Dry Ice — Cooling Stuff Down Since 1928

Guess what Dry Ice is made of? That’s right: CO2 — carbon dioxide — 100% pure CO2. It will cool anything ten times faster than frozen water and can stay at minus 110 degrees and colder up to ten days. It absorbs heat ten times faster than frozen water and will last twenty times longer.

So for the last eighty years, if you need to make something very cold very fast, then Dry Ice (CO2) is for you. But if you need to warm something up, CO2 is the last thing you want to use.

You can put out a fire or cool a flame with CO2. CO2 is the by-product of a very clean and efficient burning of most fuels that burn with oxygen and when used to dilute oxygen and fuel together in combustion, because it has already burned once it cannot burn again. It absorbs heat like a sponge and will lower the explosion temperature in a gasoline engine five hundred degrees for the last thirty six years to lower NOx coming out the tailpipe of your car and will cool off just as fast as it heated.

We can store heat in pretty much anything. Some things just heat and cool faster than others. So we can add one thousand degree CO2 to engines and still lower the explosion temperature five hundred degrees. Welders use CO2, and not to make the flame hotter. For years we packed Dry Ice (CO2) all around air-fuel intake manifolds to make the air and fuel cooler going in to race car engines to produce more power.

So if we could produce enough CO2 and put it in the Air maybe we could reverse Global Warming for a few seconds. But be careful, maybe if you add too much CO2 to the Air you will start an Ice Age like the one we had seven hundred million years ago that lasted one hundred million years when the air was all CO2. 

So who (or what) knows best? Computers? I don’t think so. And even if CO2 could cause warming there simply is not enough of it to change anything. Take a thousand gallons of water and add one third gallon of Gin for the carbon part of CO2, [one part carbon and two parts oxygen] That is a thousand to one mix, just like the carbon part of CO2 is part of the Air. Plants and Trees love water vapor and CO2 — guess what comes out the tail pipe of your newer car? If you were to plume the exhaust from your newer car into your greenhouse it would have the same effect as you going to a oxygen bar.

About Bruce A. Kershaw

Born ~ March 27, 1956 at 11:10 pm Long Beach California other wise I'm still breathing O2 made from CO2 and eating food made from CO2 ~ the rest is Icing on the cake ~
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