The Rebuttal ~ To Donald Trump

…and will the Queen of Antifa ~

be the next Puppet President

 for the Fascist Democratic Deep State New World Order of Anti-America

as China Russia Iran and Liz Dick Cheney the IRS Agents Union

the Fascist Weaponized Democratic Deep State

and now

Scientific American too

All Endorse

Kamala ~ Antifa ~ Harris



Kamala ~ Antifa ~ Harris

was Running for Office in San Francisco California

She Pledged to go after Child Predators

and after Kamala Antifa Harris won the election

Kamala Antifa Harris then Protected the Child Predators

as the Evidence against the Child Predators

just Vanished

and then the Child Predators

Donated Money to the Kamala Antifa Election Campaign Organization


Kamala is a Lair Fraud and Criminal

who is today as Vice President of the United States

  Committing Constitutional Treason against America


Kamala did not go into Politics

to Serve All of We the People who are America

but to serve for Herself against All of We the People

who are



Kamala is not for All of We the People

Kamala would like All of We the People to Serve Kamala

as Kamala Shreds the U.S. Constitution everyday of her Life

as Kamala has clearly proven she is a Criminal for Fascism

Destroying America

and has clearly proven how Democratic Party Politics works in

the Fascist Democratic Deep State of Anti-America

for Profit Power and Control


They are not Defending and Supporting All of We the People

Who are America

they are Destroying America for their Fascist Anti-America


The Fascist Democratic Deep State

has scientifically proven you can

Win Elections by Committing Deliberate Treason


All of We the People

who are



All of We the Carbon based People

Made by and from this Carbon based Earth

Who are America

~ vs ~

All the Anti Carbon based People who are Anti-America


Political Media Brainwashed Climate Doomsday Paranoia

is not based on Peer-reviewed Science


Pathological is not Factual

and that is why we have

Factual ~ vs ~ Pathological

in tested reality for the truth in all of life and knowledge

and when China Joe came out of the Basement Closet

he then went on Vacation for the now past 44 months

as the China Joe Biden Crime Family

~ still believe ~

they are in Charge

as the Brainwashing Machine now Rules America

and Rule this CO2 Starved Carbon based Earth


science is: to know

and to know the truth in knowledge ~

we must always Question Test Rebuttal Debate

to know the tested truth in tested Reality

and not be Politically Brainwashed to just believe in

Preached Untested Belief Lunatic Reality

by an Anti-American Political Media Religion

Committing Treason


All of We the People Who are America


I am not a Democrat or a Republican

I am an American

and a Scientist

and a Student of Constitutional History and Law since 1980

and as Clearly Stated by the United States Constitution

of and by and for

All of We the People Who are America

that the Primary Duty and Responsibility of the Commander and Chief

of the Republic of the United States of America

of and by and for

All of we the People who are America

is to Protect the Borders of America

to Protect All of We the People Who are America

and then to Deliberately not Protect Our Borders for All of We the People

of the Republic of United States of America

is a Constitutional Act of Treason

against All of We the People who are America

and is Publishable by Military Firing Squad

while the very best the Democrats can do for America today ~

is to Lie about Donald Trump

and that’s their best Political Science Fiction

Lunatic Pathological Argument

and if you do not Vote for Kamala Antifa Communist Walz Obama 3.o

For President

of the UN-United States of Anti-America

then you Anit Black

as the known treason continues



wanted to Dump China Joe and Kamala Antifa Harris

and then AOC changed her Mindless

because maybe

Mike Bloomberg gave AOC a Suitcase Full of Cash to Change her Mindless

…as History will know ~

Barack Obama

the Fascist Brainwasher in Chief for Mike Bloomberg

is a Scientifically Proven Lair and Fraud in tested reality

who stated China Joe really knows how to F things up


Two Hundred Years Ago

Barack Obama


the China Joe Biden Crime Family & Kamala Antifa Harris

would have already been Executed by a Military Firing Squad

for their known Acts of Deliberate Treason

against All of We the People Who are America

as the Fascist Democratic 2024 Presidential Scam Election Show Continues


Kamala ~ Antifa ~ Harris

is a California Attorney

who is Breaking the Law of the Land of America


Is: Kamala smart enough to know she is committing Treason against America  ?

Did Kamala take the Bar Exam ?

or did she pay someone to take the Bar Exam for her ?

or did she take an Exam at a Local Bar ?


Kamala talks like a 3rd Grader who Failed 3rd Grade Science

who Preaches her False Reality based on Her Proven Ignorance

while doing only Proven Harm to Nature and Humanity in tested reality


Kamala Laughs because she has nothing Intelligent to say


Kamala ~ Antifa ~ Harris

is not Full of Joy

Kamala is Full of Scientifically Test Proven Bull-loney

Kamala is a very proven Fascist Phony and Fraud

who is committing Treason

against All of We the People Who are America

Kamala ~ Antifa ~ Harris is a Proven Traitor

and will they Dump Kamala Antifa Harris

at the Deep State Democratic Conviction ?

and who will Decide ?

