emissions in the State of California in 1976
while Albert Eisenstein was just an Office Clerk
to put Groceries on the Table
while those who continue to belittle me do not comprehend the real science
and can prove nothing with real science
proving they are the Big Dummy’s in science
as it the True Believers who must provide the Scientific Reference ~ Proof ~ not me
as my references do further debunk their self-debunk Garbage science
as their scientifically debunk un-proven theory proves nothing
as self-debunk prediction proves nothing
as I am told I am unethical and politically incorrect
and my response is
and then what do you call those who commit test proven fraud in science ?
by Scientists and Politicians and Journalist
Test Proven Fraud based on their True Belief ignoring real science
as I live for the tested truth
and if proving fraud in science is unethical and politically incorrect
then I am Proud to be all those things they call me
being honest with my Mind Heart and Spirit living in my Soul and not being like them
~ while ~
Al Gore has Publicly Proven he failed Grade School Science
climate change is: real
as change is: continuous
in this known universe where nothing is a constant in tested reality as
Wisdom is the ability to use knowledge constructively while doing no harm ~
where Science is never settled in the scientific method
as we learn and know something brand new everyday in every science
and if you do not comprehend this as fact in real science of the scientific method
then you have proven you ~ failed ~ Grade School science
Real Science is: to know
Real Science is based on Skepticism
” the doctrine that the truth of all knowledge must always be in Question “
Real Science is:
Questioned ~ Tested ~ Rebutted ~ and Publicly Debated
Politically Dictated by Special Interest Groups
and Politicians and Journalist who failed Grade School science
by rejecting the scientific method by rejecting test proven fact
by refusing to debate the fact tested knowledge
while Denying and Preventing the other many sides of this new science argument
in this Brand New Science from being told to the Public
for the sake of their personal feelings of True Belief in self-debunk computer prediction
based on proven to be flawed incomplete and Fraudulent political garbage science
Lets do something Positive with Trillions of Dollars not something Negative
The First Atmosphere all around this Carbon based Earth
Water Vapor
Carbon based Oxygen = CO2 = Carbon dioxide
di = 2
oxide = oxygen
two oxygen atoms ~ based ~ to one carbon atom
CO2 is from the hot Liquid core of this Carbon based Earth
causing the Carbon Cycle and all Carbon based Life
above sea level for the past 600 million years
and spending trillions of dollars trying to stop the cause of all the Green
on this Carbon based Earth
is stupidity not science
just as trying to stop 4.6 billion years
of very extreme progressive variable Climate Change
is test proven stupidity not real science
as it is the Ice Ages that repeatedly kill this carbon based Earth
while it is Global Warming that continues to make this carbon based Earth Green
caused by evaporated Water Vapor and CO2 by the Variable Sun
continuing the Carbon Cycle caused by this Carbon based Earth
as the variable churning hot liquid core of this carbon based earth
continues to variably heat the Oceans the Earths Crust and the Lower Atmosphere
as the variable Sun with many cycles continues to be warmer and brighter
now add more than dozen other known climate variables
causing an infinity of climate variable
of 4.6 billion years of very extreme progressive variable climate change
~ as ~
Climate Religion Preaches Carbon based Humans cause all Climate Change
~ so ~
tell me when the infinity of known unpredictable variable Climate Change caused by Nature causing 20 Ice ages and 20 global Warming periods just in the past 2 million years
~ Stopped ~
and when only Human activity now only cause all predictable Climate Change
~ while ~
we have Ice core samples
showing us Ice Ages with much higher levels of CO2 in the air than today
as Nature is responsible for over 97% of the CO2 in the Air
as the majority of increase in CO2 in the air is from Evaporation
caused by the Variable Sun
that will one day vaporize this Carbon based Earth
and is responsible for the vast majority of all Climate Variable
while this fact is ignored by Climate Religion
There is zero Reality in fact tested Make Believe in self-debunk Prediction
and Politically Selling and Brainwashing Fear and Paranoia
based on self-debunk computer prediction of the UN-known future
is: Lunatic science
and anyone Preaching Humans cause all climate warming is a proven fact tested Lair
as Al Gore’s Scientific References sent to me in 2010 are Bogus Garbage
Bogus Garbage Al Gore refuses to publicly debate
while there are zero scientific references on his web page
as Al Gore is Preaching and Selling and Politically Brainwashing with his garbage science
with zero peer-reviewed scientific reference
