Hi Joe,
as we agree on some science we have a different interpretation of much of the science
as you continue to believe in self-debunk Prediction while rejecting test proven fact
that further debunk your self-debunk prediction
as you truly believe your prediction is happening when it is not happening
as you base your so called science on Faith
as there is zero faith in real science
but you are not ready to admit to your self and then the rest of the world ~
the fact tested reality you continue to ignore for your political religion
and then you could stop being Humiliated and then we can go fishing
as ~ you ~ can not prove we carbon based humans cause climate warming
of this Carbon based Earth with one half of one climate variable
while rejecting a dozen other climate variables
as you believe the cause of the carbon cycle Carbon based Oxygen = CO2 = Carbon Dioxide
made by carbon based humans cause all climate warming
~ and if we could go fishing
before we go ~