From Webster’s Concise Encyclopedia
Dry ice: solid carbon dioxide (CO2), used as a refrigerant.
From Webster’s Concise Encyclopedia
Dry ice: solid carbon dioxide (CO2), used as a refrigerant.
CO2 causing Global Warming is a religion, it is a bad Hypothesis with no scientific proof or evidence of any kind. I have been searching for any proof from anywhere for over two years, and all I can prove is CO2 is with certainty with overwhelming evidence causes extreme cooling and that Global Warming causes CO2 levels to rise from the Ocean through the evaporation process and that CO2 is one of the causes of all life on this planet. And if we get rid of all the CO2 on this planet every living thing on this planet will die. And with forty thousand people dying of hunger every day, we can go one step further and do something real stupid and start turning Food in to Fuel. And why not go all the way, and while pumping CO2 in to the ground we poison the under ground drinking water, and make natural gas wells unflammable, well that should do it, we killed ourselves trying to save our selves, once again.
The United Nations Panel on climate change (UN IPCC) released a report in February 2007 stating with over 90 percent certainty that climate change is caused by human action but with zero percent proof. So we have over 90 percent certainty and zero percent proof.
Let’s see what Noah Webster has to say about the word certain.
CERTAIN: Sure; true; undoubted; unquestionable; that cannot be denied; existing in fact and truth;
So what exactly is over 90 percent certainty with zero percent proof? I guess the Political Scientists have their own dictionary. In the real world of science, zero percent proof means zero percent certainty. In science there is no 99 percent to 1 percent certainty its all or nothing with words like certainty and you cannot even say maybe over 90 percent with zero percent proof.
So we have a scientific consensus of over 90 percent certainty with zero percent proof? Only Political Scientists could make that scientific statement, to a real scientist, it is the words of fools.
Religion is 100 percent certainty with zero percent proof. That is very good Faith and very bad Science.
CO2 causing extreme cooling is not a theory, it is a proven fact for over 100 years.
The rotation of the Earth has been slowing down for billions of years. As the Moon moves further away from the Earth, it causes the Earth’s rotation to slow. When the Moon was at its closest point to the Earth, a full day and night only took somewhere between as little as two hours, some say and as much as six hours others say. I wonder if they used different numbers or different Math or both, I will use no Math and just go down the middle and say as little as four hours for the Earth to make a full rotation, two hours of Day and two hours of Night.
So a full Day then was twenty hours shorter than a full Day today and with the earth turning many times faster than today, the gravity would have been so great that a person dropped off here back then would be instantly turned into a pancake. And don’t get me wrong, I like pancakes. I have never met one I did not like, very much, but can you imagine being a pancake living on our planet over four billion years ago, looking up into the sky and seeing a moon fifteen times closer and bigger than it is today, it would eclipse the sun every day.
Today the sun and the moon are exactly the same size in the sky and before long the moon will be smaller than the Sun in the sky and will no longer cover the Sun during an Eclipse. Along with a much slower rotation of the earth, and just about the time the Sun is ready to vaporize the Earth a day and night will last almost twice as long as today. How would you like twenty hours of day and twenty hours of night every day? Well, don’t worry that won’t happen for billions of years. And I can not be Certain but I believe we will all be long gone and forgotten by then, we will probably be long gone before a billion years from now, when the average daily temperature will exceed 160 degrees.
Our time on this planet is just a blink of an eye in all of time, we are very lucky to be living during the gentlest weather cycles of our planets history, thanks to moon slowly moving further away. The moon does far more than just affect our ocean tides. It affects all of Life. After billions and billions of years of time there has only been life here for millions of those years. Life is just a drop in the bucket of time. I hope life is a cycle throughout the universe through all of time.
We live in a very special moment in time. Life is ever changing as the cause of life is ever changing. We are a very fragile balance of carbon energy and spent carbon energy, the by product of fuel burning efficiently and the cleaner the burn the higher the level of spent carbon energy produced to make and support all of plant life. Hydrocarbons carry the energy fuel and CO2 is the spent fuel carbon absorbed by plants and trees and once again the CO2 is changed back into carbon with energy for food or fuel.
