Penn State & Michael Mann & MSNBC = Fraud in Science


~ a work in progress to be continued ~

March 22, 2019 ~ March 27, 2019


science is: to know

and self-debunked computer Ouija Board prediction is not knowledge = Science

and the only thing Michael Mann can Scientifically Prove is his Ignorance

as NASA Data has Scientifically Proven

Michael is a Pathological Liar and Fraud in Science for Profit

and Lunatics do not Publicly debate their Lunatic Science


they are lunatics not scientists



CO2 + Water Vapor + Sun Energy = Green

and CO2 can not Harm the Greenhouse because CO2 is the cause of the Greenhouse

and over 97% of the CO2 in the air is caused by Nature

causing more Nature and the Environment

making all of the food we eat and oxygen we breathe

as Climate Paranoia Preaches to us the cause of Green is Toxic Poison and Pollution

for profit


You do not need the help of a Shrink to Diagnose a Lunatic is a Lunatic

when a Lunatic caused by Political Brainwashing by the Media informs you

The cause of Green is Toxic Poison and Pollution

The cause of all the Food We Eat is Toxic Poison and Pollution

The cause of all the Oxygen We Breathe is Toxic Poison and Pollution

The cause of the Carbon Oxygen Hydrogen Cycle is Toxic Poison and Pollution

The cause of Nature is Toxic Poison and Pollution

The cause of the Environment is Toxic Poison and Pollution

The cause of all Carbon based Life and Energy on this Carbon based Earth

is Toxic Poison and Pollution

when knowing

Carbon based Oxygen = CO2 = Carbon Dioxide

with zero color taste or smell is not Toxic Poison and Pollution

and White Steam = Water Vapor coming out of Smokestacks is not Toxic Pollution

as Preached to us by Political Media Paranoid Climate Religion

who refuse to allow Public Scientific rebuttal or debate of their settled Lunatic science

based on self-debunked un-proven theory they Preach is Settled Science

~ and ~

Scientifically Proving a Lunatic is a Test Proven Lunatic and Pathological Fraud

with out the help of a Shrink

does not stop test proven Lunatics from being test proven Lunatics and Frauds

while only test proven Lunatics and Frauds refuse to debate their

Lunatic Fraudulent Garbage Science Fiction

they preach to us is settled science

that is Doing Test Proven Harm to the Environment for Profit

while costing the rest of us trillions of dollars

to Kill the cause of Green

and is scientifically proven to not cause climate warming with real peer-reviewed science

the Media will not Share with the Public

for the sake of their political agenda in science they do not Comprehend

and can not Articulate or Prove and have earned zero right to opinion in

based on

Zero Question Test Debate

CO2 + Water Vapor + Sun Energy = Green


Climate Science is a Brand New Science

and with more than a dozen climate variables known today

as we have far more to learn then we now today


Climate Change is Real for Billions of Years

and 1000 years ago Montana had California Climate for 200 years

and as we live with more than a dozen climate variables known today

while climate paranoia is based on 3% of one half of one climate variable

to make over 30 years of self-debunked computer Ouija Board prediction

based on self-debunked un-proven theory

based on a backwards hypothetical

based on a flawed incomplete study with proven to be flawed data

Preached by Climate Paranoia as Settled Science

based on the rejection of the Scientific Method and Peer-reviewed Science

further debunking the self-debunked un-proven theory

based on 3% of One Half of one climate variable

by a climate study that just ignored more than a dozen climate variables

providing an infinity of un-predictable climate variable

while just ignoring millions of years of climate history

further debunking the flawed incomplete climate study

that just ignored very real physics and chemistry

further debunking the very flawed incomplete Bogus Climate Study

by the United Nations a Political Body not a Science Body

as the U.N. states it is ” likely ” Humans cause Climate Warming

~ as it is likely to rain tomorrow ~

likely = unproven theory

Preached by Climate Paranoia as Settled Science

when settled science does not exist in real science


~ Based on NASA Data ~

the Earth is still with in its normal 2 degree variable

while the variable rate of evaporation by the variable Sun with many cycles

causing many Major Ice Ages and Major Global Warming periods

and many Little Ice Ages and Mini Ice Ages during Major Global Warming periods

has exceeded the rate the Ice is melting

increasing CO2 and water vapor in to the air making this carbon based earth Greener

