AlGoreism: the Political Media Church of Climate Paranoia

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Wisdom is the ability to use knowledge constructively while doing no harm

~ wisdom is knowing Convinced True Belief is not knowledge ~

because Belief is a Personal Emotional Feeling

and feelings can not prove or disprove knowledge

because Feelings are Pathological not Factual

as convinced true belief rejects knowledge

not allowing you to question the truth in available knowledge

as convinced belief is the Pathological key to self-Ignorance in available knowledge

not allowing you to know the truth in tested science

while allowing you to just believe you are doing good when doing only harm

because you do not know you just believe what you are told to just believe


science is: to know = factual

belief is: a feeling = pathological


Do you know or do you believe you know

one is science and the other is make believe

as convinced Belief is allowing others to decide for you what is real and what is not

based on their True Belief preventing you from knowing

the available Questioned truth in tested Science

and is Blind Faith and not knowledge = Science

and to believe in hearsay science is religion

and is not the questioned tested debated truth in knowledge

to question all the available facts and not ignore the available fats


To question the truth in knowledge is the key to science

while convinced true belief is the key to self-ignorance


My continued repeated Science Argument in many forms to many Fools

who of course will not be Reading this

as Fools reject knowledge for Political Media Convinced and Programmed True Belief

as political insanity continues to dictate a false Reality doing test proven harm


When those who Predict the un-knowable Climate Future

with their pre-programmed Ouija Board computers

~ based on One Half of one climate variable ~

of more than a dozen climate variables known today

they just ignore

then try to convince me the variable Sun with many cycles is not a climate variable

and then I ask them many very real Climate Science Questions they can not Answer

and then they tell me the science is settled and there can be no Scientific Debate

they have then scientifically test proven to me they are Lunatics not Scientists

as they Preach their Climate Paranoia based on their Lunatic Predictions

based on their test proven Self-Ignorance

in Atmospheric Emission Science Physics and Chemistry

they do not comprehend and refuse to know

for the sake of their true belief in self-debunked un-proven theory

they can not prove is Tested Reality and they Preach is Settled Science

when settled science does not exist in real science

and after they have made Hundreds or Thousands of computer Ouija Board Predictions

of the un-knowable future based on ~ One Half ~ of one climate variable

while ignoring more than a dozen climate variables

how do they then know which of the Ouija Board computer Predictions

of the un-knowable future

is ~ their ~ Lunatic Settled Science

based on a proven to be flawed incomplete study based on a backwards hypothetical

that can not be scientifically Questioned Tested Debated by the scientific method

because it is Settled Lunatic Political Science Fiction

as they reject knowledge for their True Belief

as they Preach their Climate Paranoia is Settled Science

as they Preach their proven to be self-debunked predictions of the past 30 years

are reality in tested science

when Manhattan is not underwater today as predicted 30 years ago

by test proven Lunatics who reject the scientific method for Lunatic True Belief

while committing test proven Fraud in Science

with proven to be false data and incomplete garbage science papers

as they continue to Preach their Climate Paranoia

based on self-debunked un-proven theory is Settled Science

they refuse to Publicly Debate and can not prove with Real Science

and so do they just make believe Manhattan is underwater today ?


Proven Fraud is Proven Fraud

as many Profit from this very Proven Fraud in Science

as the Politically Convinced True Believers continue to just Believe

and support the very Proven Fraud in Science

because of their true belief in convinced and programmed self-Ignorance

because they do not Question the Truth in Knowledge

they just Believe as they are told to just believe

never knowing the proven harm their true belief is doing in tested reality

because they refuse to learn and know and grow forward

for the sake of their Politically Convinced True belief

~ * ~

~ Political Media Insanity ~

is spending Trillions to do only test proven Harm to the cause of Green

the Carbon Cycle of this CO2 Starved Carbon based Earth

where in Botany Science Plants and Trees require 4 times the CO2 than in the air today

to be at their best good Health

while causing the carbon oxygen hydrogen cycle

producing all the carbon based food we eat

and the Oxygen we Breathe for our 20 % Carbon based Bodies

as we are doing only test proven harm to the cause of Green

based on self-debunked un-proven theory

and self-debunked computer Ouija Board Prediction

based on a climate study that ignores more than a dozen climate variables

and millions of years of known climate history

and very real Physics and Chemistry

all further debunking the self debunked un-proven theory

based on a proven to be backwards hypothetical

based on ~ One Half ~ of one climate variable

Preached as Settled Science

by Al Gore and the Media who have publicly proven they failed grade school science

and have earned zero right to scientific opinion

while rejecting all scientific rebuttal debunking their Lunatic Science

as the Media suppress peer-reviewed science from the Public’s right to know

for their political agenda

as they Cheery Pick their Scientists who Cheery Pick their science

Cheery Picked Scientists with zero back ground in

Atmospheric Emission Science Physics and Chemistry

who’s proven to be flawed incomplete science is debunked

by real peer-reviewed science they suppress and ignore

with the Media allowing the public to have only the Lunatic side of the science story

as the Media rejects the scientific method for political agenda

that is doing very real harm to the cause of Green

while the Preached Scientific consensus is a very proven political media Lie

as the Working Scientific Community know in very real Physics

all Heat still Rises

as very Frozen air still take its place

off-setting the heat rising

while knowing in real physics

something the size of a Sewing Thread

can not Trap Heat in something the size of a Football Field

all further debunking the self-debunked un-proven theory

Preached as Settled Science by Al Gore and the Media

who reject the Questioned Truth in knowledge for Political agenda doing test proven Harm

to the Carbon Oxygen Hydrogen Cycle = Nature = Environment

of this CO2 Starved Carbon based Earth

while Preaching a self-debunked un-proven theory based a flawed incomplete study is

