CO2 does not cause Climate Warming


science is: to know


Science is not based on Personal Emotional Feelings

Science is based on

to Question

then to Test

and then to Debate

and then Rebuttal

as the truth in knowledge must always be in Question

as we learn and know something new everyday

and then grow forward in every science

while there are those who refuse to learn know and grow forward

in proven fact tested reality

for the sake of their personal emotional feeling of true belief in untested reality


There is tested reality = Knowledge = Science

and there is untested reality = Belief = Religion

as some of us Question the Truth in Knowledge

while some of us just believe in the test proven Preached lies

as those who believe in proven lies now dictate make believe science doing harm

to the cause of Green

and I call them Brainwashed Paranoid Green Lunatics

who continue to fail grade school science


The Preached Political Media Lunatic Doomsday Religion of Climate Paranoia

is: Brainwashed Insanity ~

Climate Religion is a Lunatic Brainwashed Cult

caused by Brainwashed Ignorance

as they are Harming the cause of Green to Profit Billionaires

who Publicly Fail Grade School Science


The United Nations is a Corrupt Political Body not a Science Body

and the Political Members of this Corrupt Political Body are not Scientists

~ and have earned zero right to scientific opinion ~

while over 30,000 Scientists with over 9,000 of them with PhD’s

have signed a Petition

Disagreeing with the proven to be Flawed Incomplete Climate Study

as the U.N. Ignores all Hard Science Debunking the Flawed Incomplete Climate Study

