AlGoreism = Climate Paranoia for Profit


The Church of AlGoreism


Politically Brainwashed Test Proven Pathological Fraud in Climate Science

as they refuse to debate the science as they reject peer-reviewed science

debunking their politically convinced True Belief they Preach is settled science

while doing Test Proven Harm to the Environment for Power and Greed

costing Trillions of dollars to do only further Harm to the cause of Green

and all Carbon based Life on this Carbon based Earth

as they Ignore the test proven science proving they are wrong

while continuing to do very test proven Harm to the

Carbon Cycle = Nature = Environment

as they Profit from their very proven Fraud in science

by selling Fear and Paranoia of the unknowable future

based on self-debunked un-proven theory

based on a proven to be backwards Hypothetical

they Refuse to Publicly Debate

as they Refuse to allow scientific rebuttal as they reject the scientific method for profit

as NASA DATA and other very available peer-reviewed science has debunk

AlGoreism for Profit doing Harm to the cause of Green


Al Gore Preached to us

” do not confuse weather with climate change “

now he Preaches the opposite is true

while there was far worse weather on this Carbon based Earth

long before Carbon based Humans

and there will be far worse weather long after we are gone

as we are lucky to live in this gentle climate period

compared to other very harsh climate periods in climate history

just Ignored by AlGoreism while debunking AlGoreism


Please forward this to True Believers of

Political Media Paranoid Climate Religion

who reject the scientific method for politically convinced true belief


Preaching the cause of Green

CO2 and Water Vapor

is Pollution is Ignorance not Science

Political Science Fiction is Test Proven Garbage in Real Science

as the scientifically test proven Political Media Lies continue

as the Politically Convinced True Believers just Believe the proven Lies

as they do not Question the Truth in knowledge

as they reject knowledge for True Belief


Climate Science ~ vs ~ Climate Religion

~ but do not believe me ~

Question the Truth in Knowledge

Investigate the Truth in Knowledge

as I have done everyday with my on going Climate Science investigation since 2007

based on my now 42 plus years of Atmospheric Emission Science Physics and Chemistry

the majority of People do not comprehend

but with out my back ground in many sciences

you can still educate your self beyond only politically convinced True Belief

you can

Google ~ Fraud in Climate Science

Google ~ Sea level Falling

Google ~ 40% increase in Arctic Ice

Google ~ Major & Little & Mini ~ Ice Age History

Google ~ Climate Warming not Speeding up as Predicted

and review all sides of the Science Argument

from all the many opinions good and bad

not allowed in the one sided Political Science Fiction Media

and think for yourself

beyond convinced True Belief beyond what you are told to just believe

and learn and know and grow forward in Questioned Reality

while it is the Questions that can not be answered

that allow us to learn and know and grow forward in real science

by finding the answers thought failure

by what works and what does not based on the scientific method


I do not have to tell you but

Manhattan is not under water as Predicted by NASA 30 years ago

while I hope you know

Prediction of the unknowable future is not Fact Tested Reality in Science

Prediction is a tool to sell Fear and Paranoia of the un-predictable future

for Profit

so please do not be a Clone to Scientifically Proven Con-vinced Political Ignorance

and do not vote for those Preaching Climate Paranoia

Vote for People not Political Parties

while it is always hard to vote when there no one worth voting for

but you must vote


~ You can not stop 4.6 billion years of very real ~

very extreme progressive variable climate change caused by an infinity of climate Variable

caused more than a dozen climate variables known today

~ by stopping the cause of Green ~

because this will not end and can not stop billions of years of climate change


The cause of Green is the by-product of climate warming not the cause of warming

as Climate Paranoia can not scientifically prove they are not Frauds

but True believers do not care if their Leaders are Proven Frauds

because they are True Believers

and why not throw away trillions of dollars trying to stop the cause of Green

based on a Scientifically proven to be self-debunked un-proven theory

based on a proven to be backwards hypothetical

based on one half of one climate variable

Politically Preached as Settled Science

as the True Believers of Climate Paranoia


Politically Brainwashed Arrogant Ignorance

who dictate how we can and can not live our lives based on a scientifically proven lie