Settled Science

while Preaching Catastrophic Paranoid Predictions of the un-knowable future

based on self-debunked un-proven theory

and 30 years of scientifically proven to be self-debunk predictions

as the Media Preaches the Sea level is rising

while NASA states the Sea level is Declining

scientifically proving Political Media self-ignorance and Insanity

doing test proven Harm to the cause of all carbon based Life on this Carbon based Earth


I can think of many things we could spend trillions of dollars on

instead of spending it on Ending the Carbon Cycle above Sea level Sooner

further scientifically proving the Green Lunatics are Lunatics

and have zero comprehension of the science

further proving it is a Political Media Religion with zero concept of real science

because spending trillions to reduce the cause of Green will not stop climate change


The Political Media Convincing and Programming of the Public

to just Believe in their Proven Insanity

is not Real Science by Question Test Rebuttal Debate

the Media refuses to allow to happen

as the Media continues to Preach the Science is Settled

and there can be no Scientific Method

as the Media Refuses to Question the Truth in knowledge

for the sake of their Political Agenda True Belief

as they ignore real Peer-reviewed science they do not comprehend

debunking their True Belief doing Harm

as they reject tested reality they do not comprehend for Lunatic Make Believe

based on their self-ignorance in real science they refuse to scientifically debate


The Working Scientists who have Scientifically Further Proven Al Gore is a Fraud

Al Gore Preaches are the Deniers and Skeptics of Climate Change

and that is Al Gore’s best Science Argument

to call the Working Scientists who have further proven he is a Fraud

the Deniers and Skeptics

when they do not Deny Billions of years of Climate Change

and Skepticism is to Question the Truth in Knowledge

the bases for the scientific method

as Skepticism has Proven Al Gore is a Fraud


Al Gore is a proven Denier

of the

Scientific Method

and more than a dozen climate variables

millions of years of climate history

very proven physics and chemistry

and the Carbon Oxygen Hydrogen Cycle

all further debunking his un-proven theory he Preaches is settled science

scientifically proving Al Gore is a Lunatic not a Scientists

as Al Gore Preaches there can be no Question Test Rebuttal or Debate

by the Scientific Method in this Brand New Science

no one has a real degree in

and the skepticism that has scientifically proven he is a fraud is a mental disorder


Al Gore can not Publicly Articulate or Debate or Prove beyond un-proven theory

how Carbon based Humans cause Climate Warming

of this Carbon based Earth with Carbon based Oxygen = CO2 = Carbon Dioxide

the cause of all the Green on this CO2 Starved Carbon based Earth


Al Gore Preaches his Political Media Pathological Scientific Consensus

that is debunked by Scientific Reality

while there is a Pathological Consensus in AlGoreism

by Al Gore’s Politically Convinced True Belief Followers

who reject knowledge for convinced true belief

as only Lunatics can Preach the Science is Settled

and Proving Al Gore is a Fraud will not stop Al Gore from continuing to be a Fraud

as long as he has True Believers he can convince to give him more Money

to do more test proven harm to the Environment he Preaches he is saving

as he Preaches the cause of all the Green and all Life is Toxic Pollution

and that is Lunatic Science

Politically dictated by Lunatics who reject Real Science

while Al Gore must be a Billionaire by now

with his very proven to be fraudulent world wide carbon credit Scheme

that will have zero impact on climate change while only reducing the cause of Green

on this Scientifically proven to be CO2 Starved Carbon based Earth

Carbon based Oxygen = CO2 = Carbon Dioxide and Water Vapor is not Pollution

and one half of one climate variable

that Humans generate far less than 10 % of going into the air

is a Very Small Tiny Fragment of more than a dozen Climate variables

providing an infinity of climate variable Science

while climate history all alone has further debunk the un-proven theory

of Human caused Climate Warming

as Climate Change is very Real

but We can not control Nature

as Nature will continue the cycle of ending all Life on this Carbon based Earth

as Earth History has Proven

while Al Gore the very Scientifically Test Proven Fraud

~  You just Believe him ~

a Politician who Failed Grade School Science

and can prove nothing in Real Science but his Pathological Self-Ignorance

and as Al Gore continues to send me his email request a few times a week for money

I continue to send Al Gore

with a



my request for the peer-reviewed science proving Humans cause Climate Warming

and to everyone Preaching Humans cause climate warming

 well over 40,000 times since 2007

while knowing all along their is zero peer-reviewed science

proving humans cause climate warming

and the only thing that can be scientifically proven is Self-Ignorance and Fraud

by AlGoreism

The Political Media Church of Climate Paranoia


and if you believe the number one climate variable of this carbon based earth

The Variable Sun

with many cycles as the Sun continues to be warmer and brighter

is not a climate variable

you are a Scientifically Test Proven Lunatic

who is probably predicting a Catastrophic future

with your pre-programmed Ouija Board computer

and Preaching your Climate Paranoia

based on test proven Garbage science


About Bruce A. Kershaw

Born ~ March 27, 1956 at 11:10 pm Long Beach California other wise I'm still breathing O2 made from CO2 and eating food made from CO2 ~ the rest is Icing on the cake ~
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