Chris Hayes = Pathological Fraud


April 10, 2019 ~ April 12, 2019


I am not a Democrat or Republican

as all Political Parties have proven they are a Cancer to Reality

as you can not stop Pathological doing Harm with Factual Knowledge


I am an Independent Scientist who questions the truth in knowledge and

Climate Change is Real

but not caused by

Carbon based Humans made by the Carbon Cycle caused by

Carbon based Oxygen = CO2 = Carbon Dioxide

from the Hot Liquid Core of this Carbon based Earth

CO2 + Water Vapor + Sun Energy = Green = Carbon Cycle

The Variable Hot Churning Liquid Core is Variably Heating the Earths Crust the Oceans and Lower Atmosphere while causing the Carbon Cycle and all Carbon based Life above and below Sea level and is only one of more than a dozen climate variables known today as variably evaporated

CO2 + Water Vapor + Sun Energy = Green


the Carbon Oxygen Hydrogen Cycle = all Living Nature = Environment

as the Spike in CO2 is caused by Nature not by Humans as over 97% of the CO2 in the Atmosphere is caused by Nature caused by many variables

The number one climate variable is the Sun with many cycles as the Sun continues to be

~ Warmer and Brighter ~

and 3% of One Half of One Climate Variable of more than a Dozen Climate Variables does not Define all of Climate Science

as we have some Government Scientists working with some University Scientists who are committing test proven Fraud for Profit doing test proven harm to the environment costing Trillions of dollars

as the Convinced True Believers just Believe the Proven Lairs and Frauds

while Preaching Paranoia is not Science


Based on my 43 years of Atmospheric Emission Science Physics and Chemistry and my ongoing Climate Science Investigation since 2007

Proving Fraud in Climate Science


~ Lunatic Climate Paranoia ~

Political Media Programmed True Believers with zero background in science who are Never Wrong and can provide zero Peer-reviewed science when requested to prove they are not Lunatics who want to stop the cause of Green to save the Environment who continue to believe in Catastrophic Doomsday Prediction that never come true made by those who can provide zero peer-reviewed science when requested to prove they too are not Lunatics and now we have a new Catastrophic Doomsday Prediction and we will all be Dead in 12 years by a new Lunatic Prediction made by those who can provide zero peer-reviewed science to prove they are not Paranoid Lunatics as they reject peer-reviewed science debunking their Paranoid Lunatic Predictions

and those who do not Question the Truth in knowledge continue to just believe the test proven Lunatics who profit from their Lunatic Political Science Fiction

Politically Preached Climate Paranoia is not Science

Climate Paranoia is scientifically proven to be a Political Media Religion

based on zero Question Test Rebuttal Debate

based on debunked hypothetical conjecture = un-proven theory

and Political Media Fantasy and test proven Fraud by test Proven Frauds for Profit

doing test Proven Harm to the Environment for Profit

based on a proven to be very Flawed Incomplete Climate Study by a Political Body the United Nations based on One Half of one Climate variable while Ignoring more than a dozen climate variables known today and ignoring millions of years of climate history and simple physics and chemistry all further debunking the self-debunked study based on flawed misinterpreted Data by those with a political agenda based on power and greed

The U.N. States

~ it is likely Humans cause climate warming ~

and I can tell you it is likely to rain tomorrow

as likely is a word of belief as words and belief prove nothing in real science

likely is un-proven theory based on a proven to be backwards hypothetical conjecture while very real peer-reviewed science has further debunked

” likely “

while very proven Fraud has been committed by the Church of Climate Paranoia

~ like ~

using outdated incomplete self-debunked Science Papers as Scientific Proof Humans cause climate warming Proving Fraud

and placing new Weather Stations on Tarred Roof Tops next to Heating and Air Conditioning Outlets providing Manipulated and Bogus Weather data to support their science argument of climate warming by humans Proving Fraud

and a studies with proven to be Bogus Ocean Temperature Data Proving Fraud

along with other Fudged Science Data by Proven Frauds

who all have a political agenda

to go with the very Proven Lies by the political Media Pathological Lairs and Frauds who have a political agenda

like Preaching self-debunked predictions based on a self-debunk un-proven theory based on a backwards hypothetical is settled science when settled science does not exist in real Science

settled Science based on zero scientific method = Question Test Debate

while rejecting Peer-reviewed science further debunking the un-proven theory as Climate Paranoia Preaches a Scientific consensus that is a scientifically proven Lie

~ as ~

49 NASA Scientists do not agree with the proven Lies by Climate Paranoia

87% of the National Academy of Science do not agree with the Proven Lies by Climate Paranoia

and over 30,000 other Scientists that I know of over 9,000 with PhD’s do not agree with the proven Lies by Climate Paranoia


Self-debunked prediction based on Self-debunked Science based on a flawed incomplete study based on a backwards hypothetical conjuncture

does not scientifically prove anything but Fraud when politically Preached as Settled Science

as NASA Data shows us there is zero Catastrophic Warming

the Sea level is Declining and arctic Ice has increased by 40%

and this Carbon based Earth is Greener

while there are many Government Scientists and University Scientists with a political agenda who are test proven Lairs and Frauds some who Preach to the Public the number one climate variable ~ the Sun ~ is not a climate variable proving they are Lunatics not Scientists

30 years ago James Hansen and NASA Predicted Manhattan would be underwater today as all of the Ouija Board Climate Predictions are Self-debunked

as many Political Organization who have been sent the peer-reviewed science proving they are committing Fraud for profit continue to commit Fraud for Profit Preaching their scientifically debunked Climate Paranoia


Christopher Hayes ~ MSNBC ~ Expert in Climate Science

who provides the Public with only the Political side of many Scientific sides of the story and allowing zero scientific Rebuttal while withholding very available peer-reviewed science from the Public for the sake of his Political Agenda to sell his climate paranoia based on debunked un-proven theory

as Chris does not comprehend the Science and has earned zero right to scientific opinion as he Preaches his Lunatic Science to the public proving Chris is not a Real Journalist he is a Preacher of Climate Paranoia doing Harm to the Environment caused by his Self-Ignorance

as Chris refuses to look see learn and know and grow forward in real science


and how did you earn your right to opinion in

Atmospheric Emission Science Physics and Chemistry ?

as NASA Data has Scientifically Proven you are a Lunatic and Self-Ignorant Political Pathological Fraud in Science who Failed 5th Grade Science

and your Professional scientific opinion is based on what ?