doing test proven harm to the cause of all the Green on this Carbon based Earth

as they can prove nothing beyond Politically convinced true belief

they refuse to publicly debate proving its not real science


Question the Truth in Knowledge

beyond politically brainwashed true belief doing harm

but of course the politically convinced = brainwashed true believers

will not Sin against their True Belief

by questioning the truth in knowledge

as they have been convinced they are always right and you are always wrong

and their zero room for scientific question and debate

in their politically brainwashed True Belief

doing scientifically test proven harm to Nature costing trillions of dollars

to profit the few


December 31, 2018

I received six more emails today from the Sierra Club Begging me for Money ~

December 30, 2018

I received six emails today from the Sierra Club

and 4 emails yesterday Begging me for Money

before it is to Late

so they can Save this Carbon based Earth from 4.6 billion years of Climate Change

caused by more than a dozen climate variables known today

by stopping the cause of Green and all Carbon based Life on this Carbon based Earth


To: Michael Brune

Executive Director

Sierra Club

Political Body not a Science Body


Jonathan Matthews

Carroll College ~ Helena Montana

Montana Sierra Club


Preaching Proven Fraud in Climate Science doing Test Proven Harm to the

Carbon Cycle = Nature = Environment

for Profit


Dear Michael & Jonathan,

for years now you have been sending me many emails everyday Begging me for money

so you can Save this Carbon based Earth from the cause of all the Green

CO2 = Carbon based Oxygen = Carbon Dioxide

causing the Carbon Cycle caused by evaporated CO2 and Water Vapor and Sun Energy

causing all Carbon based Life and Energy on this Carbon based Earth

you Preach to the world is Pollution

and I keep requesting for many years now with a $100,000.00 Reward

  your peer-reviewed science proving Humans cause Climate Warming

and you still can not provide real science to support your scientifically proven to be Lies

that would prove you are not Politically Convinced Pathological Frauds in Science

while I have sent you peer-reviewed science debunking your Pathological True Belief

further proving it is a true belief because only True Believers reject scientific fact

as you continue to Preach your Climate Paranoia for Profit based on un-proven theory

while I have been Investigating and Proving Fraud in Science for over 20 plus years

and when there are zero feelings in real science

you just Believe and Trust the Government and their Scientists as you profit from their lies

while I know

~ The Government Lies ~

because I know

Two Oxygen Atoms based to One Carbon Atom =

Carbon based Oxygen = CO2 = Carbon Dioxide

with zero color taste and smell is not Pollution


White Steam = Water Vapor is not Pollution

and I know

CO2 + Water Vapor + Sun Energy = Green = Carbon Cycle =

all Carbon based Life and Energy caused by this Carbon based Earth

and has never been Pollution

until Al Gore began to Politically Preach CO2

and Water Vapor coming out of Smokes Stakes is Pollution


CO2 and Water Vapor from Volcanoes above and below Sea level causing the Carbon Cycle

is not Pollution

CO2 and Water Vapor from the Tail Pipe of your Car causing the Carbon Cycle

is not Pollution

CO2 you can not see coming out of a Steam Powered Electric Generators

is not Pollution

and the White Steam coming out the Smoke Stacks of Steam Powered Electric Generators

is not Pollution

with the Water Vapor and CO2 together in the air

causing Green = Carbon Cycle and all Carbon based Life and Energy

on this Carbon based Earth

is not Pollution

until Al Gore who has publicly proven he failed grade school science

who can not articulate science and has earned zero right to any scientific opinion

decided the Cause of all the Green and all Carbon based Life on this Carbon based Earth

Water Vapor and CO2 is Pollution

as You and Al Gore profit from his proven lies

and as warm CO2 rises

as all gases in real physics absorb and radiate heat while expanding and rising

while very frozen -200 * F below zero Air and CO2 = DRY ICE

is crashing downward toward the Poles of this Carbon based Earth

with the Frozen CO2 = Dry Ice

cooling the air on the way down 10 times faster and 20 times longer than frozen water

more than off-setting warm CO2 rising = removing heat from the lower atmosphere

as Al Gore believes heat does not rise and cold air does take its place

as Al Gore believes one half of one climate variable defines all climate science

and is settled science in this brand new science no one has a real degree in

when settled science does not exist in real science


~ knowing ~

most of the atmosphere is -200* F below zero

~ knowing ~

in real physics

all heat rises

leaving a void for Frozen Air to take its place

causing the Ice Caps at the Poles of this carbon based earth


~ Al Gore Truly Believes ~


something the size of a sewing thread = Human generated CO2

can trap heat in something the size of a football field = the Atmosphere


he can not tell us How ?