while increasing Rain and Snow and Arctic Ice

Increasing Arctic Ice by 40% since 2012

as the sea level has been declining for the past 10 years

as Political Media Paranoid Climate Religion Preaches to us the Opposite is True

Scientifically Proving they are Lairs and Frauds in Climate Science

who are Harming the cause of Green = Photosynthesis

costing trillions of dollars to do only harm to the

Carbon Oxygen Hydrogen Cycle = Nature = Environment

that will only end the cause of all the Green above sea level sooner

as one day nitrogen from decomposing soil will delete CO2 to nothing

ending the carbon cycle and all carbon based life above sea level

as in Botany Science Plants and Trees need 4 times the CO2 than in the air today to

~ Breathe ~

to be at best health

as 97% of the CO2 in the Atmosphere is caused by Nature

as the majority of new CO2 going into the air everyday is from the ocean

because the majority of un-predictabale un-measurable Volcanic Activity and CO2 outlets

on this Carbon based Earth is Below Sea level Acidifying the Oceans over billions of Years

while causing all carbon based life and energy on this carbon based earth

CO2 + Water Vapor + Sun Energy = Green

as all Life still comes from the Oceans by Variable Evaporation by the Variable Sun

as the Political Media Convinced Programed and Brainwashed Lunatics

continue Preach to us the cause of all Nature the Environment and all carbon based life on this Carbon based Earth is Toxic Poison and Pollution

scientifically proving they are Brainwashed Lunatics

who reject the scientific method and peer-reviewed science

who refuse to look and see and learn and know the proven fact tested reality in Science

as they refuse to Question the Truth in Knowledge for political make believe doing harm

as the Media will not allow the public to know all the available facts

debunking their Lunatic Pathological Belief

as Freedom of the Press is no longer non bias while Informing

We the People

of the Crimes of Politics

as the Press now Commit the Political Crimes

as the Press are now the Political Lairs and Frauds in tested Reality

as the Press is no longer Free it is Owed and Controlled by Criminal Politics

and politically intentionally misinform and withhold available facts from

We the People

as scientifically proven


Since 2007 not one of my many Letters to the Editor

with peer-reviewed science in hand has ever been printed

in rebuttal to the lunatic science opinion allowed by the news papers

by those with zero background in science who have publicly proven they failed grade school science and have earned zero right to opinion in atmospheric emission science physics and chemistry and can provide zero scientific reference for their lunatic statements when requested

Proving Political Media Fascism in Science by a Lunatic Political Media Agenda

as not one Media Organization can provide peer-reviewed science when requested

to prove they are not Frauds in science

while some provide the Public with Fraudulent Science Papers

while only their politically convinced True Believers are allowed a voice in their media

as they withhold very available peer-reviewed science from the Public

Debunking the Fraudulent Lunatic Science fiction they Preach

with zero Scientific Reference

as they refuse to allow Public Scientific Question Rebuttal or Debate

as they Preach to us those who Question the Truth in Knowledge are the Deniers

~ as ~

The Deniers have scientifically proven the Media are Political Pathological Frauds

as the Politically Convinced and Programmed Paranoid Lunatics reject the tested Reality

for politically brainwashed paranoia

based on scientifically proven to be Fraudulent Lunatic Political Garbage Science Fiction

for Political Power and Greed

as scientifically test proven Lunatics

Preach to us

the Variable Sun with many Cycles is not a Climate Variable

when making their self-debunked computer Ouija Board climate predictions

Preached as Settled Science


To: Penn State University and MSNBC

I am not a Democrat or Republican

I am a Scientist of the Scientific Method

for the Truth in all of Life and Knowledge for a better Life for all

and like the majority of the media today

MSNBC is not Journalism informing the Public with all the available facts

they are Scientifically Test Proven Fraudulent Political Agenda

Doing only Harm in tested Reality

and what does MSNBC have to gain from Politically Brainwashing the Public

with their scientifically test proven Political Lies based on test proven ignorance

