You can not stop a Political Media Religion with Fact Tested Knowledge
just as you can not stop billions of years of climate change
Third Day of Summer
June 23, 2017
Helena ~ Montana
the expected high for today is 69*
the record high for today was 98* in 1919
the record low for today was 33* in 1892
Climate Change is Real
Political Media True Believers now Dictate Science
Have you ever ~ tried ~ to have an Intelligent discussion with a True Believer
who rejects all proven fact tested knowledge
for the sake of ~ their ~ personal feeling of ~ their ~ True Belief
When you reject the scientific method for your personal emotional feelings of true belief ~
you have then failed grade school science and have earned zero right to scientific opinion
as True Believers reject Scientific Fact for their True Belief
True Belief
supported by zero scientific reference
while refusing to allow open public scientific debate of very proven fact tested knowledge
Second Day of Summer
June 22, 2017
Helena ~ Montana
the predicted high for today is 70*
the record high for today ~ before power plants and automobiles ~ was 102* in 1900
the record low for today was 33* in 1942
~ 1000 years ago Montana had California Climate for 200 years ~
as we have had 20 Ice Ages and 20 Global Warming Periods
with many
Little Ice Ages and Mini Ice Ages over the past 2 million years
of the past 4.6 billion years of variable climate change
as the scientific community is now expected to believe in
what is proven to be very bogus weather/temperature Measurements
from bogus new weather stations
placed on Tared roof tops next to Heating and Air-conditioning outlets
after many good working weather stations out in the middle of nowhere
have been turned off
as these bogus Measurements are being used as Evidence Humans cause climate warming
proving only Fraud
First Day of Summer
June 21, 2017
Helena ~ Montana
the predicted high for today is 76*
the record high for today was 95* in 1919
the record low for today was 32* in 1902
Being 100% Political and zero percent Factual is not science of the scientific method
as the Scientific Community does not support a Carbon Tax
on the cause of the carbon cycle with oxygen and hydrogen
the cause of all the Green on this Carbon based Earth
the cause of all Nature and all Carbon based Life above Sea level
for the past 600 million years
causing all the Oxygen we breathe
causing all the Carbon based Food we eat
as True Belief in Garbage Science is now doing ~ test proven ~ Harm to all of Nature
the cause of all the Green on this Carbon based Earth
costing Trillions of Dollars to do only Harm
by those who have Publicly Failed Grade School Science and Reject the Scientific Method
for their personal feelings of their true belief
in Political Hearsay True Belief rejecting fact tested knowledge for True Belief
as real science ~ knows ~
Carbon based Humans can not Stop
4.6 billion years of very extreme progressive variable Climate Change
caused by a Progressive Infinity of Climate Variable
by a dozen known and ignored climate variables
and not caused by ~ one half ~ of one fragment of all tested knowledge
as Preached by Political Media Climate Religion
selling Fear and Paranoia
based on Self-debunk Prediction
based on test proven Flawed Incomplete Garbage
called science
Politicians and Journalist
who failed grade school science and have earned zero right to scientific opinion
who refuse to Publicly debate Fact Tested Reality they continue to just ignore
as their Reality is Test Proven ~ Fraudulent ~ Make Believe
Dictating Science that is doing test proven harm to the Carbon Cycle
real science they do not comprehend and never will
as they will continue to ignore tested knowledge for their true belief
~ while ~
only 13% of the Members of the National Academy of Science
signed a Public Letter stating Humans cause climate warming
the other 87% of the Top Scientist from all around this Carbon based Earth did not
and the 13% who did sign the letter
99% of them have no back ground in Atmospheric Emission Science or Climate Science
while not one of those who signed the letter
could provide any scientific reference when requested
to support their statement beyond their true belief in science they do not ~ know ~
while all the science questions you may have of the 13% who signed the letter
are forwarded to a political body not a science body to be answered
and after reviewing their Web Site of publicly posted Answers
for all climate science Questions
the answers are proven to be Bogus Fraudulent Garbage Science Fiction
or as I call it
Political Media Brainwashing by Political Frauds in science
who can provide zero scientific reference beyond their true faith and true belief