Our Star will not become a supernova as some dying stars will. Our star, the Sun, will grow as it is dying, it will grow to or past the orbit of our planet. We call it our star and our planet because we live here, and of course we belong to the Sun and Earth and Moon. We might as well claim everything — nothing else has, at least, not that I know of. So from this point forward the universe is ours, but only until our star vaporizes us. I think stars are like people, so many different kinds and no two alike. A sun dying going supernova would be trillions of times the energy of our star dying.
Our star is far from dying. The Sun is just warming up. Every day our star is getting brighter and warmer and someday the average daily temperature on earth will be about 160 degrees or so. Just give it a billion or so years to get there. And just like water evaporates, the earth will vaporize into the energy of our dying sun and then never again a trace of life from here, ever again. Now take two healthy stars moving toward each other very rapidly and then sit back and enjoy the light show, it will definitely be the last thing you will ever see. When two stars collide the energy is trillions times the energy of a dying star going supper nova and the surface of every planet in that entire galaxy will be vaporized in to the energy. Maybe that is how neutrinos are made and where they come from, intense energy too small to measure or see, traveling through time and space, through everything. We can detect neutrinos going through heavy water after they have been through seven miles of earth. They are pure energy from a Plasma Burst billions of years ago.
CO2 in its purest form is Dry Ice.
That’s right, Camels in Montana 14,000 years ago. Hard for most to believe but true. We had all kinds of strange creatures running around Montana back then. Like the Lion, much larger than the African Lion along with the Sloth and Mastodon wondering around, I am trying to picture a Camel much larger than the Arabian Camel in my garden eating away at my carbon intake, or maybe the Bear that stood 14 to 15 feet tall.
And sadly they all disappeared about fourteen thousand years ago. For years we have believed man hunted them all out of existence but after close examination we now know from the Iridium lodged in their bones that a asteroid must have wiped them all out, and with no evidence of a Asteroid hitting the ground because the asteroid would of hit thick Ice or Glaciers back then and so the evidence would have all melted away.
Most of mankind back then lived close to the ocean shore which would have been many miles further away, with the ocean being hundreds of feet lower than it is today. Like Atlantis most of the evidence of mankind 14,000 years ago would be under hundreds of feet of water today. On the East Coast the floor of the gulf stream was 200 feet above sea level and the gulf of Mexico was all a giant land mass, so going to Africa from South America would have been a very easy and short trip on the water.
Which would help explain pyramids on both continents with similar design.
All life on this planet has a carbon base. Volcanoes are responsible for all of life as we know it and if we had no active Volcanoes on this planet ever, there would be no life as we know it today. All of the life giving CO2 on this planet is from Volcanoes and even today most of the CO2 we need for life to exist on this planet comes from volcanoes.
Life began as we know it about six hundred million years ago after about one hundred million years of Ice Age. And trapped under that ice for a hundred million years, CO2 from very active volcanoes, so when the ice broke the air was filled with lots of CO2. The first life on this planet began with plants and later trees, they are carbon-based life from CO2 and much later creatures came to life to eat the plants and like the plants they too are carbon-based life No Green House gases no life, no volcanoes no CO2, no carbon-based plant life no carbon-based creatures to eat the plants and no carbon-based life of any kind.
No volcanoes — no CO2 — no life as we know it.
Volcanoes can also end life on this planet, as we know from a DNA funnel going back seventy-four thousand years ago and as few as thirty breeding women may be all that were left after twenty feet of ash covered much of the planet with as much ash in the air blocking the Sun. How would you like to live through a Super Volcano and then a Ice Age caused by the Volcano. So when Yellowstone Park blows again I think we are all in very BIG trouble, and it is over due to blow.