and what is their to gain by committing test proven political media Fraud

as some people are for sale and will lie for you if the price is right

as the test proven Lies and Fraud continue

but do they know they are committing Political Fraud for their political agenda

or do they truly believe in their test proven political lies

making them politically programmed pathological frauds

who continue to shoot the foot in their mouth

as they are the test proven cowards of the truth and tested reality

for lunatic political agenda doing test proven harm to nature

while make believing they are doing good

as the only Honest Lairs are the Weather Man or Weather Woman

and weather or not

Climate Change is Real


CO2 + Water Vapor + Sun Energy = Green

and warm CO2 rising is off-set by Frozen CO2 = Dry Ice crashing downward

as all heat still rises in real physics

and in real physics something the size of a sewing thread

can not trap heat in something the size of a football field

while heat does not rise in Political Media Paranoid Climate Religion

and frozen CO2 = Dry Ice is not crashing downward and something the size of a sewing tread can trap heat in something the size of a football field as more than a dozen climate variables do not exist in climate paranoia

and there has always been and their will always be Frauds in science

and there will always be those who just believe what they are told to just believe by proven Frauds as they are True Believers who never Question the Truth in Life and Knowledge

and Live in a False Reality

while trying to dictate to the rest of us how we can and can not live our lives

as they do test proven harm while truly believing they are doing good

because they just believe a test proven lie is the truth


Please Forward this to True Believers

who can not scientifically prove Humans cause Climate Warming

who Preach Humans cause Climate Warming

based on self-debunked un-proven theory they preach is settled science

and please do not vote for those who failed grade school science

and have earned zero right to scientific opinion

who are Politically Preaching Climate Paranoia

because spending trillions of dollars trying to end the cause of Green

when in Botany Science Plants and Trees need 4 times the CO2 than in the Air today

to Breathe

to be at Best Health to make the food and oxygen we need to eat and breathe

will not stop Billions of years Variable Climate Change

and not allowing scientific Rebuttal in the media for the sake of political agenda

is political fascism in science


Climate Science is a Brand New Science

and no one is an Expert in this Brand New Science

as we have far more to learn than we know today

as we learn and know something new everyday

that may support or debunk what we know from yesterday


The Truth in Knowledge Must Always Be In Question and

CO2 + Water Vapor + Sun Energy = Green

as Volcanic Activity above and below sea level produce CO2 and Water Vapor

causing Green the Carbon Cycle above sea level

and the more efficiently the Internal Combustion Engine is Running

the more CO2 and Water vapor is Produced = for more Green

by the Carbon Oxygen Hydrogen Cycle

and the cause of Green is not Toxic Pollution as Preached by Carbon based Lunatics

doing test proven harm to the cause of Green and all Carbon based Life

on this Carbon based Earth

as the test proven Frauds and Lunatics refuse to Publicly Debate their Lunatic Science

as all heat still rises in real physics and frozen air still take its place

causing the Ice Caps at the Poles of this Carbon based Earth

as warm CO2 rises Frozen CO2 = Dry Ice is crashing downward

more than off-setting the warming effect of CO2 rising

as CO2 and Water Vapor are the by product of warming by the variable Sun

causing the carbon cycle above sea level and not the cause of Climate Warming

as only test proven frauds refuse to debate their proven fraud in science

doing test proven harm to the environment for profit

costing trillions to do only harm

as the media allows zero scientific rebuttal

to their fraudulent political agenda based on self-ignorance

by rejecting the scientific method and peer-reviewed science

debunking their political media paranoid climate religion

based on self-debunked un-proven theory they Preach is settled science

and I think Bloodletting is the only Cure for Politically Brainwashed Climate Paranoia

or maybe a good Shrink that has not been Politically Programmed

to just Believe what they are told to just believe

with out Questioning the truth in knowledge

as there are now many Lunatic Shrinks today who now make believe

~ skepticism ~

to question the truth in knowledge

is a mental flaw

Bruce A. Kershaw = Scientists = Skeptic

43 years Atmospheric Emission Science Physics and Chemistry

with on going Climate Science Investigation since 2007

Proving Fraud in Climate Science


After more than 40,000 requests with a reward for the peer-reviewed science proving

