The Religion of Science is Skepticism ~ I


~ as I am for ~

Truth in Science


Political Media Agenda Hearsay True Belief

now dictate science to the scientific community

with zero scientific method

with zero Peer-reviewed Science

with zero scientific consensus

as Climate Religion is a ~ test proven ~ Political Media Lie

as wisdom is the ability to use knowledge constructively

while comprehending the difference between knowledge and make believe

as the very proven Stupidity of Humanity Rules Humanity

as there is zero political correctness in real science

as the religion of real science is skepticism of true belief dictating science


Climate Science Denial

is not by those who know

who review analyze and test the knowledge

who are called Deniers

by those who do not review analyze and test the knowledge

who just truly believe what the Political Media have programmed them to truly believe

who can articulate zero tested knowledge

who can provide zero tested knowledge

to support their test proven self-debunk make believe

based on test proven

Flawed Incomplete Debunk Fraudulent Garbage

by a Political Agenda

as they have been programmed to just believe is knowledge

as those who failed grade school science dictate science

based only on ~ their ~ personal feelings of true belief

and zero known proven fact tested knowledge of the scientific method

knowledge True Believers reject and ignore

because they do not comprehend the knowledge




Hi Marty,

some free advertising

and I voted for Gary Johnson if that’s ~ OK ~ with You


Marty Chastised everyone who voted for Donald Trump

in his Opinion Article in the News Paper

while Donald did not win the popular vote

as Marty Chastised the wrong people

Marty should have Chastised the Electoral Collage

while I think it is time to grow forward

as most people voted againt someone and not for somone

as both political party’s are given equal amounts of money from

Wall Street and K Street

who own and control the U.S Senate


State Governments as intended by Thomas Jefferson

up until the Seventeenth Amendment


Ill Educated Special Interest Groups

based on Political Media Agenda Hearsay True Belief

Ignore and reject all Fact Tested Knowledge by the scientific method

who further Corrupt this Republic they believe and preach is a Democracy

as the Congresses make the Laws

the President does not

while the Congresses over time has continued to give more of their power to the President

as the President can only Veto new Law

that the Congresses can over ride with enough votes

as the President once elected should not belong to a political agenda

just as Supreme Court Justices

as Presidents continue to abuse their power for political agenda

as Political Party’s are the test proven poisons killing this Republic

by Hearsay Political Agenda make believe

based on zero fact

while today the U.S. Government no longer represents

We the People

since 1850

when a group of Rail Road Barron’s Bribed everyone in Washington DC

then there after

The U.S. Supreme Court

granted constitutional rights to Corporations

as corporations and special interest groups

now have more rights than

living breathing

We the People

as Marty is Barking up the wrong Tree

while I always Hug every Dead Tree

before I cut it down


Marty, I have written many letters to the editor since 2007

in Rebuttal to Garbage Science

the Montana News Papers have printed over the many years

written by those with zero back ground in science

who have publicly failed grade school science

who when asked can prove nothing with real science

while Lee News Papers will not print one of my rebuttal letters

with scientific reference

as this is a proven form of political media fascism

but they will print your Political Garbage

and that’s OK

but they will not print mine

with proven fact tested scientific reference



are you still Preaching Carbon based Humans cause Climate Warming

of this Carbon based Earth with Carbon based Oxygen = CO2

while you have yet to prove it with real science of the scientific method

as your true belief is

a very proven self-debunk political media personal feeling of make believe

further debunk by test proven reality you do not comprehend

while saying it ~ does not prove it ~ in real science

as dictated never debated with zero peer-reviewed scientific reference

Political Media Hearsay Make Believe

that are

~ test proven lies ~

Pathological or not ~ is: not science

as you can prove nothing beyond your personal feelings of true belief

in Political Media Hearsay True Belief

known in the scientific community


Political Media ~ Paranoid ~ Climate Religion


Ignore the Scientific Community for ~ their ~ True Belief

in test proven fraud in science

as they ignore their fraud because they do not comprehend the tested science

they just ~ feel ~ they are right

when there is zero feelings in real science

science they do not comprehend

as they call those who ~ know ~ the science Deniers

as those who know are Deniers only of make believe science

the true believers refuse all or any real Scientific debate

as the true believers are now trying to prosecute those who know the science

for their non belief


Political Media ~ Paranoid ~ Climate Religion

while Climate Religion can prove nothing with real science

as Fact Tested Reality continues to be Ignored for Political Media Agenda Make Believe

so please

~ Prosecute Me ~

for not believing in your test proven political Media Religion

so I can Prove to a Judge the Test Proven Fraud



~ Pathological ~

Political Media Paranoid Climate Religion Agenda


do you know or do you make believe


as we know 4.6 billion years of very extreme progressive variable

Climate Change

is very real for many variable reasons

providing an infinity of climate variable

not caused by you and me

as you truly believe in Political Media Fraudulent Garbage Science

because you failed grade school science

~ Bruce ~




CO2 is not a Greenhouse Gas

~ a greenhouse gas is the by-product of a Greenhouse ~

Nitrogen is the by product of decomposing soil making Nitrogen a Greenhouse gas

and is 78.09% of the air

O2 oxygen is the by-product of CO2 caused by the Carbon cycle

causing the Greenhouse making O2 oxygen from CO2

making O2 oxygen a Greenhouse gas

and is 20.95 % of the air

making the air 99.04 % Greenhouse gas

while Argon is from outer space

and is 0.93 % of the air

now add water vapor not measured as part of the dry volume of the air

and would be about 5 times the level of CO2


CO2 is ~ not ~ the by-product of a Greenhouse

CO2 is the by-product of the hot liquid core of this Carbon based Earth

causing with water vapor the first atmosphere

causing the carbon cycle with oxygen and hydrogen

causing our so called Greenhouse

as a real Greenhouse is enclosed and does not allow heat and energy to escape

as this Carbon based Earth is not enclosed like a real Greenhouse

we have a variable Ozone hole

variable by Solar Activity

causing the size of the Ozone hole to be a continuous variable


controlling much of the heat and energy interring and escaping the atmosphere


CO2 is the by-product of energy and can not produce new energy

making CO2 the opposite of energy

as CO2 is a proven Heat and Energy Sponge

and when you substitute 1% of the Nitrogen in the Air with CO2

your Car will not Start and Idle


the CO2 lowered the Explosion temperature in the combustion chamber 500 degrees

by absorbing more heat and energy than the surrounding gases

while retarding the explosion

making the surrounding gases cooler

as this is done with an Emission Control Device on your car engine called an EGR Valve

Exhaust Gas Recycle ~ Valve

and by recycling a very small percentage of the car exhaust back into the engine

and by making the combustion chamber 7% exhaust

~ if you do the math ~

knowing the exhaust is about 14% CO2

you are then substituting 1% of the Nitrogen with CO2

without changing the air to fuel ratio = mixture


The EGR Valve is only working ~ turned on ~ when the engine is fully warmed up

as you are driving at above Idle speeds

as the EGR Valve is to lower NOx Emissions

coming out the tail pipe of your car

and then the NOx Emissions are separated by Sun Energy


O3 = oxygen = heavy oxygen = ozone


~ NOx is Nitrogen and Oxygen Bonding together ~

as this happens at temperatures above 2500 degrees and hotter

as NOx is made by Nature

by Lighting and open fires above 2500 degrees

as the Sun then separates the NOx making O3 oxygen = Ozone for the Ozone Layer


The purpose of the NOx device on your car is to lower Ozone at ground level

to reduce respiratory illness

and is science enforced by the EPA since the 1970’s

proving CO2 causes cooling while making the air cleaner for us humans to breathe

while reducing the potential natural increase of Ozone for Nature

proving what is good for us is bad for nature and visa-versa


 the EPA will not acknowledge this science they enforce since the 1970’s

Hard Science proving CO2 causes cooling

as this is part of 180 plus years of test proven CO2 Physics and Chemistry

the EPA continues ignore

so maybe the EPA does not comprehend this science


maybe they do

and then why are they hiding it from you

while they have yet to respond to my hundreds of emails since 2007


as increased levels of -200 degree below zero frozen CO2 = Dry Ice

continues to come crashing downward to the poles of this Carbon based Earth

cooling the air 10 times faster and 20 times longer

than the increased levels of -200 degree below zero water vapor

as most of the atmosphere is -200 degrees below zero


the last time I checked

Heat ~ still ~ Rises

~ while ~

something the size of a sewing thread

can not trap heat in something the size of a football field

while the CO2 not caused by the Hot Liquid Core of this Carbon based Earth

is about 000.0004 and less

while most of that CO2 is produced by Lungs and not by Cars

and can not trap heat in the 100.00 % of the air

while the Blue part of a flame produces CO = Carbon monoxide

1 oxygen atom based to 1 carbon atom

while the orange part of the flame produces the CO2 = Carbon dioxide

2 oxygen atoms based to 1 carbon atom

as both are carbon based oxygen


the Blue flame is caused by a rich air to fuel mixture

more fuel and less air

while the Orange flame is caused by a lean air to fuel mixture

less fuel and more air

so the more efficiently all fuels are burned the higher level of CO2 is produced

and the less efficiently all fuels are burned the higher level of CO is produced

and everything that requires O2 oxygen from the air to burn ~ vaporize ~


Carbon based Oxygen = CO and CO2

as all the heated gases expand and rise


97 % ~ to ~ 99 %

of the CO2 going into the Ocean and Air everyday

is not caused by Carbon based Humans of this Carbon based Earth

most of the CO2 in the Ocean and in the Air

is from the variable un-measurable Hot Liquid Core

of this Carbon based Earth

by Volcanic activity and CO2 outlets below Sea level

causing the Carbon cycle and all Carbon based Life above and below Sea level

as the Hot Liquid Core continues to Heat the Oceans and lower Atmosphere

with the help of the variable Sun

while the Sun has many cycles


CO2 can not Trap Heat

as all heated gases rise


CO2 a heat and energy sponge is transferring more Heat upward Faster

as all the gases in the lower atmosphere Heat expand and Rise

removing Heat from the lower atmosphere heated by the Hot Liquid Core

of this Carbon based Earth

as frozen CO2 comes crashing back down to the Earths Poles

off-setting warming by the variable Sun

as evaporated water vapor and CO2 is the by-product of warming

not the cause of warming

while making this carbon based Earth Greener

making the carbon cycle stronger and heather

as the rate of evaporation has exceeded the rate the Ice is melting

causing the ocean level to fall not rise

as Climate Religion is doing and stating just the opposite

as they are doing test proven harm to nature the

Carbon Cycle with Oxygen and Hydrogen

and when CO2 levels drop to 210 ppm

the carbon cycle will begin to Die

and end all carbon based life on this carbon based earth

as the first atmosphere was Water vapor and CO2

causing the carbon cycle and all Carbon based Life

and as Nitrogen continues to increase from decomposing soil

one day CO2 will be nothing

ending the Carbon cycle and all Carbon based life

as Climate Religion is trying to end the Carbon cycle

as Climate Religion today

~ is ~

pumping CO2 into the ground

as this is lowering oxygen levels in the air

because the O2 part of Man Made CO2 came from the air we breathe

that allowed the Fuel to vaporize

while causing the carbon part of the fuel to bond to the O2 oxygen from the air

and pumping man made CO2 into ground

does not allow the carbon cycle by plants and trees

to recycle the O2 oxygen from the air back into the air where it came from

while turning underground water into Acid

while reducing what plants and trees need 4 times more of in the air than today

to breath

all for tens of trillions of dollars over the next 10 to 20 years

all for true belief in Political Media Fraudulent Garbage called science

as there is zero logic or common sense in Climate Religion


Political Media Paranoid Climate Religion

by those who failed grade school science

are the Political Media Idiots in Science

Dictating Science


Climate Religion

will continue to ignore the hard science further debunking

their true belief in self-debunk prediction

because it is a

Political Media Paranoid Climate Religion

~ Agenda ~

that will continue to do test proven harm to nature

because they do not comprehend the simple science

as the Politically based Climate Study

does not acknowledge any of the science I just stated

along with much more science I did not state

in fact Climate Religion states this proven science

further debunking their self-debunk science


is: Irrelevant


as there is much more science missing from their Political Agenda Climate Study than in it

as they continue to believe in self-debunk prediction

based on

Flawed ~ Incomplete ~ Fraudulent

political science fiction

as they continue to preach their

Political Media Paranoid Belief


Dr. Bruce A. Kershaw




Tested Reality is not true belief in words of test proven Make Believe

Climate Change is Real but not caused by You and Me

as Political Media Frauds

who can Articulate zero real science

who Comprehend zero real science

who refuse to Debate real science

who can prove Nothing with real science

who have Earned zero right to scientific opinion

continue to preach their ~ test proven ~ Fraudulent Garbage they call science

as Political Media Fascism is very alive and well in America

as many people are now very wealthy from this Bogus Climate Region

as they continue to become much wealthier

while doing their test proven harm to nature

~ as ~

 I challenge

Anthony Leiserowitz PhD

Bud Ward

Lisa Fernandez

Jan O’Brien


Yale Climate Connections

[email protected]

who have publicly failed grade school science

as they ignore the scientific method for their Political Media Religion Agenda

that is doing test proven harm to nature and zero good

who are committing Political Media Fraud in science

I challenge you Proven Frauds ~ again ~ to an open public debate


Real Science

with a



for the Scientific proof ~ the Peer-reviewed Science


Carbon based Humans cause Climate Warming

of this Carbon based Earth

with Man Made Carbon based Oxygen = CO2 = Carbon dioxide


they will not debate fact tested reality

as Yale Climate Connections has failed many times to provide any real Science

to prove their Political Media Climate Religion is not a test proven Religion


Yale Climate Connections continues to Believe and Preach

to the unknowing Public with zero rebuttal to their proven lies

as they continue to state

the cause of all Carbon based Life on this Carbon based Earth

above and below Sea level

Carbon based Oxygen = CO2 =Carbon dioxide

having ~ zero ~ Color or Taste or Smell

~ is ~


while in my 40 plus years of atmospheric emission science and testing

CO2 was and has never been considered or referred to as Pollution


Al Gore

~ who is not a scientist ~

~ who can articulate zero science ~

~ who has earned zero right to scientific opinion ~

~ who’s scientific references prove only fraud ~

said so

as the cause of all Carbon based Life with zero color taste or smell is: not Pollution

as they refer to white steam as pollution too


as they continue to just ignore

Proven Fact Tested Knowledge

of the

Scientific Method

~ because ~

they are

True Believers of a Political Agenda


all the Hard Science they do not comprehend and refuse to debate

Hard Science that further debunk their self-debunk make believe

as they preach their test proven Political Media Garbage Lies they call science

proving they are Pathological Frauds in Reality

as their Stupidity in real science is the cause of their proven Fraud in fact tested science

as I have requested the scientific proof Humans cause climate warming

from Yale University many times now over many years



because there is nothing beyond self-debunk Hypothetical Conjecture

~ self-debunk prediction ~

based on flawed incomplete fraudulent garbage they call science

so why is Yale political and not factual

why will they not debate the factual beyond their true belief

in self-debunk prediction

as they state carbon on this carbon based earth

where everything has carbon in it is: Pollution

as their body’s are 20% carbon made from CO2 by the Carbon cycle

as they breathe oxygen made from CO2 by the Carbon cycle

as their carbon based Body’s eat carbon based food

made from CO2 by the Carbon cycle

proving they are political media Fools in real science


~ Anyone Stating ~

the cause of all the plants and trees

causing the carbon cycle on this carbon based earth

causing all of You and Me

causing all the oxygen we breathe today

and all the food we eat today

having zero color taste or smell




an Idiot in Real Science and or a test proven Lair



carbon ~ oxygen ~hydrogen


is: not



Anyone Stating

there is only one climate variable when there are many known climate variables

is an Idiot in Real Science and or a test proven Lair


when a politically based climate study only acknowledges

~ one ~

of many known climate variables

this is: a Bogus Climate Study

and when predictions are based on a Bogus Study

~ that is not happening ~

but is Believed to be happening and is Preached to be happening

by a Political Media true belief Agenda

this is a proven Crazy Lunatic Belief


Political Media ~ Paranoid ~ Climate Religion


the Ice continues to melt after melting for the past 14,000 years


increased level of water vapor and CO2 caused by evaporation by the variable Sun

is proven to cause cooling not warming

as warming continues to slow down and not speed up as predicted

validating 180 plus years of test proven Physics and Chemistry

~ they continue to ignore ~

as the evaporation rate has exceeded the rate the Ice is melting

causing the ocean level to fall not rise

so anyone stating the Ocean is rising when it is not

is an Idiot in Real Science and or a test proven Lair

~ while ~

those who believe heat stopped rising

and -200 * cold air

warming up to about -100* by the time it hits the poles of this carbon based earth

stopped crashing down to the poles of this carbon based earth

are the proven fools in real science

as all heat ~ still ~ rises

as CO2 can not trap heat in the atmosphere as Preached by

Political Media Paranoid Climate Religion

based on self-debunk prediction

based on proven to be

Incomplete Fraudulent Garbage Political Science Fiction


Yale Climate Connections

will not debate their make believe


hopefully one day they will grow beyond their political media make believe

and acknowledge real science of the scientific method

as I have proven my statements

while their statements are proven to be

Bogus Political Media Hearsay Garbage Make Believe

as they will continue to ignore fact tested reality in science for their true belief

proving scientifically it is: a Religion

~ knowing ~

Political Media Religion never debates Science

as they continue their test proven lies

as they have removed my comments from their web page

proving fascism in their so called science

by allowing zero rebuttal to their proven garbage


why do they refuse to look at fact tested knowledge they refuse to debate


they can not debate the real science they ignore

for the sake of ~ their ~ proven Political Media Religion Agenda

~ and when ~

you can not articulate or debate or prove your science

its not real


Yale Climate Connections is a Political Organization

not a Science Body

who can not prove with science

Carbon is Pollution on this carbon based earth

as this would be the same as trying to prove pure clean O2 = Oxygen is Pollution

nor can they Prove with real science

Carbon based Humans cause Climate Warming of this Carbon based Earth

with Carbon based Oxygen = CO2

as they are full of test proven Baloney as they Preach their Fraud in Science

based on test proven Garbage they call science


Political Media Paranoid Climate Religion

~ Agenda ~

while knowing we need more CO2 by Test Proven Bounty Science not less

as Climate Religion tells us

“Plants and Trees can not absorb any more CO2”