Oh well, I guess we all need something to worry about, so, it might as well be something we have no control over, like Global Warming or Global Cooling or Asteroids hitting our planet or rain or sunshine.
This cycle of Global Warming began fourteen thousand years ago, not forty years ago.
During the last fourteen thousand years we have had many Little Ice Ages and many Mini Ice Ages. A Little Ice Age can be hundreds of years and a Mini Ice Age is more than one year without a growing season.
Major Ice Ages last for tens of thousands of years and we have had Mega Ice Ages that last over a Hundred Million years. Life as we know it began after the last Mega Ice Age Six Hundred Million years ago. The Earth has been through thousands if not millions of Global Warming and cooling periods. Why stop now? Prior to World War I a worldwide pandemic killed about fifty million people. Years prior to the pandemic thousands died on the east coast of the U.S. from a Mini Ice Age, they had no growing season for more then a year and starved to death. And even in today’s world more people die from cold weather than hot weather. CO2 in its purest form is Dry Ice.
No carbon, no carbon based life.
Life is a carbon-based circle cycle and everything living has a carbon base, from plants and trees to human beings and everything in between. We Human carbon-based life get our daily intake of carbon from all those vegetables your mother was always telling you to eat. Plant and tree carbon-based life get their daily intake of carbon from soil and the part of the air they absorb otherwise known as CO2, which is only one thousandth of the air, with the carbon being one third of one thousandth of the air. So for every thousand parts of the air only one part is CO2 and that one part CO2 is one part carbon and two parts oxygen. Not much carbon for plants to breathe. So plants absorb carbon from the air so we humans have a carbon-based food to eat and oxygen to breathe for our carbon-based bodies.
If there was no carbon in the air, there will be no carbon-based food to eat and our carbon-based bodies would die. So from this carbon-based life, to all the carbon-based life out there in this carbon-based world, My advice to all of you, do not pump what very little life giving carbon-based air we still have into the ground only to contaminate what little clean life giving under ground drinking water we still have. We eat plants then exhale CO2 and then plants and trees absorb the carbon part of the CO2 making oxygen while growing. so we have carbon-based food to eat, so we can exhale CO2 again, so plants and trees can absorb it again, so we can eat again, so they can absorb it again, so we can eat again and hopefully that circle cycle continues forever.
We eat and burn carbon energy and turn it in to carbon with no energy CO and CO2 and now the carbon with no energy can absorb heat for extreme cooling or can be absorbed by plants to be turned back in to fuel or food energy once again. CO2 is the by product of heat so it can not produce heat but will absorb heat ten times faster than frozen water and stay cold up to twenty times longer. CO2 can not cause warming — it is carbon with zero energy. CO2 in its purest form is Dry Ice.
The truth shall set thee free!
But only if the government has not already Executed me.
Is putting innocent humans to death reason enough to end the death penalty? Sadly, we have lowered ourselves to the same level as the criminally insane murderer. Killing people is wrong! And we all know that and it is against the Law. Not to mention the five to seven million dollars we may spend on every automatic appeals process in every death penalty conviction in the USA.
Maybe we should just put innocent people in jail for life instead of killing them, so when it comes time to let them out of jail in ten or twenty or thirty years after DNA evidence proves they are innocent, they are still alive. I wonder how many innocent people we have put to death in the U.S of A. in the last two hundred and thirty-two years.
One way to poison underground drinking water is pump CO2 into the ground and maybe with the CO2 a virus or bacteria or some other toxin or foreign substance. Today we already pump CO2 into the ground into oil wells to extract more oil from older wells. But if you start randomly pumping CO2 into the ground, you will only do harm.
CO2 Will turn water into acid. The best way to deal with CO2 is let the plants and trees breathe it and turn it back into fresh oxygen so all of us who exhale co2 can breathe.
CO2 is poisoning underground drinking water today and used antifreeze and nuclear waste as well as other toxins from the industrial age dumped into the ground and rivers and streams and into the ocean and then left to evaporate into the air.