based on unproven theory

politically Preached as Settled Science

when there is zero Test or Experiment

to Prove CO2 or Humans cause Climate Warming

as the majority of CO2 is caused by Nature causing more Nature

as the only Test or Experiment to Prove CO2 or Humans cause Climate Warming

 are the many repeated Doomsday Predictions of the unknowable future

based on debunked unproven theory that never come true

as Computer Ouija Board Prediction is not science = knowledge

and repeated failed Prediction only further debunk the unproven theory

and the Preprogrammed Ouija Board Computers

based on proven to be

Flawed Incomplete Fraudulent Garbage Political Science Fiction


The Climate Emergency is a Proven Political Media Lie

Catastrophic Warming

Catastrophic Ice Melt

Catastrophic Sea Level Rise

All Scientifically Proven Political Media Lies

to Profit the Few while doing only Harm to the Carbon Cycle


Political Media Brainwashed Doomsday Paranoia is: not Science

Doomsday Climate Paranoia is a Political Media Brainwashed Mental Disorder

Harming the cause of Green for Profit Power and Control


…and without Freedom ~

their can be no Truth in Life and Knowledge for a Better Life for All


science is: to know

and as we know and say in the Community of Science

” one scientist can be right “

~ The Rebuttal ~

CO2 causing Climate Warming is an Unproven Theory

Supported by many failed Doomsday Predictions of the unknowable future

unproven theory based on a proven to be flawed incomplete study

supported by proven to be Fraudulent Data

and all Debunk by Nature

Debunk by known Climate History

 Debunk by Atmospheric Emission Physics and Chemistry

and Debunk by Heat and Energy Transfer Science for many years

as real science is silenced by Big Tech the Media and Press for many years

by those who continue to publicly fail 3rd grade science

while many Government Scientists and Educators

and other Professionals have told me to my face

I am right and the Political Media Preachers are wrong

as the Preachers refuse to allow public Scientific Debate

or Public Scientific Rebuttal to Scientifically Proven Lies

as question test rebuttal debate has no voice in America

as Free Speech has been taken away from many Scientists

who have been right in their proven science for many years

as my Freedom of Speech has been taken away too

proving fascism in science


November 23, 2022 ~ February 2, 2023


All of We the People can See

The Biden Nut House

is not run by Patriotic Leadership by following the Laws

of by and for All of We the People

as the People are the Authors of United States Constitution

as All of We the People can Clearly See the Biden Nut House is

run by known world wide Organized Crime and Corruption

as the known Treason

that We can All Clearly See against All of We the People

who are America

Continues to Deliberately Destroy America for world wide Fascism

as Joe Biden continues to Believe in his test proven lies

as this known Evil against Freedom

comes from deep with in the Democratic Party controlled by Billionaires

supported by the Treasonous Deep State


To Betray All of We the People who are America is an Act of Treason

Punishable by Death


Unconstitutional Presidential Executive Orders

doing Deliberate Harm to America is an Act of Treason

just as Open Borders are an Act of Treason

Worthy of Impeachment and a Military Firing Squad

and when a Vice President Deliberately Supports and Defends

known Domestic Acts of Terrorism against All of We the People

this too is an Act of Treason against All of America


All Proving

Political Media Brainwashed Ignorance Voted for

Criminal Joe ~ Dementia ~ Biden & Criminal Kamala ~ Antifa ~ Harris


The Truth in knowledge must always be in question


Convinced Persuaded and Brainwashed Belief is: not knowledge

and I can not believe in People who can never scientifically prove what they say

because Preached words can prove nothing in science

and more so when those who Preach their words of Belief

Silence the known truth in tested Reality

Proving Fascism in Science


In 1776

We the People

Established Separation of Church and State

and today Climate Religion controls Our

United States Government

of the People by the People for the People

with proven Fraud and Lies in Science

as Climate Religion lives in fear of proven Fact Tested Reality and Christianity

proving Pathological Political Parties are Religions

as Pathological Political Media Paranoia Preaches their Brainwashed Insanity

as they Reject the Proven Fact Tested Reality in Science

Scientifically Proving only their Fascist Ignorance in Science in Tested Reality


and as political media religions destroy each other they destroy America



Brainwashed Political Media Insanity controls our Lives


Bill ~ MSNBC ~ Gates

has stopped all my out going Email from this Webpage


From: Bruce A. Kershaw

To: Mr. Bill


Microsoft ~ NBC

~ Microsoft ~


…and what do you say to a Political Media Brainwashed Paranoid Green Lunatic

when they are Preaching to you that CO2 is Toxic Poison and Pollution

while they are Drinking their Favorite Carbonated Beverage

Carbonated with CO2

as they scientifically prove they continue to fail 3rd grade science

as they Dictate how I can live my life


…those who Preach to All of We the People

~ that they are saving this Carbon based Earth ~

while they are scientifically proven to be Destroying this Carbon based Earth

while Destroying all Freedom for their Profit Power and Control


The Rebuttal


The Green Lunatics


Montana Environmental Information Center

~ MEIC ~

Helena Montana

are proven Frauds in Science

and one of the Biggest Contributors for funding of this fraud is Mike Bloomberg

who gave 600 Million Dollars years ago to the Sierra Club

so their Attorney’s could stop Energy Production in America

all based on very proven fraud in science

proving Mike Bloomberg

who not a scientist and has earned zero right to scientific opinion

has scientifically proven he is Fraud in Science

while doing only harm to the carbon cycle the cause of all carbon based living Nature

and all carbon based Life on this CO2 staved carbon based Earth


The majority of CO2 is caused by nature causing more nature

as the Byproduct of Climate Warming is the Evaporation

by the variable Sun of

CO2 + Water Vapor + Sun Energy = Green

and spending trillions of dollars

to reduce or stop the cause of green will have zero effect on climate change

as Scientifically proven

as proven fascism dictates science doing only proven harm to the cause of Green


Since 2007

the Political Media Brainwashed Paranoid Green Lunatics

can provide zero science data when requested

to prove they are not proven frauds in Science


CO2 causing Climate Warming is a scientifically debunk unproven theory

that the Paranoid Green Lunatics Preach is Settled Science

when settled science does not exist in real 5th grade science

of the real scientific method

as this only further prove their Fraud by Ignorance in real science

as they refuse to allow any Public Question Test Rebuttal Debate

proving they are Anti-Science

as they can articulate zero science

as they reject the scientific method for their personal emotional feelings of true belief

proving it is a Political Media Religion committing Fraud in Science

for Profit doing only harm to the cause of Green

as they Preach their proven Ignorance they refuse to Debate

proving they are not scientists and have earned zero right to scientific opinion

as they make believe this will stop 4.6 billion years of climate change

by stopping the cause of Green

~ the by product of warming ~


…and when requested can they provide science data to prove otherwise ?

