This cycle of Global Warming began fourteen thousand years ago, not forty years ago.
During the last fourteen thousand years we have had many Little Ice Ages and many Mini Ice Ages. A Little Ice Age can be hundreds of years and a Mini Ice Age is more than one year without a growing season.
Major Ice Ages last for tens of thousands of years and we have had Mega Ice Ages that last over a Hundred Million years. Life as we know it began after the last Mega Ice Age Six Hundred Million years ago. The Earth has been through thousands if not millions of Global Warming and cooling periods. Why stop now? Prior to World War I a worldwide pandemic killed about fifty million people. Years prior to the pandemic thousands died on the east coast of the U.S. from a Mini Ice Age, they had no growing season for more then a year and starved to death. And even in today’s world more people die from cold weather than hot weather. CO2 in its purest form is Dry Ice.