Your Politically Convinced Personal Emotional Feelings of True Belief

based on test proven to be Political Media Hearsay Lies that you Truly Believe is Tested Reality proving you are a Pathological Lair because you do not know the truth in Science you just believe self-debunked computer Ouija Board prediction based on self-debunked un-proven theory based on a flawed incomplete study based on misinterpretation of proven to be flawed Data based on a proven to be backwards hypothetical conjecture based on one half of one climate variable while ignoring more than a dozen climate variables and millions of years of climate history and simple physics and chemistry all further debunking the self-debunked un-proven theory you make believe is settled science

while I have for years requested your peer-reviewed science with a reward that would allow you to scientifically Prove you are not a proven Politically Brainwashed Lunatic and Pathological Fraud and you can provide zero science

I offered you everything I have and own for your scientific proof Humans cause Climate Warming with the cause of Green and all Carbon based Life on this Carbon based Earth

Scientifically proving you are a Politically Convinced Programmed Brainwashed True Believer and Preacher for

~ AlGoreism ~

The Political Media Church of Climate Paranoia for Profit

based on Lunatic Fraudulent Garbage Pathological Political Science Fiction

as you have proven you can not Scientifically Prove otherwise

as your un-questioned un-debated proven to be Lunatic Science is doing very real test proven harm to the cause of Green

CO2 + Water Vapor + Sun Energy = Green

causing the Carbon Oxygen Hydrogen Cycle

all of living Nature and the Environment

as Plants and Trees in Botany Science require 4 times the CO2 than in the air today to

~ Breathe ~

to be at best health while making the Oxygen we breathe and carbon based food we eat

97% on the CO2 in the atmosphere is cause by Nature and volcanic activity above and below Sea level and is the primary source of CO2 in the atmosphere causing Green the Carbon Cycle = Nature = Environment

CO2 and Water Vapor from variable volcanic activity = Green

CO2 and water vapor from your Lungs = Green

CO2 and Water Vapor from your Internal Combustion Engine = Green

CO2 and Water Vapor from your Power Plant = Green

and everything that requires oxygen to burn produces CO2 and the more Efficiently all fuels are Burned = Vaporized the more CO2 is Produced for Plants and Trees to Breathe = the carbon cycle

as Green Lunatics Preach to us water vapor coming out of smokestacks is Toxic Pollution

and Carbon based Oxygen = CO2 = Carbon Dioxide

with zero color taste or smell

causing all carbon based life on this carbon based Earth is toxic Pollution

proving they are Politically Brainwashed Lunatics who failed grade school science who Preach to us we are all going to die soon from the cause of all life

Killing 600 million years of the Cause of Green above sea level will not stop 4.6 billion years of Climate Change it will only stop all Carbon based Life on this Carbon based Earth above Sea level as you Brainwash the Public to just Believe in your Lunatic Political Media Paranoid Climate Religion

doing only test proven Harm to the cause of green and all carbon based life

Costing Trillions of Dollars

as science is to know and you do not know you just believe = make believe

and True Belief is Religion not Science

and Paranoia based on self-debunked prediction is Lunatic Religion very much in need of a Shrink

but be careful there are a lot of Politically Brainwashed Shrinks out there who just make believe as you make believe based on zero peer-reviewed science

and so All I need from you is:

a science paper reversing the past 30 plus years of self-debunked Prediction and a science paper debunking all heat rises in real physics and a science Paper proving something the size of a sewing thread can trap heat in something the size of a football field and a science paper debunking more than a dozen other climate variable providing an infinity of climate variable and a science paper debunking millions of years of known climate history

and this will still not prove your un-proven theory is now a proven theory

as the real science above you just ignore and withhold from the public you politically brainwash only further debunk your un-proven theory

as you reject the scientific method and all peer-reviewed science proving you are a Lunatic and Pathological Lair

as you allow only the Political Lunatic side of the story to be told proving you are not a real Journalist you are a test proven Political Fraud in Science doing test proven harm to the environment caused by your self-Ignorance as this is only a small Fragment of real science you do not comprehend

you are a Preacher for Political Media Paranoia not a Scientists

as you Preach your Ignorance while allowing zero Rebuttal while Harming the Environment caused by Lunatic political agenda based on Garbage Fraudulent Political Science Fiction

as a real journalist investigates and reports all the available facts so the Public can decide for themselves with is real and what is not as you decide for the world what is real based on zero investigation and Lunatic self-ignorance doing only harm


Bruce A. Kershaw

Scientist = Skeptic = to Question the Truth in Knowledge

the Bases for the Scientific Method

to Question Test Debate to find the truth in Science

science is skepticism to know the truth in science

that may be debunk tomorrow by new knowledge

as settled science does not exist in tested reality

Helena ~ Montana

….and here comes the Sun

~ peace ~