to Quote ~ John Kerry

Secretary of State

and Adviser to the President in Climate Religion

and who has publicly failed grade school science

proving he has earned zero right to scientific opinion

who when asked

can provide zero real science to support his bogus statements

in the return letter I received dated June 14, 1010




as repetitiveness is the key to deprogramming




Here in the Summers of Montana

I walk to the top of Mountains

to see what I can see


Carbon is the cause of all Carbon based Life on this Carbon based Earth

where tested reality still debunk make believe

as thoes who just believe

control and dictate what we are told to make believe

regardless of test proven knowledge

while there are those who want to punish me for knowing and not believing

~ knowing ~

there is no test proven reality in test proven political media make believe

~ so ~

do you believe or do you know

do you test the science or do you just make believe what you are told


if you just believe what you are told to believe


you do not know

as there is zero knowledge in true belief


~ if ~

there is a God

God Bless the Universes not just America

~ as ~

I never Truly Believe what I am told to Make Believe


God is test proven to be make believe in tested knowledge

as we kill each other over the very same belief in the very same God


I Think and Know


I look and see


I investigate the facts

to know what is real and what is not

as I know and comprehend the difference


the Knowledge and the Preached Political Media True Belief

but if you do not look

then you can not see

to know beyond make believe

knowing not believing

what is real and what is not


you just believe what you are told to believe


Politicians and Journalist

who failed grade school science


Scott Pelley continues to Lie ~ everyday in climate science

only because

Scott does not ~ know ~ Scott just believes what he is told to believe


Political Media Make Believe

as the President is poorly informed ~ lied to ~ with Bogus Al Gore science


Political Media Climate Religion

who have earned zero right to scientific opinion

because they ignore the scientific method

for true belief that now dictates science


true belief


thanks but no thanks

for the bogus emails from FedEx

along with many other bogus emails

as I do not open them


FedEx does not send email notification

while maybe you could find something positive to do




The Scientific Proof

beyond your feelings of true belief in

Political Media Hearsay Make Believe

as you want to harm me or hurt me in some way


I do not believe in your Political Media make believe

as Freedom is now Prosecuted in America

proving Political fascism by you not me

as this is not Science

as you reject fact tested knowledge for true belief

as you threaten me because I refuse to believe in your make believe


I think and know

as you believe in programmed Political Media make believe

as only fascism can dictate reality

while for some of you Reality is just Preached Political Media Make Believe

as you can provide zero test proven facts

as political media religion dictates science

and when non-belief in your political religion is a crime

Freedom is Dead

as the science you ignore has further debunk your self-debunk true belief

Bruce A. Kershaw

for truth in science

~ so ~

now debunk me

with test proven fact


Make Believe


January 7, 2017

Helena ~ Montana

the expected predicted high for today is 16*

the record high for today was 61* in 1914

the record low was -32 * below zero in 2004

~ * ~


Climate Change is Real

for the past 4.6 billion years

and Climate Warming today is not caused by You and Me

with Man Made Carbon based Oxygen = CO2 = Carbon dioxide

~ test proven by the scientific method ~

Ignored by

Political Media Paranoid Climate Religion


Pumping CO2 into the Ground

~ is ~

lowering Oxygen levels in the Air

turning underground water into Acid

and reducing what Plants and Trees need 4 times more of in the air to breathe

to be healthy


Climate Religion is doing test proven Harm

to the Carbon cycle

to Nature

to the Environment

and all Carbon based Life on this Carbon based Earth


~ there is zero reality in test proven make believe ~

by Political Media Agenda

as Politicians become very rich in a Bogus Carbon Credit Scheme

as the same Politicians want to Tax

~ the cause of ~

the first atmosphere

~ causing ~

the carbon cycle

~ causing ~

all of Nature and the Environment

~ causing ~

all the oxygen we breathe

~ causing ~

all the food we eat

~ causing ~

all Carbon based Life on this Carbon based Earth


Climate Religion Preaches to the world

the cause of all Carbon based Life on this Carbon based Earth is: Toxic Pollution


To: John Holdren

[email protected]

Senior Science Adviser

~ to the ~

President of the ~ Republic ~ of the United States of America

~ not the ~

President of the Democracy of the United States of America


In a Democracy the Majority Rules over the Minority

In a Republic the Individual is Equal to the Majority


From: Bruce A. Kershaw

[email protected]

40 plus years Atmospheric Emission Science

with an on going Investigation of Climate Science since 2007


Political Media Fraud in Science



I will assume you did not forward my last email to you ~ to the President

as I asked you to do so for me

and I will assume you will not be forwarding this email to the President either

but I am asking that you please do ~

while I am still waiting for your peer-reviewed science

~ proving scientifically ~

We Carbon based Humans of this Carbon based Earth

cause climate warming with

Man Made

Carbon based Oxygen = CO2 = Carbon dioxide

beyond your political media hearsay make believe

in self-debunk Computer Prediction

while what you continue to withhold from the President

is far more important than what you have told the President

as you ignore the scientific method for your politics dictating Science




~ once again ~

I Challenge

John Holdren and Harvard University

to an open public debate in real science

as not one true believer will debate the real science since 2007

when I began my Investigation

with the Exception to an email debate with

Joe Berry ~ Stanford University

over a period of a few years

that did not prove in any way

Humans cause Climate Warming

in fact Joe Berry disagrees with Steve Running

who are both apart of the same climate study

proving there is no consensus in their own study

as Steve Running states the Sun is not a variable

while Joe who I agree with states the Sun is a Variable

as there are many variables providing an infinity of climate variable

ignored by

Climate Religion

~ so ~

we have a self-debunk climate prediction by Steve Running

that does not incorporate the Sun as a Climate variable

along with many other climate variables missing from his predictions

when making his Computer predictions of the unknown future

proving there is more science missing from the so called climate science

than in this brand new un-tested science

based on Political Belief in self-debunk prediction

while self-debunk prediction can not be reversed

as real science is not belief in prediction of the unknown future

weather it is based on Garbage Science or not

weather it is self-debunk or not

while Steve Running has yet to respond to my many emails over many years

as Steve Rejects Real Science for Political Belief

as Steve has yet to confront test proven reality in science

as Steve’s science ignores Hard Science

as he continues to reject the scientific method

as Steve is very much apart of the political agenda that is doing proven Harm to Nature

and zero good

as he continues to preach garbage science to his students and to the world

while there is zero science reality in true belief in prediction of the unknown future

as true belief in self-debunk prediction is Lunatic science

as settled science does not exist in the scientific method

as Irrelevant Hard Science does not exist in the scientific method

the real Hard science they continue to refuse to acknowledge or debate

as they reject fact tested knowledge for true belief

in self-debunk computer prediction

based on zero scientific method

~ as~

the Religion of science is skepticism of true belief dictating science


The lest of all threats to Humanity by Nature is Climate Warming

making this this Blue and Green Carbon based Earth Greener

caused by increased levels of evaporated water vapor and CO2 from the Ocean

the CO2 from hundreds of un-measurable active volcanoes

of many more inactive volcanoes at this time below sea level

on going for billions of years pumping CO2 into the Ocean and Atmosphere

while some of the CO2 is evaporated by

~ the ~

Variable Sun

as water vapor and CO2 is the by-product of warming


off-setting warming by the variable Sun

as this test proven knowledge is ignored by

Political Media ~ Paranoid ~ Climate Religion

as those who refuse to look and see can never know

fact tested reality


Am I a Skeptic of a Climate Study

that Ignores all but one of many climate variables

based only on CO2

that Ignores and states

180 plus years of test proven CO2 Physics and Chemistry

is: Irrelevant


180 years of Hard Science that proves CO2 causes Cooling not Warming

is: Irrelevant ?

I am a skeptic of test proven garbage science ~ dictated ~ by a political agenda

that failed grade school science

while proving

Political Media Fascism is very Relevant in Political Media Paranoid Climate Religion

as only fools reject Hard Science for Make Believe

as Political Media fools dictate science



~ * ~

January 1, 2017

Helena ~ Montana

the expected predicted high for today is 16*

the record high for today is 56* in 1917

the record low for today was -34* below zero in 1968


extreme ~ progressive ~ variable

Climate Change is continuous for billions of years

~ so do you truly believe ~

political media hearsay words of true belief

~ prove ~

Carbon based Humans cause all Climate Change


~ only ~

Political Fascism can Dictate Science

based on zero scientific method and zero scientific debate

with zero test proven science

as real science is

~ Questioned ~


~ Tested ~

and then

~ Debated ~

and not Belief in Words of True Belief


Preached to the unknowing Public

as neither words or true belief can debunk

Hundreds of years of proven fact tested knowledge of the scientific method

that is ignored by the true belief


I am not a Democrat or a Republican

as political Parties are the proven down fall

of this

Republic of the now Un-United States of America

Un-United by the Seventeenth Amendment

while proving George Washington was right

as he stated Political Parties would be a Bad thing not Good

and as history has proven

Political Parties are to busy fighting each other for power for political agenda

doing only very proven harm in the process

as there is now no productive positive governing for

We the People

as we live in this modern world today

where those of the political media with zero working back ground in science

who have publicly failed science on every level

dictate science to the public

based only on Hearsay Political Science by a Political Agenda

proven to be committing fraud in science


When Science becomes Political it is then Political Science Fiction

by Hearsay

as the real science of the scientific method



there are zero checks and balances for a Fraudulent Political Media Agenda


not one of many ~ Letters to the Editor ~ I have written

since 2007

has ever been printed by a News Paper in America

my rebuttal to test proven Garbage science preached to the public by News Papers

who have failed grade school science

as this is just one of  many ways to make real science disappear

by Political Media Agenda

as there are many large Political Organizations

by the Media

with their proven commitment to Politically promoting Human caused climate change

while not one of them can provide any real science reference of any kind

to support what they are preaching to the public as scientific fact

as they are preaching only their personal feelings of true belief

based on zero test proven fact

Preaching their true belief in self-debunk prediction

based on an incomplete Political Climate Study

based on

outdated incomplete debunk garbage science

they do not comprehend

and if you go to the web page for the

Society of Environmental Journalist

they have a page devoted to

how to ~ Brainwash ~ convince a Denier non-believer to Make Believe

while I do not Deny 4.6 billion years of extreme progressive variable climate change

as they call me a Denier of something I do not Deny

while trying to belittle me in the public eye

while they can provide zero scientific rebuttal beyond only their belittlement

as they can prove nothing beyond their personal feelings

as they have no Science Reference page to prove their Climate Religion is not a religion

while most of these political media agenda organizations

who have publicly proven they failed grade school science

their rebuttal

is to block my email communications

that contain the hard science that further debunk their true belief

in self-debunk computer prediction

as they refuse to look at proven fact tested knowledge

for the sake of their political agenda

while they call me the Denier

by the Deniers of Fact Tested Reality in Hard Science

they do not comprehend

as they continue to promote and sell

their test proven harm to the carbon cycle and all of nature

while another way to make real science to disappear

on Political Media web sites

is to remove Scientific comments by Real Scientists

who’s comment were supported by real scientific references

while political media organizations like


Daily Climate

covering only one side of the story while belittling the real scientific community

as they continue to ignore proven fact tested reality they do not comprehend

while they can prove nothing beyond their true make believe

as they refuse any and all scientific rebuttal to be known by the public

while removing scientific rebuttal accidentally published

further proving Fascism by Political Media Agenda

and Political Media Fraud in Science


CBS News continues to preach their test proven Lies to the Public

while covering only one side of many sides to the story

for their political agenda

as they allow zero intelligent fact tested rebuttal

as they too ignore proven fact tested knowledge of the scientific method

as they use the word skeptic in a negative sense

while real science is skepticism of true belief dictating science

while calling a scientist a skeptic is a true complement to a real scientist

who are called Deniers

because they refuse to make believe in self-debunk computer prediction

based on proven to be

Incomplete Garbage Fraudulent so called science

while there are true believers who want to Prosecute Skeptics for non-belief

further proving political Fascism

as this Prosecution of real scientists is supported by the

White House


State Attorney Generals


your reality can only be what they dictate reality to be


Proven Fascism Rules America


they can prove nothing with real science


they have in fact attempted to Secretly Prosecute Skeptics

making the freedom to know tested knowledge and to think differently a crime


~ America ~

and what would their Fascist Secret Punishment be for non-belief in their

~ Scientifically ~

test proven

Political Media Paranoid Climate Religion

based on


Computer Prediction


Fact Tested Reality

will always be ignored by true belief

and secret prosecution for non-belief is: not science

as we spend Trillions of Dollars to do only ~ test proven ~ harm to Nature

The Carbon Cycle

by a proven to be Fraudulent Political Agenda

who state the cause of ~ all ~ Carbon based Life on this Carbon based Earth

is: Toxic Pollution

further proving they failed grade school science

as they dictate science to the unknowing public

while they refuse to debate Publicly the real science

as science is: to know

by the scientific method

science is

Questioned ~ Test ~ Debated


Brainwashed Political Make Believe by a Political Media Agenda

based on

~ test proven ~

to be


Political Garbage Science Fiction


proven to be

Pathological Political Media Frauds in Science


true belief in test proven make believe is not science


Political Agenda can never admit they are wrong

because like most Laws their agenda is based only on Political Hearsay

with zero comprehension of any real test proven facts


what is considered Real News is proven to be political media Fraud

Make Believe News

based on zero real science of the scientific method

~ as ~

Repetitiveness is the Key to Deprogramming




I am not a Politician or a Journalist

nor am I a Writer by Trade

as I hate to write

while my writing comes out poetically with zero effort

as I know I have a long way to go with my Editing

while I have tried letting a Professional Editor edit for me in the past

but the science was then wrong when it came back


I am a Dyslexic Scientist

with something very important to say in Rebuttal to what Politicians and Journalist

~ who have publicly failed science on every level ~

who are Stating ~Preaching ~ to the unknowing public

what is test proven to be very bogus scientific statements

while they allow zero scientific rebuttal in their media

~ as ~

we are told by Political Media Climate Religion

~ who have publicly failed grade school science ~

who do not investigate the science and just believe what they are told to believe


we just experienced the hottest year on record


records go back to the 1880’s

of 4.6 billion years of unrecorded temperatures

with 20 Ice Ages and 20 Global Warming periods in just the past 2 million years

while we also know many weather stations out in the middle of nowhere

all over this Carbon based Earth

have been turned off and new weather stations

placed on Tared Roof Tops next to Heating and Air Conditioning outlets

as this bogus weather information is being used as evidence of

Human caused ~ acceleration ~ of Climate Warming by Man Made CO2

while Ice melting from Global Warming began 14000 years ago

while measuring CO2 levels for the entire atmosphere next to very active volcanoes

is very Bogus and very Deceptive too

that’s like measuring Methane levels for the entire atmosphere

while holding a gas analyzer next to the butt of  a Farting Cow

while most of the CO2 going into the Air everyday

comes from hundreds of un-measurable active volcanoes below Sea level

and not from the small number of active volcanoes above Sea level

as there is many times the CO2 level in the Ocean than in the air

Acidifying the Ocean over billions of years

as all Carbon based Life comes from the Ocean

and if all the Volcanic activity below Sea level was above Sea level

there would be zero life Breathing above Sea level from all the Volcanic Ash

while we know from Ice Core samples

there have been Ice ages with higher levels of CO2 in the Air than today

as we know Montana had California Climate 1000 years ago for 200 years

as Ice melts from the top and bottom side and moves during Ice ages too

as the Temperature records we have been breaking this year

are records set before power plants and automobiles

so it took 100 plus years to be as warm as it was 100 plus years ago

while an incomplete ~ Political ~ climate study proves nothing

as the U.N. states it is “likely” Humans cause Climate Change

as “likely” and “maybe” and “what if”

prove nothing in real science

while this Global Warming Period of ~ many ~ began 14,000 years ago

not yesterday

while there are many Climate Variables

not only one

providing an infinity of variable

while the level of CO2 caused by Humans in the atmosphere

is the equivalent of a sewing thread down the middle of the fifty yard line of a football field

and can not trap anything in something the size of a football field

while CO2 like all the gases in the air

all absorb heat then expand while rising

as heat ~ still ~ rises

as -200* air take its place at the poles of this Carbon based Earth


CO2 trapping Heat is a proven Political Media Agenda Lie

as CO2 can only transfer preexisting heat and energy upward

CO2 can not produce new heat and energy

as CO2 is the by-product of energy

as evaporated CO2 and Water vapor is the by-product of warming

off-setting warming not the cause of warming

and the faster CO2 is heated the faster it rises

forcing incresed leves -200* frozen CO2 = Dry Ice

back downward to this Carbon based Earth

cooling the air 10 times faster and 20 tines longer

that then increased levels of frozen water vapor

as the 97% scientific consensus is a very proven Political Media Agenda Lie

~ as ~

very simple hard science and common sence continues to be ignored

by Climate Religion for true make believe


Political Media Fools who have never reviewed a signal science paper in their life time

continue to Preach their proven to be political science fiction


Pathological Political Lunatics

who Believe they are a Scientist and know science

who preach only fear of the unknown future

of a now self-debunk prediction

who can Articulate zero science

who can Debate zero science

who can provide zero Scientific References

to support their Lunatic Political Make Believe

while this make believe they are Preaching

is doing test proven harm to this Carbon based Earth

and test proven harm to the Carbon cycle

and test proven harm

to all of  Nature and all Carbon based Life and this Carbon based Earth

as they

~ Dictate their Political Media Science Fiction ~

to real scientist

as Climate Religion was caught red handed

secretly planing to secretly Prosecute real scientist for non- belief

for being Scientist and not true believers

~ as science is skepticism of true belief dictating science ~

while the prosecutors can provide zero science

beyond their Pathological Fraudulent Lunatic Make Believe

~ while ~

a Real Journalist

will provide the Public with all the facts

so the Public can decide for them self what is real and what is not

while a Journalist who withholds test proven facts in real science

who decides for you what is real and what is not

for their political science fiction agenda

is a proven Political Fascist not a Real Journalist

while when requested the Media can provide zero real scientific Reference

to support the proven lies

proving they are frauds in science


and ever time I try to have an Intelligent discussion with a true believer

it is not possible


they know nothing

and this why they can proven nothing


To: Chris Mooney and the Washington Post

[email protected]

