What is Energy Balance?

When energy is spent, it turns in to a new kind of energy. What kind? The opposite kind.

What is balance? Balance is when you use energy and create energy to something else. And if we are lucky, it creates energy going forward, back to us.

What is chain reaction? It is the continuation of energy. Plus to minus, minus to plus.

The universe is energy creating energy. The most important energy for us, Is the energy We are made of. When We die, We become new energy for new life.

Energy goes somewhere, where energy goes it becomes.

So when we use energy it is absorbed and then becomes the absorber of heat or energy or is absorbed again to be turned back into new plant life and once again becoming food or energy creating heat. CO2 is the aftermath of energy or fuel creating heat that now absorbs heat and energy or is absorbed by plants and trees giving them life and once again turning back into food and energy causing more life for us as we know it.

Action to reaction to reaction to reaction on this planet over and over, until, the sun absorbs our planet, and then, no history of life here, ever again. We are all part of the universe, the atoms in our bodies are billions of years old and the molecules in our bodies are up to millions of years old.

Life is death and death is new life — one of many circles of the energies of Life.

About Bruce A. Kershaw

Born ~ March 27, 1956 at 11:10 pm Long Beach California other wise I'm still breathing O2 made from CO2 and eating food made from CO2 ~ the rest is Icing on the cake ~
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