Carbon based Humans cause climate warming with Carbon based Oxygen = CO2

all I have to show for it is Name Calling Belittling and Insults

and an out dated incomplete self-debunked Science Paper

only scientifically proving further fraud in Climate Science

and that is their very best science argument in 12 plus years of science investigation

Name Calling and Garbage Science supported by flawed and Fraudulent data

by those who reject peer-reviewed science for politically convinced lunatic true belief

and are doing test proven Harm to the cause of Green for Power and Greed

Test Proven Harm to the Carbon Oxygen Hydrogen Cycle = Nature = Environment

to all Carbon based Life on this Carbon based Earth

as the cause of all Carbon based Life and Energy with zero color taste and smell

is not toxic pollution and is the by product of climate warming by the variable Sun

and not the cause of Climate Warming as Scientifically proven

with real peer-reviewed science

Ignored by those who Preach Climate Paranoia for Profit

as Pathological is not Factual

one is knowledge and one is not

as only convinced and programmed True Believers

refuse to look and see and know and grow forward in real science

as only frauds and true believers refuse to debate tested reality

and only Lunatic True Believers Preach self-debunked Prediction

based on self-debunked un-proven theory as settled science

when settled science does not exist in real science

and those who refuse to look and see and know something new are not real scientists


Penn State University

can provide zero peer-reviewed science to prove they are not test proven Frauds

and are

Test Proven Frauds in Science

and the Cuckoos Nest School of Self-Debunked Lunatic Ouija Board Climate Prediction


~ AlGoreism ~

The Political Media Brainwashed Lunatic Church of Climate Paranoia for Profit

Based on Politically Programmed Ignorance and Test Proven Fraud in Science

based on self-debunked un-proven theory in a proven to be backwards hypothetical

based on zero scientific method = zero question test rebuttal debate

while rejecting peer-reviewed science

further debunking their true belief in un-proven theory they preach is settled science

scientifically proving they are Lunatic Preachers of Self-Ignorance and not real scientists

who refuse to Publicly Debate their Lunatic Fraudulent Garbage Science Fiction

further proving it is Brainwashed Lunatic Fraudulent Political Science Fiction for Profit


Real Science is by Question Test Rebuttal Debate

~ ? ~ One Very Real Scientific Question of Many ~ ? ~

for the

Cuckoos Nest Scientists

~ knowing all heat still rises in real physics ~

How does something the size of a sewing thread = human generated CO2

Trap Heat

in in something the size of a football field = the atmosphere ?

~ your answer here ~


Repetitiveness is the Key to Deprogramming


There is a 3 Million Mile Climate Variable distance between the Sun and the Earth

and as the very variable Sun with many variable cycles

continues to be variably warmer and brighter

the variable Hot Churning Liquid Core of this Carbon based Earth

continues to cool

while variably heating the Earths Crust the Oceans and Lower Atmosphere

as the variable Ozone Hole caused by variable solar activity

has allowed more heat and energy to escape the atmosphere than

~ Predicted ~

the Ozone produced by Sun Energy separating NOx = nitrogen and oxygen

bonded together by Lighting and or heat above 2500 degrees

as the variable Hot Churning Liquid Core of this Carbon based Earth

is variably generating

Carbon based Oxygen = CO2 = Carbon Dioxide

causing a carbon cycle and all carbon based life above and below sea level

as variably evaporated by the variable Sun

CO2 + Water Vapor + Sun Energy = variable Green

~ Photosynthesis ~


The Carbon Oxygen Hydrogen Cycle = Nature = Environment

causing all carbon based life and energy on this carbon based earth


Killing the cause of all the Green will not stop 4.6 billion years of variable climate change

by more than a dozen climate variables known today

providing an infinity of unpredictable climate variable

as the Rate of Evaporation by the variable Sun has exceeded the rate the Ice is Melting

causing a normal Spike in CO2 and Water Vapor in the Atmosphere

while causing the Sea level to decline for about the past 10 years

while increasing the variable rate of Rain and Snow and Arctic Ice by 40 % since 2012

making this variable Carbon based Earth much Wetter and Greener

with only 1.4 degree increase in temperature

while a 2 degree variable is considered very normal with an Infinity of climate variable