~ No ~

as they Silence the Truth in knowledge proving only their fascism in Science

as the Scientific Consensus is a proven Political Media Lie

by proven Frauds in science

as words prove nothing in science

and a proven to be flawed incomplete fraudulent study

can prove only Fraud in Science


…and since I began my Investigation in 2007

the Religion of Doomsday Climate Paranoia for profit power and control

has yet to prove the words they Preach


If you Preach Hate you need a Shrink

and if you Preach Paranoia based on the unknowable future you need two Shrinks


The Religion of Preached Doomsday Climate Paranoia

for Billionaire Profit Power and Control

is based on Fascism and Debunk Fraudulent Science

and repeated self debunk doomsday prediction


Joe Biden has been a proven Fraud

since he was thrown out of Law School for Cheating

while Joe Biden continues to fail Constitutional Law today

as Joe Biden continues to be a proven Fascist Treasonous Traitor

to All of We the People who are America

as the Biden Criminal Treasonous Nut House continues to

Deliberately Destroy America

as known Criminals now dictate how All of We the People live our daily Lives


…and just like Joe Biden who is paid by China

Bill Gates

is not a Leader of Truth and Wisdom in Tested Reality

Mr. bill is a proven Ruler for Fascism

who has proven he is against Free Speech in America

and against all question test rebuttal debate in science

Proving he is an Anti-American Criminally Mentally Ill

Fascist Treason Traitor to America

as Bill Preaches to All of We the People that

China should take a Bigger Lead in Governing this World

as his Anti-America MSNBC Political Media Brainwashing Machine

are Preachers of Disinformation and Scientifically Proven Lies

while Preaching Hate and Paranoia

as Bill Gates is For and Pro China and One with China

along with the Sixty other Billionaires who got the Biden Crime Family Elected

the same Billionaires who own and control Big Tech the Media and Press

who are One with The Deep State that is Fascistly Destroying America

with the Help of Teachers Unions who Control the Teachers and Public Schools

who are Fascistly Brainwashing our Children to Hate their Parents and America

as they Dumb Down America

as we now we have College Graduates who publicly fail grade school Science

who have been Brainwashed to just what they are told to just believe

and are not Educated on how to Think

as they reject the scientific method for make believe in

unquestioned untested and never publicly debated

preached lunatic political science fiction doing only harm in fact tested reality

as proven fascism now dictates a proven false reality

for power control and profit for the ~ very ~ few


science is: to know


Censorship can only prove one thing in science

~ Fascism ~

To: Those who are Preaching to the Carbon based People

on this CO2 starved Carbon based Earth

that you are going to save us Carbon based Humans and this Carbon based Earth

from Carbon ~

You have only scientifically prove you Failed 5th Grade Science




for the science data proving

Carbon based Humans cause Climate Warming of this Carbon based Earth

~ when ~

there is zero Climate Emergency

there is zero catastrophic Climate Warming

there is zero catastrophic Ice Melt

and zero catastrophic Sea Level Rise

there is only scientifically proven Political Media Fraud in Climate Science

that Big Tech the Media and Press do not want you to know

proving they are not Real Journalist and are Fascist Political Media Preachers

Preaching Hate and Paranoia

and can prove nothing with real science when requested


The Carbon Oxygen Hydrogen Cycle

caused by

CO2 + Water Vapor + Sun Energy = Green

6CO2 + 6H2O + v ~> C6H12O6 + 6O2


The more Efficiently you Burn Fuel the More CO2 = Carbon Dioxide is Produced

from the Orange Yellow part of a Flame

and the less Efficiently you Burn Fuel the more CO = Carbon Monoxide is Produced

from the Blue part of the Flame

and so the Further You can Drive on a Gallon of Gas

the More CO2 you will Produce

for Carbon Based Plants and Trees to Breathe

on this CO2 starved Carbon based Earth

and the higher percentage of CO2 in the air the cooler the flame

and at 1% CO2 in the air your Car will not start and idle

as scientifically test proven

in Atmospheric Emission Science Physics and Chemistry

and Heat and Energy Transfer Science since the 1960’s

all very proven science that big Tech the media and Press do not want you to know


CO2 has been a proven refrigerant in nature since 1835

and Frozen CO2 = Dry Ice

cools the air 10 times faster and 20 times longer than frozen water


In Photosynthesis & Botany & Greenhouse Science

Carbon based Plants and Trees

need Four times the CO2 than in the Air Today to Breathe Healthy


Gasoline is:

Hydrogen and Carbon = HC = Hydrocarbon

~ the carbon makes the hydrogen stable ~

and HC = Hydrogen and carbon is many times safer

than very unstable Pure H2 = Hydrogen = Rocket Fuel

and if you mix Air that is 21% O2 = Oxygen with the Hydrogen and Carbon = Gasoline

and ignite the mixture

the O2 = Oxygen will allow the Hydrogen to burn/vaporize

while causing the carbon to bond to the oxygen


Carbon based Oxygen = CO2 = Carbon Dioxide

for Plants and Trees to Breathe

causing the Carbon Cycle above Sea level

while the majority of CO2 and Water Vapor in the Air is:

the Evaporated byproduct of climate warming by the variable Sun

causing Green making O2 = oxygen and carbon based food

for We Carbon based Humans to Breathe and Eat

as We Exhale CO2 for Carbon based Plants and Trees to Breathe

in a Continuous Carbon Cycle


Any Internal Combustion Engine can be modified to Run on Hydrogen

but the real problem with very Unstable Hydrogen = Rocket Fuel in your Car is:

the Scientific Fact that you always have a Hydrogen Bomb with you

every where you drive and go to

and with every two Car Auto Collision on the road

Two Hydrogen Bombs


The Human Body is 20% Carbon

and we eat Carbon/Hydrogen based food

made by and from CO2 and Water Vapor and Sun Energy

as we breathe in O2 = Oxygen to burn the food

and then we exhale CO2 for Plants and Trees to Breathe

making more Food and Oxygen


The Hot Churning Liquid Core of this Carbon based Earth is:

a Combustion Chamber producing CO2


CO2 is a Heat and Energy Sponge

and absorbs more heat and energy than the surrounding gases

making the surrounding gases cooler not warmer

while all heat rises in real physics


CO2 is the byproduct of Energy

from the hot liquid core of this CO2 starved carbon based earth

released through Volcanic Activity

with the majority of volcanic activity below sea level

causing the carbon cycle below and above sea level

proving the byproduct of energy is all living Nature causing all carbon based life

on this CO2 starved carbon based Earth

where everything Breathing and not Breathing has Carbon in it

with the exception of Five Microbes


The majority of CO2 is caused by Nature causing more Nature

by causing the Carbon Cycle with Oxygen and Hydrogen


In Physics and Chemistry C = Carbon ~ Suppresses Energy

and O2 = Oxygen ~ Promotes Energy


CO2 is the Byproduct of Energy making CO2 the Opposite of Energy

and together can Suppresses and Stop Energy and can Transfer preexisting Energy

but can not make new energy or trap heat and energy


CO2 absorbs heat and energy much faster than the other gases in the air

making the surrounding gases cooler

as all heat rises in real physics

as Frozen CO2 Dry Ice comes crashing back down

to fill the void of heat rising

cooling the air 10 times faster and 20 times longer than the frozen water crashing down

and together causing the Ice Caps at the Poles of this CO2 starved Carbon based Earth


The Byproduct of Energy

Carbon based Oxygen = CO2 = Carbon Dioxide is: the cause of Life

and is the Evaporated Byproduct of Warming not the Cause of Warming


I Began my Climate Science Investigation in the Spring of 2007

and Writing about the Proven Fraud by Proven Frauds in Climate Science

who are Frauds for their Profit Power and Control over You

all based on Scientifically Debunk Unproven Theory

based on a flawed incomplete fraudulent study

based on zero Public Question Test Rebuttal Debate

while Billions of years of climate change is Real but is not caused by You and Me


There is no Climate Emergency as Scientifically Proven

and reducing or stopping the cause of Green

the Byproduct of Warming

will not stop climate change on this CO2 starved Carbon based Earth


CO2 + Water Vapor + Sun Energy = Green


November 23, 2022 ~ January 25, 2023

The Rebuttal


…and thank you Mr. Bill ~ MSNBC ~ Gates for proving your Fascism


From this point forward thanks to the proven Fascism of

Bill Gates & MSNBC & Microsoft

my webpage Email ( [email protected] ) will no longer function

as Microsoft has declared My Science Journal as Spam

so to communicate with me you will have to use my G mail address

[email protected]

Sorry for the Inconvenience

and yes Mr. Bill ~ MSNBC ~ Gates is a Proven Fraud for Profit in Climate Science

as Mr. Bill Gates continues to do only proven Harm to the cause of Green

Costing the rest of us Trillions to do only Harm to the cause of Nature and Life

as Bill Gates rejects the Scientific Method and All Question Test Rebuttal Debate

for his Preached Lunatic Political Media Science Fiction

Scientifically Proving he is Mentally Ill

Bruce A. Kershaw

~ 47 years ~

Atmospheric Emission Science Physics and Chemistry

and Heat and Energy Transfer Science


Hard Science

That Bill Gates and his proven to be

Fascist Criminal Ignorance will never Comprehend

in Science Bill Gates has Earned Zero Right to Scientific Opinion

as Bill rejects Hard Science for Debunk unproven theory he can not Prove or Debate

proving only his Fascist Ignorance in fact tested reality


science is: to know

and Bill ~ MSNBC ~ Gates

and his Political Media Brainwashed Lunatic Doomsday Paranoid Climate Religion

for Profit

will never know

the proven fact tested reality in science

as Bill Gates Stabs America in the Back for his proven Fascism

Bill Gates has Betrayed All of We the People who are America

and to Betray America is a Constitutional Act of Treason against All of We the People

Punishable by Death


About Bruce A. Kershaw

Born ~ March 27, 1956 at 11:10 pm Long Beach California other wise I'm still breathing O2 made from CO2 and eating food made from CO2 ~ the rest is Icing on the cake ~
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