Al Gore preaches this is settled science

when this is not possible in real physics

as Al Gore has yet to debunk all the Hard science debunking his True Belief

in one half of one climate variable causing all climate change

as we learn and know something new everyday debunking what we know from yesterday

as Al Gore Believes

there is nothing new to learn and know in this brand new science

and more than a dozen known climate variables are Irrelevant in Climate Science

and millions of years of climate history is Irrelevant in Climate Science

and very real hard physics and chemistry is Irrelevant in Climate Science

all very real science debunking his Lunatic True Belief

he has convinced you to just believe too

with out Questioning the true in knowledge

as Al Gore believes he is an expert in this Brand New Climate Science

when no one is an expert in this Brand New Science

Al Gore is a Very Rich Lunatic

doing very real harm to the

Carbon Cycle = Nature = Environment

Al Gore is not a Scientist for the Truth in Knowledge

for a better life for all

as you just believe his proven Lies


Al Gore is a Preacher for his Power and Greed doing Harm

not a Teacher of Knowledge doing Good

as you just believe his scientifically test proven Lies

as Al Gore just Ignores the Truth in Science for Power and Greed

as Political Media Fraud Dictates Reality

proving Political Fascism in science doing harm

proving those who failed grade school science can politically dictate science for profit

as Al Gore Sells Catastrophic Paranoid Predictions of the un-predictable future based on proven to be flawed incomplete self-debunk Garbage science based on one half of one climate variable based on a Lunatic Hypothetical

backed by 30 plus years of very self -debunked predictions

all Politically Preached and Convinced to be the Truth and Settled Science

~ this is very test proven Catastrophic Fraud ~

doing very real test proven Harm to the Environment for profit

and is not Publicly Questioned Tested Debated Science by the Scientific Method

as you just Believe in AlGoreism as you Profit by Committing Proven Fraud in Science


Real science is sharing all the very real available facts not intentionally hiding all the facts

that have been repeatedly sent to them over many years

and in Politically  ~ convinced ~ AlGoreism it is a Sin to Question the Truth in Knowledge

you must be a True Believer and Reject Knowledge

and just Believe In

Pre-programmed Paranoid Catastrophic Ouija Board Computer Prediction

based on proven to be Fraudulent Lunatic Political Science Fiction

and there can be no Scientific Debate in their Settled Science

because they are always right and all the non-True Believers are always wrong

regardless of the Questioned Tested Truth in Real Science

as Scientifically proven they hide from you for Power and Greed

while dictating how you may live your life


The Government Lies

and is

Politically Selling Paranoid Predictions

~ based on self-debunked un-proven theory ~

like you would Sell a Used Car

while not allowing any Public Scientific Rebuttal

as the Political Media will not allow Scientific Rebuttal to test proven Government Lies

the Political Media Preaches is Settled Science in a Brand New Science

as Government Scientists and the Political Media Reject the Scientific Method

for political agenda doing test proven harm to the cause of Green


science is: to know

science is not being politically convinced and programmed

to just believe what you are told to just believe

~ without Questioning the Truth in knowledge ~

Do you want to be Convinced and Programmed to just Believe

what you are told to just believe by the Government

or do you want to be Educated to Know ?


~ Climate Change is Real ~

and if Ice did not melt the Sea level would decline about 60 feet every 10 years

and when government Scientists refuse to debate their science

and refuse to provide peer-reviewed science to prove their public statements

while rejecting real peer-reviewed science further debunking their un-proven theory

they Politically Preach is Settled Science

what does this Scientifically Prove in real science ?

and when Government Scientists place new weather stations

on Tared Roof Tops next to Heating and Air Conditioning outlets

providing very flawed and false data to support their un-proven theory

they Politically Preach is Settled Science

what does this scientifically prove in real science ?

and when ~ Political Scientists ~ are put in charge of these Government Climate studies

to predict a Catastrophic future based on proven to be Garbage science

they Politically Preach is Settled Science

what does this scientifically prove in real science ?