as there is zero catastrophic increase of temperature happening today

as Catastrophic Warming is Politically Preached by Climate Paranoia

Scientifically Proving they are Frauds in Climate Science Preaching Paranoia for Profit

while this Carbon based Earth has been a Jungle for many millions of years in the past

while carbon based Humans who are 20% carbon made by the carbon cycle caused by CO2

have been moving to higher ground for the past 26,000 years about 350 feet

and here in Montana we had California Climate 1000 years ago for 200 years

while this warming period began 14,000 years ago

with many Little Ice Ages and Mini Ice Ages all along the way

caused by the variable Sun with many cycles

causing a Cycle of Major Ice Ages and Warming Periods for many millions of years

while nothing Catastrophic by Nature is happening today

as we have zero control over Catastrophic Nature

and Humans are a tiny tiny very small un-measurable fragment of Nature

and killing 600 million years of Nature by the Carbon Cycle above sea level

~ Will Not Stop ~

4.6 billion years of very extreme progressive variable climate change

by an un-predictable Infinity of Climate Variable known today

as we can remove all the CO2 from the air and this would not stop climate change

or variable climate warming by the very variable Sun becoming warmer and brighter

but it would end the cause of all the Green and all Carbon based Life

on this Carbon based Earth

but it would not stop the wind or rain or snow or ice

your any thing left over that would burn

because removing all the CO2 would not stop the weather it would only stop life

it would stop the production of Green and Food and Oxygen by the

carbon oxygen hydrogen cycle above sea level

and at 210 ppm CO2 in the air plants and trees begin to suffocate

at 160 ppm CO2 in the air will end the carbon cycle above sea level

as Plants and Trees need 4 times the CO2 than in the air today to breathe and be healthy

as nitrogen levels from decomposing soil will continue over time to dilute CO2 to nothing

ending the carbon cycle above sea level

as Politically Brainwashed Green Lunatics

are trying to end the carbon cycle above sea level sooner

Killing the cause of Green

CO2 + Water Vapor + Sun Energy = Green

causing all carbon based life and energy on this carbon based earth


science is: to know

and there will always be things we will never know

as we learn and know something new everyday in every science

and True Belief in over 30 years of self-debunked

Lunatic Paranoid Catastrophic Pre-Programmed Computer Ouija Board Prediction

based on self-debunked un-proven theory

Politically Preached as Settled Science

based on a scientifically proven to be backwards hypothetical conjecture

based on one half of one climate variable

when the other one half off-sets the first half with a cooling effect

while ignoring all heat rises in real physics and frozen air take its place

while ignoring an Infinity of climate variable

my more than a dozen climate variables known today

while ignoring millions of years of climate history further debunking un-proven theory

providing the world with 30 plus years of Failed

Lunatic Paranoid Catastrophic Ouija Board Prediction

based on pure Ignorance in un-proven theory is not knowledge

and is scientifically test proven

Lunatic Ouija Board Science by Lunatics in Science

who reject the scientific method and peer-reviewed science

debunking their Lunatic Paranoid Personal Emotional Feelings of True Belief

while some of us have been politically convinced to just believe

with out questioning the truth in knowledge

that self-debunked Lunatic Paranoid Prediction is Reality in Science

when their is zero tested reality in failed prognostication

as prediction is not tested knowledge = Science

and True Belief in Prediction is Make Believe

and preaching fear of the unknowable unpredictable future

based on test proven to be Flawed Incomplete Fraudulent science

is Lunatic Paranoia not science

and preaching paranoia based on self-debunked prediction is Lunatic Religion not science

and to be Paranoid because you have been Politically Programmed to Believe

something Catastrophic is happening

that is not happening

is not knowledge = Science

and requires deprogramming by a Shrink


Climate Change is Real

Climate Science ~ vs ~ Climate Religion

as the only thing a test proven lie can prove is a lie

and is Michael a Pathological Fraud for Profit

or does Michael ~ know ~ he is a Fraud for Profit ?