[email protected]

~ Climate Change is Real ~

for the past 4.6 billion years


~ Reward ~

for the scientific proof

~ peer-reviewed science ~

Carbon based Humans cause Climate Warming

of this

Carbon based Earth


the cause of the Carbon Cycle causing all of Nature and all of Life

Carbon based Oxygen = CO2 = Carbon dioxide


I have requested from Chris his Proof many times in the past and as always nothing


you Chris and Climate Religion

are doing test proven harm to the Carbon Cycle

the cause of all Nature

the cause of Biology

the cause of all Carbon based Life

for the sake of ~ your ~ Lunatic Political Agenda

based on proven Fraudulent Garbage you call Science

Bruce A. Kershaw


I have emailed Chris

I sent Chris some real science

~ not much just a little ~

because I do not think Chris will comprehend what I sent him

but that very little real science

~ debunk ~

the words of true belief he is preaching to the world


while proving Fraud by Climate Religion

as I am guessing Chris will ignore the real science

as this is what he does best

as he Preaches his Bogus Political Media Paranoid Climate Religion for Profit

so Chris can continue to make his Fortune selling test proven Lies

as Chris is just not smart enough in science to know he is Lying




~ knowing ~

 not One PhD on this Carbon based Earth

who truly believes Humans cause climate warming

can prove with real science

Carbon based Humans are responsible for Climate Warming

~ so how can Chris ?

while over 9,000 PhD’s today disagree with Chris

along with 30,000 plus other scientist

just in the USA

and 49 NASA Scientist

who disagree with Jim Hansen and NASA

and their self-debunk predictions

~ * ~


Chris has ~ zero ~ years of  Atmospheric Emission Science under his belt

while I only have 40 plus years

beginning one year before Chris was born

while I have House Plants older than Chris

as the test proven lies will continue

based on zero real investigation of ~ all ~ the science

as most all the real science Chris Ignores

and probably does not even know exist

as Chris Preaches for his Political Media Agenda



If Chris was a Real Journalist

he would have investigated the real science

all of the real science

and not just believe what he was told to believe

by those who just believe what they were told to believe

and Investigate beyond only words of true belief by

True Believers

who can provide zero real science reference to support their words of true belief



Chris had done his job as a Journalist properly

Chris would then ~ know ~ as I know

Humans do not cause Climate Warming

as I have Investigated the real science everyday since the spring of 2007

as I continue to Investigate the Fraud by Political Agenda

as I have 40 plus years of Atmospheric Emission Science everyday Professionally

as I do not just believe what I am Told to Make Believe

Chris is not a Real Scientist

Chris is a Real Preacher for his Political Media Climate Religion

Committing Fraud in Science

as I have Proven

and just believing what you are told to believe is not science of the scientific method

as science is: to know

~ not ~

Make Believe

as only true believers just believe true believers

as there is zero Pathological Make Believe in real science

as political media hearsay science has proven nothing in real science

to support their words of true belief Humans cause Climate Warming

as the opposite is very proven to be the tested Truth in fact tested reality

as this proven knowledge is just ignored by the Political Media Agenda

who do not comprehend real science

as they only comprehend True Belief

as they continue their effort to belittle me with lies

as these very proven Political Media Liars refuse to debate the real science

while the true believers who failed grade school science just continue to make believe

as there is zero science in Hearsay true belief

based on test proven to be

self-debunk prediction




a Lunatic is:

someone who tells me it is Raining and believes it is Raining when it is not


a Pathological Fraud in Science is:

someone who does not know they are a Test Proven Fraud

while they have zero back ground on the subject matter

and base everything on their ~ feelings ~ and zero fact

as feelings can prove nothing in real science

while they can provide zero real test proven fact

as they Claim and Believe they know science

while they are proven to know nothing

and then they are ~ believed ~ only by those who know nothing too

~ as ~

Chris is not a Scientist

as Real Scientist will review all the science not ignore 99% of the science

for their Political Agenda True Belief

and as real science has proven Climate Religion knows nothing in real science

and this is why Climate Religion refuses to debate real science

as True Belief in Political Media Hearsay is not fact tested reality in real science


Chris is a Political Lunatic who Believes he is a Scientist

as Chris has publicly failed grade school science

and has earned zero right to scientific opinion

as Chris continues to support what is test proven to be Fraud in science

that Chris does not comprehend


those who continue to believe in a Prediction that did not happen

are Pathological not Scientific

~ while ~

those who continue to preach and dictate to the public

a prediction is happening that is not happening

are Frauds by Pathological Belief


Climate Religion


Politicians and Journalist

who can articulate zero science

who can debate zero science

who can prove zero science

who have earned zero right to scientific opinion

who only cover ~ Preach ~ one side of the story

~ their side ~

while ignoring fact tested knowledge of the scientific method

that goes against their true belief in ~ test proven ~ Garbage Science

Science they do not comprehend and never will


Chris Mooney

continues to commit political media Pathological fraud in real science


Political Media Paranoid Climate Religion

based on proven to be

outdated incomplete fraudulent garbage

they preach as science


I challenge Chris Mooney

~ to an open public debate in real science ~

as Real Science is Questioned ~ Tested and Debated


make believe in Fraudulent Garbage called science

by those who failed science

as Chris will continue to ignore Proven Fact Tested Reality

for the sake of his Political Media True Belief for Profit

based on test proven Fraudulent Garbage in science

that Political Media Climate Religion will never comprehend

proving it is a Political Media Religion based on zero real science

as I can prove Chris is a Fraud by Pathological Belief

while Chris can not prove he is not

as Chris can prove nothing beyond his true belief in Political Agenda make believe

as Chris has publicly failed real science of the scientific method

as true belief is not knowledge


Chris ~ knows ~ he is a test proven Fraud


as 4.6 billion years of climate change is very real


not caused by you and me

as those who know nothing in the science preach and dictate garbage science

to the unknowing Public

as those who preach and dictate garbage science refuse to debate the real science Publicly

nor can they prove their political media religion is not a political media religion

with real science

nor will they tell the other side of the story

of the real science that does exist that further debunk their true belief

before their true belief was invented

but that would be ~ real ~ Journalism

and would go against their political agenda based on science they do not comprehend

as they continue to ignore fact tested reality for political media make believe

while withholding very import scientific information from the public

and is not only very bad and deceptive science

it is very Bogus Journalism by proven to be Fascist Political Media Fools

who can prove nothing with real science

as Chris believes he understands Biology

as the foundation for all Biology is the

Carbon ~ Oxygen ~ Hydrogen


caused by CO2 and water vapor evaporated from the Ocean

caused by warming

by the Variable Sun

~ as the Sun has many cycles ~

as Chris is doing all he can to Kill the cause of all Biology and all carbon based life

on this carbon based Earth

as this is test proven Lunatic Science

based on zero scientific method

as Lunatics in science never debate their Lunatic science

because they do not comprehend real science

as they do their test proven harm to Nature

as Chris and his on going Fraud in science is supported only by

Political Media Paranoid Climate Religion

based on self-debunk prediction

based on Garbage they call science

as proven Frauds in Science who Refuse to Debate real science

dictate science

to the unknowing public

as only Lunatics in science

will withhold real science knowledge from the public

for the sake of their political agenda true make believe


~ Test Proven ~

Garbage they call science

as Climate Religion continues their ~ Test Proven Harm ~ to all Nature

as they continue to Refuse all and any open Public Debate of the Real Science

as only a Real Scientist will debate Real Science of the Scientific Method

Chris will not Debate Real Science

Chris is a Proven Fraud in Real Science

as Chris can only Make Believe

Bruce A. Kershaw

40 plus Years of Proven Fact Tested

Atmospheric Emission Science

ignored by

Political Media ~ Paranoid ~ Climate Religion


True Belief

as proven fact tested knowledge ~ debunk ~ fraudulent make believe

by test proven political media Lunatics who failed grade school science

dictating science

with zero scientific method or scientific debate

as only Political Fascism can dictate science

to the Scientific Community

based on zero test proven science

as the ice will continue to melt in between the Ice ages

with or with out us

on this Carbon based Earth

regardless of how much CO2 in in the Air




December 29, 2016

Helena ~ Montana

the expected predicted high for today is 31*

the record high for today was 55* in 1897

the record low was -25* below zero in 1983


~ I hope all is well ~

best wishes to all





…as tested reality in science is by the progression of knowledge  ~

by the scientific method

~ while ~

those refusing to look at tested knowledge for true belief are: not scientists


Is your science based on someones personal feelings ?

~ as this is not science ~

so what do you believe and what do you know

and what can you prove in

Fact Tested Reality

~ * ~



as a reminder to those who continue to send me Anonymous e-mail

with your continued intention of doing only harm

~ I still delete them ~

as in good football the best offence is by the best defense

or as in a few cases I will open your e-mail on one of my many free

or $50.00 used computers I bought from the government

~ just for this purpose ~

and then no harm done

while my hope continues be

that you will go find something constructive and positive to do

like grow forward beyond only your personal feelings of true belief

~ as your scientific proof ~

Humans cause all Climate Change


Investigate the Real Science

to look and see beyond Political Media Hearsay True Belief

or if you have no comprehension of real science

and then have earned zero right to scientific opinion

then maybe you could go help someone who could use a little help in some way

as hate and love use the same amount of energy

as one is very rewarding and feels much better than the other

but if you are not into helping others and still need to burn up some idle time

~ then maybe ~

you could better prepare yourself for the next over due Super Volcano

that will end all carbon based Life ~ again ~ on this carbon based Earth

or better prepare yourself for next over due Asteroid

ending all carbon based Life ~ again ~ on this carbon based Earth

or prepare yourself for a possible Nuclear War

started by

Power Hungry Suicidal Religious Political Lunatics

who will then go to Heaven

only to realize there is a Hell in Heaven too

because the 73 Virgins they were promised for killing people for God

turned out to be

very angry very elderly Chocoholic Nuns

with real whips and chains

who are very angry because they are still virgins

or maybe you could prepare for Cannibalism in the USA

caused by one person shutting down the Electrical Grid in America

for 30 days or more

~ or ~


better prepare your self for the next Ice Age

that may Kill ~ 50% ~ of all Human Life

~ so ~

I hope this will ease your test proven Paranoia of the past 4.6 billion years

of very extreme progressive variable climate change

for a dozen or so known reasons today providing an infinity of climate variable

not caused by Carbon based Humans

that is making this Carbon based Earth Greener

~ while maybe ~

you could help this carbon based world with the

Nuclear Waste and Nuclear Accident Issues

that continues to do long term test proven since the 1940’s

to this Carbon based Earth

causing Death and Disease and Birth Defects

or maybe you could help the tens of thousands who starve to death everyday

on this Carbon based Earth

where sometimes on this Carbon based Earth

Political Media make believe is a reality by true belief

based on zero science

~ as for me ~

I am for spending trillions helping life not continueing to hurt life

as you say I am your enemy

when you have proven to the world of scientific realtiy to be your own worst enemy


I am for Green

~ as you preach you are not for the cause of all Green ~

as you are doing everything you possibly can to end the Carbon cycle

and all Carbon based life


Water Vapor and CO2 caused the First Atmosphere

causing all the Green on this Carbon based Earth

as today

evaporated water vapor and CO2

by the variable Sun is still the cause of all Green


CO2 is the cause of all the Oxygen we Breathe


CO2 is the cause of all Food to Eat


CO2 is the cause of all Nature

on this

Carbon based Earth

causing all

Carbon based Life and Energy


I am for the cause of Life and Green


Climate Religion


the cause of the Carbon Cycle

~ CO2 ~

causing all of Nature

and all Carbon based Life on this Carbon based Earth

~ is ~

Toxic Poison and Toxic Pollution

as Climate Religion states White Steam is Pollution too

~ proving ~

Climate Religion


Grade School Science


Climate Religion states: CO2 causes Warming

when CO2 is test proven in real science to cause Cooling

as evaporated water vapor and CO2 levels continue to increase

the rate of warming continues to slow down


Climate Religion states:

the Sea level is Rising when it is test proven to be Falling

as the rate of evaporation has exceeded the rate the ice is melting


Political Media Paranoid Climate Religion

continues to live in fear of something that is not happening

as they live in fear of self-debunk computer prediction

based on

Incomplete ~ Fraudulent ~ Garbage

the bases for the self-debunk climate prediction

being dictated as proof in science based on zero scientific method


Politicians and Journalist

who failed grade school science


all the lungs on this Carbon based Earth produce more CO2 than all the cars

making new Nature and new Carbon based Life on this Carbon based Earth


the Carbon cycle


oxygen and hydrogen


Carbon is: Life

and when CO2 is less than 210 ppm in the air


the carbon cycle will begin to die

and then all carbon based life on this carbon based earth above sea level will cease to exist

as Nitrogen from decomposing soil will one day be most all of the atmosphere

as Nitrogen has gone from almost nothing to 78.09% of the atmosphere today

as we ~ know ~ we will need more CO2 not less

to continue the carbon cycle with oxygen and hydrogen

while pumping CO2 into the ground is taking away from the carbon cycle

taking away from Plants and Trees what they need

and that is 4 times more CO2 than in the air today to breathe to grow

as pumping CO2 into the ground is lowering oxygen levels in the air

while turning underground water into Acid

as we are now Fracking for Natural Gas

as this is doing irreversible harm to this Carbon based Earth

while the more efficiently all fuels are burned

the higher the level of CO2 is produced

as all the O2 in man made CO2 came from the air we breathe

as the carbon cycle ~ recycles ~ the O2 part of CO2 back in to the air where it came from

while allowing Plants and Trees to continue to breathe and grow

as Plants and Trees need more not less

Carbon based Oxygen = CO2 = Carbon dioxide

~ as repetitiveness ~

is the key to deprogramming Political Media Garbage Science

as Pathological Make Believers

now dictate science


~ am I a skeptic ~

of Political Media Make Believe dictating science ?

that is doing test proven harm to all of Nature

while only costing the poor Trillions of Dollars to do only Harm

as Fraudulence by True Belief prevents Fact Tested Reality from being known


Is your science based on someones personal feelings who

Failed Grade School Science


Your Personal Feelings


~ True Belief ~

in someones Personal Feelings of True Belief is: not tested debated reality in science

of the scientific method




December 26, 2016

Helena ~ Montana

the expected predicted high for today is 23*

the record high for today was 54* in 1890

the record low was -26* below zero in 1983


Political Climate Agenda ~ vs ~ Climate Science

as only Fools and Frauds can sell to the world the cause of life is Poison and Pollution

as only fools in science can buy and believe in this very Fraudulent Garbage Science

as all real science is Questioned and Tested and then Debated

as settled science does not exist in the scientific method


Government ~ so called scientist ~ working for the Government directly or indirectly

who are part of a very proven Political Agenda

continue their very proven to be fraudulent statements

in Climate Science to the public based on zero Peer-reviewed Science

with zero Scientific Debate

and zero Rebuttal in the very Political Media

as the Political Media continue to embrace the Fraudulent public statements

by Government

so called scientist working for

~ NASA ~

as their public statements are debunk by their data

gained though the Freedom of Information Act

while Jim Hansen and NASA stated 18 plus years ago

Manhattan would be underwater today

~ and is not ~

as the rate of evaporation by the variable Sun

has exceeded the rate the Ice is melting

causing the Sea level to fall not rise

while making this Carbon based Earth Greener

and as the rate of evaporation of water vapor and CO2 continue to increase

the rate of warming continues to slow down

while CBS News is telling us the Sea level is rising

and warming is increasing

based on proven to be Garbage Statements in science

believed by the fools in science with zero back ground in science

with zero comprehension of the science

who just believe what they are told to believe

while allowing zero rebuttal

as those who make these Bogus statements refuse to debate the fact tested reality

while 49 NASA scientist disagree with Jim Hansen and NASA

and disagree with CBS so called News too

along with 30,000 other scientists that I know of today just in the USA

with over 9,000 of them with PhD’s


~ EPA ~

say one thing and do another

as they enforce NOx emission control science since the 1970’s

proving CO2 causes cooling

as EPA employees have stated to me in person they too disagree with the EPA

as today the EPA is a Political Body not a Science Body

as they enforce their Political Agenda

while ignoring all Proven Fact Tested Knowledge

or they do not comprehend the Physics and Chemistry

that is a part of my life Professionally everyday for the past 40 plus years


~ NOAA ~

stating we have never since anything like this before

in Climate and Weather

as they ignore the last 20 Ice ages and 20 global Warming periods

of just the last 2 million years of billions of years of

very extreme progressive variable

climate change


ignoring all the Little Ice ages and Mini Ice ages of the last 14,000 years

of ~ this ~ Global Warming period


Montana had California Climate 1000 years ago for 200 years


Not one government Scientist will publicly debate the science

as these Government agency’s have proven they are full of Political Agenda Lies

by ignoring all fact tested reality

for political agenda fraudulent make believe science

as these Government Agency’s are under the direction of and answer to the White House

who’s Science advisers can provide zero real science when requested

or debate the science

to support their true belief in self-debunk prediction

based on fraudulent garbage science

~ while ~

I am sure John Kerry is all for Prosecuting non-believers of climate religion

I still wonder if and how much money john Kerry invested

in Al Gore and his now proven to be Fraudulent world wide carbon credit scheme

while the 97% scientific consensus stated by John Kerry is a very proven Political Lie

as over 9,000 PhD’s

of over 30,000 Scientist in just the U.S.