while the statements on his web page are all scientifically test proven political lies
and can only Brainwash those who have zero back ground in science
and do not know what is real and what is not
and do not Question what they are told to just Believe
proving they failed Grade School Science while becoming a True Believer and Preacher
who now have an UN-earned opinion in Climate Science
printed on the editorial page in every news paper on this carbon based planet
with zero real scientific rebuttal allowed by the news paper
~ Paranoid ~
Climate Religion
as I Challenge anyone and everyone to an open public debate in Real Science of the
Scientific Method
with a
~ Reward ~
for the scientific proof
Carbon based Humans cause Climate Warming of this Carbon based Earth
Carbon based Oxygen = CO2 = Carbon dioxide
the cause of the first atmosphere
causing the Carbon Cycle with Oxygen and Hydrogen causing all Carbon based Life
that Al Gore states is: Toxic Pollution
as Al Gore is Publicly stating
the Cause of Nature
the cause of all the Plants and Trees
the cause of all the Green on this Carbon based Earth
the source of all the food we eat and all the oxygen we breathe is: Toxic Pollution
again proving Al Gore failed grade school science
as he continues to reject all proven fact tested knowledge for his Political Make Believe
that is doing real test proven harm to real Nature for his real Profit
proving it is all about money based on fraudulent political science fiction
while Al Gore’s Puppet scientist Bill Nye
as Bill Nye can not debunk Heat ~ still ~ Rises
and is a test proven Fraud for Profit too
who refuses to publicly debate the science or provide real scientific reference
to prove he is not a test proven fraud
as Bill Nye preaches what if ~
as Bill Nye and his what If were debunk before Bill thought of what If
as Bill Nye Preaches
” What If all the Ice Melted”
and of course in real Atmospheric Science that would mean Heat stopped Rising
and in Real Physics Heat ~ still ~ Rises
and knowing most of the Atmosphere is -200 * below Zero
and when heat continues to ~ still ~rise
very heavy cold dense -200 * below zero air still comes crashing back downward
toward the the Poles of this carbon based Earth
warming up to about -110 * below zero on the way down
~ debunking ~
” What If “
while Ice does melt during Ice ages too
caused by the hot Liquid core of this earth melting the Ice from the bottom side
as direct Sun Energy is separating frozen water from the top side
as the oxygen part of frozen water evaporates
the dirty hydrogen flows into the the Oceans
and because water expands when frozen it contracts when it is thawed
and when water is warmed it expands again and evaporates
as this is how Ice Melts and moves during Ice ages too
and what if ~
Bill Nye acknowledged fact tested reality
in real test proven science of the scientific method
that he continues to just ignore and reject for his Fraudulent make believe
as Bill rejects the scientific method proving he is not a real scientist
or maybe Bill does not comprehend the real science
as Bill and his bogus ” what if ” is Garbage thinking not real science
as some scientists can be bought and some can not
just like many Politicians are for sale too
while the only real solution to Al Gore and his Climate Paranoia Crisis
is to stop listening to Al Gore and Bill Nye
~ Preach ~
their Fear and Paranoia of the un-known future
based on self-debunk prediction and test proven lies
as Paranoid Lunatics Dictate Science to their True Believers
providing this Carbon based Earth with scientifically test proven
Political Media ~ Paranoid ~ Climate Religion
by those who failed Grade School science
as NASA data has debunk Paranoid Climate Religion
ignored NASA data can not fix or stop Politically Brainwashed Lunatic Climate Paranoia
as Paranoid Climate Religion does not acknowledge scientific fact
as Green Lunatics have us spending trillions of dollars trying to stop the cause of all Green
because they make believe it will stop 4.6 Billion years of
extreme progressive variable climate change
caused by a dozen known climate variables they just ignore for their True belief
while controlling every aspect of our daily lives
by those who failed grade school science and state the the science is settled
when settled science does not exist in real science of the scientific method
settled science based on self-debunk computer Ouija Board climate prediction
that’s your Political Media Paranoid Lunatic Climate Religion in a real Nut Shell
your Climate Reality by Al Gore and Bill Nye
your scientifically proven Nut Cases in a Shell
who are fact tested
proven Frauds in Science they refuse to debate
~ proving ~
they failed Grade School Science
as test proven Pathological Frauds Dictate Science based on Paranoid make believe for
~ profit ~
Political Media ~ Paranoid ~ Climate Religion
is very real doing very real test proven Harm to real Nature
costing Trillions to do only Harm to the Carbon Oxygen Hydrogen Cycle
Real Science they do not comprehend and never will