when settled science does not exist in real science

~ as ~

NASA ~ Government ~ Scientists

~ predicted ~

30 years ago

based on proven Ignorance in Atmospheric Emission Science Physics and Chemistry

by ignoring very real very available Atmospheric science

they ~ Predicted ~ Manhattan would be underwater today

and NASA now admits the Sea level is Falling not Rising

because the rate of evaporation has exceeded the rate the Ice is melting

caused by increased warming by the variable

~ SUN ~

with many cycles

causing an on going cycle of Ice Ages and Warming periods over Billions of years

as increased evaporation increases CO2 and Water vapor levels

increasing Rain and Snow and Arctic Ice by 40% since 2012

while making this Carbon based Earth Greener

CO2 and water vapor is the evaporated by product of warming not the cause of warming

as the majority of CO2 on the NASA CO2 charts is caused by Nature not by Humans

while measuring CO2 levels in the Atmosphere next to active volcanoes

does not tell us how much CO2 is in the air above the middle of the Gobi Desert

as all the Deserts over the past 30 years have become Greener

from the increase of evaporated water vapor and CO2

as this is a normal cycle between Ice Ages

as the opposite is Politically Preached as the Truth

by Climate Paranoia who refuse to publicly debate the real science

as real science is proven by admitted failure

and not Politically convinced by Political Scientists

and then supported by zero peer-reviewed science

while rejecting peer-reviewed science further debunking their True Belief

in self-debunked un-proven theory based on a proven to be backwards hypothetical

they preach is settled science they refuse to publicly debate

because it is Settled Lunatic Political Science Fiction

Politically Preached and Convinced as Test Proven Reality

they can not Scientifically Prove with Real Science

but you must Trust the Government Political Scientists

and just believe what they tell you to just believe

because Government Scientists with a proven Political agenda can never be wrong

especially when selling Paranoid Ouija Board Computer Predictions

based on a Brand New Science

that provided 30 plus years of now self-debunked Predictions

based on one half of one climate variable = Test Proven Ignorance

as the self-proclaimed experts refuse to publicly debate their fraudulent science

while spending Trillions to reduce CO2 the cause of all the Green

on a scientifically proven to be CO2 staved Carbon based Earth


This is test proven Political Insanity for Profit for Power and Greed

by those who have publicly scientifically proven

they can Comprehend and Articulate zero Science

and Taxing the Cause of all the Green

and All Carbon based life on this Carbon based Earth

will not stop billions of years of Climate Change caused by an Infinity of climate variable

it will only take from the poor to give to the rich while reducing the cause of Green

while reducing the duration of the Carbon cycle above Sea level

as Government Political Scientists who never Lie

or Hide the Truth or provide proven to be Flawed Data

who have been made very aware of these scientific facts

just ignore these known facts in real science for their political agenda doing harm


Free Speech

~ is not allowing only one side of the story to be Preached ~

and we need a President who will acknowledge all the available Facts

and not just ignore and hide the majority of all facts for the sake of political agenda

we need a President who questioned the truth and knows the truth

and is not just politically convinced and programmed by a proven political agenda Lie

we need a President who represents

We the People not a Political Agenda

as Political Agenda comes First in Washington D.C.

and the Questioned Tested Truth and We the People come Last if ever

as most Americans are Independents and do not belong to a political agenda

based on Power and Greed

~ and if ~

United States Senator of Vermont

Bernie Sanders

Politician not a Scientist

had stayed an Independent he would be today

President of the Republic

~ of the now ~

Un-United States of America

as I did not vote for Hillary or Donald  but I would have voted for Bernie

not because he is right about everything because on one is right about everything

but because he was by my perception the most Truthful

while the Truth in knowledge must always be in Question

by Question Test Debate

while Sen. Bernie Sanders

Blindly Politically supports Government Climate Reports by

~ Government Political Scientists ~

Climate Reports that ignore more than a dozen climate variables

and ignore millions of years of climate history

and ignore very real Physics and Chemistry

all further debunking a flawed incomplete study

based on a proven to be backwards hypothetical

and proven to be purposely flawed data

based on one half of one climate variable

that does not scientifically prove Humans cause climate warming

as Bernie continues to Preach ~ Debunked ~ Political Hearsay is Fact Tested Reality