have gone on the record in disagreement with the U.N. and of John Kerry

and their world wide Political Agenda

as John Kerry just Ignores this fact just as CBS News Ignores this Fact

as all of John Kerry’s Public Statements have been debunk by real science

as John Kerry has publicly proven to the scientific community

he has failed grade school science

as he has earned zero right to Scientific Opinion

as there is only a Political Media Consensus in proven to be Garbage Science

and ~ zero ~ Scientific Consensus

as the Majority of the Scientific Community

with Real Hard Science of the scientific method

have zero belief in self-debunk prediction

as there is zero belief in real science

as they continue to be ignored by

Political Media

~ Paranoid ~

Climate Religion

based on self-debunk computer prediction

based on ~ test proven ~ to be

outdated ~ incomplete ~ debunk ~ fraudulent

Garbage Science

being used as scientific proof


Climate Religion

as Climate Religion is now dictating science to the ~ silenced ~ Scientific Community


a group of Government Attorney were or are still planing to secretly Prosecute

Real Scientists

for being


of test proven to be

Political Media ~ Paranoid ~ Climate Religion

as this is proven political fascism



as science is skepticism by the scientific method

as this is what ISIS is doing to those who do not truly believe

as there is zero knowledge in true belief


the U.S Government is giving Hundreds of Millions of Dollars

to people and organizations who Preach Human caused Climate Change

who can provide zero science when requested to support the words they are preaching

as these political media churches are funded by U.S. Tax Payers

as the U.S. Government has given Hundreds of Millions of Dollars

to scientists here in the U.S from Foreign Country’s

who preach Human caused climate change

who can provide zero proof beyond words of belief

as the U.S. Government gave over 350 million dollars to just one of them

who sent a letter to the White House requesting scientists

who are non-believers should be Prosecuted for non-belief

~ so ~

what should the punishment be for non-belief in Climate Religion

in the

Republic of the United States of America


John Kerry is Preaching to the world

“Plants and Trees can not absorb any more CO2”


“Plants and Trees have absorbed all the CO2 they possibly can”

~ while in fact tested reality ~

Plants and Trees need 4 times the CO2 level in the air than today

to breathe and grow to be Healthy

to continue the carbon cycle with oxygen and hydrogen

~ the cause of all Nature and the Environment ~

causing all Carbon based life on this Carbon based Earth

as Governments Scientist and Climate Religion

refuse to debate real science with the ignored and silenced

science community of the scientific method

as the unknowing public continues to

~ believe ~

what they are told to believe

as they are given zero choices of knowledge

so they can decide for them self what is real and what is not

as they are allowed only to see one side of the scientific argument of many

thanks to the Fair and Balanced CBS News

~ who go right to the source for the truth ~

as they do not know what the truth is

as they comprehend zero science

as they investigate zero science

as they have earned zero right to scientific opinion

as they ignore the proven facts for their political agenda

as they are proven puppets for political agenda

as they continue to ignore and hide what they know is out there from the public

as I have been emailing them for years

and they refuse to acknowledge any and all test proven science

that goes against ~ their ~ personal feelings in Political Agenda True Belief


Fraudulent Garbage Science is now Reality

by a proven to be

Fraudulent Political Agenda

who refuse to debate real science with the scientific community

or provide real scientific reference to support their make believe science

as I challenge Climate Religion to an open public debate of the real science

with a



for fact tested knowledge

proving beyond their make believe

Carbon based Humans


Climate Warming

of this

Carbon based Earth


Carbon based Oxygen = CO2 = Carbon dioxide

the cause of the Carbon Cycle = all Nature = all Carbon based Life

or as Climate Religion calls the cause of all Nature and all Carbon based Life =

Toxic Pollution

based on Political Media make believe science

~ who have publicly proven they failed grade school science ~

as I have sent this reward offer to all branches of Climate Religion


over 40,000 plus times now since the spring of 2007

as I have stopped counting since November of 2015

but continue to send my challenge to open public debate

with reward offer for the scientific proof

beyond make believe


99.99 % of Climate Religions rebuttal to me is

Name Calling

and to belittle me

and block my emails

while providing ~ zero ~ science

beyond their true belief in self-debunk prediction

based on test proven Garbage they still call Science

as they continue to preach

~ their ~

Political Fantasy Science Fiction

they refuse to debate

further proving it is a political media religion

based on test proven ~ Bogus ~ science

that is doing test proven Harm to this Carbon based Earth and all of Nature

as their Political Garbage science was proven to be backwards

long before they thought of it

as they continue to ignore test proven fact


Political Media Make Believe


Climate Religion is based on Fear of the unknown future

and the fear of proven fact tested reality known today

that continues to threaten their continued fear of the unknown

as they live in fear of test proven reality

as they have gone far beyond the point of no return to fact tested reality in real science

as they truly believe they are doing good when doing test proven harm

as they continue to live in fear of self-debunk prediction

for the sake of a proven to be Fraudulent Political Agenda

as test proven fraud by Climate Religion is ignored by

Political Media Paranoid self-debunk Climate Prediction Religion


they have zero comprehension of real science

beyond what they are told to make believe

by those who failed grade school science and have earned zero right to scientific opinion



CBS News

~ again ~

and all the other proven political liars in the news media

~ don’t tell us Humans cause Climate Warming ~


as proven political media Fascism dictates science

as this political agenda continues to do their test proven harm

to this Carbon based Earth

as they refuse to debate their ~ test proven ~ to be Fraudulent so called science

as they continue to reject and ignore the test proven wisdom of the scientific community

and the scientific method

for true belief in words of true belief


~ test proven ~ political garbage science

as Political Media Climate Religion is not based on real science

it based on test proven fraud in science

as political puppets and proven Idiots in science

dictate science




December 21, 2016

Helena ~ Montana

the expected predicted high for today is 29*

the record high for today was 55* in 1900

the record low was -25* below zero in 1990


when you add 1 oxygen atom = O

to Rocket Fuel = two hydrogen atoms = H2

you now have water = H2O

Hydrogen and Carbon together is a Hydrocarbon = HC = Gasoline

when you mix O2 = Oxygen from the air to the HC = Hydrocarbon = Gasoline

and add a spark or fire the Oxygen vaporizes the Hydrogen

causing the Carbon to bond to the Oxygen


Carbon based Oxygen = CO2 = Carbon dioxide

when two oxygen atoms are based to 1 Carbon atom the O2 is called dioxide

di = 2

oxide = oxygen

carbon dioxide with water vapor caused the first atmosphere

causing the carbon cycle with oxygen and hydrogen = Nature

and all Carbon based Life on this Carbon based Earth

as all the O2 oxygen we breathe today is made from CO2

by the carbon cycle


The ~ Carbon ~ Oxygen ~ Hydrogen ~ Cycle

is responsible for all Carbon based Life and Energy on this Carbon based Earth


Nitrogen is 78.09% of the air and is a Greenhouse gas made from decomposing soil

O2 = Oxygen is 20.95% of the air and is a Greenhouse gas made by the Carbon cycle

from Carbon based Oxygen = CO2 = Carbon dioxide

and was the first atmosphere with water vapor

and is only 00.04% of the air today

and is not a Greenhouse gas

as CO2 is from the hot liquid core of this carbon based earth

and caused of the Greenhouse and is not the by-product of a Greenhouse

while man made CO2 is 00.004% of the air

and is the equvelent to a sewing thread on the fifty yard line of a football field

if the atmosphere was the size of a football field

and can trap nothing in something the size of a Football field

as all the gases are heated all the gases rise and trap nothing

while forcing -200 degree air takes its place at the poles of this carbon based earth

~as ~

Real Science is: Questioned then Tested and Debated not Believed

as only Fools and Frauds and Fascist Lunatics can Dictate Science

based on zero proven science

as power and greed by true belief rule by false reality

~ as ~

there is zero reality when reality is supported only by money and power by true belief

as we live in this modern world where true belief now dictate science

as this is not truth in fact tested reality

as they do not know in Political Media Religion

they just believe what they are told to believe

by a Fraudulent Political Media Agenda



those who continue to state something is happening

only because they truly believe it is happening

even when it has been test proven to not be happening

as they ignore this proven knowledge for true belief

are pathological not scientific


~ rejecting proven fact tested knowledge for true belief is: not science ~


every time I am proven wrong by the scientific method

I admit it

as I learn something new

and grow forward with science

as science is to know and not make believe


~ * ~

I am a Lobbyist for Truth in Science

and after 40 plus years

of atmospheric emission science and testing

Licensed by the State of California in 1976 to Inspect and Test and Certify Emissions

and Emission Control Systems

with an on going investigation of climate science since the spring of 2007

with a Doctor Honor October 8, 2011

and then Invited to Participate at the London Symposium on Climate Change

at the Oxford and Cambridge Club in June of 2013

and with over 40,000 request as of November of 2015 with a reward since 2007

for scientific proof


Human caused Climate Change

this is what I ~ Know ~


Preached and Dictated

Political Media Make Believe

by a proven to be fraudulent Political Media Agenda

based on self-debunk prediction

based on test proven to be debunk and fraudulent science

that ignores and rejects the scientific method for true make believe in

Political Media Hearsay ~ test proven ~ Fraudulent Garbage Science


I do not have to disprove Carbon based Humans cause Climate Warming

of this Carbon based Earth with Carbon based Oxygen = CO2 = Carbon dioxide

~ you have to prove we do ~

as you can prove nothing beyond debunk political media belief in Garbage science

as there is zero credible ~ proven fact test knowledge ~ to Prove in any way

We Carbon based Humans cause Climate Warming

of this Carbon based Earth

with man made

Carbon based Oxygen = CO2 = Carbon dioxide


in fact the opposite is test proven to be true


Political Media True Belief is doing test proven harm to

~ The Carbon Cycle ~

the cause of all of Nature and the Environment

and all Carbon based Life on this Carbon based Earth

while the increased levels of evaporated water and CO2

caused by warming by the variable Sun

is test proven to be making this Blue and Green Carbon based Earth Greener


? ~ is there an out dated incomplete debunk science paper

being used today as scientific proof

Carbon based Humans cause Climate Warming

of this Carbon based Earth with Carbon based Oxygen

~ yes ~

the 1896 Arrhenius Paper

but do you know this test proven fact ?

beyond only your true political media make believe


~ knowledge ~

as increased levels of water vapor and CO2 continue to rise

caused by evaporation by the variable Sun

~ as the Sun is a variable with many cycles ~

the rate of warming continues to slow down and not speed up as predicted

self-debunking the computer climate model prediction

while the rate of evaporation has exceeded the rate the Ice is melting

causing the ocean level to fall and not rise as predicted

self-debunking the Political climate prediction

~ and ~

if Ice did not melt

the Sea level would fall 12 to 15 feet per year

by Evaporation by the Variable Sun

as Ice melts from the top and bottom side and moves during Ice Ages too

while during Ice ages Polar Bears move back to Montana where they come from

~ because ~

the Polar Bear can not break through the Ice that is miles thick to get to their food

as Polar Bears are  Montana Grizzly Bears that roamed north

and can swim up to 70 miles at a time

and like water that is about 100* warmer than the air all around them

while Polar Bear Population has increased for 5 of the 7 known types and not declined

and we will see the Polar Bear back here in Montana during the next Ice Age

as we have had only 20 Ice ages and 20 global warming periods

in just the past 2 million years

of the last 4.6 billion years of

very extreme progressive variable Climate Change

for many known reasons

not one


and guess what happens in between the Ice Ages ?


and if Global Warming did not begin 14,000 years ago

I would not be here in Montana living on top of Ice

I would be like the Snow Bird Polar Bear that move back to Montana during Ice Ages

as I would be living at the Equator

while there have been many Little Ice Ages and Mini Ices Ages

during the past 14,000 years of ~ this ~ Global Warming period

caused by many climate variables not ~ one ~

providing an infinity of climate variable for billions of years


~ when you can only believe then you can never know ~


~ knowledge ~

there are Ice core samples

showing us there have been Ice ages with higher levels of CO2 in the air than today


…of the many computer climate model predictions of the unknown future

to choose from

which of the predictions based only one of a dozen known climate variables

did you pick to be as test proven fact of the unknown future


as this is the equivalent of telling me which Horse you are going bet on

at the race track to win the race

while I have yet to see a five day computer weather model prediction come true

when based on all the known weather variables


as science is to know

~ as prediction of the unknown future is not knowledge ~

prediction is a guessing game based on knowledge

but you must use all the knowledge available


Ignoring all but one climate variable in computer climate models

to predict the unknown future

is Garbage science

as the Computer Model Climate Prediction was flawed

by incorporating only one of many climate variables

while the science for the one variable is proven to be flawed in interpretation

producing a now self-debunk Political climate prediction

because of ignored ~ simple ~ hard science

as neither Imagination or Prediction or Hypothetical Conjecture

can debunk preexisting ignored Hard Science

as Evaporated Water and CO2 caused by warming by the variable Sun

cause cooling

off-setting Climate Warming by the Variable Sun

as 180 years of test proven CO2 Physics and Chemistry

proving CO2 causes cooling

was said to be Irrelevant by those making the many Computer Climate Model Predictions


many other known proven sciences and climate history were ignored too


Heat still Rises forcing -200 degree air to take its place

containing increased levels of frozen water vapor and frozen CO2 = Dry Ice

that further debunk

the now self-debunk Political Climate Predictions

and did so Pryor to the Political Climate Predictions

as the political media continues to state the science is settled

based only on Pathological belief


~ as knowledge was ignored for political agenda true belief ~


….do you question then test and debate by scientific method

or do just make believe what you are told to make believe ?

as there is zero Faith or Trust or Belief in real science

as there are zero feelings in real science


Do you believe it is wrong to

Question Test and Debate Knowledge with the Scientific Method ?

or do you think it is OK to ~ test ~ Science

and to incorporate new discovered knowledge

~ as ~

My computer just told me this Carbon based Earth is going to end tomorrow ~

so is this prediction = fact

is this prediction = knowledge

is this prediction = science

or is prediction of the unknown future = make believe

while the political prediction was based on proven to be

flawed incomplete debunk fraudulent information

that was presented as test proven fact

and then was truly believed as test proven fact by those who did not test the so called facts

that were used to make the political prediction of the unknown future

and when the political prediction did not happen making the prediction self-debunk

the true believers continued to Believe in and Preach it was happening when it was not

because they do not Question then Test and Debate the so called facts

~ as ~

continued true belief in

~ test proven to be ~

self-debunk prediction is: not science


If you are a true believer ~

you will delete this before you read it

and you will not review the scientific references

that further debunk your true belief in self-debunk computer prediction

a computer prediction of the unknown future based on only

~ I = One = 1 ~

of a dozen known climate variables

by a very flawed incomplete climate study by Politicians

who have zero back ground or comprehension of the real science

~ while ~

part of their prediction is true

the part that is still happening for the past 14,000 years

before the prediction was made

while predicting something that has already been happening for the past 14,000 years

~ caused by many ignored reasons ~

is a prediction based on a

~ further proven to be ~

a very serious lack of knowledge and history on this subject matter

proving those who made this prediction new nothing about the real science

while prediction

with or with out a Computer or Ouija Board is not knowledge

while further debunking the belief of Human caused climate change

before the self-debunk climate predictions

as True Believers continue to state the science is settled


so then which of the many computer models do you choose from

to be scientific fact of the unknown future

as I can predict anything and everything just by Flipping my Lucky Coin

and then I have a 50/50 chance of it becoming true

as computer models guided by Political true belief

by a Political Agenda

while ignoring fact tested reality

never come true

as they live in fear of the unknown future

of something that has been happening for billions of years

for many reasons they continue to ignore


Politicians and Journalist ~ true believers = Climate Religion

continue to ignore fact tested reality for true belief

based on Garbage science

that is doing test proven harm to all of Nature

as we are going to spend Trillions to continue this proven Harm

as science is now dictated by a political media agenda

that refuses to debate real science

for the sake of their political agenda based on test proven Fraudulent make believe

and why learn tested knowledge when you can just make believe

and live in fear of self-debunk computer prediction


 you can not have a normal conversation in science with a true believer

as they have zero comprehension of real science

while they do not want to learn tested knowledge

they just want to continue to make believe


it is a political media religion

based on

self-debunk computer prediction

as the political media paranoia of self-debunk prediction continues to grow

as they continue their ~ test proven ~ harm to Nature

because they do not ~ know ~

they just believe what they are told to believe

while living in fear of something that is not happening


Political Media Paranoid Make Believe dictates science

while doing test proven harm to Nature

because they do not comprehend the real science

they just believe what they are told to believe

in words of true belief

by those who have publicly failed grade school science

as true believers continue to make believe in test proven Political Media Lies

by a proven to be fraudulent political media agenda

based on Pathological make believe

and ~ zero ~ Hard Science of the scientific method

as they ignore all real science

while refusing to debate the real science

as they continue to state their make believe science is settled

when there is zero science in make believe in

~ test proven ~

self-debunk computer prediction

as there is zero reality in test proven make believe


it is not I who must test prove anything

it is true believers who must prove their Belief Reality is not just a true belief

because in real science their is zero reality in true belief


~ when you can only believe then you can never know ~


If you are a real scientist

you will read this ~ then question it

and then review and analyze the scientific references

and then test and debate the proven fact tested knowledge

with the scientific method

because you are a real scientist

and not a true believer in ~ test proven ~ failed prediction

based on a lack of knowledge

by those who have publicly proven to the scientific community

they failed grade school science

as they continue to ignore the scientific method

and continue to state the science is settled

as true believes are true believers and will never ~ know ~


a Real Scientist will admit they are wrong so they may grow forward in Real Science

