Author Archives: Bruce A. Kershaw

About Bruce A. Kershaw

Born ~ March 27, 1956 at 11:10 pm Long Beach California other wise I'm still breathing O2 made from CO2 and eating food made from CO2 ~ the rest is Icing on the cake ~

The Rebuttal ~ To Donald Trump

~ July 25, 2024 as we enter the Democratic Deep State Summer of Love for Hamas Terrorism in America along with known Terrorism from all over this Carbon based Earth …and then soon Mike Bloomberg will ~ Buy Out ~ … Continue reading

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The Rebuttal ~ Nature makes Oil not Dead Dinosaurs

June 23 ~ 26 2024 The Rebuttal [email protected] ~ Thank you to my Friend Keith for your Question in Science as there can be no Answers if there can be no Questions ~

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The Rebuttal to: Lunatic Political Science Fiction

~ [email protected] ~*~ a work in progress writing and rewriting and editing everyday and while some people Hate Me for this Web Page it is only their Paranoid Hate and not mine because they are Pathological and I am Factual … Continue reading

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The Rebuttal ~ Poetic Political Justice in Motion

June 16, 2024 ~ The Rebuttal ~ [email protected] …you can not see tested realty ~ if you are Politically Brainwashed to not see tested reality and you can change the definition of words everyday but it can not change the … Continue reading

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If Joe Berry can not prove it then How can you ?

October 20, 2023 The Rebuttal [email protected] ~ science is: to know ~*~ ~ knowing ~ preached paranoia is: not science ~

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For the very Worst Service ~ State Farm is There ~

~ State Farm is not There ~ The Car Accident ~ not caused by me ~ happened on April 24, 2023 and today is September 18, 2023

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If I was the President

July 6, 2023 The Rebuttal [email protected] …and If I was the President I would not Commit Constitutional Treason by having Open Boarders ~ …and while some weeds are more Beautiful than other weeds the Weeds are taking over the Garden … Continue reading

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CO2 does not cause Climate Warming

~ …you can scientifically debunk proven Lunatics and Frauds ~ but this will not stop them from being Lunatics and Frauds ~

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Abortion and Proven Fact Tested Reality in Science

~ Being for Life is not Bad or Evil or a Crime …and when I was six years old ~ Girls had Kooties and now that I am 66 years old nothing has changed but Me ~ because Girls still … Continue reading

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Climate Hustle 2

May 7 ~ July 12 ~ 2022 ~ [email protected] ~ …the Religion of Science is Skepticism ~ ” to always Question the truth in knowledge “ ~ In this Universe Change is Continuous and The Green New Deal has nothing … Continue reading

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