as they continue to Preach to the un-knowing Public
and to Journalists and the Media and to the Politicians in Congress they advise
backed by zero Documented scientific reference
The United States Congress is Scientifically Advised
with only Political Hearsay Words of Political Hearsay True Belief
by proven to be Political Media Frauds in Science
who refuse to Publicly Debate the real science of the scientific method
and can provide zero scientific reference when requested many times with a reward
to support their bogus Fraudulent public statements in Climate Science
as their so called science is doing test proven harm to nature and this carbon based Earth
~ while ~
31,487 Real American Scientist
9,029 of them with PhD’s
signed a Petition in disagreement with the United Nations IPCC
while proving the so called 97% scientific consensus started by John Kerry
is a Political Media Lie
as the U.N. a Political Body not a Science Body
~ state ~
it is “likely” we Humans cause all Climate Warming
based on flawed incomplete debunk science
science based on only ~ one half ~ of one of a dozen climate variables
one half of a very small fragment of all climate science
while rejecting all other known test proven facts further debunking
their debunk un-proven theory
as “likely” is a word of belief as words nor belief prove nothing in real science
while not one University on this Carbon based Earth when requested
can prove anything beyond true belief in
to prove Carbon based Humans cause Climate Warming
as not one of my ~ many ~ Letters to the Editor since 2007 has ever been printed
with scientific references in hand to support my rebuttal opinion
of their Hearsay Garbage Science Fiction
by those who have earned zero right to scientific opinion
who could provide zero scientific reference when requested
to support their test proven bogus statements
as they then rejected test proven fact debunking their statements
with out reviewing the facts first
as they then continued to preach their test proven political media lies
ignoring fact for their debunk political media true belief
~ test proving ~
Political Media Climate Religion is based on zero fact tested knowledge
of the scientific method
~ skepticism ~
the doctrine that the truth in all of knowledge must always be in Question
The religion of science is skepticism of true belief dictating science
as there is zero knowledge in true belief
as real science is to know
while wisdom is the ability to use knowledge constructively while doing no harm
as a real scientists ~ knows ~ science is proven wrong far more often than proven right
as a real scientist will admit their mistakes and failures
while learning and growing forward from admitted failure
as the key to knowledge is by admitting failure to find the truth in knowledge
while true believers can not admit their mistakes and failures
and can not learn and grow forward with tested knowledge
because their true belief is their only proof they are right
as belief is a feeling when there are no feelings in real science
there is only proven fact tested ~ debated ~ knowledge
as true political belief today continues dictates science
by rejecting the scientific method by rejecting test proven fact
while using a out dated incomplete debunk science paper as scientific proof
proving fraud
as Political Media Organizations who failed grade school science Dictate Science
to the un-knowing and the scientific community
while refusing to allow public rebuttal or public debate in real science
~ Letter to the Editor ~
in rebuttal to the opinion on the opinion page of the Helena Independent Record
Mark Reynolds
of the
Citizens Climate Lobby
that will never be printed by the Independent Record
as they belong to a Political Media Organization
that only promote and sell Human caused Climate Change
while allowing zero public rebuttal or debate to test proven lies
while they can provide zero scientific reference when requested
~ many times since 2007 ~
to support their political agenda true belief
Mark Reynolds
~ Reward ~
for the scientific references
~ proving ~
Carbon based Humans cause Climate Warming of this Carbon based Earth
with the cause of the first atmosphere
with zero color taste or smell
~ Carbon based Oxygen = CO2 = Carbon dioxide ~
from the hot liquid core of this carbon based Earth
causing the Carbon Cycle with Oxygen and Hydrogen
causing all of Nature = All of the Carbon based Green
causing all the Carbon based food we eat and all the oxygen we breathe
all made from CO2
causing all Carbon based Life
~ as ~
your political organization is not a science body
that has publicly failed Grade School Science
as you can not debate the science or articulate the science
