Reality beyond Make Believe


~ science is: to know ~

and the words of belief

Likely Maybe Possibly and what If

Prove nothing in Real Science

and what is scientifically proven is:


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Fraud and Tyranny by Montana State Fund


August 20, 2019


Tyranny by the State of Montana


Legalized Organized Crime

of the State by the State for the State of Montana

all made possible by our Governor and Law Makers

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Ouija Board Science Killing the cause of Green for Greed


~ Real Science ~

CO2 + Water Vapor + Sun Energy = Green

as we are entering a Solar Cooling Period by the variable Sun

and hopefully it will be a very short cooling period

or many Carbon based Humans made by the Carbon Cycle

made by this Carbon based Earth

will Starve to Death from a lack of Growing Seasons

and Killing the cause of Green causing the Carbon Cycle and the Environment

will not stop billions of years of Climate Change

while the majority of energy used by the Carbon based Humans

made from and by this Carbon based Earth by the Carbon Cycle

is to keep from Freezing to Death


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to find the truth in knowledge


November 15 ~ December 1


CO2 + Water Vapor + Sun Energy = Green

~ Question ~

Have you earned the right to Scientific Opinion ?

Have you reviewed analyzed and questioned tested debated the available Science and Data

and know the Tested Truth in Science

or do you just Make Believe as you have been programmed by the Media to Make Believe

based on political agenda by those who have publicly proven they failed 5th Grade Science

and have earned zero right to Scientific Opinion ?

[email protected]


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CO2 + Water Vapor + Sun Energy = Green = Environment


[email protected]

Killing the Cause of Green will not stop Climate Change


My Repeated Science Argument in many forms to many Fools

as Repetition is the key to Deprogramming

October 4 ~ November 14



The Coldest Year in Montana

since 1880 is 2019

as the sea level has been rising and falling many hundreds of feet for billions of years

while Montana had California Climate 1000 years ago for 200 years

and if there was no Electricity for 30 days

the majority of Carbon based Humans living in the modern world will cease to exist

just as will happen again during the next Major Ice Age

and has happened many times before

as Climate Warming increases Green while Climate Cooling Kills


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Political Media Doomsday Climate Paranoia for Profit


August 3 ~ October 9

~ 2019 ~

CO2 + Water Vapor + Sun Energy = Green = Environment

[email protected]


Climate Change is Real

and the Biggest Proven Criminals and Pathological Frauds in Science

are Politicians Journalist and the Media

who have scientifically Proven they failed grade school science


when you truly Believe and Preach self-debunked unproven theory is Reality

and you Preach Doomsday is here and we are all going to die soon

if we do not stop the cause of Green

you need a Shrink

and a 5th Grade Science Teacher

who have not been politically brainwashed by AlGoreism

~ Letter to all the Editors ~

page 17


From: Bruce A. Kershaw

Just an Auto Mechanic as I am told

Helena ~ Montana

To: Joseph A. Berry

and it does not say much for your science

when your best Argument is nothing Real beyond Insults and Belittling

Lead Lab Chemistry Professor

Stanford University California


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To: The City of Helena Montana


From:     “Todd Baker” <[email protected]>

Date:      Tuesday, October 08, 2019 12:51 PM

To:          <[email protected]

Subject : TK-2019-0002023

Mr. Kershaw

I have determined to dismiss the speeding citation at this point. The citation was dismissed this morning.



Todd Baker

Deputy City Attorney

Helena City Attorney’s Office


~ My Email Response ~

Thank you Todd




~ Un-finished Argument ~


September 12, 2019

Pryor to Dismissal of Jury Trial

scheduled for

November 19, 9:00 AM


…and how do I confront and question my Accuser

~ a scientifically proven to be flawed machine ~

that can not scientifically prove it was working perfectly at that moment in time

before Human Error

as Radar Speed Detection is less reliable than a Polygraph Test

and if you are going to give out speeding tickets

then the Speed Limit must be posted before you get to the very end of the road

while the City of Helena

continues their Parking Sign Fraud for many many years to Rise Revenue too

and proving the Mayor and Commissioners of the City of Helena Montana are Criminals


Ana Cortez


Thomas J. Jodoin

City Attorney Helena Montana

you are Employed by Proven Criminals

and do you support and defend their crimes


We the People

or will you Help We the People make Government more Honest



I am a Citizen Lobbyist

since 2007

for the Truth in all of Life and Knowledge for a Better Life for All

as the Truth in Knowledge must always be in Question

as We the People must Live with Laws Dictated by the Ignorance of Power and Greed

doing only Harm to We the People



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MT. Gov. Steve Bullock not for President & Climate Paranoia


April 1, 2019 ~ July 29, 2019



you have Legalized Medical Fraud in the State of Montana and destroyed my life

and I will now Legally destroy yours with the fact tested documented truth



In Montana

Steve treats Cattle, Dirt and Road Kill far better than he treats We the People 

and If you are looking for a President on the side of proven Crime then Steve is your Guy


I live in Helena Montana where Steve is from too

and I have lived the majority of my life here in the Capital City

as Steve and I both went to Helena High School

and I gave money to Steve and voted for Steve

while I have Lobbied as a Citizen of Montana since 2007

for the Truth in all of Life and Knowledge for a Better Life for all

and after Investigating and Proving Fraud for over 20 plus years of my Life ~

Steve Bullock

~ Is Full of You Know What ~

who Stole my Health Care to save his Fraudulent Government Insurance Co. Money

Steve is not the Governor of the State of Montana  

Steve is the Crime Boss of Legalized Organized Crime by the State of Montana

Against We the People the Citizens of Montana Destroying their Lives and Family’s 

and only those with a conscience can be shamed into doing what is right

and Steve can not be Shamed as the very real Crimes Steve is very aware of continue today

against We the People the Peasants of Montana he looks down on

as he places Himself and the Government above We the People

and if Steve ran against Trump for Governor of Montana Steve would Lose 

and I would have my Health Care today

taken away by proven Fraud by Steve’s Government

Fraudulently Further Destroying the Lives of Montana Citizens 

and he has proven he doesn’t give a Damn about

because Steve has proven he is a Government Elitist not a Leader

and today I would not vote for Steve for Dog Catcher because he may be Cruel to Dogs too


The Government is only Evil when Evil People are in and control the Government


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Media Suppression of Proven Fact Tested Reality in Science


…and how did you earn your right to opinion in

Atmospheric Emission Science Physics and Chemistry ?

and Heat and Energy Transfer Science ?

and Botany Science ?

as proven pathological frauds and fools who failed grade school science

by rejecting the Scientific Method dictate science


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The Rebuttal ~ I


Wisdom is the ability to use knowledge constructively while doing no harm

and Believing is a Feeling not Knowledge

because you can not Question the Truth in feelings of true belief = make believe

and those who can not be truthful to themselves

can not be Truthful in Life or Knowledge

as the Truth in Knowledge must always be in Question

~ and ~

If I could be you and you could be me

at the same time together for a moment in time

what would we know

what would we see

and what could we be

beyond the feelings of true belief

as Ignorance dictates a false reality


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