The Sad Truth

There are Spiritual people in all religions and Fanatic people in all religions and it is easy to tell them apart. The Spiritual ones don’t need a straight-jacket and a Prozac. The Fanatic ones are very angry and violent and want to kill you if you don’t think just like they do. I wish them no harm and at the same time they want to blow my brains out

Sadly, the same can be said of the political world.

The number one cause of death, more than old age and disease, is religious/political Fanatics.

I will stay at home and be Spiritual, and stay away from the Hypocrites and Fanatics.

As religions build altars through the sky
hungry children simply die

What we spend on church parking lots, would end hunger

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To Al Gore

Dec. 10, 2007

Dear Al:

Now that you have Brain-Washed a lot of people into believing Cars are the cause of Global Warming, now that you are on your way to fame and fortune for one of the greatest hoaxes of all mankind, maybe you can tell me what kind of cars we were driving 14,000 years ago, at the end of the last Ice Age, when Global Warming began, back when the ocean level was hundreds of feet lower than today.

{* I called GM, Ford and Chrysler , they told me they did not make any cars back in 12,000 B.C. I asked them if they knew who did, they told me they did not have that information, but to call Al Gore that he would know. Well, I keep calling you Al, but you don’t answer the phone. *}

Maybe you’re outside putting Christmas lights up around the house, breathing in 21 percent oxygen and exhaling 5 percent CO2. Both are Green House Gases.

By the way, I did the math. Lungs produce more Greenhouse Gases than Cars and Volcanoes produce far more CO2 than Lungs. Plants make oxygen from CO2 and we make CO2 from oxygen. Sounds fair to me — plants were here first, we humans are number two in the food chain. Now the air is, (hopefully I don’t have to explain what “Is” is) 78 percent nitrogen and 21 percent oxygen with the last 1 percent radiation, electricity, argon, water vapor, micro organisms, dirt, ash, pollen, sulfur, methane, nuclear waste, carbon monoxide, lead, carbon dioxide, neon, krypton, helium, ozone, xenon, hydrogen, hydrocarbons, nitric oxide, radon, iridium, neutrinos, mercury, arsenic, and any thing else you can think of floating in the air.

CO2 is one-one hundredth of one percent to four-one hundredths of one percent of the air There is more CO2 over the ocean than the land.

Well Al, I have to go, it’s very cold today here in Helena, Montana, and I need to put some more wood on the fire.

P.S. Congratulations on your Award! Now you have something in common with Yasser Arafat, maybe I’ll write you again, you have a lot to learn. Like, 135,000 years ago the ocean level was twenty feet higher than today, I wonder what kind of cars we were driving back then. Don’t forget, CO2 in its purest form is Dry Ice.

Bruce Kershaw

{* that part I made up – Just for the record *}

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“Shade Tree” — Mechanics of Global Warming

Thank goodness for clouds, as they block the energy from the Sun and supernovas from millions and billions of years and miles away, just like shade trees. But the oceans and Moon also play a major factor of daily Global Climate change. Every second the oceans and clouds and Moon are changing the Climate.

95 million years ago, most of Montana was under water. 135,000 years ago, many Ice Ages ago, the ocean level was 20 feet higher than today as we know from the dead coral reef twenty feet above sea level all around this planet. 24,000 years ago the ocean was 350 feet lower than today. Back then we could see what most people would call Atlantis.

The ocean level goes up down between Ice Ages. But regardless of the oceans, the mountains rise and fall too. There are many reasons for Ice Ages, changing global orbits, asteroids, volcanoes, cloud cover, oceans and maybe one day nuclear winter, but the number one cause for everything, the SUN (Hydrogen atoms colliding together so hard and fast causing light and heat while turning into helium). In changing orbits the earth can be three million miles further or closer to the sun. The sun has a 11 year cycle and is getting brighter and warmer and some day the sun will vaporize the earth, but not for a few billion years. In about one billion years the earth should reach a very warm 160 degrees. and when the Suns energy drops only 3%, we have an Ice age. The greater number of sun spots, the warmer it is. The earth is wobbling on its axis, so the planet’s poles are ever changing, causing ever changing weather patterns.

