CO2 is one carbon atom and two oxygen atoms together.
What is carbon? Carbon is the foundation for everything.
Everything living and not living has a carbon in it. Carbon is the base for most everything on this planet. Carbon is in everything from rocks and dirt and lava and steel, to everything living, from plants and trees that turn CO2 into oxygen, so every kind of life exhaling CO2, can breathe in dioxide, two oxygen atoms together, (o2).
Carbon dating — we use carbon to measure the age of anything and everything because carbon is in everything. Carbon steel — one of the strongest form of metal because of its high density of carbon. Carbon fiber from dead dinosaurs — fossil fuel — is in everything made of plastic from Tupperware to your carbon fiber decking around your house. So everything that dies is a recycled form of something else that died, with a carbon base. We eat carbon base food so our carbon base body can live. The purest form of carbon is the diamond and where we find the least amount of carbon today is in the air.
No carbon= No plants, No food, No oxygen, No carbon based life of any kind.
Sunlight and Water and Carbon from (CO2) = plants, then oxygen, below and then above sea level, for carbon base life to breath.
We have Life because of the Sun and gravity, the ocean, and volcanoes producing carbon dioxide, and then ocean plant life producing dioxide by absorbing the carbon, and the sun evaporating the ocean with the carbon and oxygen in it.
(O2) – Di- oxide – two oxygen atoms together ( Di- is 2 – oxide- is oxygen ) two of the three parts of carbon-di-oxide. ( C-O-2 ).
Well, you don’t need to be physicist and a chemist and a biologist and an atmospheric scientist to understand two oxygen atoms together mean life for all air breathing creatures that inhale dioxide and exhale carbon dioxide, CO2, but you do need a very clear understanding of all the above, to have a clear understanding of one carbon atom and two oxygen atoms together, that plants and trees turn back into (O2) two oxygen atoms, dioxide. So if oxygen is two of the the three parts that make up CO2, we definitely do not want to get rid of dioxide (two oxygen atoms together), in order to get rid of carbon dioxide, that would end all life for all breathing creatures exhaling CO2, but if we get rid of carbon we will have no planet or carbon for anything, Including carbon base life.
So is it the carbon part of CO2 that is the cause of global warming or is it the two other parts of CO2, the oxygen, that is the cause of Global Warming, in every one’s mind?
Of course it is neither part, together or apart. Pure CO2 is dry ice and causes extreme cooling, at any temperature, science discoverd carbon dioxide to be a refrigerant, 175 years ago.
When oxygen is added to fuel, the oxygen allows the fuel to burn leaving what is left over, the carbon atom that held the fuel together with the two oxygen atoms that allowed the fuel to burn. Now the oxygen can no longer allow fuel to burn with the carbon attached to it. CO2 can only absorb heat — it is the by-product of heat — and can only reduce heat or once again the carbon atom can be absorbed again by plants and trees, to grow and be food or heat energy, once again, leaving just the two oxygen atoms to be absorbed by us creatures that exhale CO2. CO2 is part of a very important recycling process of all life and energy. The first life giving Atmosphere on Earth was all CO2.