~ of the ~

Scientific Method

as I continue to breathe O2 made from CO2

~ or as Climate Religion calls it ~

I continue to breathe O2 made from Toxic Pollution

as this toxic Pollution is why Plants and Trees can Breathe and Grow

as the Carbon based Human body is 20% Carbon made from CO2

as this makes the Human body 20% Toxic Pollution

but do not tell Climate Religion this knowledge

because they do not want to ~ know ~

as science is: to know


~ true belief dictating science can do only harm and zero good ~

as Political Media Climate Religion dictates science

as Climate Religion now wants to Prosecute non-believers like me

because I am a skeptic of true belief dictating science

true belief that ignores hard science and the scientific method

while committing test proven fraud in science

as this is Political Agenda Fascism not science

while I refuse to acknowledge

~ test proven ~

Political Media Agenda Fraudulent make believe as real science

~ see you in court ~

for non-belief


Political Media ~ Paranoid ~ Climate Religion

by Politicians and Journalist who have earned zero right to scientific opinion

who continue to publicly fail grade school science

while the cause of life has never been called Toxic Pollution

until Al Gore decided the cause of life is Toxic Pollution

toxic pollution that causes cooling not warming

in Real Science ignored by Climate Religion

as there is zero scientific consensus

in test proven fascist political media make believe Garbage called science



for the scientific proof

we cause climate warming

beyond true belief in self-debunk computer climate prediction of the unknown future

based on zero simple hard science of the scientific method

as political media science fiction dictates science

~ peace ~ b




Professional Journalism

as Scott continues to provide this carbon based world with

Political Media ~ Paranoid ~ self-debunk Climate Prediction Religion

as real science is test proven not preached

as Scott will not investigate the real science

[email protected]

or admit he is wrong

and grow forward with the fact tested reality

as Scott’s test proven Political Media Religion

continues to do test proven harm to Nature

Test Proven Science Scott will never Comprehend

as Scott has earned zero right to scientific opinion

of the scientific method

as Scott will continue to preach his make believe science

doing test proven harm and zero good

costing Trillions

as true belief in ~ test proven ~ Pathological Lies

by those who failed grade school science Dictate Science

while allowing zero Public scientific debate

by scientific method


I am not a Skeptic of Scott Pelley

because I know Scott is a test proven Liar in science

Scott just does not ~ know ~ he is a test proven Lair in science

because Scott is a true believer

who knows nothing in real science

as Scott is Praised

for his test proven lies to the public

by his fellow Political Media True Believers

~ who too ~

can prove nothing with real science


~ their ~

True Belief


Bogus Fraudulent Garbage Political Media Statements ~ they ~ call Science

as their only Rebuttal to fact tested knowledge is: to Ignore it

as proven Political Media Pathological Liars Dictate Science

as Political Journalism

Anonymous or not

continues to commit very test proven fraud in science

while ignoring fact tested reality will not make it go away

regardless of what your device Politically


you to pretend and make believe

as political media consensus in science is: not scientific consensus

in fact tested reality in the scientific method


If you do not comprehend the tested science

then you have earned zero right to scientific opinion


You can not say it is the truth

~ when ~

you do not know




~ as repetitiveness is the key to deprogramming ~




December 11, 2016

Helena ~ Montana

the expected high for today is 30*

the record high for today was 63* in 1939

the record low for today was -27* below zero in 1972


~ as true belief continues to ignore test proven fact for true belief ~


who do you believe ~ when ~ you do not know ?

do you believe Government Scientists

who we know through the Freedom of Information Act

Fudged Numbers

and then tell the public this climate warming has never happened before


do you believe

the Scientific Community based on the scientific method

stating: that is not true ~

that this Climate Warming and Cooling has happened 20 times before

over the last 2 million years

while there have been Ice ages with higher levels of CO2 in the air than today

and the Climate Study is flawed and incomplete

and the NASA prediction based on flawed incomplete science did not happen

as 99.9999% of predictions never come true

as Climate Change is Real but not caused by Carbon based Humans

of this Carbon based Earth

with Carbon based Oxygen = CO2 = Carbon dioxide

the cause of the first atmosphere with water vapor

causing the carbon cycle with oxygen and hydrogen

causing all of Nature and all carbon based Life

above and below sea level

as the political media states the cause of life

and the cause of all the food we eat

and all the oxygen we breathe


Toxic Pollution

to the unknowing public

~ while ~

the scientific community is ignored by the Government Scientist

and ignored by the politically based media

for proven to be Garbage science by Government so called Scientist

who can provide zero peer-reviewed science

who with the help of the political media true believers preach their self-debunk prediction

while ignoring

Proven Fact Tested Knowledge for the sake of their Political Agenda

~ ignoring ~

a dozen climate variables

providing an infinity of climate variable

~ ignoring ~

the last 2 million years of climate history

~ ignoring ~

180 plus years of CO2 Physics and Chemistry

~ ignoring ~

basic heat transfer science

for their political Media true belief

all further debunking their self-debunk predictions based on

proven to be fraudulent garbage science

based on zero scientific method

as real science continues to be Trashed for true make believe

by a Political Media Agenda based on test proven make believe

~ proving ~

by the scientific community

Political Media Paranoid self-debunk Climate Prediction Religion

that continues to refuse all and any scientific debate

as political media fear of the unknown future continues to dictate science

to the scientific community

while their true fear would be ended by real scientific debate

as they prefer paranoid belief over fact tested reality

as they refuse to look at and see tested knowledge

for ~ their ~ true belief in self-debunk computer prediction

based on Fraudulent Garbage science they did not investigate

as test proven Political Media Religion does not investigate real science

as they ignore all test proven fact for true belief


Political Agenda is: Political Belief = Political Religion


…have you investigated the science ~

or do you just believe what you are told to believe

by Politicians and Journalist with zero back ground in science

who have done zero investigation into the real science

who just believe what they are told to believe

while allowing zero public scientific debate

or rebuttal to bogus public statements


they continue to truly believe

the Garbage science they did not investigate and do not comprehend

and can not articulate

or debate or prove

is: settled

when settled science does not exist in the scientific method

while over 9,000 PhD’s of over 30,000 scientists just in the USA that I know of

disagree with their true belief

~ in ~

self-debunk computer prediction

based on proven to be Fraudulent Garbage science


~ ignoring fact tested reality for true belief ~


…is Climate Religion pumping CO2 into the ground ?

~ yes ~

while in Botany Science

this is reducing what plants and trees need 4 times more of in the air to breathe


is pumping CO2 into the ground

lowering oxygen levels in the air for you and I to breathe ?

~ yes ~

is pumping CO2 into the ground turning underground water into an acid ?

~ yes ~


does the United Nations state:

it is “likely”

Humans cause Climate Change

~ yes ~


do words of belief

by a flawed incomplete Political Climate Study

by Politicians who failed grade school science

prove anything in science

~ no ~


…is Al Gore a Scientist ?

~ no ~

has Al Gore earned the right to scientific opinion

~ no ~

can Al Gore Articulate any science ?

~ no ~

dose Al Gore believe the cause of all carbon based life on this carbon based earth

~ is:

Toxic Poison and Toxic Pollution

~ yes ~

has Al Gore publicly failed grade school science ?

~ yes ~

do Al Gore’s science references prove humans cause Climate Warming

~ no ~

do Al Gore’s science references prove fraud

~ yes ~

is Al Gore a proven Pathological Lair and Lunatic in Science

~ yes ~


~ Rejecting Tested Knowledge for True Belief is: not Science ~

as Al Gore has proven to the Scientific community

he has gone far beyond test proven Stupidity in science


…do I

Bruce A. Kershaw

~ Deny ~

4.6 billion years of very extreme progressive variable climate change

for a dozen known reasons today

ignored by Climate Religion

~ no ~

Climate Change is Real


…do I Deny ~

the last 20 Ice Ages and 20 Global Warming Periods

over the last 2 million years

for a dozen known reasons today

ignored by Climate Religion

~ no ~


…do I Deny ~

Montana had California Climate

1000 years ago for 200 years

ignored by Climate Religion

~ no ~

…do I Deny ~

the last 180 plus years of hard science in CO2 Physics and Chemistry

proving CO2 causes cooling

ignored by Climate Religion

~ no ~


… do I Deny ~

basic heat transfer science

ignored by Climate Religion

~ no ~


Has the rate of evaporation of Water and CO2 caused by warming

by the variable Sun

exceeded the rate the Ice is melting

causing the Ocean level to fall ?

~ yes ~

as Water Vapor and CO2 is the by-product of warming not the cause of warming

while off-setting warming by the variable Sun

as there is many times the CO2 level in the Ocean than in the air

from billions of years of continuous volcanic activity below sea level

from hundreds of active volcanoes at this time today


Does Climate Religion use an incomplete debunk science paper as

~ scientific proof ~

Humans cause Climate Warming

~ yes ~


am I called a Denier of Climate Change by Climate Religion ?

~ yes ~


Am I a Skeptic

~ ? ~

of Political Media Lunatics with ~ zero ~ back ground in science

who have publicly proven to the scientific community they failed grade school science

as they Dictate Science based only on ~ their ~ true belief

and when requested with a very large reward

can provide ~ zero ~ Real Science Reference

to support their lunatic belief in self-debunk prediction

as they preach to the un-knowing public their self-debunk prediction is happening

~ when it is Test Proven to not be ~


~ maybe they base their belief the Ocean is rising on sinking Islands ?


~ skepticism ~

the doctrine that the truth of all knowledge must always be in question


science is: to know

belief is: religion

~ skepticism ~

doubt about religious doctrines


Am I a Skeptic

~ of ~

Political Media Religion preaching a self-debunk computer climate prediction as Reality

~ self-debunk computer climate prediction ~

based on a very Flawed Incomplete Scientific Study by Politicians

based on an out-dated incomplete science paper

being used as Scientific ~ proof ~

Carbon based Humans cause Climate Warming of this Carbon based Earth


Carbon based Oxygen = CO2 = Carbon dioxide

the cause of the first atmosphere causing the carbon cycle

causing all of Nature and the Environment

and all carbon based life on this carbon based Earth

or as Lunatics call it = Toxic Pollution


….. am I a skeptic of Political Media Lunatics Dictating Science based on zero science ~

who believe CO2 with ~ zero ~ color taste or smell

the cause of Life on this Carbon based Earth is: Toxic Pollution

who believe White Steam is Toxic Pollution too


I am a Scientist = skeptic by scientific method

with over 40 years of atmospheric emission science

with an on going Investigation of the science since the spring of 2007


~ Yes ~

I am a Skeptic of Politicians and Journalist

who have earned zero right to scientific opinion

who are Preaching Humans cause Climate Change

and have yet to prove it with real science of the scientific method

as they can prove nothing beyond ~ their ~ personal feelings of true belief

~ as ~

Al Gore is a ~ Test Proven ~ Liar and Fraud in Science

who can prove nothing while making his Fortune on

~ Test Proven ~

Fraudulent Garbage

that Al Gore dictates as Science with ~ zero ~ scientific debate

as Al Gore can Articulate zero Science and has earned zero right to scientific opinion

~ as ~

Political Media Agenda continues to dictate science with zero science

as we live with the biggest Political Media Scam in modern history

by those who refuse all and any open public debate of the real science

while a group of Government Attorney’s who can prove nothing with real science

want to ~ Secretly

Prosecute Scientists who do not believe in Al Gores test proven Lies


Secretly Prosecuting Scientists for non-belief in a political agenda based on test proven lies

is called ~ Political Fascism ~ not science

as Lunatics with ~ zero ~ back ground in science

who refuse to acknowledge science beyond their true belief in self-debunk prediction

~ dictate science ~

to the un-knowing

this is called Political Media Brainwashing by a Political Agenda

not science

as Science is Questioned ~ Tested and Debated

not dictated and believed

by Politicians and Journalist who have publicly failed grade school science

who refuse to debate the real science of the scientific method

or provide scientific reference

to prove their political media agenda religion is not a proven religion

~ and why ~

do they refuse to look at real science

further proving it is a Test Proven Political Media Agenda Religion

by rejecting

proven fact tested knowledge of the Scientific Method

when you can not reject knowledge before you

Question ~ Test ~ Debate the Tested Knowledge

as only Political Religion can reject test proven knowledge for true belief

while doing test proven Harm to Nature and the Environment and all Carbon based Life

while lying to the public about the science

preaching ~ their ~ false reality

by ignoring tested knowledge for true belief

~ and ~

why does Political Media Paranoid Climate Religion Fear Knowledge ?


~ Yes ~

I am a skeptic of thoes who fear knowledge for the sake of ~their ~ true belief

the Fact Tested Knowledge they refuse to debate

~ because ~

they comprehend nothing beyond their True Belief

~ while there is zero belief in real science ~

as true belief dictates science with zero scientific method

~ doing test proven harm ~

while only costing Trillions of dollars


18 years ago Jim Hansen and NASA made a Prediction

that Manhattan would be under water today

and obviously that prediction did not happen

as 49 NASA Scientist sent a letter to NASA

stating they did not believe in this prediction that is not happening

while some continue to believe it is happening when it is not


prediction of the un-known future is: not science

while most predictions never come true

as I know there is zero knowledge in a prediction

with or without a computer

when based on very Flawed Incomplete Fraudulent science

while knowing from Geology the Ocean has risen 350 feet over the past 26,000 years

while knowing from Geology

the Ocean was about 60 feet higher than today 135,000 years ago

and about 100 feet higher 14 million years ago

as most of Montana was under water 93 million years ago

as I live in Helena Montana today at 4000 feet above sea level

and at the top of local mountains at 8000 feet above sea level we can collect sea shells

~ as change is continuous ~

for many progressive variable reasons for billions of years

~ I have spoken to many Geologist face to face ~

while not all Geologist can be in the top 5%

only one of them agreed with Al Gore

as most of them know from Ice core samples

there have been Ice ages with higher level of CO2 in the air than today

while the EPA enforces Emission science proving CO2 causes cooling

since the 1970’s

while the EPA either ignores this hard science

or the EPA does not comprehend the Physics and Chemistry they enforce

as they refuse to respond to my hundreds of communications since 2007

as I am called a Denier of something I do not Deny

by those who can prove nothing beyond their true belief in self-debunk prediction

while real science can not stop a test proven religion

or their test proven harm to Nature


Carbon based Oxygen = CO2 = Carbon dioxide

is the by-product of the hot liquid core of this Carbon based Earth

causing the first atmosphere

causing all Nature by the Carbon Cycle with oxygen and hydrogen

and all Carbon based Life

above and below seal level

called toxic pollution by Climate Religion

as this then defines all of Nature and all of Life = Toxic Pollution


as those who truly believe only humans cause Climate Change

when knowing over 90% of the CO2 in the Air is not caused by Humans

proving they Idiots and Fools of science

but I must stop for now or I will be late for my Bloodletting appointment

but this is only as a preventive measure to all Illnesses and Disease

as you know

why wait to get sick to start Bloodletting

when you ~ truly believe ~ it can and will cure everything

and of course the reason the Earth is flat is so we do not fall off

as a Swiss Cow jumped over the Moon

and explains why the Moon is made of Swiss Cheese

but I must go

or I will be late for my Bloodletting

and this will make me late for my Ouija Board science Session

making me late for my Tarot Card Reading

making me late for my very import meetings with my Psychic and Astrologer

and then I will not get home in time

for the climate sermon by those who failed grade school science at CBS News

you have decide for you what is real and what is not

saving the unknowing public the trouble of deciding for them self

as computer climate prediction of the unknown future

~ based on one of a dozen variables ~

while knowing CO2 causes cooling not warming

is: Ouija Board Science

while those who truly believe in self-debunk computer climate prediction

who failed grade school science and reject the scientific method

dictate science

as they do test proven harm to Nature

by Stupid carbon based Humans

made by this

Carbon based Earth


~ CO2 ~

as Lunatics dictate science

~ as you truly believe in their words of true belief ~

based on ~ zero ~ science


long before

Climate Religion came to be and thought of it

and because proven knowledge is rejected for true belief

this is why history continues to be repeated

again and then again

as knowledge is rejected for true belief

once again

as computers guided by political agenda should never be believed

and can only distort test proven reality for make believe

as we live with opinion based science based on zero fact

as science is skepticism of make believe


…do you know or do you make believe ?

as I am called a Denier and Fanatic Skeptic by Climate Religion

because I am for ~ truth ~ in Tested knowledge

so there is something wrong with me

because I am a Skeptic

of true belief in self-debunk prediction dictating science

as those who continue to belittle me

who can provide nothing beyond their personal feelings of true belief

as they call their feelings = science

as they continue to do harm to Nature

as they truly believe the cause of all Nature is Toxic Pollution

while their Toxic Pollution is not causing warming

~ their ~

Toxic Pollution

it is the by-product of warming while off-setting warming by the variable Sun

making this carbon based Earth Greener and Healthier

for all Carbon based Life

as we live today in one of the gentlest mildest climate variables of known climate history

of this Carbon based Earth causing all Carbon based life


Carbon based Oxygen = CO2 = Carbon dioxide

where true believers ignore

Fact Tested Reality

and live their life based on a politically induced paranoia of the un-known future

as this will keep them distracted from the paranoia of the next over due

super volcano and asteroid

that will wipe out most all carbon based life on this carbon based earth

again like before

as proven fact tested knowledge is found to be Irrelevant

only in

Political Media Paranoid Climate Religion

while the only rebuttal I have received from PhD’s

who truly Believe

~ as most do not believe as there is zero belief in real science ~

is name calling

while name calling does not prove we carbon based Humans

cause climate warming of this carbon based Earth

with the cause of all carbon based Life

that plants and Trees need 4 times more of in the air to breathe

to be Healthy and be the food we eat while making all the oxygen we breathe today

over the past 600 million years of Carbon Cycle above sea level

with Oxygen and Hydrogen

while there will always be true believers who failed grade school science

dictating science based on zero proven fact tested knowledge

of the scientific method





December 8, 2016

Helena ~ Montana

the expected high for today is 9*

the record high for today was 54* in 1887

the record low for today was -28* in 1972


You can not substitute fact test knowledge for true belief and call it science

and then refuse to debate the science

and then prevent in every way possible the real science from being known

as political media religion rejects all real science and then dictate their belief as science

while providing zero science beyond words of true belief in self-debunk prediction

