To: Montana Criminal Governor Steve Bullock


…is there Lunatic Political Science Fiction in un-tested Reality = Make Believe

~ The Smile behind the Mask ~

[email protected]


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Fact Check to Fascist Treasonous Tweeter


The Rebuttal


June 23 ~ July 14

~ 2020 ~


I have never seen so many People on the Road in U-Halls

and every other kind of Household moving vehicle in my Life Time


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Organized Crime in Montana by Gov. Steve Bullock & Friends


The Rebuttal


June 15, 2020


Do not Vote for Anyone who is a part of the Criminal Bullock Administration


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Corona Virus as the Political Media Paranoia Strikes Again


The Rebuttal


May 7 ~ May 28

~ 2020 ~

[email protected]


The Corona Virus is the Mildest Virus in my Life Time

as the Majority of those with the Corona Virus do not know they had or have this Virus

and that is why it is so easy to spread

because no one is at Home Sick with this Virus

that now has a death rate of 0.24 % and continues to drop as testing expands

and you can Thank the Democratic Billionaires who Own and Control the Media and Press

for the Politically Brainwashed Bogus Lock Down


Why is the Democratic owned and controlled Media and Press

withholding Vital Medical Information from the Public

why is the Democratic Media Intentionally making everything worse

in this Corona Virus they made into a Crises they made into a Political Crises

why are only Democratic Physicians with a political agenda Lying to the Public

~ and ~

I agree with Dr. Scott Atlas

Senior Fellow of the Hoover Institution of Stanford University

who states

the media is not Medically Informing the People of America

and the Lock Down is doing far more harm than the Corona Virus

as Proven

and most Professionals Agree


While the Majority of the Media Ignore Dr. Scott Atlas

as they politically attack and censor all Doctors speaking out and against the Lock Down

as Real Doctors are trying to Medically Inform the Public with Real Medical Advice

during this Corona Virus

as the Media is preventing We the People

from receiving the proper available Medical Advice

from Real Doctors and Physicians since the Virus began

and that is how the Majority of the Media is Helping America

by being the cause of this Invented Crises for their Political Agenda

proving Treason against We the People for their Democratic Billionaire Owners


How can We the People who are America come together

with a Politically Fascist Media Brainwashing Paranoid Fraudulent Science and Medicine

Protected by Freedom of the Press

as Treason can not be protected by Freedom of the Press


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Dr. Albert Olszewski for Governor of Montana


June 19, 2020



Never Give Up

as it is not Wisdom that Wins Elections it is to often Billionaire Money

and Real Leadership does not come from money

Never Give Up



May 21, 2020


We the People of Montana

need Leadership who can Mend and Heal

and that is what Physicians do Best

as they know what is Right and Wrong for Wellness

and they comprehend Preventative Care

as they are in the Business of Giving not Harming

and settling for Bad Law can not Heal the Damage of Bad Law

as the Illness can only become Worse


Dr. Albert Olszewski

already knows how to Repair and Heal what has been Broken

he knows how to Cure Sickness and Maintain Wellness

as Albert is a Doctor not a Lawyer

as he is already outside the box looking in

and is not blinded by political belief

as Belief Reality is how we are blinded to Tested Reality

as Belief Reality is Make Believe doing only Harm in Tested Reality

and we need a Good Doctor to Heal the proven political wounds to We the People

as the Majority of We the People are Independents with zero Representation

and Dr. Albert Olszewski is a Physician First

who will represent all of We the People First

and will help all of us with all of our Wounds

and help all of We the People to be well again in Freedom in Montana

Albert will not need to be told what he should do because of Ignorance

as he will know what to do by Questioned Tested Intelligence

and be Scientifically Factual and not Politically Pathological

as I can see Albert is a Real Leader for Real Wellness and not a Political Puppet

and my Hope for a better World is with Dr. Albert Olszewski

Professional Healer

who is a Real Montanan for Helping Real Montanans Live Well



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My Questions for Joe Berry and Stanford Woods Institute


science is: to know


and If you do not Question the Truth in knowledge

then you can not know the Truth in Science

and just believe in the test proven Political Media Lies


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The Taste of Tyranny


The Taste of Tyranny in America


wisdom is the ability to use knowledge constructively

while doing no harm in questioned tested reality

~ On going in My Spare Time ~

February 14, 2019 ~ November 20, 2019


everyday is a chance in life to live free

~ in ~

The Taste of Tyranny for Power and Greed


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The Rebuttal ~ Joe Berry & Stanford Woods Institute = Fraud



CO2 + Water Vapor + Sun Energy = Green = Environment



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U.S. Sen. Jon Tester MT. ~ The Cancer is not the Cure


…when science should Dictate Politics ~

Political Media Paranoid Politics based on Feelings not Fact is Dictating Science

as only the fools believe the fools


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Criminal Medicine by Tammy Gibson [email protected]

I am not the Man I was before my Injuries but I am still a Man

and I am very thankful that I am alive and can take care of myself

and not a burden to anyone other than my very Tolerant always loving Wife Holley

as we all make mistakes

while only honest People will admit their proven mistakes and repair their mistakes

and learn and know and grow forward in tested reality

as we must live with the Criminals and their Proven Crimes in every Profession

as Power Control Greed and Hatred is still the Root of all Evil

and when I told Tammy Gibson of Montana State Fund

that it was her job to Deny Legitimate Medical Claims to save money

that is when the Hate against me began

as we allow far to much Power and Authority to Government Employees

with little or no oversight by our Law Makers

our Public Servants who are hired to Help us

and not intentionally Harm us based on their Hurt Feelings

Feelings Hurt by the Truth

and then Abusing their Power and Authority

while Neglecting their Responsibilities

as we allow Government Employees to Fraudulently Play God with our Lives

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