scientifically proving he is a Proven Lunatic in Science

who failed grade school science by rejecting the scientific method

I have emailed Bernie more than once to both of his available email address

over the past few years

with peer-reviewed science debunking his true belief in un-proven theory

that Bernie Preaches is Settled Science

that is based on proven to be flawed incomplete self-debunked hypothetical

and in my email

my request with a reward

for Bernie’s peer-reviewed science proving Humans cause climate warming

that will support his proven to be convinced political lies

and I sent Bernie the proof there is no Scientific Consensus

in self-debunked un-proven theory

Politically Preached as Settled Science when settled science does not exist in real science

and again today December 28, 2018

I have sent Bernie a sample of peer-reviewed science

further debunking Bernie’s true belief in self-debunk un-proven theory

that he Preaches is test proven fact while he can provide zero test proven fact

to support his ~ politically convinced ~ true belief

as Bernie can provide zero peer-reviewed science

and can prove nothing beyond his convinced political true belief

scientifically proving Bernie is Convinced = Pathological not Educated = Factual

Bernie must learn how to be a scientist before he may have a scientific opinion

and then he will know when he is being Politically convinced = scammed

and then he will Educate himself beyond politically convinced Lunatic True Belief

doing test proven harm to the Environment

because those who who failed grade school science

do not and can not debate real science

as they politically dictate paranoid predictions

based on Scientifically proven to be Garbage Political Science Fiction

proving they are Politically Convened = Brainwashed Pathological Fools

and not real scientists who have earned the right to scientific opinion

as you reject peer-reviewed science for Political True Belief doing Harm

as you refuse to learn and know and grow forward for Political Power and Greed

as you are test proven Political Frauds in Science

caused by your Politically Brainwashed Ignorance in Science

and you will continue to just Ignore very available peer-reviewed science and scientific Data Proving you are Frauds and you will continue to Preach your Climate Paranoia for Profit doing Harm to the Environment as you have done so for many many years

further Proving Political Brainwashing Works on those who have publicly proven they

Failed Grade School Science

as you are test proven Big Dummy’s in Science Dictating Science for Profit

while Harming the Environment you Preach you are Saving


Bruce A. Kershaw

42 plus years Atmospheric Emission Science

~ * ~

To: Sen. Bernie Sanders


I challenge you to an open public debate in Climate Science

with a


~ Reward ~

for the peer-reviewed science

proving Carbon based Humans cause Climate Warming of this Carbon based Earth

with Carbon based Oxygen = CO2 = Carbon Dioxide

the cause of all the Green the Carbon Cycle and all Carbon based Life and Energy

on this Carbon based Earth

as real science is Questioned Tested and Debated

and not Preached and Dictated Political Make Believe

doing scientifically test proven harm to the Environment



you are 20% carbon made from CO2 as you preach CO2 is Pollution

proving you failed grade school science and have earned zero right to any scientific opinion

as you reject proven fact tested knowledge

for your Lunatic True Belief in Political Science Fiction a self-debunk un-proven theory

doing only harm to the cause of Green as you make believe you are doing good

and if you were not Preaching Lunatic Climate Paranoia

costing trillions of dollars to do only test proven harm to the

Carbon Cycle = Nature = Environment

while Preaching the cause of all the Green and all Life is Pollution

I would vote for you

while you support the Union of Concerned Scientists

who are a Political Body not a Science Body

who are using an outdated incomplete science paper

they presented to the public in news papers

as Scientific Proof Humans cause Climate Warming

scientifically proving your Friends who you support are Frauds in Science

as they can provide zero real science to prove they are not frauds

as you just believe the very proven frauds with out questioning the truth in science

as you are a proven Preacher of self ignorance and fraud not a Teacher of reality in science

as you continue to reject the scientific method for Lunatic political science fiction

and this country needs a real Leader not a True Belief follower of AlGoreism

Harming the Environment

because you refuse to Question the Truth

 you refuse to learn and know and grow forward

for the sake of convinced = Brainwashed  Lunatic Political Agenda

when science is: to know

and you refuse to ~ know ~ for your personal emotional feeling of true belief

that has made you a test proven Pathological Fraud in real science

caused by your Proven Ignorance in real science

as true belief always rejects knowledge

and you will continue to Preach your Climate Paranoia

doing Harm in tested reality you just ignore

and just ignoring tested reality does not make it go away

as you choose to just believe in test proven Lies

or you can Choose to test the truth in knowledge and grow forward beyond true belief