~ self-debunk computer climate prediction ~

based on proven to be Flawed Incomplete Fraudulent Garbage Political Agenda Study

based on True Belief

as all real science is Irrelevant in Political Media Climate Religion

by a proven to be Fraudulent Political Agenda

by those who have publicly failed grade school science

and continue to dictate science based on zero proven science

while doing test proven Harm to the Carbon Cycle and Nature and the Environment

for the sake of true belief in Political Garbage science

dictated by a political media agenda

who have zero comprehension of real science

as they dictate and preach the cause of all Nature and Life is Pollution

while they wonder why there is skepticism of their Lunatic Belief


Scott Pelley and CBS News

can not even acknowledge the 9000 pus PhD’s

of over 30,000 plus real scientist who disagree with them

or 49 NASA Scientists who disagree with Scott’s true belief

and when requested CBS News can provide zero science

as CBS News continue to preach a proven Lie

along with all the other so called News outlets

who are lying to the public for the sake of their political agenda

based on Fraudulent Garbage they call science

science they do not comprehend and refuse to debate

as they believe the science is settled

science they have yet to prove to exist


as I live for the truth in science ignored by Climate Religion

as Climate Religion continues to state

“the science is settled”

when settled science does not exist in real science of the scientific method

further proving Political Media Climate Religion has failed grade school science

as only Fascist Lunatics can ~ dictate ~ their True Belief as science

while those un-knowing in the public with zero comprehension of the real science

just make believe

because the un-knowing public have been given zero choice of knowledge

to see real knowledge beyond political media true belief

so they may decide for them self what is real and what is not

as they are just told what to believe supported by only words of belief

while there is zero belief in science

as repetitiveness is the key to deprogramming


..take the time to look and see

to know


science ~ is: to ~ know

as a Real Scientist is a true skeptic by scientific method

~ knowing ~

not everything can be explained by science

as we do not know more than we know

~ knowing ~

we can not reject tested knowledge for make believe

as tested reality is not make believe

~ knowing ~

Climate Change is Real

~ and ~

Wisdom is the ability to use knowledge constructively

while understanding the difference between knowledge and belief

~ knowing ~

when true belief dictates reality

there can be no reality in knowledge by scientific method

as the religion of science is skepticism of true belief dictating science

~ knowing ~

belief is not knowledge


knowledge ~ vs ~ true belief


…is your reality make believe

~ or ~

tested knowledge of the scientific method ~

do you know or do you make believe ?


to know is science ~ to believe is religion

as true belief rejects tested knowledge

as tested knowledge rejects true belief


as science acknowledges religion


political media religion dictates science

as I am a true skeptic for fact tested reality

as political media religion refuses to debate fact tested reality

while a real scientist will admit they are wrong

based on the skepticism of make believe

as there is zero reality in test proven make believe


December 5, 2016

Helena ~ Montana

the expected high for today 23*

the record high 64* in 1918

the record low -24* below zero in 1972


Climate Science ~ vs ~ Climate Religion

my sermon to climate religion



for the scientific proof

Carbon based Humans cause Climate Warming


when you join an organization dedicated to the true belief

Carbon based Humans cause all Climate Change

this is not tested knowledge this is a political media church


~ to all the Montana News Papers owned by Lee Enterprise ~

as you have decided for your readers

so your readers will not have to decide for them self

what is real and what is not

as your proven lies now dictate a science fiction fantasy reality

based on proven to be self-debunk make believe

based on proven to be very Flawed Incomplete Fraudulent Garbage Science

that you support 100%

as you do not know you just believe

as your true belief prevents you from knowing

as you dictate science with zero science and zero debate

as you have done zero investigation of the fact tested knowledge

as you ignore fact tested reality for your true make believe

~ my ~

Letter to the Editor

you will not print

for the sake of your ~ very proven to be ~ Fraudulent Political Agenda

as you have yet to print one of my many Letters to the Editor since 2007

as Truth in Knowledge can not stop a ~ proven to be ~ Fraudulent Political Agenda

doing test proven harm to all of Nature and the Environment

as you choose to make believe while ignoring fact tested reality

as you just believe what you are told to believe by a Political Agenda

because you do not Comprehend the Real Science

as you continue to Believe and Preach the cause of all Nature and Life is: Toxic Pollution

as you refuse to allow proven fact tested knowledge to be known

as this is proven Political Media Fascism not fact tested reality in science

as true belief rejecting and preventing knowledge from being known

and rejecting all rebuttal to test proven lies in science

in all of your News Papers

by those with zero back ground in science

is: not science

as you refuse to look at and see knowledge for the sake of ~ your ~ make believe

as you ignore the past 180 plus years of test proven Physics and Chemistry

ignored for your true belief

the tested Hard Science that has never been debunk and just ignored for your true belief

tested knowledge proving CO2 causes cooling

~ this is not science ~

just as your True Belief in self-debunk prediction is: not science

as Real Science is based on tested knowledge not personal feelings or political agenda


as political agenda donations outweigh tested reality in science

for the sake of power and greed

as the Legacy of our Elected Officials and the Media

will be based on their lack of knowledge

and their ability to be puppets for political agenda

based on a lack of knowledge

as we are now forced to live with a Dictated Political ~ Science Fiction ~ Agenda

by those with zero back ground in science

who have publicly proven they are Idiots in science

as we live in a modern world

where true belief in self-debunk prediction based on Fraudulent Garbage

and test proven Political Media Lies

is called science

as there is zero knowledge in true belief

while true belief rejecting knowledge can do only harm and zero good

as Political Media Fascism continues to dictate a ~ test proven ~ Bogus Reality

as test proven Political Media Fraud dictates a proven to be False Reality

to the un-knowing but not to the knowing

as Big Dummy’s in science dictate science

as they refuse to debate the proven fact tested knowledge = science

proving with real science they are wrong



President Barack Obama

Montana Governor ~ Steve Bullock


James Woodcock ~ Billings Gazette

~ as ~

you ignore the Truth

because you refuse to look and see what is real and what is not

as you can not Defend your ~ test proven ~ Lies

that are doing ~ test proven ~ Harm

that you ignore for your True Belief

because you have zero comprehension of the tested knowledge

as your science is based only on Emotional Feelings by a Political Agenda

and zero tested reality

as there are zero feelings in real science

as you dictate your un-earned scientific opinion you do not comprehend

as you can articulate zero real science beyond only your words of true belief


True Belief

~ please ~

forward to me your Scientific References proving CO2 is Toxic Poison and Toxic Pollution


White Steam is Toxic Poison and Toxic Pollution

Thank You

Bruce A. Kershaw

P.O. Box 4664

Helena ~ Montana

59604 – 4664

~ while ~

I would like you to meet

~ 31,487 ~

American Scientists who disagree with your Political Media Religion

proving there is zero Scientific consensus

while proving there is only a Political Media True Belief consensus

~ and ~

The cause of all Carbon based Life

on this Carbon based Earth

Carbon based Oxygen = CO2 = Carbon dioxide

~ as ~

Carbon Capture


Man Made

Carbon based Oxygen = CO2 = Carbon dioxide


Lowering O2 oxygen levels in the Air

Turning underground Water into an Acid

while reducing what Plants and Trees need 4 times more of in the air to breathe

while costing We the ~ carbon based ~ People of this ~ carbon based ~ Earth

Billions of Dollars

to do this test proven harm to Nature and zero good


carbon ~ oxygen ~ hydrogen

is the cause and bases of all Life and Energy on this Carbon based Earth

~ where everything has carbon in it ~


CO2 is Carbon and Oxygen together

from the Hot liquid core of this carbon based Earth

causing the first atmosphere with water vapor

causing the Carbon cycle with oxygen and hydrogen

and this is why we have food to eat

and this is why we have O2 oxygen to breathe

as all the O2 we breathe today was made from CO2


Man Made CO2 is made from

HC = hydrogen and carbon together

being vaporized by O2 oxygen from the Air we breathe

causing the Carbon part of HC = hydrogen and carbon

to bond to the O2 oxygen from the Air we breathe

while pumping the Man made CO2 into the ground

we are not allowing


Carbon Cycle by Plants and Trees

to recycle the oxygen back into the air where it came from

 doing test proven harm to Nature

while making the poor poorer and the rich richer

while allowing Environmental Lunatics who failed grade school science

to feel better about them self so they can sleep better at night

as the Sun continues to become warmer and brighter

and will one day vaporize this carbon based Earth

and then none of this will matter

but until then this Lunatic Climate Religion

based on self-debunk prediction

based on ~ Fraudulent Garbage ~ science

will continue to do only harm

to all of  Nature and the Environment

as they continue to make believe they are doing good

as they refer to the cause of all life and nature as Toxic Pollution

as they refer to white steam as Toxic Pollution

proving climate religion failed grade school science

as the estimated cost for the next 10 to 20 years is 10 to 20 trillion dollars

to continue to do this test proven harm to Nature

as we could be spending 10 to 20 trillion dollars to do something Positive


we will not

as Political Media Lunatics who do not comprehend the science

continue to dictate the science


~ My Hypothetical Conjecture ~



20 ~ Ice Ages and 20 ~ Global Warming Periods

over the past 2 ~ million years

of very extreme progressive variable climate change over the past 4.6 billion years

for a dozen know reasons today


Hypothetical Conjecture = Prediction is:

there will be another 20 Ice Ages and 20 Global Warming Periods

over the next 2 ~ million years

~ the end ~

of my Hypothetical Conjecture = Prediction

as there is zero knowledge in prediction of the un-known future

as we live today with self-debunk Prediction dictating science

that is doing test proven Harm to Nature

while reality in Real Science is admitting failure and growing forward

as science is proven wrong far More often than proven right

as admitted proven failure is the key to Reality in tested knowledge

as real science is discovered

and not dictated by a political agenda and then believed by the un-knowing

as real science is to know

beyond feelings of true belief

as True Belief is never Questioned ~ Tested and Debated

as True Believers reject all scientific debate

as they believe in their minds the science is settled

while knowing no science

while in real science of the scientific method settled science does not exist

and self-debunk hypothetical conjecture is not science




~  Proven Fact Tested Knowledge ~


The Scientific Method

as most of the atmosphere is – 200 degrees F below zero

as Heat still rises -200 degree air still takes it’s place

at the poles of this carbon based Earth

warming up to about -100 to -80 degrees below zero on the way down

and is knowledge ignored by the political climate study and climate religion

as there is far more knowledge missing from the so called climate study

than in the so called climate study

as Hot CO2 is Rising removing ~ transferring ~ Heat from the lower atmosphere

~ faster ~

as CO2 can not make new energy CO2 can only transfer preexisting Heat and Energy

already in the atmosphere

as heat still rises

into the upper atmosphere

while in the -200 degree below zero air crashing down at the North and South Poles

with increased levels of frozen water vapor and Frozen CO2 = Dry Ice

caused by evaporation by the variable Sun

as the increased levels of Dry Ice is cooling the air 10 times faster and 20 times longer

than the increased levels of frozen water vapor

off-setting warming by the variable Sun

as Water Vapor and CO2 is the by-product of warming not the cause of warming

as the Evaporation rate has exceeded the the rate the Ice is melting

caused by

the variable Sun and the Hot Liquid Core of this Carbon based Earth

while the Ice melts from the top and bottom side and moves during Ice ages too

as the Ice is not frozen to the Earth the Ice is floating on the Earth

caused by the hot liuqid core melting the Ice from the bottom side

as direct sun Energy separates Ice on the top side

separating the hydrogen from the oxygen

as all of this knowledge is said to be

~ Irrelevant ~

and ignored by Climate Religion and their political agenda climate study

and how can all CO2 science ~ Physics and Chemistry

be Irrelevant in study that only focuses on CO2

while ignoring a dozen climate variables and the last 2 million years of climate history ?

as they refuse to look at tested knowledge

for the sake of their true belief and political agenda

while Climate Religion can provide nothing beyond self-debunk prediction to prove

Carbon based Humans cause Climate Warming of this Carbon based Earth

with the cause of the Carbon Cycle causing all Nature and Life

making this Blue Planet

Green too


Carbon based Oxygen = CO2 = Carbon dioxide

while 180 plus years of hard science

proving CO2 causes cooling has not been debunked just ignored

and is science enforced by the EPA since the 1970’s

to lower NOx Emissions

and after hundreds of communications to the EPA they refuse to respond



when you substitute 1% of the Nitrogen in the air with CO2

your car will not start and Idle

because the CO2 lowered the combustion explosion temperature 500 degrees


as the cause of cooling and all life is known as Toxic Pollution by Climate Religion

based on zero science they refuse to debate

as test proven Political Media Idiots in science dictate science

based on ~ ZERO ~ scientific method

as Climate Religion continues to ignore test proven reality for make believe

by a proven

Fraudulent Political Agenda

that ~ must ~ continue to ignore test proven Reality to succeed

as they ignore the fact their predictions are now self-debunk

because they ignored the science that debunk their predictions

as they continue to preach the self-debunk prediction is happening

proving it is a Political Media Paranoid self-debunk Prediction Religion

committing fraud

as Climate Religion has turned-off

perfectly good working weather station all over this carbon based Earth

and replaced them with weather stations on Tared Roofs Tops

next to Heating and Air conditioning outlets

and using these flawed measurements to support their make believe science

along with many other proven Acts of  Fraud in Science


~ while ~


Political Media Paranoid self-debunk Climate Prediction Religion

is now trying to secretly prosecute non-believers

for non-belief in self-debunk computer climate prediction = Ouija Board science

while Political Media Climate Religion refuses to look at or debate

the fact tested knowledge of the scientific method

as self-debunked ~ prediction ~ proves nothing

while proving

Political Media Climate Religion is a Political Media Religion

~ and so what will the punishment be ~

for the Smartest Brightest Scientists in America today

for non-belief


Political Media Paranoid self-debunk Climate Prediction Religion

known as self-debunk ~ Ouija Board ~ science in the scientific community

that is doing test proven harm to the Carbon Cycle and all of Nature and the Environment

~ as the Politicians and Journalist are just to stupid to know it ~

and not smart enough to investigate the fact tested reality

for the sake of their ~ test proven to be ~ self-debunk make believe

while in real science

we do not prosecute for non-belief

because there is ~ ZERO ~ belief in real science

as only Political Fascism can prosecute for non-belief

as this what ISIS is doing today all around this carbon based Earth

as proven to be Fraudulent Journalism by a proven Political Media Agenda

continues to Brainwash the Carbon based Humans of this Carbon based Earth

with test proven Fraudulent Garbage Science

as Political Media Fascism dictates science to science

as science is now based on ~ test proven ~ Political Media Lies

as our scientific friend and professional office clerk

Albert Einstein

if he was alive and well today would agree

self-debunk Imagination based on test proven Fraudulent Garbage science

is not fact tested knowledge or reality

while nothing can reverse self-debunk Computer Climate Prediction

~ Ouija Board Science ~

based on ~ test proven ~ Fraudulent Garbage Science

as prediction of the un-known future is not knowledge or science

while I do not think it is possible to Prosecute

49 NASA Scientists

and over 9,000 PhD’s

of over 30,000 plus Scientists that I know of

who do not believe in

self-debunk computer climate prediction = Ouija Board science

and keep it a Secret

as real science is Questioned then Tested and then Debated

and is not true belief in self-debunk prediction

or the belief in the words of belief

what if ~ maybe



as words prove nothing

as the United Nations states it is “likely” Humans cause climate Change

World Famous Physicist

Michio Kaku



Humans cause Climate Change



along with all the other so called news networks

~ who Believe ~


Humans do cause Climate Change

but they have yet to provide any science after continued requests for many years to prove it


~ Science you can not prove is not science ~

while test proven Lies are test proven Lies

as some scientist who ignore the scientific method

~ say ~

with words

Humans cause climate change but have yet to prove it with real fact tested science

nor have they debunk the preexisting Hard Science that debunk their words of true belief

Hard Science they do not comprehend

proving they have earned zero right to scientific opinion

as they ignore the Hard Science for Political Media true belief in self-debunk prediction

as Hard Science is the Simple Science that has not been debunk

and it is the Simple Science Climate Religion Ignores for true belief

because they do not comprehend the Simple Science

~ or ~

they are just paid by someone to Make Believe

in self-debunk prediction

as Simple Hard Science is only Irrelevant in Make Believe


Bill Nye

[email protected]

~ what if ~

all volcanic activity below sea level was above sea level ?

