Climate Change is Real
as all of nature is an on going progressive variable for billions of years
caused by more than a dozen known climate variables today
as the variable Sun continues to be brighter and warmer
and a 2* variable is very normal and nothing new
~ while ~
Scientific Proof Humans cause Climate Change
~ does not exist ~
as the un-proven hypothetical conjecture is self-debunk
and further debunk by proven fact tested knowledge by the scientific method
by simple physics and chemistry
by climate history
and by more than a dozen known climate variables
providing an Infinity of Climate Variable
all ignored by
Fraudulent Lunatic Political Media Paranoid Climate Religion
Carbon based Humans made by and from this Carbon based Earth
~ have been moving to higher Ground for the past 26,000 years ~
and Those who call themselves Experts
but refuse to Debate the Science can prove only their Ignorance
as those who state:
” Carbon is Pollution “
are the test proven Political Lunatics of science
as the Green Lunatics who failed grade school science
are trying stop the cause of Green on this Carbon based Earth
based only on their True Belief
as they refuse to look at very proven fact tested knowledge debunking their true belief
scientifically proving their true belief is a Political Religion and not real science
To: Jess Phoenix
~ Volcano Jess ~
Educated at California State University Los Angeles
you are a test proven fraud in Science
as you truly believe in your Scientifically test proven lies
and I Challenge You to an open public debate in ~
Atmospheric Emission Science Physics and Chemistry
and Climate Science
as climate science is a brand new science no one has a degree in
as you have Publicly proven you have not earned the right to opinion in ~
with a $100,000.00 reward for your peer-reviewed science
Carbon based Humans cause Climate Warming
of this Carbon based Earth with Carbon based Oxygen = CO2 = Carbon Dioxide
the cause of the carbon cycle the cause of all the Green and all carbon based life
on this carbon based Earth
and when you can not debate your science your science is not Real
as climate change is very Real for billions of years
but not Scientifically proven to be caused by You and Me
as your true belief in self-debunk computer prediction = Ouija Board Science
based on ~ one half ~ of one climate variable proves nothing in reality science
as your proven climate lies are very debunk by the real science you refuse to know
as you Preach your Climate Paranoia
doing test proven harm to the carbon cycle = nature = environment
proving only your ignorance in fact tested reality
Bruce A. Kershaw
42 years Atmospheric Emission Science
with on going Climate Science investigation since 2007
Scientifically Proving
Pathological Fraud by Paranoid Climate Religion
while all carbon based life above and below sea level
is caused by Volcanic Activity below sea level
as the majority of volcanic activity on this carbon based Earth is below sea level
acidifying the Oceans over billions of years
as there is many times the CO2 in the Oceans than in the air
as the cause of all life still comes from the Sea and Sun energy
Jess Phoenix will refuse to allow Question or Debate of her ignorance
proving her ignorance
as Jess can prove nothing beyond her True Belief
proving she is a True Believer of Political Climate Paranoia and not a Real Scientist
as real science is to ~ know ~ as Jess just believes in her words of true belief
as Jess Phoenix has scientifically proven she is a Political Pathological Fraud
doing test proven harm to the Carbon Cycle = Nature = Environment
real science she does not ~ know ~ or Comprehend and will continue to just ignore
for her Lunatic Political Paranoid Make Believe doing only harm
while costing Trillions of dollars