for a better world and a better life for all

while only Fascism can dictate science and reality

as you Preach your opinion in science you have not earned

as a real scientist will know when they are wrong

and then admit they are wrong and grow forward with new knowledge

while you do not know if you are right or wrong because you are not a real scientist

you are a True Believer doing Harm

as you can not prove you are right and you can not prove I am wrong

while I have earned the right to scientific opinion

and I ~ know ~ and you do not

and your scientifically proven to be Fraudulent Friends refuse to debate the science

and can not prove their self-debunk un-proven theory is fact tested reality in Science

they Preach is Settled Science

as your True Belief is a growing Cancer on this Carbon based Earth

Please grow beyond your true belief and then ~ know ~ if you are right or wrong

because being politically convinced with words of belief prove nothing in real science

as real science is not convinced it is proven beyond words of belief

you must explain your science beyond convinced words of hearsay true belief

and if would like to know beyond your politically convinced lunatic true belief

I would be very happy to deprogram you and educate you to ~ know ~

so you can then make Intelligent Decisions based on real facts you will comprehend

or you can stay politically convinced and programmed

scientifically proving your Ignorance and being a proven Fool doing Harm

and never be a Real Leader in Tested Reality doing good

because real leaders are not convinced and programmed followers

they ~ know ~ the Questioned Tested Truth beyond convinced hearsay true belief

~ Why ~

and if you do not know why over 30,000 scientists over 9,000 with PhD’s that I know of disagree with you and if you do not know why 87% of the National Academy of Science disagree with you and if you do not know why 49 NASA Scientists disagree with you

~ that’s not science ~

real science is not by ignoring Why ?

science is to know by  Question test and debate

and the most important Question in real science is Why ?

in this brand new climate science

where we have far more to learn than we ~ know ~

and if you reject ~ Why ~ then you are not a real scientist

as I have only 42 plus years of working back ground in

Atmospheric Emission Science Physics and Chemistry

with thousands of hours of on going climate science investigation since the spring of 2007

while you have

~ zero ~

while you have been politically convinced and programmed to just truly believe

that You are always Right in this Brand New Science

and those who ~ know ~ are always Wrong in this Brand New Science

and the very last thing We the People need

is another Politically Convinced and Programmed President

who has publicly proven they failed grade school science

who is doing test proven harm to the Carbon cycle = Nature = Environment

costing trillions of dollars

because they refuse to learn and know and grow forward

beyond their pathological lunatic political science fiction

and Free Speech is not allowing only one side of many sides of the story to be told ~

as only proven Ignorance can dictate reality

and because tested knowledge is not a part of True Belief

True Believers can never admit they are wrong

as true belief is not science


Bruce A. Kershaw


Bernie is a test proven

Politically convinced Pathological Fraud in Science

who does not comprehend the science

who can not Articulate or Debate or Prove his Lunatic Science is Reality

as he Preaches his Climate Paranoia

based on Catastrophic computer Ouija Board Predictions

based on proven to be flawed incomplete science

while the only thing Bernie can prove in real science is his Ignorance

as Bernie does not Question the Truth in knowledge

he just believes what he told to just believe

as only fools of proven fools just believe

and I can not Vote for Fools in Science Preaching Programmed Climate Paranoia

doing test proven harm to the environment


Just Believing is not Proving

and Politically Preaching is not Proving

and preaching something you can not Scientifically prove is religion not science

because Political Blind Faith is not Tested Reality in Science

as proven political Fascism in science is dictating science doing harm

as Political Fascism ~ Denies ~ Question Test Debate = the scientific method

so we my to find and know the truth in knowledge

as only the Cowards of Reality refuse to debate reality


Extreme Progressive Variable Climate Change began about 4.6 billion years ago

and CO2 and Water Vapor and Sun Energy is the cause of all the Green the Carbon Cycle causing all Carbon based Life and Energy caused by this Carbon based Earth

where everything breathing and not breathing but a few Microbes has Carbon in it and in Botany Science Plants and Trees need 4 times the CO2 than in the air today to breathe to be strong and healthy

and when only one side of many sides is allowed a voice in media in the science debate

