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John an American Hero
1936 – 2018
and will always be a True Hero
who did not Lead by Cloned Political Beliefs
John was a Leader of Realities
by knowing and not just blindly believing
John was one of the very few politicians who was not for sale
who did not allow Hearsay Political Make Believe to dictate a False Reality
John with a Kindhearted Spirit Living in his Soul
but with a Healthy Fright for what he believed was right
John the Maverick of Reality who made us Smile Laugh and Cry with the known Truth
who was not a True Politician he was a True Man
a True Humanitarian and True Patriot on the side of right vs wrong
a True Conscience and Backbone of America
a Man of Real Compassion who never intentionally harmed others
who tried to solve real problems for everyone
who put the real needs of this self damaged political world above himself
a Real Man of True Honesty and a True Wise Man of his Time
as John was the Definition of True Integrity
a Real Man who could admit his mistakes and grow forward with reality as
No Man can Deny
and may John have Mercy on Gods Soul
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