Till Death do us Part

The greatest Threat to life, are the causes of life.

The lower the sea level, the dirtier the air and the higher the sea level the cleaner the air.  With thousands of volcanoes blowing off steam, on and off for the last four point five billion years, We are lucky to be alive.

When the ocean is lower, more volcanic activity, will be in the air, the higher the ocean level the less volcanic activity, will be in air.

 Today the ocean filters most of the volcanic activity. Most of the active valcanos today are under current sea levels, with up to fifty major eruptions a year, if they were above sea level today, life would end as we know it.

I do not know how many volcanoes were above sea level, or active, twenty four thousand years ago, when the ocean was about three hundred and fifty feet lower, but ice core samples would help tell us how clean or dirty the air was then.

We have four billion years of carbon dioxide in the ocean, most of the carbon dioxide in the air, comes from the ocean.

The ocean is the reason we have atmosphere. 

We know from a D.N.A. funnel, that there were, as few as, 15 breeding woman left on this planet, after a Super Volcano, seventy four thousand years ago. 

We are at the Mercy of the stars, the sun, the moon and our planet.  Our planet continues to give life and take it away, over and over again and again, all it would take to end all life above sea level, is only one, of many volcanoes above sea level. It has happened before. 

Maybe there was life on this planet before seven hundred million years ago, above sea level, before a one hundred million year ice age.

We will never know for certain what happend before our time or what could be tomorrow.

The causes of life will end life and then life will began again with the causes of life ever changing.


About Bruce A. Kershaw

Born ~ March 27, 1956 at 11:10 pm Long Beach California other wise I'm still breathing O2 made from CO2 and eating food made from CO2 ~ the rest is Icing on the cake ~
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