Fixing the hole in the ozone

NOx — oxides of nitrogen from car exhaust — could indirectly fill the hole in the ozone just like volcanoes and lighting has indirectly made ozone since the beginning of the atmosphere on our planet. Ozone is created by Sun energy colliding with oxides of nitrogen breaking down the oxygen from the nitrogen, creating three oxygen atoms bonded together — O3, ozone, heavy oxygen, which is the protective outer layer of the atmosphere with a big hole in it.

NOx is created when heat bonds nitrogen and oxygen together at temperatures above twenty five hundred degrees F. Lighting strikes create NOx and then the energy from the sun turns it into ozone and nitrogen. As global warming increases, evaporation increases and then lighting increases, creating more ozone. So with less ozone in the outer layer of the atmosphere, more sun energy reaches the lower atmosphere, causing higher temperatures, causing more evaporation, causing more lighting, causing more NOx, causing more ozone, nature’s balance.

Cars produce NOx causing ozone at ground level, causing severe respiratory illness.

Maybe we should just follow nature’s lead and capture the ozone at ground level and fix the hole in the ozone like nature is already doing and reverse severe respiratory illness while reducing global warming, instead of removing CO2 which causes extreme cooling and is one of the primary causes of all life as we know it.

Maybe filling the hole in the ozone will cause an Ice Age?

I have yet, to see any evidence, that mankind is responsible, for the hole in the ozone.

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To All Lawmakers — City, County, State and Federal Government

Any and All Laws Enacted by any and all levels of government based on hearsay or rumor will be challenged in a court of law and struck down by a judge until such bodies of government can prove CO2 causes warming which has yet to be proven. I can prove CO2 causes extreme cooling.

Bruce A. Kershaw

P.S. Fuel for thought — What if the government first proves that CO2 causes warming BEFORE passing new laws based only on hearsay evidence? It would save a lot of time and money and trouble for everyone and would be the responsible approach to the issue.

Over seven hundred million years ago most of the air on this planet was all CO2, at the same time the earth was covered with ice, with no Global Warming for one hundred million years. My educated guess is CO2 then was not caused by cars or power plants or human activity. If we were here in Helena, Montana back then, we would be under at least two mile thick Ice and if we were on top of that ice, we would need oxygen bottles in order to breathe because there would not be enough oxygen in the air and the only life the air could support is plant life, that had yet to be.

Today scientifically the blind are leading the blind. But you do have a choice, Political Science or Real Science — where what is, IS, and what isn’t, ISN’T — regardless of what you wish to believe. Maybe Political Scientists, should give real science back, to the real scientists.

Or better yet, give political science, to real scientists.

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You are what you eat (growing poisoned food to eat)

We have been growing food in – carbon-mineral – nitrogen compound depleted soils for many years and we have been spraying poison on the food we grow to eat to kill weeds and bugs and insects for many years. The only reason the poison does not kill the food we grow to eat is the seeds have been genetically altered to grow healthy and strong when sprayed with poison. Then we eat the food with poison in it. The Bees and frogs are all dying, maybe from the poison we spray in the air and on the food we eat, the poison no longer kills the weeds, maybe that is why we are seeing higher rates of many new and old sicknesses, showing up sooner in life. And now the clones want to remove what plants and trees breath from the air,  carbon base, life giving oxygen, c-o2.

Maybe we should get rid of water and sunlight too.

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Recipe: One way you can add CO2 to your greenhouse

Plants and Trees Love water vapor and CO2, and without it, they would die.

The exhaust from your car is water vapor and CO2.

If you own a newer car that is running properly — Take an exhaust hose long enough to cool the exhaust before it enters the greenhouse and before pluming the hose to the greenhouse, start the engine and let the engine warm up, and then plume the cars exhaust to the green house. Now go to your favorite oxygen bar and relax, then ride your bicycle home. Turn the car off, open the greenhouse and let it air out (so you can continue to breathe), go in to the greenhouse and find something that looks really good to eat and enjoy.