This is nature’s normal cycle, but mankind will be the gentlest cycle to hit this planet. We can’t stop the cycles of the universe, or the cycles of the earth, much less the cycles of mankind. So as the moon continues to slowly move further from the earth and the earth’s rotation continues to slow, the powers of the universe will continue far beyond the powers of man, and with Global Warming, the earth will not dry up and blow away, just the opposite will occur. Water does not expand when it warms, it is the only thing that expands when you freeze it. When water warms, it evaporates into the air, and before you know it, you have a lot of rain everywhere and the next thing you know, Montana is a jungle again. Today, two-thirds of the women on this planet spend up to 5 hours a day looking for clean drinking water. Only 12 percent of us on the planet drive cars. I own six cars but I can only drive one at a time, about one or less hours a day. All the breathing creatures and Volcanoes produce more CO2 than cars, so let the plants and trees breathe.

Now what is making a lot of us and our children sick is a ozone produced at ground level in large cites all around the world, causing severe respiratory illness.

 Ice Ages kill millions of all species.

Global Warming means you are going to get some exercise moving to a higher ground and if you get too warm, you can dig a hole or carve out a cave and enjoy the 40 degree temperature. So, do you want to live under two miles of ice, or enjoy the warmth of the sun, which can power all of our energy needs for as long as we are here. 74,000 years ago as few as 5000 people were left on our planet as we know from a DNA funnel just after a supervolcano. We live with thousands of dormant Volcanoes and about three hundred very active ones. They spew water vapor and sulfur making acid rain and a bunch of CO2 which plants breath. About fifty times a year, or once a week, one of them spews many times over its daily amount of gases and ash. But for the sake of knowledge, the more efficient your gasoline engine, the more CO2 greenhouse gas your vehicle produces.

So the next time you are sitting in a Honda, next to a 1978 Chevy Suburban that only gets 6 MPG, you can smile and wave at each other, because both produce the same volume of CO2. Now I can fix the Honda, put the engine computer into limp mode and it will produce half the CO2 and half the MPG. The air we breath is 78 percent nitrogen and 21 percent oxygen, That’s 99% of the air we breathe, CO2 is 1/ 100 to 3/100 of 1 Percent of the air, The thickness of a Dime on a Football field, not much for plants to breath . Now add the 26 plus other things in the air and CO2 is just a few PPM (parts per million) of the air. So buy and sell carbon credits and remove all the CO2 from the air, then watch all the plants and trees die, then all breathing creatures too.

The record temperatures of today are the temperature records set in the 1890’s before cars. So the next time you’re in Montana and it’s 39 below zero — well, if not for 14,000 years of Global Warming it would be much colder than today. 1,000 years ago it was warmer than today as we know from ice core samples going back 8 Ice Ages. Like the rings of a tree, they tell us time and temperatures as well as Asteroid and Volcanic activity.

Planet Earth has healed from worse things than man. We have had five mass extinctions on this planet, none of them from Global Warming. But we do have 40,000 plus dying of hunger every day. This planet will be here long after we are all gone, that is, if the planet doesn’t blow up, split in half, or something the size of Mars hits us again. So don’t be angry! Do what I’m going to do, install Solar Panels, buy an Electric Car and save $120,000.00 over the next 20 years. But if you need something to worry about, try overpopulation and nuclear waste. We have over 6 billion people exhaling Greenhouse Gases. And after many years we still have nuclear waste leaking from underground storage tanks next to the Columbia River in Washington state. It’s time to use the energy from the SUN.

1999 was a record cold year in Alaska, The Farmers Almanac says 2008 will be the Hottest year in a century and I will try to remember that when it is 20 below this winter here in Helena, Montana.

I am very thankful we are not in the middle of an Ice Age.

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