as Lunatics do not ~ know ~ they are Lunatics

as their convinced followers who do not question the truth in knowledge

as they do not look and see and ~ know ~ either way

as they are the true believers

who reject knowledge for their convinced personal feelings of true belief

who believe to question the truth in knowledge is a sin in true belief

as MSNBC is a Political Church not a Science Body

and have earned zero right to scientific opinion

as they Politically Preach and Sell Catastrophic Paranoia

based on self-debunked Failed Lunatic Paranoid Ouija Board Prediction

while allowing zero scientific rebuttal

~ * ~

science is: to know

as the truth in knowledge must always be in question

as we learn and know something new every day in every science

that will support or debunk what we know from yesterday

as real science is proven wrong more often than proven right

and a Real Scientist will always admit they are wrong when scientifically proven wrong

and then learn and know a grow forward with real science

as there is zero belief in real science

as belief is make believe

and true belief rejecting real science is religion

as true belief is never wrong

and those who do not Truly Believe in the Politically Preached True Belief

based on zero scientific method and zero peer-reviewed science

are the Deniers and Skeptics of Climate Paranoia

~ skepticism ~

” the doctrine the truth in all knowledge must always be in question “

as skepticism is the Bases for the Scientific Method

to question test debate to find and know the truth in science

if you are not a skeptic you are not a real science

because you do not question the truth in Science

and you just believe what you have been convinced and told to just believe


No two Trees are Alike

and Tree Rings are not all alike on any Tree

as Trees 20 Feet Apart are Different

because one tree is in a draw next to where water flows in sunlight

and the other tree is 20 feet further away from the water flow in the shad

and the tree rings are nothing alike

but are in the very same climate and weather at the same time

and is

Michael Mann

Pathological or Factual

~ ? ~

Michael is a scientifically test proven by the scientific method to be

 a Lunatic Fraudulent Preacher for Climate Paranoia for Profit

as it Michael who needs the Shrink not the Real Scientists = skeptics

as Michael can not prove un-proven theory is proven theory

as Michael truly believes self-debunk un-proven theory is proven theory

and Reality in his Lunatic Mind

and is settled science when settled science does not exist in tested reality

as Michael was on MSNBC today Preaching his Climate Paranoia for Profit

while MSNBC does not allow scientific Rebuttal to Test Proven Lunatic Fraudulent Science

nor can they provide when requested peer-reviewed science to prove they are not Frauds

as MSNBC rejects the Scientific Method while withholding from the Public

very real very available Peer-reviewed science debunking their Politically Preached and

Politically Brainwashed Climate Paranoia

based on zero scientific method


You can not stop a Lunatic Paranoid Political Media Brainwashed Religion

with peer-reviewed science


Paranoid Pathological Lunatics do not acknowledge real science

as they have their Personal Emotional Feelings of True Belief in a Lunatic Political Agenda

and nothing else matters


Everything is a Variable in this Universe and

Extreme Progressive Variable

Climate Change is Real

for billions of years


CO2 = Water Vapor = Sun Energy = Green

~ Photosynthesis ~

causing the

Carbon Oxygen Hydrogen Cycle = Nature = Environment

as warming by the variable Sun increases the evaporation of CO2 and water vapor

as CO2 and water vapor is the by product of warming not the cause

as warming occurs first and then evaporated CO2 and Water Vapor levels rise

as 97 % of the CO2 is the air is caused by nature

as the majority of CO2 going into the air everyday is from the Oceans

from un-predictable un-measurable Volcanic Activity and CO2 outlets below sea level

coming from the variable Hot Liquid Core of this Carbon based Earth

Acidifying the Oceans over billions of years

as the Variable Hot Liquid Core

is variably heating the Earth Crust the Oceans and Lower Atmosphere

and as warm CO2 rises

very Frozen – 200 * F below zero CO2 = Dry Ice in the air is crashing downward

causing the Ice Caps at the Poles of this Carbon based Earth

as most of the atmosphere is -200 * F below zero

as Dry Ice cools the air 10 times faster and 20 times longer than frozen water

as all heat rises in real physics and is more than off-set by frozen air crashing downward

and as real science is based on the scientific method to Question Test Debate

~ Question ~

Michael Mann

while knowing all heat rises in real physics and frozen air take its place

knowing all gases heat and radiate heat while expanding and rising

and the faster they are heated the faster they rise and the faster frozen air take its place

