The Rebuttal ~ To Donald Trump


June 25 ~ October 21


The Number One Fear in Life


Kamala Antifa Harris and Liz Dick Cheney

is: The Truth

as they live in their proven to be Lies

because all they have to live in

are their proven lies they believe in

as they live in their Lunatic Pathological Political Science Fiction

their Lunatic Criminal Political Religion

and Thanks to

Kamala ~ Antifa ~ Harris

Child Sex Trafficking is Thriving in America

as the Antifa Queen

is the Biggest Phony in my Life Time Running for President

and I have yet to hear a logical answer to any logical Question

from the Queen of Antifa and

I have never witness this Lack of Intelligence by any Attorney in my life time

and the Open Boarder is not a Legal White House Policy

it is a Constitutional Act of Treason

Punishable by Military Firing Squad

The Queen of Antifa is:

The Cuckoo

Flying over the China Joe Dementia Biden Crime Family

Democratic Billionaire Elite Deep State Obama 2.0 Nut House


~ of by and for ~

All of We the People Who are America

~ vs ~


is: when the Government Deep State

and Big Tech with the Media and Press are One together

Preaching scientifically proven Repeated Lies to the People

while Silencing the Test proven Truth

for their Political Agenda against the People and their Rights and Freedoms

while taking sides with many of the proven Enemies of America

~ Proving~

Donald J. Trump is not a Fascist

as the proven to be Political Media Fascist

~ Hate Donald Trump ~

and wish Donald was Dead

~ Proving ~

Donald J. Trump is for All of We the People who are America

and is against the Fascism that is destroying America

with the Help of our Proven Enemies


Truth and Freedom are the Enemies of Fascism


Truth and Freedom

 by and for

All of We the People Who are America

~ or ~

Woke Fascism

by and for

The Democratic Billionaire Elite Deep State

of Anti-Truth Anti-Freedom Anti-Faith of Anti-America

~ Dictating ~

how you will live your life

~ as~

Mr. Bill ~ MSNBC ~ Gates

has publicly stated  ~

China would be best to Govern the World ~

as I wonder how the Child Slaves are doing in China

and how those who are being Politically Reprogrammed

are doing in China

as I wonder how the Treasonous China Joe Dementia Biden is doing

who cant remember five minutes ago

and I wonder how the now Child Sex Slaves are doing in America



are you for ~

All of We the People Who are America ~

controlling the Government

or are you for ~

The Fascist Treasonous Democratic Billionaire Elite

Deep State Government controlling All of We the People ?

~ and ~

who will win the 2024 election ~


~ or~

Political Media Brainwashed Insanity

by the Fascist Political Media Brainwashing Machine ?

as we now have Political Media Brainwashed Lunatics

Treasonously Fascistly Preaching

Death to America in the Streets of America

while burning the American Flag

and they would like to Kill Patriotic Americans

as Kamala ~ Antifa  ~ Harris

Helps and Supports Domestic Terrorism against Americans

as the Treasonous Deep State Democrats Shred the U.S. Constitution everyday

as Terrorist and Organized Crime with Murders and Rapist

from all over this world are being flown into America

as millions of Criminals are freely crossing the U.S. Borders

 for the past 3 plus years

who commit repeated crimes and are then released back on to the Streets of America

as small towns and communities are now being Terrorized

by Organized Crime that is aloud by the Treasonous Democratic Deep State

to Freely Cross the U.S. Boarders

as the Fascist Deep State Media and Press Silence the Truth


From: Here

To: Now

August ~ October



About Bruce A. Kershaw

Born ~ March 27, 1956 at 11:10 pm Long Beach California other wise I'm still breathing O2 made from CO2 and eating food made from CO2 ~ the rest is Icing on the cake ~
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