When you can not acknowledge Fact for the sake of your Emotional Feelings
then you are not real
~ as ~
All of We the People
can clearly see with our own eyes that Joe Biden is Out of His Mind
just as we can all see
the Democratic New Normal is a very Proven to be Dictatorship
as Proven Insanity is now their Reality
Antifa is: Organized Crime
and is a proven to be Fascist Criminal Organization
committing Murderous Acts and Acts of Domestic Terrorism
and are supported and defended by
Kamala ~ Antifa ~ Harris and the Democratic Party
Question Test Rebuttal Debate
~ Question ~
Who is in Charge ?
…and as scientifically proven ~
Reducing CO2 levels in the Air
will have zero effect on 4.6 billion years of variable climate change
and when you ask a Political Media Brainwashed Green Lunatic
to Articulate their Climate Science
they can explain nothing and do not comprehend any of the Real Science Questions
while the only thing Joe Biden and the Democrats can prove in science and medicine is:
their Ignorance
the very same Ignorance Preached 24/7 everyday by Bill ~ MSNBC ~ Gates
who is a test proven fraud in science
who does not confront proven fact tested reality
as Mr. Bill Ignores the proven realities in tested knowledge
causing his test proven Ignorance in Tested Science
Mr. Bill has proven he is a Traitor to All of We the People
who he see us as Cattle
and how is the Mr. Bill & China world wide Sterilization plan going
and who made Bill Gates God ?
Mr. Bill
Pathological is not Factual
Personal Emotional Feelings of True Belief are not Proven Fact Tested Reality in Science
and I challenge you Bill Gates to an open public debate
in proven fact tested reality in science
Mr. Bill does not Debate Science
Mr. Bill Dictates Lunatic Political Science Fiction
Power Control and Profit
as Mr. Bill Dictates a False Reality
that can not be Questioned Tested Rebutted or Debated
proving his Unreal Dictated Feelings are not Real Science
while Bill is one with China and against America
Bill has sided with Evil and is stopping the Good
and like the Democratic Party
Bill is a Financial Supporter of Domestic Terrorism
Bill ~ MSNBC ~ Gates if for Fascism
as Bill has Decided for You what is best for You
even when he is scientifically proven wrong
and is doing what is proven to be the worst he can do for you
as Mr. Bill Stabs We the People in the Back with a smile on his face
hidden behind his Evil Mask
Bill Gates has proven he is a Con-Man and not a Scientist
The United States House of Representatives
is no longer the House of All of We the People
it is Nancy’s House
where the proven to be Treasonous Crimes are committed
against All of We the People who are America Happen everyday
The Political Media Preached Doomsday Climate Emergency
has nothing to do with Real Climate Science and everything to do with
Power Control and Profit
as the Majority of Variable CO2 levels in the Air is caused by Nature causing Nature
CO2 is the Byproduct of Energy
and is the Evaporated Byproduct of Warming by the variable Sun
causing Green
causing the carbon cycle causing all primary and secondary carbon based Life and Energy
in a continuous cycle of recycling of Carbon Oxygen and Hydrogen
on this CO2 starved Carbon based Earth
…and with the help of 60 Democratic Billionaires and China
~ along with many more People Places and Things ~
Joe Dementia Biden
has Scientifically proven ~
any Mentally Challenged person can Dangerously be President
as Joe Preaches his Doom and Gloom while causing his Doom and Gloom for
All of We the People who are America
as Dementia Joe does not Enforce the Laws of America he Brakes the Laws of America
as Joe has committed proven Treason against All of We the People
since day one on the job
The Carbon Oxygen Hydrogen Cycle
makes this Carbon based Earth go-around
and Heat Waves are not caused by Carbon based Oxygen = CO2 = Carbon Dioxide
Heat Waves and Ice Ages are caused by the Variable Sun with many known cycles
as the Variable Sun continues to be Warmer and Brighter
as the Variable Distance between this Carbon based Earth and the Sun is:
a Climate Variable
just as the Variable Ozone hole caused by Solar Activity is a Climate Variable
along with more than Dozen other known Climate Variables
all missing from the proven to be:
Very Flawed Very Incomplete Very Politically Fraudulent U.N. Climate Study
as the U.N. is a proven to be Criminal Political Body and is not a science body
and have earned zero right to any Scientific Opinion
while over 30,000 Scientists with over 9,000 of them with PhD’s
signed a Petition disagreeing with the very flawed incomplete fraudulent U.N. Study
while their Voices have been Silenced by Big Tech the Media and Press
proving Political Media Fascism in science
…there was a time in life ~
if you could not speak in rime/rhymes when Talking you were then mentally Ill ~
as Brian Washed Ignorance is proven to be Evil
and it is my understanding ~
the majority of Black Babies that are not Aborted in Democratic Cites
are Adopted by White Families everywhere
…for thousands of years Religion has Dictated Science
and today proven to be Political Pathological Frauds dictate a false Reality
as they preach ~ their ~ Hate and ~ their ~ Paranoia for their Power and Control
Political Preachers are not Journalist
…and to make something better is: Science
and to make something deliberately worse is: Evil
science ~ vs ~ evil
…when you openly publicly support those who are known to be ~
Scientifically test proven Lairs and Frauds in Science for Profit ~
this Scientifically proves you are not a real Scientist or a real Journalist
I am a very Proud Lesbian
and I believe that makes me a Pro-Noun ?
while we are all Born with Dormant Gills
as all Life above Sea level still comes from the Evaporation of the Oceans
by the evaporation of CO2 and Water
…and if Hunter Biden can do it ~
then it must be Legal for everyone else to do too
while the Democratic New world Order is 100% Fascism and 0% Freedom
~ and will end ~
” of the People by the People for the People “
as we live in a world of Good vs Evil
and today Evil by Arrogant Ignorance seems to be wining
as the Biden Nut House sides with the Terrorist States
as proven to be Treasonous Joe Biden Stabs All of We the People
and our proven to be Friends to America in the Back
scientifically proving Pathological or not
the proven to be Treasonous Joe Dementia Biden
and the
Biden Obama Kamala ~ Antifa ~ Harris Nut House are: Test Proven Evil
in proven fact tested reality in science