~ How ~

does something the size of a Sewing Thread = Human generated CO2


in something the size of a Football Field = the Atmosphere

~ ? ~

now go to your favorite football field and place a sewing thread at one end of the fifty yard line and walk to the other side of the football field and when you get the the side place the sewing thread down on the fifty yard line and then go sit in your favorite seat and look at the sewing thread on the fifty yard line and then

~ think ~

how can that sewing thread trap heat on that football field

your answer will go here


To: Dr. Eric J. Barron


Peen State University


Penn State is Preaching AlGoreism

The Church of Climate Paranoia for Profit

Doing Test Proven Harm to the Carbon Cycle = Nature = Environment

costing trillions of dollars to do only harm

as you ignore peer-reviewed science further debunking your Lunatic Fraudulent Church

as Preaching Paranoia based on self-debunked prediction is Pathological

while Teaching Proven Fact Tested Reality in Science is Factual

as your Lunatic Science rejects the scientific method to Question Test and Debate

as the truth in knowledge must always be in questioned not Preached and just believed

as true believers reject knowledge for true belief


Bruce A. Kershaw


To: Michael E. Mann

Penn State University

Scientifically Test Proven Lunatic and ? Pathological ? Fraud in Climate Science

Does Michael Truly Believe his Test Proven Political Media Lies for Profit

his True Belief in self-debunked un-proven theory

Preached as Settled Science

in this Brand new Climate Science we have far more to learn than we know today

as Michael truly believes in his scientifically test proven to be

Lunatic Backwards Garbage Science Fiction

doing test proven harm to the cause of all the Green on this Carbon based Earth

CO2 + Water Vapor + Sun Energy = Green

~ Photosynthesis ~

The Carbon Oxygen Hydrogen Cycle = Nature = Environment


Michael’s Lunatic Fraudulent Political Paranoid Religion Preaches

CO2 and Water Vapor is Toxic Pollution

when Carbon based Oxygen = CO2 = Carbon Dioxide

with zero color taste and smell causing all the Green

and all Carbon based Life on this Carbon based Earth above and below sea level

is not toxic Pollution

just as white steam = water vapor

coming out of Smokestacks is not toxic pollution as Preached by Climate Paranoia

while in Botany Science

Plants and Trees need 4 times the CO2 to Breathe than in the Air today

to be at best health while making the food we eat and the oxygen we breathe

as Michael just ignores more than a dozen climate variables

providing an infinity of climate variable

and just ignores millions of years of climate history

and just ignores very real physics and chemistry

all further debunking his true belief in self-debunked un-proven theory

he make believes is settled science

and after many requests over many years Michael can provide zero peer-reviewed science

scientifically proving Humans cause climate warming

as he refuses to debate his lunatic fraudulent science fiction for profit

while his self-debunked computer Ouija Board climate predictions

based on a flawed incomplete fraudulent study

providing un-proven theory based on a backwards hypothetical conjecture

based on flawed incomplete and fraudulent data

based on one half of one climate variable

while ignoring more than a dozen climate variables known today

does not scientifically prove humans cause climate warming

as we do not have Catastrophic warming

as it was much warmer 1000 years ago for 200 years than it is today

as NASA states we have a 1.42 degree increase in temperature

and is well with in the 2 * normal variable

as NASA data shows us the Sea level is declining for many years

and Arctic ice has increases by 40 % since 2012

and the rest is Political Media Paranoid Climate Religion for Profit

based on zero scientific method

Zero Public Question Test Rebuttal and Debate

as 49 NASA Scientists disagree with Climate Paranoia

87% of the National Academy of Science disagree with Climate Paranoia

along with over 30,000 other scientists over 9,000 with PhD’s

disagree with Climate Paranoia

based on self-debunked un-proven theory

and zero scientific method

Preached as Settled Science by Test Proven Lunatics and Frauds for Profit



I Challenge you to an open Pubic Debate in

Atmospheric Emission Science Physics and Chemistry

Climate Science

and Hot and Cold and Energy Transfer Science Physics

with a



for the peer-reviewed science proving Humans cause Climate Warming

as you are a test proven fraud who can prove nothing but your self-ignorance

~ For the truth in all of life and all of knowledge for a better life for all ~


Bruce A. Kershaw

Helena ~ Montana