The Rebuttal ~ To Donald Trump


October 4, 2024

4.6 Billion years of Variable Climate Change

is: not a Hoax


The Hoax is:

The Man Made Climate Emergency

that is scientifically proven to not be happening

as Nobel Physicist agree

along with Tens of Thousands of Scientists

with over 9,000 of them with PhD’s that I know of

who are Silenced by the Fascist Democratic Media and Press

Brainwashing Machine

~ The Media and Press Who have Earned Zero Right to Scientific Opinion ~

as Political Media Doomsday Paranoid Climate Religion

can prove nothing beyond their Lunatic Doomsday Paranoid Belief

as they Profit from their Preached Doomsday Paranoia

while doing only proven Harm to the Carbon Oxygen Hydrogen Cycle

of this CO2 starved Carbon based Earth

and today because of a Hurricane

like a Hurricane 55 years ago when CO2 levels were much lower

People today are now Starving and probably many Dying everyday

caused by a lack of Leadership

by the China Joe Biden Crime Family Nut House

with the help of Kamala Antifa Obama 3.0

by the Fascist Billionaire Elite Deep State Democratic Party

Preaching Hate and Paranoia for their Profit Power and Control

to make the Fascist Democratic Billionaire Elite

into the Fascist Democratic Trillionaire Elite

who want to dictate to you how you can and can not live your life

in their New World Order with China


From: Bruce A. Kershaw

To: Donald J. Trump


I am a Independent Montana American Scientist with a Doctor Honor

who is Voting for You


Your Presidential White House Executive Polices are the Best in my life time

and because

Kamala ~ Antifa ~ Harris

has clearly proven to me

she is a Fascist Treasonous Traitor to America

and has clearly proven to me she is Insane

and the Fascist Democratic Woke Wackos

who want to turn Little Boys into Little Girls

who publicly fail 3rd grade science

are not for me




I agree with the Commander in Chief

General George Washington

who was against having Political Parties

as the Majority of Americans are Independents without Representation


The Democrats and Republicans

in their best efforts to destroy each other have destroyed America

and now the Woke Democrats have taken a big step further in their efforts

to just Destroy Freedom and America

and as an Independent I have Voted for People and not Parties

while I have Lean Democrat most of my life

and have given Money to many Democrats and some Republicans in my life time

~ but never again will I support a Democrat ~

as the Democrats of years ago are not the Democrats of today

as the Treason by the now Fascist Democratic Deep State

by the Fascist Democratic Billionaire Elite

is not working for a better America

or for a better life for All of We the People who are America

as today’s Democrats have proven they are Anti-Freedom and Anti-American

and Pro Fascism

while helping our many Enemies become stronger against America

as We now must Rely on our proven Enemies for Food Medicine and Energy

as they are working against All of We the People Who are America

as the Democrats have proven they do not want to serve All of We the People

but are going to Rule Over All of We the People

as they are today taking away all of our Constitutional Rights and Freedoms

and I hope the Fascist Treasonous Traitors of the Deep State Democratic Party

Rot in Hell


The Democratic Party today are no longer the Democrats of the Past


I love knowing history as the Deep State loves Destroys It


If you want to Fix the Broken Senate

of the Republic of the now UN~United States of America

then you will have to Repeal the Seventeenth Amendment of the Constitution

and this will remove All Political Party Control of the U.S. Senate

and return Control back to the State Governments

and Re Uniting the States of America


…while only 28% of the Democratic Party will publicly admit –

they would be very happy if Donald J. Trump was Assassinated

~ as this can then only make me wonder ~

how many Deep State Democrats

were very happy about the John F. Kennedy Assassination ?


