Scott Bailey & Trident Transportation ~ Screwed Me too

Risking my Life Everyday

with to many near Death Experiences over the past 5 years

by the Lunatics on the roads everywhere these days

and by Driving on Black Ice in Whiteouts in Subzero temperatures

and relying on Rumble Strips to stay on the road to stay alive

and following Snow Ploys over the very Curvy Mountain Passes

to get from point A to point B

and then making it over the Snow Covered Passes in Whiteouts

without a Snowplow to Follow when you need one the most

while I never felt so unappreciated in my life time by any Employer

as I continue to do my job today for the new VA Medical Courier Contractor

and they make me feel loved


To: Mr. Scott Bailey CEO Trident Transportation

Veterans Administration Medical Courier Contractor


2646 Highway 109 Suite 100A

Wildwood, MO 63040


About Bruce A. Kershaw

Born ~ March 27, 1956 at 11:10 pm Long Beach California other wise I'm still breathing O2 made from CO2 and eating food made from CO2 ~ the rest is Icing on the cake ~
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