~ The Volcanic Ash would be miles thick ~

~ what if  ~

Climate Religion stopped believing and looked at the real science ?

as Bill Nye refuses to look at or debate real science

or provide real science to prove his new religion is not a test proven religion

as true belief in what if

is not science

as there is zero knowledge in

what if ~ maybe

and likely

as Bill Nye is a Preacher for Climate Religion not a Scientist of the Scientific Method

as Bill Nye has earned zero right to scientific opinion in real climate science

while the only propose for what if is:

Fear of the un-known

and is political garbage and not fact tested science

as Bill Nye is

providing only added Paranoia to what is test proven self-debunk make believe

as Bill Nye is paid by Al Gore to make believe in self-debunk Garbage

as he ignores fact tested reality to profit from fear in self-debunk make believe

as Bill Nye is selling Fear not tested Reality

as he preaches Paranoia based on self-debunk science


While we do ~ know ~ from our DNA funnel

after the last super volcano 74,000 years ago

there were about 15 breeding Women left on this Carbon based Earth

~ * ~

Wisdom is the ability to use knowledge constructively

while understanding the difference between knowledge and belief

as political media belief is: stupidity ruling humanity

~ while knowing ~

there is no cure for political media agenda religion stupidity

~ as the religion of science is skepticism of true belief dictating science ~


fact tested reality is ignored by political media agenda climate religion


~ knowing ~

there have been 20 Ice Ages and 20 Global Warming Periods

in just the past 2 million years

~ knowing ~

this Global Warming Period began 14,000 years ago

~ knowing ~

the ocean has risen 350 feet over the past 26,000 years

~ knowing ~

1000 years ago Montana had California climate for 200 years

~ knowing ~

from Ice core samples

there have been Ice Ages with higher CO2 levels than today

~ knowing ~

there are a dozen climate variables ~ not one ~  providing an infinity of climate variable

~ knowing not believing ~

extreme ~ progressive ~ variable

Climate Change

is normal


Natural Climate Cycles for billions of years not caused by Human Activity

~ knowing ~

as water vapor and CO2 levels continue to increase caused by evaporation

by the variable Sun

the rate of warming continues to slow down


the rate of evaporation has exceeded the rate the Ice is melting

making the Carbon based Earth causing all Carbon based Life

with a Carbon Cycle with Oxygen and Hydrogen

caused by the first atmosphere of water vapor


Carbon based Oxygen = CO2 = Carbon dioxide



~ while ~

we are told my the Political Media Climate Religion

the Ocean is rising when it has been proven it is not

as the Ocean level has in fact fallen

and If ice did not Melt

the Ocean level would drop very rapidly from evaporation by the variable Sun

just like you must add water to the swimming pool in your back yard every day


~ knowing ~

I do not need to be a Skeptic

to Prove

~ scientifically ~

Al Gore

is not a scientist

who rejects and ignores the scientific method ignoring ~ all ~ fact tested reality

who can articulate zero science

who is politically dictating science

who has publicly failed grade school science

who has earned zero right to scientific opinion

who refuses to debate the fact tested knowledge

who can provide zero real scientific references for his self-debunk statements

as his bogus science references prove only fraud

while I can prove over 9000 PhD’s disagree with Al Gore’s Pathological make believe

as Al Gore states there is a scientific consensus that is proven not to exist


Al Gore

~ and his proven pathological lies and proven fraud is the bases for the now ~


political media ~ Paranoid ~ climate perdition religion

based on ~ test proven ~ self-debunk prediction

based on ~ test proven ~ to be flawed incomplete debunk fraudulent garbage science

by a political climate study by a political body not a science body

by those who failed grade school science

and can articulate zero science

as they continue to ignore pre-existing real science they do not comprehend

pre-existing science that further debunk their self-debunk predictions

long before making their self-debunk Politically based Predictions of the un-known future

based on Politically based Fraudulent Garbage that continues to be dictated as science

as bogus science continues to be

~ believed ~

as real science is: test proven not believed

while real science continues to be ignored by true believers

who comprehend zero real science

and have earned zero right to scientific opinion

while they continue to give their un-earned opinion in their test proven make believe

as they continue to ignore

~ science is: to know ~

as fact tested knowledge is seen and not make believe

and when true belief refuses to look at the proven fact tested knowledge

for the sake of true belief

this is called Religion not Science

~ so ~

…do you know

or do you make believe in test proven fraudulent garbage science

that you do not comprehend

as you continue to preach Fraudulent Garbage science you can not articulate

just like Al Gore can not articulate and does not comprehend and will never comprehend

while proving Political Media Lunatics dictate science

as I am a Proud Scientific Denier



Political Media Paranoid Climate Prediction Religion

while I do not believe this carbon based Earth is Flat

because I ~ know ~ it is not by tested knowledge

while I watched all the Moon Landings as they happened beginning at the age 13

so we now know the Moon is not made of Swiss Cheese

regardless if the Cow jumped over the Moon

as Al Gore states to the world CO2 and Carbon on this Carbon based Earth

causing the carbon cycle and all carbon based life is: Pollution

while CO2 has zero color taste or smell while causing all life

as trillions of dollars are wasted while Al Gore ~ the proven fraud and hypocrite ~ Profits

as Al Gore has done an Excellent job Brainwashing the un-knowing

with his test proven Lies

so is

Al Gore a Pathological Liar


just a Lair

as Al Gore has Programmed himself to believe

as Al Gore’s Climate Religion continues to ignore Al Gore’s Fraud


they do not

~ know ~

they just believe in self-debunk computer prediction

while the only reason Al Gore does not take me to court

for calling him a Fraud every signal day since 2007

is because he ~ knows ~ I have proven he is a test proven fraud with ~ real ~ science




The cause of the Carbon cycle


all Carbon based life on this carbon based Earth

with CO2 the source of all the O2 oxygen we breathe today

and the source of all the carbon based food we eat today

to keep our carbon based body’s alive

~ is ~

not Pollution


Al Gore continues to ignore the test proven facts of Life

that Al Gore has been made very aware of many times


Al Gore is a Political Media Lunatic in Science for Profit

along with anyone who

~ believes ~

the cause of all Nature and all carbon based Life on this Carbon based Earth is: Pollution

as Political Media Lunatics in science who failed grade school science dictate science

while ignoring and preventing real science from being known

by a proven Political Media Agenda committing test proven Fraud in science


knowing ~ not ~ believing

~ if you are not a true skeptic then you are not a real scientist ~

of the scientific method




the doctrine that the truth of all knowledge must always be in question


and this why there is a scientific method

as skepticism is the bases of the scientific method

as science is: to know

as science is: questioned then tested and debated

~ knowing ~ not ~ believing ~


Climate Change is: Real

~ * ~

skepticism is: the doubt of political-religious doctrines

~ knowing ~

true belief in self-debunk prediction

based on

a flawed incomplete debunk study

based on

an outdated incomplete debunked science paper

~ being used as scientific proof ~

by a Political Agenda

is: not science

as this is test proven fraud in science


~ knowing ~

pumping CO2 into the Ground is lowering oxygen levels in the air

while turning underground water into an Acid

while reducing what Plants and Trees need 4 times more of in the air to breathe

costing only trillions of dollars

as this is: test proven stupidity not science

as this is doing test proven harm and zero good

as we

~ intentionally ~

harm the carbon cycle and all carbon based life and this carbon based Earth

by a political agenda based on test proven Fraudulent Garbage being dictated as Science

~ that is ~

knowingly ~ or ~ unknowingly

committing test proven Fraud in science

as my on going investigation since 2007

and my 40 plus years of Atmospheric Emission Science

has more than scientifically proven


this proven to be fraudulent political agenda continues to state

the cause of all Nature is:

Toxic Poison and Toxic Pollution

based on ~ zero ~ science

based on ~ zero ~ scientific method

based on zero skepticism

while calling white steam pollution too

~ knowing ~

after 180 plus years of test proven history of CO2 physics and chemistry

Carbon based Oxygen = CO2 = Carbon Dioxide



~ knowing ~

Climate Religion continues to ignore this proven Physics and Chemistry

stating this test proven ~ CO2 ~ science is

~ Irrelevant ~

in a Scientific study that only focuses on CO2

while ignoring a dozen climate variables and all climate history

all further debunking their self-debunk predictions

by those who failed grade school science and now dictate science

~ knowing ~

the only thing Political Media Agenda True Believers fear is

~ Fact Tested  Reality ~


proven fact tested knowledge of the scientific method

~ knowing ~

as this Political Media Agenda ~ ignores ~ all real tested knowledge

while allowing zero public rebuttal to their test proven Fraudulent Garbage make believe

as they dictate Garbage science to the un-knowing public

and to the scientific community who reject the self-debunk true belief

as climate Religion ~ refuses ~ to debate the real science of the scientific method

with real scientist

as real science is Questioned ~ Tested ~ Debated

~ not ~

Political ~ Media

Make Believe

~ knowing ~

this political agenda can provide zero peer-reviewed science refference to support

their test proven self-debunk Make Believe

as self-debunk Prediction proves nothing

~knowing ~

True Belief in prediction is: not science

~ knowing ~

Political Media Agenda

is hiding and preventing the truth in science in every way possible

as this is test proven political media Fascism not Science

as this is the new Political Media un-Reality

as True Believers who failed Grade School Science

continue to preach their Political Media Climate Religion

based on zero fact tested knowledge

as Climate Religion is based on test proven Fraud


Political Agenda

as I live only for the Fact Tested Truth in Knowledge = science

~ as science is: to know ~


Science is not make believe

as my reality is not based on true belief in self-debunk prediction

based on test proven Fraudulent Garbage dictated as science

as the cause of all Nature

the cause of the Carbon cycle and all Carbon based Life

on this carbon based Earth is: not Pollution


Political Media Paranoid Climate Religion

Truly Believes in self-debunk prediction

proving only political media religion

while they can Articulate zero tested knowledge

as climate Religion dictates science

while they fear proven knowledge

as they live in fear of tested reality for paranoid self-debunk make believe

as they choose Political Media Agenda Paranoia

rather than learn tested knowledge of the scientific method

as they do not know they just believe in political media make believe

as their make believe is doing ~ test proven ~ harm and zero good

because they failed grade school science

as they have earned zero right to scientific opinion

as they have zero comprehension of the garbage science

that now dictates science to scientist


~ the religion of science is skepticism of true belief dictating science ~

and if you are ~ not ~ a true Skeptic then you are not a true Scientist

as real science is skepticism

~ not ~

Political Media make believe in test proven Fraudulent Garbage preached as science

as there is zero skepticism

zero scientific method


zero peer-reviewed science



Political Media Paranoid Climate Religion

so do you know ~ or ~ do you make believe

and why does Climate Religion fear tested knowledge

proving it is a Political Media Religion

based only on fear of the self-debunk un-known future

as their prediction of the un-known future 18 years ago is now self-debunk

as the prediction was debunk 18 years ago with real science when the prediction was made

~ real science ~

ignored by Climate Religion

as tested knowledge continues to debunk true belief

as climate religion is a Political Media Agenda Religion not science

as prediction is Ouija Board science = make believe

as there is zero knowledge in prediction

and when you continue to believe in a prediction that did not happen

because you do not follow the real science

while your religion continues to state the prediction is happening

this is test proven religion not science

as you continue to believe in and preach hearsay make believe

as you ignore fact tested reality


~ test proven ~

Political Media Paranoia

as true belief continues to reject the fact tested truth

as this is the bases for Political Media Agenda Religion





November 22, 2016

Helena ~ Montana

the expected high for today is 45*

the record high for today was 61* in 1904

the record low was -18* in 1946


~ knowing ~

Climate Religion refuses to debate tested knowledge

as Steve Running of the University of Montana states to the Public

the variable Sun with many cycles is:

~ not a climate variable ~

This is called Lunatic Science

by someone who Preaches his self-debunk Ouija Board Science

~ proving ~

there are Lunatics in science too

who ignore fact tested reality of the scientific method

as imagination is good

but true belief in self-debunked imagination is not knowledge

and is not something we should be preaching to our children as test proven fact


Reed Humphrey

[email protected]


University of Montana

your back ground in Exercise and Physical Therapy

does not earn you the right to scientific opinion

~ in ~

Atmospheric Emission Science Physics and Chemistry


Climate Science

as you preach your Garbage Science to the Public

based on Hearsay Political Media Make Believe

~ while Lee News Papers will allow zero rebuttal to your test proven Garbage Science ~

based on zero scientific method


Preaching your True Belief is not Science

~ Reed ~

If you are looking for tested reality in science

~ stop believing and start knowing ~ political agenda rejects the scientific method for political media make believe ~

I challenge you Reed Humphrey

to an open Public Debate in Real Science of the scientific method

beyond your

True Make Believe in Proven to be Political Media Fraudulent Garbage Science

by those who ignore tested reality for make believe

as Steve Running will not debate the Real science

as Steve does not Teach Science

Steve Preaches to our Young

~ for the sake of his political agenda ~

self-debunk Prediction of the un-known future that is not happening

based on proven to be Fraudulent Garbage that Steve believes is real science

as the hole that Political Media Climate Religion continues to dig just gets deeper



do you believe Scientist who are non-believers of Climate Religion

should be Secretly Prosecuted by a Political Agenda of Government Attorneys ~ too ?

and with your expertise in Exercise and Physical Therapy

would you please explain your expert opinion in climate science to me

beyond your personal feelings of true belief in self-debunk prediction

based on ~ test proven ~ Garbage Fraudulent so called science

as you are a true believer who can prove nothing just like Steve Running

and would you say Hi to Steve for me

as Steve refuses to debate his make believe science

~ thanks ~


Bruce A. Kershaw

Helena ~ Montana

40 years Atmospheric Emission Science

~ that Steve Running does not comprehend ~

As Steve

continues to brain wash the world with his lack of intelligence

as Steve believes and states

the Sun is not a climate variable

along with many other Climate variables ignored by Steve

that Steve did not incorporate into his Climate Prediction of the un-known future

as there have been 20 Ice ages and 20 Global Warming periods

in just the past 2 million years of 4.6 billion years of

very extreme ~ progressive ~ variable climate change

~ as ~

~ The SUN ~

is a Climate variable  with many cycles

as the variable SUN continues to become warmer and brighter

as the distance between the SUN and this Carbon based Earth


a Climate Variable

as the Hot Liquid Core of this Carbon based Earth is a Climate variable

for many reasons ignored by Steve

as the hot liquid core heats the ocean and lower atmosphere

of this carbon based Earth

while the Ozone Hole is ~ not ~ a constant and is a Climate variable ignored by Steve

as the Ozone Hole is continuously opening and closing caused by solar activity

as the atmosphere expands like a balloon the Ozone Hole becomes larger

and when the atmosphere shrinks like a balloon the Ozone Hole becomes smaller

while just one heat wave by the variable Sun

increases the density of the atmosphere by 20%

now add hundreds of un-measurable active volcanoes below sea level

providing most of the CO2 going into the air everyday

as water vapor and CO2 increase from evaporation by the variable Sun

the rate of warming continues to slow down

as the rate of evaporation of water vapor and CO2 has exceed the rate the Ice is melting

causing the ocean level to fall not rise as predicted

self-debunking Steve’s Religion

as Steve’s Religion is Lying to the Public about these proven facts


as this is just a small sample of knowledge ignored by Steve Running

when predicting the future with his computer


as Steve has proven he is a Big Dummy in Science

while predicting the un-known future is not knowledge

as prediction is not science

as Steve believes prediction of the un-known future based on a proven lack of knowledge

is science

as Steve will not debate his lack of Climate Knowledge

the lack of knwoledge he uses to predict the future

as Steve believes there is only one Climate variable

out of a dozen known variables

providing this carbon based earth with an infinity of climate variable

ignored by Steve when predicting the future

as there is zero fact tested reality in self-debunk prediction

as this too is ignored by Steve

as Steve believes his self-debunk prediction is happening

when in tested reality it is not

as Steve continues to Brainwash this carbon based world

with Fraudulent Garbage Make Believe based on a lake of proven knowledge

providing this carbon based world with

Political Media Paranoid ~ self-debunk ~ Climate Prediction Religion

as Steve’s Science Fiction has ~ zero ~ Reality in Fact Tested Science

as science continues to debunk make believe

as the Media continues to preach the make believe

with zero scientific references beyond hearsay make believe

in Political Media Garbage


Self-debunk Ouija Board Science



as the test proven Political Media Fraud in Science continues


Political Media ~ Paranoid ~ Climate Religion

who refuse to any and all open public debate of fact tested reality in science

proving it is a Political Media Religion by Political Agenda

~ committing ~

Test Proven Fraud in Science

caused by Pathological True Belief

by Proven Fools in science


True Belief in self-debunk prediction is not ~

proven fact tested knowledge of the scientific method

as Steve’s Pathological True Belief is not fact tested reality

as Ouija Board science is: not real science


~ November 20, 2016 ~

Helena ~ Montana

the expected high for today is 50*

the record high for today was 69 in 1897

the record low was -15* in 1900


To: Al Gore and your Climate Religion

thank you for providing this carbon based earth with

Climate Paranoia for your Profit

as you fear real scientific debate

as you fear tested knowledge of the scientific method

as you fear to know


science is : to know


~ you can not continue to ignore ~

a dozen climate variables

the last 2 million years of climate history

and the last 180 years of test proven Physics and Chemistry

all debunking your test proven religion based on self-debunk prediction

as you continue to ignore

Heat ~ still ~ Rises

as most of the atmosphere is -200 degrees

and as heat ~ still ~ rises

increased levels of -200* water vapor

and increased levels of -200 * CO2 = Dry Ice

caused by increased evaporation caused by warming by the variable Sun

come crashing downward toward the Poles of this carbon based earth

while the Frozen CO2 = Dry Ice is cooling the air on the way downward

10 times faster and 20 times longer than the increased levels of frozen water vapor

warming up to -80* below zero on the way down

while the evaporation rate of water vapor and CO2 has exceeded the rate the Ice is Melting

as evaporated water vapor and CO2 is the by-product of warming not the cause

further debunking your true belief

in your


Pathological Political Hypothetical Conjecture Prediction

~ as ~

very extreme progressive variable climate change is: continuous


~ very real ~

for the past 4.6 Billion Years

while you call me a denier of the reality of very known test proven climate change

that you ignore for your pathological make believe

while you are very busy with your proven to be

~ Fraudulent ~ world wide carbon credit scheme

while your test proven climate religion

continues to ignore all of your wrong doing and test proven fraud

while your science references are obviously intended for fools like yourself

and only further prove your fraud in real science

while I am guessing your true believers and followers of your climate religion

have not reviewed your science references

as their true belief is based on zero proven science

as your true believers have earned zero right to scientific opinion

as they continue to preach your true belief based on garbage science

as I have yet to converse with a true believer who can articulate any science

as they have failed grade school science just like you

as they are just true believers of your climate religion

who can prove nothing when asked to prove their religion is not a religion

not even with a reward

as they comprehend zero science knowledge as they just believe every word you say

as words prove nothing

as you Al Gore have provided this carbon based world

~ where everything has carbon in it ~

with the biggest Political Media Scam of all known Modern History

as you are the Biggest Greatest Snake Oil Salesman of all Time

as you promote the Secret Prosecution of non-believers

of your proven Political Media Religion

and in my life long studies of history this is called Political Fascism

not tested science of the scientific method

as we do not prosecute for non-belief in science

because there is zero belief in tested science

~ as ~

Climate Change caused by Carbon based Humans of this Carbon based Earth


a test proven Lie


test proven

Political Media Fraud

by Political Agenda

based on

~ zero ~

proven fact tested knowledge of the scientific method

as the Political Media continues to preach this test proven Political Media Fraud

based on paranoid true belief in self-debunk prediction

based on

~ test proven to be ~

flawed incomplete debunk fraudulent garbage

being preached as science

based on

~ ZERO ~

Scientific Method


Climate Science

~ vs ~

Political Media Paranoid ~ self-debunk ~ Climate Prediction Religion




I am a Private Individual paid by no one or anything

I am a Lobbyist for Truth in Science

~ all by myself ~

with hundreds of years of test proven science by the scientific community

by the scientific method

to support my statements

as words prove nothing in real science


the belief in words of beleif prove nothing in real tested knowledge of the scientific method

as belief is: Religion


I do not hide the progression of my daily writing

I allow the Public to see my daily struggle to write as I am Dyslexic

as I think it has to do with using both side of your brain at the same time

while I do all the writing and editing myself

as this is only in poetic form because it just comes out that way with zero effort

as I do not have time to battle with punctuation too

so I do not

as this is written in a Legal format not in Journalistic format

while making this much easier for me to edit

and when I have given my writing to Editors to edit

it comes back

well worded with all the science completely wrong

as the articulated science is the priority not the writing style

as I know this is F level Journalism

trying to Articulate science to Journalist who have publicly failed grade school science

but failed with proper wording and punctuation

and because I am not charging any one any money to read this

you are getting more than your moneys worth

as my hope is:

you will learn and grow forward


Belief ~ in ~ belief

and as I continue to say once again to ~ repeater ~ myself

repetitiveness is the key to deprogramming


while there is zero political correctness in real science

as I have none when writing about real science

~ as ~

science is: to know

as there is zero make believe in real science

as Hypothetical Conjecture and Prediction of the un-known future is: not knowledge