So don’t throw away your car yet, keep it for the greenhouse, just in case all the Volcanoes die.

What I find most interesting, all the ecology people are now trying to kill, all the plant and tree life on this planet, that make oxygen from CO2, they were so concerned about the rain forest being cut down, but with no CO2 in the air, it will fall down.

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What is half empty

So is it half empty or half full? Well it’s neither, because It is both. Half empty full. And how do I know? They both weigh the same, and it takes the same energy to do either or both. It takes the same energy to be angry or happy or both. Positive energy and negative energy, and for humans, we are Both. Everything changes every day, nothing stays the same. We evolve and devolve at the same time. Together we are apart, at the same time.

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What is Energy Balance?

When energy is spent, it turns in to a new kind of energy. What kind? The opposite kind.

What is balance? Balance is when you use energy and create energy to something else. And if we are lucky, it creates energy going forward, back to us.

What is chain reaction? It is the continuation of energy. Plus to minus, minus to plus.

The universe is energy creating energy. The most important energy for us, Is the energy We are made of. When We die, We become new energy for new life.

Energy goes somewhere, where energy goes it becomes.

So when we use energy it is absorbed and then becomes the absorber of heat or energy or is absorbed again to be turned back into new plant life and once again becoming food or energy creating heat. CO2 is the aftermath of energy or fuel creating heat that now absorbs heat and energy or is absorbed by plants and trees giving them life and once again turning back into food and energy causing more life for us as we know it.

Action to reaction to reaction to reaction on this planet over and over, until, the sun absorbs our planet, and then, no history of life here, ever again. We are all part of the universe, the atoms in our bodies are billions of years old and the molecules in our bodies are up to millions of years old.

Life is death and death is new life — one of many circles of the energies of Life.

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The Right (or not) to Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness

As our solders are dying to free Iraq and protect the rights of We The People, strangely, all the rights of We The People have all been taken away. Right to Life, What does that really mean? Every time I hear one of our government representatives talk about it, I have to laugh, otherwise I would have to cry. What right to life?

When I hear a politician say they are for the right to life, what they are really saying is they are for the right to birth, because after you’re born, they do not want anything to do with you, unless of course you’re a corporation putting favors or money in their pockets, otherwise you’re all on your own, because they do not want to feed you or clothe you or raise you or educate you or help you get well when you are sick and that really is not their job or responsibility. But they are more than happy to spend Trillions of your dollars on weapon systems that will end all life for every living thing on this planet in a matter of a few minutes.

So it is OK to kill everything already living, but not something that is not living outside the womb yet. I am for every kind of life, not just the life that could be, but the life that already is. If you are reading this, you are among the lucky few. Two-thirds of the women on this planet have one luxury in life, a bucket to carry water. How would you like to spend five hours every day of your life just looking and finding clean drinking water to carry home to keep your children alive and then make dirt cookies to feed them. We have perfected starvation killing and bomb killing, not life.

About three thousand people died on 9/11. Since then millions have died from mistakes in hospitals and millions more from Staph infection and viruses caught in our hospitals. Maybe we should declare war against hospitals and health insurance companies who reward stockholders every time someone dies in a hospital. Maybe we should take the profit out of health care, or, lack there of. Every year in the US of A more people die from colds and flu than terrorism, more people die from murder in this country then terrorism, more people die from alcohol and drugs than terrorism, more people die from cancer and heart attacks, more people die from everything and anything than terrorism but we only spend trillions and trillions of dollars on causing death rather than preventing it. So the war machine and the stockholders of the war machine are doing very well. Maybe we should take the profit out of death.

40,000 people die of hunger every day and at the same time, this planet is overpopulated. What is humane? 40,000 people starved to death today.

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Where did all my Rights go?

Corparate America owns the media and government. A barrel of oil is not worth a single drop of American blood. WE the People of the Republic of the United States of America have never protected Life in Iraq, not even American Life, and far less the rights of the people of Iraq. U.S. solders are dying for the oil of Iraq, not the people, and how do I know this?

