Climate Change again,


I am burning something that died



to keep myself alive

a single point of energy

causing the universe

a universe of energy

causing life

life causing new energy

causing new life


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Republic or Democracy or Fascist Capitalism


“The people are the masters of the Congress and the Courts ~ not to overthrow the Constitution but to overthrow the men who pervert it”

~ Abraham Lincoln ~


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Good Bye Teddy, Your good will, live on


Teddy Kennedy will always live in our heart and soul, he was the champion of our sick, our weak, our poor, our children our elderly, our physically our mentally challenged,  Teddy was one of few, a real champion of the world, his soul will live on.

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Carbon Based Life by CO2

Carbon Based Life, made from Carbon Based (Oxygen),

(Politicians, Public Schools, the Media, call it Carbon Based Pollution)

Carbon Based Dioxide, CO2, carbon and oxygen together, one carbon atom and one oxygen molecule bonded together by heat, from depleted carbon based energy, from the core of this living breathing carbon based planet, for the last 4.6 billion years, the cause of the environment, and all carbon based life and energy, for over the last 500 million years,

– Causes –

– All Global Warming and All Climate Change too –


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Request to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

25,000.00 Reward for the proof co2 causes Global Warming

From: one of 32,000 Angry, Mad, Scientists.

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Request to U.S. Rep. Dennis Rehberg of Montana



 Co2 and You

 by Bruce Allen Yeoman Kershaw


June 27, 2009


 To: U.S. Rep. Dennis Rehberg of Montana

 Dear Rep. Rehberg:

I hope all is well, I have been working on a book on Global Warming for the past two plus years now.

Over the last year or so I have dropped off with your office here in Helena Montana my science proof that carbon dioxide is a refrigerant, and other proven science facts from the book I am working on.

Rep. Rehberg, would you please forward to me any proof you have that carbon dioxide causes Global Warming.

Thank you, I hope to hear from you on this very important issue.


Bruce Kershaw
Helena, Montana 





no response

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Request to U.S. Sen. Jon Tester of Montana


Co2 and you

by Bruce Allen Yeoman Kershaw

June 27, 2009

To : U.S. Senator Jon Tester of Montana

Dear Sen. Tester:

Thank You for responding to the proven science evidence I sent you that carbon dioxide is a refrigerant.

I find it interesting that even as you call me a skeptic on your science on global warming, you fail to provide any proof of any kind that carbon dioxide causes Global Warming.

How can I not be a skeptic when, after two plus years of requesting proof from the media and our government Leaders and Representatives, I have yet to see any kind of proof at all, whatsoever.

So yes I am a proud skeptic, as are tens of thousands of the very best scientists, and the millions of us out here who have worked with emission controls for the last thirty six years, who know from proven science that carbon dioxide is a refrigerant. But once again proven science is being rejected, by those who know nothing about science.

Sen. Jon Tester, this is a formal request for the proven science that carbon dioxide causes Global Warming, then you will put my skepticism to rest.

Thank You Sen. Tester, I very much look forward to seeing the proof.


Bruce Kershaw
Helena, Montana

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Request to U.S. Sen. Max Baucus of Montana


Co2 and You

 by Bruce Allen Yeoman Kershaw


June 27, 2009


To: U.S. Sen. Max Baucus of Montana

Dear Sen. Baucus:

I have been writing a book on Global Warming now for over two years, I have sent you during that time the evidence that carbon dioxide is the cause of all carbon base life on this planet, and that carbon dioxide has been known to be a refrigerant for over eighty years.

Thank you for responding to my evidence. In your last response you stated with over 90% certainty that climate change is caused by human action, as stated by the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (UN IPCC) reported in February 2007.

Sen. Baucus, 90% certainty is not proven scientific evidence.

Sen. Baucus, for the record, would you please send me the proven scientific evidence necessary for legislation on the issue of Global Warming.

Thank you Sen. Baucus


Bruce Kershaw
Helena, Montana

response: 7/15/09

I received a response from Sen. Max Baucus, with zero facts, evidence or proof of any kind, that carbon dioxide causes Global Warming.

Sen. Baucus, thank you very much, for responding.

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Request to President Obama



 Co2 and You

 by Bruce Allen Yeoman Kershaw

June 27, 2009


 President Barack Obama

 Dear Mr. President:

I have been writing a book on Global Warming now for over two years. I have made over fifty requests of the media and government officials for the scientific evidence proving that carbon dioxide causes Global Warming, with little or no response, even with a million dollar reward.

Mr. President, would you please forward to me, for the record, the scientific proof that carbon dioxide causes Global Warming.

Thank You Mr. President


Bruce Kershaw
Helena, Montana

 As of  5/5/2010  I have now made over 2800 requests for the proof. 

No Response

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Unfinished, much to do, I work on this every day

The Religion of Science is Skepticism


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