The Rebuttal ~ To Donald Trump

July 25 ~ 26


The Goal of Iran

is to Kill every Christian and Jew on this Carbon based Earth

as the China Joe Obama 2.0 Nut House

allows Iran to be many Billions of Dollars Richer

as we enter the Democratic Deep State Summer of more Love

for Iranian Hamas Terrorism in America

along with known Terrorism from all over this Carbon based Earth

who are paying the Cartels to come across the U.S. Boarders

everyday for the past three plus years

…and then soon Mike Bloomberg will

~ Buy Out ~

the Torch passed to

the Kamala ~ Antifa ~ Obama 3.0 Nut House

and then they will provide All of We the People Who are America

with a New Deep State Anti-American Democratic Presidential Candidate

~ and ~

The Truth will Set Thee Free

until a Political Media Brainwashed Green Lunatic puts a Bullet in your Head

~ while ~

a Scientifically proven to be very Flawed very Incomplete Climate Study

supported by scientifically proven to be deliberately flawed Science Data

by a Proven to be Criminal Political Body known as the

UN-United Nations

as they can only Scientifically prove one thing in Real Science

~ their Criminal Political Fraud ~

and what about all the other many known Climate Variables

just missing from the Climate Study

and why would you leave out of a Climate Study well known climate variables

and then call it settled science based on zero Question Test Rebuttal Debate

as they Preach to us the Variable Sun with many known variable cycles

as the Variable Sun continues to be Warmer and Brighter

is not a Climate Variable

as they Ignore the variable distance between the Variable Earth and Variable Sun

that is a climate variable

just as they Ignore the variable Ozone Hole that is a Climate Variable too

along with the many other known climate variables


known CO2 Physics and Chemistry Debunk CO2 causes Climate Warming

just as known Climate History Debunk CO2 causes Climate Warming

and all Scientifically proving

the Doomsday Paranoid Climate Preachers who call themselves Scientists

are proven Lunatics and Frauds in Science for Profit

who publicly fail 5th Grade Science by rejecting the Scientific Method

and by rejecting All Question Test Rebuttal and Debate

by rejecting proven fact tested reality in Science

as they use debunk unproven theory

to make their many preprogrammed computer Ouija Board Predictions

of the unknowable future that never happen over and over again

to Preach their Doomsday Paranoia

as the Tested Truth in Knowledge is Silenced by Political Fascism


Climate Change is Real

but Human caused Climate Warming is a Scientifically proven Lie

just as the Climate Emergency is a Scientifically proven Lie

by Scientifically proven to be Lairs and Frauds

like Al Gore and john Kerry

who are Certifiable Political Lunatics who publicly fail 3rd Grade Science

who can provide zero peer-reviewed science

to support the words and proven Lies they Preach

who refuse to allow public debate of the available known science

going back to 1835 that Debunk the unproven theory

Humans cause Climate Warming and the Climate Emergency

that is Scientifically proven to not be happening

while their lunatic political science fiction for profit power and control

is doing scientifically proven harm to the cause of Green

the cause of the Carbon Cycle

the cause of all living Nature and the living Environment

as they take many tens of Trillions of Dollars away from the very Poor

to give it to the very Rich

to do only scientifically proven Harm to the cause of Green

on this scientifically proven to be CO2 starved Carbon based Earth

CO2 + Water Vapor + Sun Energy = Green

the scientifically proven Evaporated byproduct of climate warming

and not the cause of climate warming


Climate Warming is the cause of more Green

and a Healthier Carbon Cycle

while Climate Cooling is the cause of more Death


The Byproduct of Energy is Life

as scientifically proven

and is not Toxic Poison and Pollution

as Preached by Political Media Brainwashed Green Lunatics

who publicly fail 3rd Grade Science

otherwise known as


Political Media Paranoid Doomsday Paranoid Climate Religion

who believe in every Doomsday Prediction that never happens

that is based on Debunk unproven theory they Preach is Settled Science

when settled science does not exist in tested reality

or in the scientific method

as the truth in knowledge must always be in Question to be the truth in science


Preached and Brainwashed Lunatic Political Science Fiction for Profit

is not Questioned and Debated Proven Fact Tested Reality in Science

as Test Proven Morons and Frauds in Science

Dictate Lunatic Political Science Fiction doing only proven Harm in tested reality


Question Test Rebuttal Debate

~ question to everyone ~

Who Brainwashed You ?

to just believe in proven lies and reject the proven truth

by rejecting all Question Test Rebuttal Debate in Tested Reality

as only Brainwashed Ignorance and Evil can Destroy the tested truth


Climate Change is Real

but CO2 causing Climate Warming

is a scientifically Debunk unproven theory

as the Proven Frauds in Science

continue to do only Proven Harm to the Environment

as Lunatic Ignorance Rules this Carbon based Earth

where everything Breathing and not Breathing has Carbon in it


About Bruce A. Kershaw

Born ~ March 27, 1956 at 11:10 pm Long Beach California other wise I'm still breathing O2 made from CO2 and eating food made from CO2 ~ the rest is Icing on the cake ~
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