Because all of my rights here in the US of A have all been taken away, So, I know we (our) solders have not been dying in Iraq for the last five plus years for OUR FREEDOM….Much less the people of Iraq. So KING George is in China today and as Russia is invading Georgia, King George is Dictating to China about human Rights after taking away all the rights of We the People of the Republic of the United States of America.

What is the definition of Hypocrite? How about: Oil Barons run the George-Dick-Haliburton-Rove White House and all of Osama Bin Laden’s wishes and dreams and prayers have all come true. Oil went to $147 a barrel from only $25 in only five years and all of our rights have been taken away, by the very same people we voted for to represent our freedom but now own and control We the People of the Republic of the United States of America. The state of government, maybe the Judicial branch of the U.S. government should over see the control of the justice department, rather than the executive branch that is in fact braking and ignoring and signing off on the law as it is being written. Thank goodness for state governments, Thank goodness for the state of Montana. Even with the federal government taking away all of my human rights, I still have some comfort here in Montana even if King George can now (legally) kidnap me and take me to a foreign country and illegally torture me and if I am lucky, I will just be drooped off in another country with only the shirt on my back, all because I am a Independent and not a republican neo-con-artist or neo-convict or so Karl Rove or Dick Cheney may think, Newt Gingrich keeps saying it is time to end Free Speech to better protect We the People. The only thing I need protection from are people and governments that think like Neo-Cons, who think like Neo-Nazis.

Maybe it is time for the fourth branch of government. The real, We The People. The only reason We The People have representatives in government is, We The People cannot gather together every day all in one big room to decide the law of the land because We all live to far apart from each other. So We let a few of us, We choose to TRUST, to speak for We the people. Well, It the government no longer speaks for We The People. For the most part the U.S. Government speaks for the corporate world, because in 1887 the Supreme Court illegally granted Constitutional Rights to entities just after a group of railroad barons bribed everyone in the U.S. government. So today entities called corporations give very large sums of money to both parties controlling the government in order to maintain its political power and existence over We the People.

Maybe it is time for We The People to come home from work everyday and vote from our computers and override anything and everything the government tells us We The People have to do for the government controlled by the corporate world, which has no mind or conscience or heart or spirit or soul. The entities that control Life are things. WE the People started out at the top of the food chain, but after, what Thomas Jefferson would call Fascist Traders, in the U.S. government, We are now at the bottom.

The corporations of the world just gave $100 million to the Republican party and $100 million to the Democratic party just for the party Conventions, so it does not matter which party wins, because the corporations own both parties. The same corporations give the same money to both parties in every election, Can you say Fascism ? Thomas Jefferson would. So Thank You Phil Gramm and Washington D.C. lawbreakers for removing the regulations put in place after the 1929 stock market crash and keeping the Enron loophole on the books.

Bruce Kershaw

 Let monopolies and all kinds and degrees of oppression be carefully guarded against.

Samuel Webster,  1777

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Can You Fix Your Car?

When NASA cannot fix it, they have to call a car scientist. And that is all so very true. My educated guess is most NASA engineers cannot fix their own cars. Why do I think that? Because when NASA cannot fix something at NASA they do in fact call upon car scientists. How’s that for a service call, I wonder if NASA has AAA towing?

Cars had indoor pluming and heating and electricity in the late 1890s, that is about thirty to fifty years before most people had that luxury in their homes. In the 1920s a luxury in most homes was a wood stove. Even today most car technologies are still twenty to thirty years ahead of the rest of the world. My computer has over two hundred processors in it to diagnose car problems, most twenty year old cars have seven or more processors in a eight inch by ten inch metal box controlling your car’s engine along with many other modules and processors all wired and talking to another 30+ sensors and 30+ actuators on board just to run the engine.