nor can you provide real scientific reference
to prove your Bogus public statements are not Bogus
as you have earned zero right to scientific opinion
as you preach your ~ test proven ~ Political Media Garbage Science Fiction
as you do not follow the real science beyond debunk Political Media Hearsay
as real science has debunk your Political Science Fiction
real science you choose to just ignore for your political true belief
that is doing real test proven harm to the cause of all the Green
on this carbon based earth where everything has carbon in it
costing trillions of dollars to do this intentional harm
with debunk science you do not comprehend
as your climate religion will allow zero public rebuttal or public debate in real science
proving not only fraud in science
Political Fascism in science by those rejecting tested knowledge
and the scientific method for their personal feelings of their true belief
who can prove nothing with real science
and as CO2 and Water vapor levels continue to increase
caused by warming by the variable Sun making this Carbon based Earth Greener
the rate of warming is slowing down
as you preach climate warming is speeding up
as you preach the Oceans are rising
when the Oceans are very proven to be declining for many years
as you preach the cause of all Nature and all Life is: Toxic Pollution
as 97% of the CO2 in the air is not caused by Human Activity
as the largest increase in CO2 levels in the air is from Evaporation
caused by warming by the variable Sun
while all the lungs of this carbon based earth produce more CO2 than all the Cars
as we pump man made CO2 into the Ground
this is lowering oxygen levels in the air
because you are not allowing oxygen from the air used to allow Fuel to Burn
~ making CO2 ~
the oxygen from the air bonding to carbon part of the Fuel
to be recycled by the carbon cycle
returning the oxygen from the air to make CO2 back into the air where it came from
while it is very proven pumping CO2 into the ground
can and will to turn underground water into an Acid
as you ignore all but one half of one climate variable of a dozen climate variables
while ignoring all climate history
all further debunking your true belief in self-debunk computer Ouija Board prediction
based on proven to be very flawed incomplete science
based on debunk Hypothetical = un-proven theory
as tens of thousands of real scientists
who have been denied their right to voice Publicly their real earned scientific opinion
disagree with you
so Mark,
you are Lying to the Public
as you sell and support test proven fraud in science
when you have earned zero right to scientific opinion
but of course you need no real scientific reverences because you have your true belief
as you are a test proven Political Media Fraud in real science of the scientific method
as you are all about money doing real harm
based on zero real science
I would challenge you to an open public debate
but how do you debate science with those who failed grade school science
who refuse to see beyond their true belief
how can you defend science you can not prove is real
while you want to tax the cause of all Nature and all Carbon based Life
on this Carbon based Earth
while doing test proven harm to the cause of all the Green and all of Life
as Political Media make believe continues to dictate science
and this is why you failed in Australia to pass a carbon tax on carbon based life
as you were preaching test proven debunk Garbage science fiction
the Galileo Movement was educating the un-knowing public with
proven fact tested knowledge of the scientific method you do not comprehend
Dr. Bruce A. Kershaw
40 plus years Atmospheric Emission Science
with 10 plus years ongoing Climate Science Investigation
Proving Political Media Fraud by You and Climate Religion
as you ignore test proven fact for your Political Media Paranoid Climate Religion
based on self-debunk computer Ouija Board prediction
based on flawed incomplete science
based on debunk hypothetical = un-proven theory
so prove your paranoid political media religion is not a paranoid political media religion
beyond true belief in self-debunk computer Ouija Board prediction
~Please ~
True Believers
you refuse to look at and see fact tested reality beyond your personal feelings of
debunk true belief
in political agenda doing test proven harm to Nature
and as they say in reality science
Put up ~ or ~ Shut up
as only political media Fascism can dictate science
as Climate Religion will continue to just ignore these facts
and continue to preach their fraudulent paranoid Make Believe doing harm
further proving it is a Scientifically ~ test proven ~ Political Media Religion
by Political agenda committing test proven fraud in science