It is Time to Kill the Cancers Killing America
~ December 12, 2024 ~
To: President Donald J. Trump
Mr. President
I wish for You and All of We the People Who are America the very Best
~ and my two cents worth ~
We Have the Worst most Expense and Criminalized Health Care System
for Profit before Perfection on this Carbon based Earth
to go with our Worst most Expense Woke Brainwashing Education System
turning little Boys in to little Girls behind the backs of their Parents
We plant Genetically altered Seeds in Mineral Depleted Soil
that is saturated with Poison = Herbicides and Pesticides = Carcinogens
and then spray the growing plants with Poison = Herbicides and Pesticides = Carcinogens
and then we Harvest the Food and add more Poisons of all kinds
and then we Eat the many Ultra Processed Poisoned Foods that have Zero Nutrition
causing Birth Defects and Broken Immune Systems
causing Cancers and many other Physical Illness and Diseases
along with Mental and Behavioral Illness and Diseases
while many Pharmaceuticals Drugs are doing far more Harm than Good
and as Scientifically Proven
becoming a Vegetarian
will harm the immune system
from a lack of natural amino acids natural vitamins and natural minerals
making you then Weaker and much Sicker more often
providing you with a many fewer years of a Healthy life
The Stock Market is Rigged with Supper Computers Benefiting only the Billionaires
and is no longer for the mentality of long term Healthy Investment
and is now just for short term Money Manipulation
two bits is .25 cents
Bit Coin
does not Produce anything or Generate anything or Make or Build anything
and is backed by nothing but make believe in a Scam
~ as ~
Political Media Brainwashed Doomsday Paranoid Climate Religion
to Profit the Democratic Billionaire Deep State Elite
is making the very poor spend Trillions and Trillions
trying to Kill the cause of Green
~ with ~
All the above Broken Thanks to our Supreme Court
who granted Constitutional rights to entity’s = things
after a group of Rail Road Barons Bribed everyone in Washington D.C. in 1850
and now Things have more Rights than People
while our Law Makers
of a two political party system
who in their best efforts to Destroy each other have now Destroyed America
as they no longer regulate Commerce for All of We the People
but allow Commerce to regulate them the Law Makers and Government
and now the Government Regulates All of We the People for Commerce
and that is what I can see happening with my own two eyes
happening to All of We the People Who are America
as we live today in a Dictated False Reality
by a Deep State U.S. Government committing Treason against America
by an UN-Elected Treasonous Democratic Billionaire Elite Deep State
and Yes it is possible for All of We the People to Fix America
and Yes I accept your Appointment as an Official Cabinet Advisor
as I do solemnly swear that I will support and defend
the Constitution of the United States
Bruce A. Kershaw
November 6, 2024
To: Donald J. Trump
Congratulations Mr. President
you are now the 47th President
of the Republic of the United States of America
Best Regards
Bruce A. Kershaw