Now add the computer for the anti-lock brake system and the computer for the air bag system and the computer to aim the head lights around corners the computer for the heating and air-conditioning system and the computer for the satellite communication and voice recognition system a computer for the suspension and ride control and nitrogen tire pressure and the computer for the remote start and the computer for security and the Body computer and forty miles of wire to monitor all on-board computers.

My 1984 Buick has a fiber-optic communication system. As simple as it is, all it does is tell the driver if any of the running lights are not working. When Hewlett-Packard comes out with something new, it is probably something they bought from General Motors and was in a Cadillac or Buick years ago. When I was going to school at the G.M. training center in 1977 in Burbank, California, we were learning about a satellite communication system that would have been on a 1978 or later Cadillac and maybe on a Buick. But the U.S. Government said no way. I guess the U.S. Military did not want Russia or China buying a new Cadillac and having better technology than our own Military. Here we are thirty or so years later and now you can have it in your car today.

It is always the Government that holds back science and technology. Your home computer has one processor in it and is very slow compared to the computers in your car. The oldest car I have worked on with an on-board computer was built in 1967, two years before we landed on the Moon. The computers that would have put man on the Moon failed and the Astronauts would have died — thank goodness the Astronauts were smarter than the computers.

There are at lest seven different kinds of pluming on most cars, with computers wired to all of them and the same goes for the dozens of electrical systems ranging from a milli-volt to 48,000 volts and everything in between. Most people cannot fix a car built back in the 1950s before emission controls and on-board computers and I am not talking about changing your own engine oil or air filter which is a class C level ability. Today it takes better than a degree in NASA engineering to diagnose and repair most newer cars. The satellite communication system intended for a new 1978 Cadillac would have sent you a postcard in the mail telling you your car is polluting the air and you only have twenty starts left on your car and if you did not fix your car it would not start until it was fixed.

My diagnostic computer was fiber-optic ready in 1982 , But it was about 2004 before we had any fiber optic cable in the ground here in Helena, Montana, to plug into and I still cannot plug into it where I live. So it only took about twenty-eight years for the rest of the world to catch up to my car or my diagnostic computer. Can you fix your computer?

Understanding Global Warming, is a piece of cake.

Fixing a new Cadillac, is a pain in the butt.

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The Cost of Carbon is the Se-question?

The amount of energy that will be needed for carbon capture and the sequestration regardless of the overwhelming cost and the poisoning of underground drinking water, will have to be supplied by green or renewable energy. Otherwise, if you use carbon-based energy you will put  more carbon back in to the air than you can possibly remove. Maybe we should just capture the CO2 and freeze it and sell it to people who can no longer afford electricity for their refrigerator to keep what little food they can still grow from the Air with little or no CO2 in it. And by then we should be running low on oxygen, because now plants and trees have nothing to turn back into oxygen for us to breathe and because we are so good at removing CO2 from the air. We can remove it faster than it can evaporate with the water from the ocean from underwater volcanoes into the air on a very hot day along with all the other chemicals in the ocean we really truly do not want in the air.

And for all of you, who think you are saving the world, buying a new hybrid car, you will have to drive it for about five years just to offset the carbon produced just to build it.

If we add CO2 to the greenhouse in your backyard, the more CO2 we add the healthier and stronger your plants and vegetables will be, and then the healthier your food will be and then the healthier you will be. we know that after many  years of experimentation, research and study. CO2 is the cause of all carbon-based life on this planet.

CO2 is one one-hundredth of one percent of the air over land. So if we could add more CO2 into the air, it would be much healthier for plants and trees. So why don’t we just let plants and trees absorb the carbon from CO2 so they can live and make oxygen and food so all of us creatures will have something to breathe and eat too?  So, if you really need to capture something from the air, try the ozone produced at ground level that is causing severe respiratory illness all around the planet and put it in the hole in the ozone which is contributing to Global Warming.

The first air on this planet was all CO2, causing all plant life to begin on our planet.

I guess we will just be the cause of ending all life on this planet.

CO2 causes extreme cooling, that is why we call it Dry Ice.

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