Mike Bloomberg or Bill Gates or China ?

or all of them together ?

or will they just go with the very last place 2020 Presidential Primary Failure

to be the Sacrificial Lamb and try again in 2028


Silencing the Truth is Fascism not Science

as we now live in a Fascistly Brainwashed and Dictated Lunatic Reality

that is doing only Proven Harm to All living Nature and Humanity

to Profit the Few


The Democratic Deep State & Party & Big Tech

and the Majority of the Media and Free Press

that is Silencing the Truth in knowledge

by silencing the Free Speech

of All of We the People who are America

are all Owned and Controlled by

the Fascist Treasonous Democratic Billionaire Elite



as we now have many China Police Stations in America

with all the Green New Deal Money

going the Fascist Billionaire Elite and China

while the many Tens of Trillions of Dollars stolen from the poor to give

to the Democratic Rich

will have Zero Effect on Climate Change

as we now Ship all of our Coal to China


maybe China should keep their Green Garbage that fails before it pays for itself

and let China use their Green Garbage for themselves

and we Keep all of our Coal

and then look at how much energy and money is saved by not shipping anything

and then we will produce far less CO2 into the Air

and reduce Child Slave Labor too

~ and question ~

is it NY U.S. Sen. Chuck Schumer

who Owns a Shipping Co. given to him by China ?


CO2 + Water Vapor + Sun Energy = Green


Al Goreism

as Al Gore who is the number one Adviser at Google

who claims he Invented the Internet

as he has removed Real Science from the Internet

science that further proves Al Gore is a Fraud in Science

as many Scientific References have diapered from the Internet

over the many years of Al Gore’s Doomsday Paranoid Climate Religion

as Science Websites have dispersed

or the Science Website was sold

and then the Hard Science Facts were removed from the Website

and replaced with proven to be ~

Flawed Media Garbage Political Science Fiction

as Big Tech and the Media and Press do not provide the truth in knowledge

they prevent and distort knowledge

as they Brainwash Proven Lies

while destroying the proven fact tested reality in science

by being the Political Brainwashing Machine

Silencing the Tested Truth in Tested Reality

proving they are political ploy Preaching proven lies

as they have sided with proven Evil Destroying America


…any one who wants Four more years of the same ~

~ Needs a Shrink ~

question test rebuttal debate

~ question ~

and do you need a non-woke Shrink ?

$500.00 Per Hour


…and I think the Magic Mushrooms China gave to Janet Yellen

to give to the China Joe Biden Crime Family Nut House

are working

because Joe is still Smarter than Kamala

while Joe is suffering from Elderly abuse by Mrs Antifa

and the Biden Crime Family


Walz is: a Proven Phony Fraud

and the China Joe Clone but much Smarter than China Joe

and Walz is much much smarter than the Kamala ~ Antifa ~ Harris

and Walt is much farther Left than the China Joe

and the Kamala Antifa Walz are Perfect for each other

they are together the King and Queen of Domestic Terrorism in the streets of America

and they will make the very best Lunatic Political Brainwashed Puppets of All time

as they do not Enforce the U.S. Constitution

they continue to Shred the Constitution everyday

as they continue to Betray the Rule of Law of America

proving they are Fascist Treasonous Traitors

working against All of We the People Who are America

as they are willfully Destroying America

as they are not Socialist they are Fascist Socialist

they are Rulers and not the Servants doing the Will of All of We the People

they are Proven Dictators doing only their own Will against America

and they will provide All of We the People

with four more far worse years than before


Preaching and Brainwashing Proven Ignorance

Preaching and Brainwashing Hate based on Proven Lies

Preaching and Brainwashing Paranoia

is not science

science is: to know

and not based Personal Emotional Feelings of Belief

and Brainwashed or Not Brainwashed

that is the Question

Question Test Rebuttal Debate


Who Brainwashed You ?


Anti-Trust is the Deliberate Distortion of the known Truth

for any reason

and is a Crime in the Science of Law and Laws of Science


There are many Political Prisoners and Political Assassinations

all over this World

and by the Billionaire Elite Democratic Deep State of Anti-America too


…and as scientifically

~ Proven ~

Socialism is: Fascism

Kamala ~ Antifa ~ Obama 3.0 ~ Harris




Kamala has only one Accomplishment as Vice President

Deliberate Treason

against All of We the People who are America

while Kamala ~ Antifa ~ Harris publicly Fails 3rd Grade Science

and Publicly Lies about Science that she has earned zero right to scientific opinion

as she Preaches to the People of this Carbon based Earth

at a 3rd grade level

and supports the Fascist Democratic Billionaire Elite New World Order

and their Doomsday Paranoid Climate Religion

that is doing only test proven harm to the cause of Green

the cause of all living Nature and the Environment

while costing the Poorest of this Carbon based Earth

many Tens of Trillions of Dollars

for Profit Power and Control

for the Fascist Democratic Billionaire Elite

who would like China to Govern this Carbon based Earth

Right Mr. Bill ~ MSNBC ~ Gates

as Big Tech and the Media and Press

Fascistly Silence the Truth in Tested Reality

as we are Ruled by Fascist Arrogant Ignorance


~ The Rebuttal ~

About Bruce A. Kershaw

Born ~ March 27, 1956 at 11:10 pm Long Beach California other wise I'm still breathing O2 made from CO2 and eating food made from CO2 ~ the rest is Icing on the cake ~
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