~ its not real science or a real debate ~

as those who have not earned the right to scientific opinion politically dictate science

as they reject and refuse to allow public question rebuttal and debate

as they do test proven harm to the cause of all the Green and all carbon based life

based on self-debunk un-proven theory based on one half of one climate variable

they Preach to us is Settled Science

while they can provide zero peer-reviewed science

to support their true belief in un-proven theory

costing trillions of dollars to do only harm

as they Preach to us the cause of all the Green the Carbon Cycle

and all Carbon based Life on this Carbon based Earth is Toxic Pollution

and trying to stop the cause of all the Green

will not stop 4.6 billion years of Climate Change

caused by an Infinity of climate variable

caused by more than a dozen climate variables known today


Climate Science is a Brand New Science

and 30 Years ago Government Scientists

who refuse to publicly debate ~ their ~ science while rejecting peer-reviewed science proving their un-proven theory is Garbage science while they can not provide peer-reviewed science when requested to support their public statements


~ based on one half of one climate variable ~

of more than a dozen climate variables known today

that Manhattan would be underwater today

and I will assume they are still driving around in cars not boats

as Prediction of the un-knowable future is not fact tested knowledge in real science as most predictions never ever come true especially when based on very proven Ignorance but prediction based on proven ignorance is a very good way to sell Paranoia of the unpredictable unknowable future to those who just believe everything they are told to just believe as they do not Question the truth in knowledge


Settled Science does not Exist in Real Science

because we learn and know something new everyday in every science

by the scientific method = to Question Test Debate = to find the truth in knowledge

and those who believe in Settled Science have scientifically proven

they Failed Grade School Science

because true belief in settled science can only prove Ignorance in real science

because rejecting new knowledge for personal emotional feelings of true belief

is not Questioned tested debated knowledge

because true belief convinced or not convinced is religion not science


Here in Helena Montana

where we can hunt for Sea Shells at 8000 feet above sea level

when it is only – 38* F below zero = 71 degrees below freezing

with out the wind chill factor

instead of – 40* F below zero because of Global Warming

we Pray for more Global Warming

because 1000 years ago Montana had California Climate for 200 years

caused by the variable

~ SUN ~

when CO2 levels were much lower

while we have had Ice Ages with much higher levels of CO2 in the air

and the Sea level has been 100 feet higher than today

as Humans have been moving to higher ground for the past 26,000 years

about 350 feet

while this Climate Warming period of many warming periods

between many Major Ice ages caused by the variable

~ SUN ~

began 14,000 years ago

with many Little and Mini Ice ages all along the way

caused by the variable

~ SUN ~


Have You reviewed the Peer-reviewed Science proving Humans cause all Climate Change ?

~ you can not know the truth in life and knowledge by just believing ~

as the U.N. States:

It is likely Humans cause Climate Warming

likely = un-proven theory


Climate Science ~ vs ~ Climate Religion

from my ongoing Climate Science investigation

based on my 42 plus years of atmospheric emission science physics and chemistry

My Repeated Science Argument in many forms to many Fools

as we must live with the proven crimes in Science and Medicine though out History

and just stating something is science does not make it real or prove it is the truth

or prove it is tested knowledge = science

as the proven scams in science and medicine for profit doing harm will continue

but only when we ignore the scientific method causing self ignorance by rejecting

to Question Test Debate to find and know the truth in tested knowledge = science

by skepticism

the doctrine that the truth in all knowledge must always be in Question

~ the bases for the scientific method ~

Bruce A. Kershaw

[email protected]

Scientist = Skeptic

for the truth in all of life and all of knowledge for a better life for all


Climate Change is Real

but not caused by You and Me

and those who reject tested knowledge for true belief in paranoid catastrophic predictions

based on scientifically proven to be Garbage science

are not real Scientists

they are ~ convinced ~ Pathological True Believers


politically convinced fear and paranoia preached as settled science

based on self-debunked un-proven theory

is not proven fact tested reality in science

as there is much to learn and know in this brand new science

and Politically convinced Paranoia can prove nothing in real science but Paranoia

as only convinced Pathological Fools can truly believe un-proven theory is proven theory

Lunatic Science is:

rejecting science for true belief and then stating your true belief is settled science

~ when settled science does not exist in reality ~

there is only Hard Science that has yet to be debunked

and True Belief is not Hard Science in Tested Reality


About Bruce A. Kershaw

Born ~ March 27, 1956 at 11:10 pm Long Beach California other wise I'm still breathing O2 made from CO2 and eating food made from CO2 ~ the rest is Icing on the cake ~
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