I am a Scientist and Citizen Lobbyist
for the Truth in all of Life and all of Knowledge for a Better Life for all
and I have been asked and have Volunteered to Evaluate Education Programs
and have Investigated and proven Frauds and Scams in Science for the past 20 plus years
and Honest Doctors can be wrong up to 50% of the time
and proven Frauds 100% of the time
and above and beyond mistakes by Physicians
the number three cause of Death is caused by mistakes in hospitals
and Dr. Jeffry Cory
of Bozeman Deaconess Hospital
a Hospital in Legal Trouble in the past for Kick Backs
where Jeff is the kind of Doctor you could go to with a Broken Arm
and he would not look at or evaluate your broken arm
and then state in his medical report for the insurance company
you do not have a Broken Arm
as Jeff Cory is:
a test proven Quack Lunatic Fraud Criminal Doctor for Montana State Fund
with a known history in the Montana Legal Community of Bogus Medical Reports
proving it is Legal in the State of Montana
for Montana State Fund to Pay Doctors to Falsify Medical Reports
so they can Deny Legitimate Medical Claims of the Work Injured Citizens of Montana
to save money
as Montana Citizens are Treated like Road Kill
by our Governor Steve Bullock and the Law Makers
Dr. Jeffrey M. Cory PhD
Deaconess Health Bozeman Montana
was kind enough to Falsify all of my statements about my Childhood
and all of my of my Medical History
in his very proven to be Fraudulent Evaluation of who and what I am
as the very opposite is very proven to be true
as Jeff turned me into many things in his Evaluation based on
UN-provable hypothetical that is very clearly debunk
by my very real Medical Records he did not review and then Falsified my medical history
as Jeff cares far more about the wellness of Insurance Companies committing Fraud
than he cares about real living breathing People
as he knowingly Committed Fraud and Malpractice against me
further harming my life in every way possible
as I now live with long term post concussion syndrome
as Jeff states my real concussion is not real
based on zero review of the very real medical reports stating my concussion is real
as Jeff did zero neurological or physical evaluation of any kind
as Jeff has been completely debunk by real evaluations by real Doctors
and other real Medical Professionals
Jeff is a very proven Fraud in Medicine doing very real Harm to very real People
and should be in Jail for his proven crimes
Crimes committed on behalf of Dr. Richard P. Sargent M.D.
Sage Medical Clinic Helena Montana
as Dr. Sargent has reviewed my medical history debunking Jeff Cory
and then knowingly Rubber Stamped Jeff Cory’s Fraudulent Medical Report
for his Friend Tammy Gibson of Montana State Fund
as Tammy is one of Dr. Sargent’s Patients and Friends
as this is very unprofessional Collusion as they should all be in Jail for proven Fraud
and I will repeat myself again
as you when requested refuse to repair your very proven mistakes
further proving you are a Fraud in Medicine
~ and so once again ~
I grew up in the best of all worlds in Fountain Valley California in the 1960’s
I had a Great and Happy and Joyful and very Fun Childhood
I was one of the Luckiest Kids on this Carbon based Earth
I lived and grew up in a very Healthy Loving Family
where there was zero physical or mental abuse of any kind
and I was never Spanked as a Child
I was never bullied and I never bullied anyone in my life time
and during my entire childhood I was made to feel special at home and in school
and by all of my many friends growing up all though high school
Our family went on many outing and many camping trips while I was growing up
as I still very much love the outdoors today in every way
from hiking to gardening and landscaping
as I love to build and make and repair things
and as the First Grandchild on my Mothers side I had a very special closeness
with my Grandparents Leo and Flora and a Great Grandmother Daisy
we did many camping trips and Grandfather took me to baseball and basketball games
and when I was old enough my father would sometime drop me off
at my Great Grandmothers House to mow her lawn and to spend some time with Daisy
as she lived alone and about the time I was finished with the lawn
Daisy would be on the back porch peeling a Golden Delicious Apple for me
and then she would tell me stories of when she was a little girl
some about her family coming to America from Scotland
Daisy was born in 1881
while I knew my Grandparents on my fathers side very well too
as they lived just next door for a few years when I was very young
from the ages 2 – 6 years old
as my Fathers Father after we had moved but not far away and I was old enough
Grandpa Ray would come pick up on some Saturdays so I could mow his lawn
and Grandma would cook us a very special meal and then they would drive me back home
and in Grade School I was Shy but very popular I had many Friends both Boys and Girls
and I was never made to feel bad about myself in anyway by anyone
not by any School Teachers or School Mates or Friends
I received many Achievement awards in Grade School
as each class would give out one Presidential Gold Physical Fitness Award every year
and I was one of the very few to receive this award
I received an award for working with and helping Teachers
in the Grade School Curricular Activity’s Department
and I received many Music awards
I had Violin and Piano Lessons and later the Guitar
I was in the Advanced Choir
and I was one of only two Grade School students in the all Adult City Choir
and I was a Cub Scout and Boy Scout and a Patrol Leader
I grew up going to Church on Sundays
I was Self motivated on the weekends
and I would push a Lawn Mower all around the neighborhood
and knock on the doors where the grass needed mowing
or if their car needed washing and waxing
and sometime my friend Mike and I would walk all around the Golf Course
and Driving Range and collect Golf Balls for $.25 cents each
and by the time I was in about 7th Grade I was doing Oil Changes on Cars
and I had a very fun Childhood too it wasn’t all work and no play
as we lived not far from the Beach and riding our bikes to the Beach always made a fun day
and when I began High School at Fountain Valley High
I found an after school part time job Pumping Gas at a service station
and ran the service station by my self everyday from 5 – 10 pm
with zero supervision
managing a very busy business 5 hours a day at age 15
as we grew up with many farms all around and we always had lots of very fresh food to eat
by the time all the farms were gone our family moved to Helena Montana
to get out of the Rat Race
our Family Built a new Home together 7 miles west of Helena
and then I went to Helena High for my Class of 74 senior year
beginning my senior year with more than enough credits to Graduate
where I made very close Friends
as I am still good friends with some of my Helena High School Teachers today
I had a Very Happy Childhood in every way
as I grew up with many very special privileges others did not have
I was a good Kid the by-product of many Healthy environments
with two Healthy Parents who set a good example
and today I am a very Proud Father and Grand Father and Husband and Friend
as I will continue to Live for the best of everyday I can Have
and so thank you again Dr. Jeffrey Cory PhD
for further destroying my life for the sake of the wellness of the Insurance Company
and am I very angry ? yes
and is it legitimate anger ? Yes
and am I going to lower myself to your level and Commit a Crime ? No
as I live for the Truth in all of Life and knowledge for a better life for all
and while I am still Breathing and the rest is Icing on the Cake
Bruce A. Kershaw
Doctor Honor