If my car computer was as slow and unreliable as my PC and Internet service, I would be pushing my car more than I drive it.
A computer is a blank page until you tell it what to know, and how to know it.
Artificial Intelligence Program Computers have a very limited ability to reason, through a process of elimination.
A computer cannot Decipher or Contemplate the History of a subject matter or problem.
They, not they, it’s and things, have no awareness of anything at all. Computers cannot consider or ponder thought or truly think or sort through and filter the good from bad information or even know what good from bad information even means or is.
Computers cannot think about it off and on all day or sleep on it and wake up with a new answer to the same old problem. Computers cannot invent, or think of new ideas, you know, like that light bulb turning on in or head. Computers cannot see, feel or smell a problem or have any intuition about a problem.
So here we are basing the future of man kind on computer generated studies, that’s dumb.
When I and my computer do not agree in diagnostic mode that is a red flag, not a green light to go forward, but only I know that, the computer does not know that we do not agree. And in most cases I am right, and the dumber than me computer is wrong.
A computer can be in conflict with itself and not know it. Computers have no common sense or the means of knowing what means is, or what “is” is and never will. A computer only knows what you tell it — put bad or incomplete information in, and you get bad or incomplete information out. Computers are limited to what you already know. Yes, they are faster but not smarter, so they make faster mistakes. They are only as smart as the persons pushing the right buttons, my dogs are smarter than my computers and sometimes smarter than me.
One thing computers will never know? The – REALITY – of Anything.
I can fix my computer, but it can not fix me, the oldest computer I have worked with, was made in 1966, to control fuel injector timing and on time for a car engine.
One thing computers have in common with you and me ?
Computers can be lied to and fooled, and then lie back to fool you.