as the Truth is now Silenced by Political Media Fascism ~

where Evil is Disguised as Good

and the proven Lies are Disguised as the Truth


The Washington D.C. Law Makers of the Democratic Party

Tried to End all Secret Service Protection

of the Former President Donald J. Trump

and as Hillery Clinton commits known Treason against America

She then Preaches to All of We the People Who are America

that Donald Trump would be Dangerous for America and the World

and all a proven Lie by a Proven to be Political Pathological Lair and Fraud

as the opposite is very Test Proven to be true

with the first four years of Donald Trump in the White House

as many other Proven to be Lunatics and Frauds Preach to us

Donald Trump is worse than Hitler

as they Preach to us Donald Trump must be Stopped in any way possible

as the Treasonous Frauds are trying to put Donald in Jail for crimes not committed

and are hoping he will be Killed one way or another

by a Political Media Brainwashed Lunatic

and that is not a Conspiracy Theory

as these is Real and now Happening

as the Democrats have openly committed Deep State Treason

since Barack Obama was Elected President

as the Democrats Joke about the failed Assassination of Donald Trump

while others have been shot and one has Died

as the Democrats Joke about the Death of a Bystander

and proving they are Sick and Mentally Deranged Lunatics

and how did they get that way ?

by the Preached Hate and Paranoia by the Fascist Media and Press

who have sided with the proven Evil Destroying America

as the Fascist Treasonous Hillery is the Real Danger


Donald Trump is not the Evil

and it’s no Secret

 the Proven to be Fascist Democratic Political Media Evil

want Donald Trump Dead so they can stay in their Fascist Power

to Rule America not Serve All of We the People who are America


America is for Peace and Freedom

as the proven to be Fascist Democrats and their proven to be Fascist Media and Press

Preach to us their Hate and Paranoia and their scientifically proven to be Lies

as they do not Enforce the Law of the Land they Deliberately Break the Law of the Land

as they help our proven Enemies Destroy America

while allowing Terrorist Cartels Gangs and Criminals from all over this world

along with every known Illness and Disease

into our Cities and Towns and Communities and Schools

proving the Democratic Party are Fascist Treasonous Traitors

Destroying America

and will do any thing to Win

as they can only win with proven Crimes and proven Lies

as the Democratically controlled U.S. Government

is Fascist Deep State Organized Crime

against All of We the People Who are America


…and Who Will Win the 2024 Presidential Election ?

The Fascist Treasonous Democratic Billionaire Elite

and their Treasonous Deep State


Donald Trump & All of We the People

who are for a Free and Honest America

and will Donald Trump be Assassinated before he is Reelected

or After

  by a Political Media Brainwashed Lunatic

as all the Free Thinking People of America Hope Donald is not Assassinated

by any Enemy of Truth and Freedom in this World

~ while ~

Political Media Brainwashed Ignorance is the

~ New Normal ~

for the Fascist Democratic Deep State Billionaire Elite

of the New World Order

~ with China ~

…and when Proven Lies and Evil Win

Everyone Loses

and when the Proven Truth and Freedom Win

Evil Loses


The Number One Enemies to America

are the Fascist Democratic Weaponized Deep State

by the Fascist Democratic Billionaire Elite

who are doing test proven Harm to Humanity and Nature

for their Profit Power and Control

and if the proven to be Fascist Treasonous Traitors Win

then All of We the People who are America will Lose

~ because ~

in Democratic Billionaire Elite Woke Fascism

they will promise you everything while taking everything away from you

and they will own you and own your children

and they will decide for you what your child can and can not be

as they are already doing today with their brainwashed transgenderism

in our public schools controlled by Democratic Woke Fascist Teachers Unions

and you will have zero say and own nothing


Today the Republicans are Pro U.S. Constitution and Freedom for All

while the Democrats Treasonously Spit on and Shred the U.S. Constitution everyday

for their Woke Fascist New World Order of Anti-Freedom


If you are for Woke Fascism then Vote Democrat

and if you are for Freedom for All of We the People

then do not Vote for Woke Fascist Democrats


The Rebuttal

[email protected]



About Bruce A. Kershaw

Born ~ March 27, 1956 at 11:10 pm Long Beach California other wise I'm still breathing O2 made from CO2 and eating food made from CO2 ~ the rest is Icing on the cake ~
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