~ as ~

I have been a part of Atmospheric Emission Control Science

~ everyday of my life ~

since 1976


I have an ongoing Climate Science Investigation

since the spring of 2007

and as of one year ago


I have made over 40,000 request and continue to request with a reward

the peer-reviewed science


Carbon based Humans cause Climate Warming

of this carbon based earth


Carbon based Oxygen = CO2 = Carbon Dioxide

the cause of the First Atmosphere with water vapor

causing the Carbon Cycle with oxygen and hydrogen

causing all Carbon based Life

on this Carbon based Earth

as I am called a Fanatic by Fanatics who have zero comprehension of the Science

who call the cause of the first atmosphere causing the carbon cycle

causing all Carbon based Life on this Carbon based Earth

~ CO2 ~


~ Toxic Poison and Toxic Pollution ~

based only on their true belief in Political Media Hearsay True Belief

as I have yet to see any Peer-reviewed Science Paper

~ proving ~

we carbon based humans cause climate warming

of this carbon based earth


Hard Science has Proven for the past 180 plus years

CO2 causes Cooling

as this test proven knowledge is ignored by those who

~ failed grade school science ~

who call me a Fanatic

as they refuse all or any

open public debate of the Real Science of the Scientific Method

as they can prove nothing beyond their true make believe

as they call me the

Denier Fanatic


while Taxing the cause of all Carbon based Life on this Carbon based Earth

will have zero effect on climate change

but would make the poor poorer and the rich richer

while giving the rich more control of our everyday lives

as they already control our lives today

based on Garbage science


while I am very thankful to my Wife

and here Diagnosis

of my A.D.D.

Attention Deficit Disorder

as she tried to explain to me her Diagnosis

while I was watching the last minute of te Seahawks ~ Patriot Game last Sunday

so now you all know

I am a ~ Dyslexic Fanatic with A.D.D.

who can further debunk beyond self-debunk prediction

~ along with 30,000 plus other scientist I know of ~

Humans cause climate warming

as climate change is real

but I did not have the Heart to tell my Wife

this ADD mental condition she Diagnosed

only happens when she is talking during a football game

while this diagnosis will come in very useful for me in the un-known future

as I love my Wife very much

and would not trade her for anything in this carbon based world that I know of ~

not even if some one kidnapped Lucky and Nitro

while Lucky is not home yet but will soon be

as we are adopting Lucky from the Animal shelter

Saturday November  19th

as my Wife informed me will will be calling Lucky ~ Elvis too


Lucky is a Hound Dog

Lucy Elvis is alive and well but he anit nothing but a Hound Dog

as Lucky Elvis Einstein

was found astray down to skin and bone and all alone

in the streets of Helena Montana

as he is Lucky now with a new Home


CBS News and many other news outlets

continue their test proven lies in science to the un-knowing public

for their political agenda

who when requested can provide zero science to prove they are not ~

Test Proven Lairs


I challenge all so called news organizations that believe Humans cause Climate Warming

to open public debate in real science of the scientific method

as I have made this debate challenge repeatedly since 2007

as they refuse to debate real science


Scott Pelley

~ Political Brainwashing of something you can not prove is not science ~

a Real Investigative Journalist searching for the fact tested truth is: a Skeptic

as you ignore test proven reality for proven political media agenda make believe


you are no Walter Cronkite

Walter Cronkite

~ stated facts ~

and did not Preach Political Agenda

Walter Cronkite

covered the whole story and not just only the part of the story he believed in

Walter Cronkite did not decide what the public should and should not know

Walter let the Public decide for them self what is real and what is not

as you Scott continue to Lie to the Public in science

for your personal political agenda

as this is your legacy in science history

~ the proven Liar in Climate Science ~

but maybe you do not know you are Lying

while you truly believe in your ~ test proven ~ Lies

as you are a proven Pathological Lair for your political media agenda


as your words prove nothing

as your true belief proves nothing

as your words of true belief dictate science

as you commit Fraud in science for your political agenda

~ Scott ~

don’t tell ~ Us ~ Humans cause Climate Warming

~ Prove It ~

as over 30,000 Scientist that I know of

disagree with your proven lies and true pathological belief

as over 9,000 of them are PhD’s

as there is only a Political Media consensus not a scientific consensus

as you continue to insult real scientist

as you have zero peer-reviewed science to support your Bogus statements

as your hearsay make believe is not knowledge and proves nothing

as you support flawed incomplete fraudulent political garbage as science

as you do not investigate the science

you just believe what you are told to make believe

for a bogus political agenda

and then you only state what you believe in

~ your personal feelings of true belief ~

as there are zero feelings in science

as you turn your back to real science for your true test proven make believe

as your make believe is doing test proven Harm that you do not comprehend


so thank you Scott for being so Fair and Balanced

by not sharing the facts that prove your test proven Political Lies

are test proven fraud in fact tested knowledge

as the real scientific community

~ Knows ~

you can not be trusted

as you have publicly failed grade school science

and have earned zero right to scientific opinion

as you suppress proven fact tested knowledge you do not comprehend

for your true make believe in Fraudulent Garbage make believe

as you Live in Fear of the Truth in tested knowledge

as your proven fraudulent statements brainwashing the world

can provide zero reality in tested science

as your Religion is trying to Secretly Prosecute non-belief

but of course the world will not hear about that Fact on the CBS News

as you are a Preacher not a Teacher

as you decide for the world what they can and can not know

for sake of your political agenda

based on your personal feelings of true belief

based on test proven Garbage in real science

as your true belief does test proven harm to the Carbon cycle

and to this carbon based earth and all carbon based life

all because you failed grade school science

~ so ~


do you also truly believe Bloodletting cures all Illness and Disease

as you can not know the truth

because you do not comprehend the fact tested reality

as you commit test proven fraud in science

caused by your test proven stupidity in science

as you do not want to Know

as you just want to Believe

as you suppres the fact tested reality in science

as your Reality is: test proven make believe

as science is tested

science is not ~ make believe in ~ test proven ~ self debunk prediction

as you truly believe in and preach ~ your ~ hearsay test proven make believe





~ the ~

Real Peer-reviewed Science


we Carbon based Humans cause Climate Warming

with the cause of all carbon based life on this carbon based earth

Carbon based Oxygen = CO2 = Carbon Dioxide

~ 2 oxygen atoms based to 1 carbon atom ~


name calling proves nothing in science

as I receive no rebuttal and only name calling by PhD’s

who are true believers

who can provide zero science to prove ~ we ~ cause climate warming

while they teach our children how to make self-debunk predictions of the un-known future

with a computer

Predictions based on proven to be Bogus Garbage Political Science Fiction

while ignoring ~ real ~ science

that further debunk their self-debunk predictions

based only hypothetical conjecture

as real science had debunk their predictions long before they made their bogus predictions


~ very ~

extreme progressive variable

climate change

is very real for the past 4.6 billion years

as they call me a Denier of something I do not deny

while Climate Religion now want to prosecute scientist like me

because we do not make believe ~ we humans cause climate warming

while tested knowledge they do not comprehend prove we cause cooling

while making this carbon based earth greener

as True Believers are doing test proven harm to this carbon based earth

and to the carbon cycle and all carbon based life

because they do not comprehend the real science

nor can they provide Real Science

to prove their make believe is not just self-debunk make believe

as my science reference page has debunk their science reference page


they do not have a science reference page

while the science reference page sent to me by Al Gores Campaign Manager

Dave Boundy on May 18, 2010

as Dave can articulate zero science

~ and has earned zero right to any scientific opinion ~

sent me Al Gores ~

Pure Garbage that proves nothing but Political Media Fraud in real science

as flawed incomplete self-debunk garbage science is being used as Scientific proof

by Al Gore and his Climate Religion

as Al Gore can articulate zero science

as Al Gore’s True believers continue to believe in his fraudulent garbage as science

because they have zero comprehension of science

~ as they can only believe and never know ~

as they too have earned zero right to scientific opinion

and can articulate zero science

as they preach their test proven fraud as real science

while refusing to look at or debate the real science

further proving it is a self-debunk Paranoid Political Media Prediction Religion

based on zero proven real science

proving it is a true belief political media consensus

and not a scientific consensus based on Knowledge

as their is zero scientific consensus in prediction of the un-known future

as peer-reviewed prediction of the un-known future is Bogus Science

Prediction based on proven to be flawed Political Garbage science

as we now live with Prediction Paranoia

by those with zero conception of the test proven reality

as Prediction Paranoia

continues to do Test Proven Harm to the cycle of all Nature

as these

Paranoid Prediction Fanatics

who failed grade school science

who have never reviewed a signal science paper in their entire life

call me a Fanatic

as I am for truth in science they refuse to debate

while it is not me who must prove anything

it is Climate Religion who must prove with real science their true belief is not just a


Fraudulent True Belief

as true belief is religion not knowledge

as ignored real science debunk political media paranoid make believe

while true belief in the prediction of the un-known future is not tested knowledge

as science is: to know

and self-debunk Make Believe proves nothing

as self-debunk Make Believe can not debate Real Science

as self-debunk Make Believe comprehends zero science

and this why they can articulate zero science to the Public

~ as ~

Carbon based Humans have been moving to higher ground

on this Carbon based Earth for the past 26,000 years

as the Ocean has risen 350 over the past 26,000 years

while we have lived with 20 Ice ages over the past 2 million years

as Polar Bears are Snow Birds during Ice ages

the Polar Bears must move back to Montana where they came from

because they can not break through Ice ~ miles thick ~ to get to their food

as the United Nations states it is


Humans cause climate change

as hard science ignored by political media climate religion continues to prove

evaporated water vapor and CO2 cause cooling not warming

as CO2 and water vapor is the by-product of warming not the cause of warming

as evaporated CO2 and water vapor off-set warming by the variable Sun

and as the CO2 levels continue to increase

the rate of warming by the variable Sun continues to slow down

as the evaporation rate has exceeded the rate the Ice is Melting

as climate warming began 14,000 years ago not 40 years ago

while Montana had California Climate 1000 years ago for 200 years

as Political Media Climate Religion continues to ignore

Heat ~ still ~ Rises

forcing -200 degree air downward

warming to -80* below zero by the time it hits the poles of this carbon based earth

where everything has carbon in it

as they continue to ignore a Dozen Climate Variables

and all Climate History


180 plus years of test proven Physics and Chemistry

all further debunking their self-debunk computer prediction

as “likely is a word of belief

as words and belief prove nothing in proven fact tested knowledge

of the

Scientific Method

as true belief in self-debunk prediction is religion not science

as Climate Religion continues to ~

pump CO2 in to the ground

as this is lowering oxygen levels in the air

while turning underground water into an acid

while reducing what Plants and Tress need 4 times more of in the air today to breathe

to be healthy

to be the carbon based food we eat while making the oxygen we breathe from CO2


an outdated incomplete debunk science paper is being used


Political Media Climate Religion


Scientific Proof

Carbon based Humans cause Climate Warming


~ Fraud in Science ~

as the local news paper continues to reject all of my letters to the editor

since 2007

in rebuttal to bogus statements made by those who failed grade school science

who have earned zero right to any scientific opinion

as my on going Climate Science Investigation continues

to further prove

Political Media Fraud in Science by Political Media Agenda

while those who can articulate zero science

Dictate Science

with zero scientific method


Climate Science ~ vs ~ Climate Religion

as climate change is very real for billions of years

there is zero fact tested reality in


Political Media ~ Paranoid ~ Climate Prediction Religion

as the U.N. a Political Body not a Science Body

continues to ignore fact tested reality for ~ their ~ true belief

as their is zero science in their Political Agenda

as “likely”

maybe ~ and ~ what if

prove nothing beyond make believe

as the U.N.

continues to commit ~ test proven ~ Fraud in Science


Bruce A. Kershaw

Doctor Honor

October 8, 2011

Invited to participate in the

London Symposium on Climate Change

at the

Oxford and Cambridge Club

June 2013

~ as ~

I have been turned into a Fanatic

by Fascist Fanatics

who have earned zero right to scientific opinion

and can prove nothing beyond ~ their ~ True Belief


Political Media Hearsay Make Believe

as they ca

provide zero

Real ~ Hard ~ Science

of the

Scientific Method

while they would like to Prosecute Me for not believing in their

test proven

Political Media Religion

and then what

cut my fingers off and cut out my tongue

as there is zero Scientific consensus in

Political Media Paranoid Climate Religion

based on test proven

Bogus Fraudulent Garbage self-debunk Make Believe

based on a proven ~ flawed incomplete ~ Political Climate Study

as they refuse to debate the real science

~ so ~

do you have peer-reviewed science

that you have reviewed and analyzed and can articulate and debate

that formed your earned scientific opinion

beyond your true make believe

or do you just believe everything you are told to believe by

CBS and NBC and API

as they refuse to inform you ~ to know ~ all sides of the story

as they have decided for you with their fair and balanced

Political Agenda

what is real and what is not

and after requesting hundreds of times since 2007 with a reward

their peer-reviewed science

to support the test proven Fraudulent Political Media Garbage Belief

they continue to preach

as they can prove nothing with real science

and if living for the test proven truth in science makes me a Fanatic

then I am a Fanatic for the proven fact tested truth in fact tested reality

as Climate Religion can prove nothing with real science

beyond only ~ their ~ words of true belief

and if you accept the word of belief


as scientific proof

Humans cause climate change

then you are not a Scientist

you are a true believer with zero science

as true belief in Incomplete Fraudulent Garbage Science

with true belief in self-debunk computer prediction

is not real science

as Political Media Frauds in Science Dictate Science

for their Political Agenda

by those who failed grade school science

as they comprehend zero science

as John Kerry continues his proven lies in science

as he states Plants and Trees can not absorb any more CO2

that they have absorbed all the CO2 they can

while in test proven Botany Science

Plants and Trees need 4 times the CO2 than in the Air today to at full Health

and if Plants and Trees stopped absorbing CO2 making O2 oxygen

this would end the carbon cycle

and all carbon based life on this carbon based earth


Political Lunatics Dictate Science


Al Gore ~ and ~ John Kerry

~ their ~

true belief they preach

is proven backwards to tested reality

~ proving ~

Political Media Paranoid Climate Religion

as their test proven Fraudulent belief continues to do only harm and zero good

to this Carbon based Earth and all Carbon based Life

for the sake of profit in a proven Fraudulent world wide Carbon Credit Scheme

as true believers continue to ignore Fact Tested Reality

further proving this is a Political Media Religion based on zero proven science

~ as ~

Political Media Paranoid Climate Prediction Religion Dictates Science

as they continue to ignore hundreds of years of fact tested reality in science

while committing test proven Fraud

as test proven ~ Garbage ~ is being used as

Scientific Proof

Carbon based Humans cause Climate Warming

of this Carbon based Earth

so do you know


do you truly believe


Personal Emotional Feelings of True Belief

debunked by fact tested knowledge


not science

as Climate Religion Dictates Science


Religion of Science is Skepticism


true belief dictating science


I do not deny climate change

as they deny fact tested reality in science for political agenda

and for Trillions of your dollars

doing only test proven harm to all of Nature and zero good


Political Media Lunatics

who failed grade school science

Dictate Science


Power and Profit

as climate religion refuses to debate the real science

as climate religion continues to control our lives in every way everyday

and maybe one day you can come visit me in Real Jail


not believing in

Political Media Paranoid Climate Prediction Religion


so do I write this way because I am unreasonably enthusiastic and over zealous

or because climate religion is fanatical



Fact Tested Reality is not based on proven Pathological Lies

and true belief in someone else and their pathological Lie is not tested knowledge

there is zero feelings in science

there is zero trust in science

there is zero belief in science

there is zero faith in

Real Science


Climate Religion is: not ~ proven fact tested knowledge of the scientific method


[email protected]

~ Peace ~b

About Bruce A. Kershaw

Born ~ March 27, 1956 at 11:10 pm Long Beach California other wise I'm still breathing O2 made from CO2 and eating food made from CO2 ~ the rest is Icing on the cake ~
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