Anonymous Political Science Fiction is not Reality Journalism

I am a Scientist

~ reality science is: to know ~

and I am not a clone or belong to or owned by any Political Party

as I vote for Real People not Political Parties

but sadly more often than not I do not like any of the choices on the ballot

as the Political Parties continue to destroy America in their efforts to destroy each other

while Published Anonymous Political Opinion is Garbage in Fact Tested Reality

only further destroying the now

Republic of the Un-united States of American

Un-united by the 17th Amendment

while the 16th Amendment was not Legally Ratified

and after a Group of Rail Road Barons Bribed everyone in Washington D.C. in 1850

The Supreme Court of the Republic of the United States of America

Granted Constitutional Rights to Entities = things

and now things have more rights than We the People

as Wall Street and K Street provide equal political funding to both political parties

and own the Senate of the now Un-United States

because State Governments no longer own and control the Senate

thanks to the 17th Amendment

Bruce A. Kershaw

Student of Constitutional History and Law since 1980

Citizen Lobbyist for Truth in all of Life and all of Knowledge

for a better life for all since 2007

Doctor Honor 2011

42 plus years Atmospheric Emission Science Physics and Chemistry

I was Invited to Participate in the London Symposium on Climate Change

at the Oxford and Cambridge Club June 2013

Master Technician since 1976

Business Owner ~ Manager since 1983

Specialist in Technical Diagnostics and Troubleshooting

and Technical Evaluations

I have been asked and have Evaluated Technical Education Programs

I have investigated and proven fraud and scams in science for the past 20 plus years



Composer ~ Musician

Two Green Thumbs

I love the outdoors and hiking to the tops of mountains

and sharing all of life with my family and friends


In a Democracy the Majority Rules

and in a Republic the Individual is Equal to the Majority

and after the Patriot Act and the National Defense Authorization Act

We the People

have zero rights

beyond the the right to Bear Arms

while not one of my many Letters to the Editor in proven fact tested Science

~ with peer-reviewed science reference ~

since 2007

has ever been published by a news paper in america

as Anonymous political media garbage science fiction is now the false reality of america

based on zero Question Test Rebuttal or Debate

as George Washington was against Political Parties in this New Republic

as the Political Media is now test proven Political Fascism rejecting fact tested Reality

tested reality they do not comprehend

as they Preach their true beliefs not allowing all the facts to be known

deciding for the Public what is real and what is not

providing only their proven to be Preached false reality to the public

based on zero Question Test Rebuttal Debate

as Scientifically proven Hearsay Paranoia Politically Rules America

as Political Media Paranoid make believe dictates a false reality

as make believe is now reality

doing test proven harm to We the People of America

and to all the carbon based People and all of Nature of this carbon based Earth

because of very proven Ignorance ignoring very proven fact tested reality

for un-Questioned self-debunk hypothetical Political True Belief


Anonymous Public Statements are not Credible in Fact Tested Reality

and is Bogus Irresponsible Phony Fake Journalism

as well as Anonymous sources of unverifiable miss-information

especially when for Political Agenda

as real journalism is providing the readers with all the proven facts

from all sides of the story

so the readers can decide for themselves what is real and what is not

based on all the proven fact tested knowledge

beyond the writers True Political Make Believe

as the Political Media Agenda brainwash sell and profit from their

Hypothetical Hearsay Political Paranoia

further destroying

The Republic of the Un-United States of America

as political books sell political fear not fact tested reality

and History can not be written or rewritten by Anonymous Political Agenda Hearsay

by Political Media Cowards of Reality

and as we say in reality Science ~

don’t hearsay Preach it to me

prove it

~ Peace ~



About Bruce A. Kershaw

Born ~ March 27, 1956 at 11:10 pm Long Beach California other wise I'm still breathing O2 made from CO2 and eating food made from CO2 ~ the rest is Icing on the cake ~
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