November 21, 2021
To: Joe Berry
Stanford University
all the available Medical Science Data
continues to support the Public statements made by
Scott W. Atlas
Medical Doctor
Senior Fellow at the Hoover Institution
Stanford University
while the same Data continues to overwhelmingly scientifically Prove
Malpractice Fauci and the Biden Nut House are Frauds in Science and Medicine
as Fraudulent Fauci and the proven Nut House are doing very real very proven Harm to
All of We the People
as you Joe ~
Support the Proven Frauds in Science and Medicine
as you continue to side with the Proven Criminals of Tested Reality
who allow only their opinion while punishing or censoring all other opinion
just as the Negative Politics of Stanford University
as they continue to be Debunked by the Tested Reality
as Stanford University continues to Politically side with the Criminals of Tested Reality
for Political Ploy
as do you Joe ~
as you continue to scientifically prove you are Political Pathological and not Factual
as you reject all question test rebuttal debate
as you reject Data for Political Make Believe
as you continue to scientifically Prove you are not a Real Scientist
as you continue to reject Tested Reality
while we do know why the Biden Nut House rejects Tested Reality
as it is for their Power Control and Profit
~ question ~
and why do you Joe reject Questioned Tested Reality ?
as you have only proven your support to proven Fascism in Science
as you continue to Preach your Paranoia supported by zero Data
as 49 NASA Scientists do not agree with your Preached Paranoia
or 87% of the National Academy of Science
who did not sign your Public Letter Preaching your Paranoia
while over 30,000 other Scientists with over 9,000 of them with PhD’s
disagree with and have debunk your unproven theory
as you refuse to publicly allow Scientific Question Test Rebuttal Debate
of all the known available Facts and Data you politically ignore
proving your Fascist Ignorance
as you continue to Believe in the Paranoid Lies you Preach
proving you are Pathological
as you have yet to scientifically Prove Carbon based Humans
made by and from this Carbon based Earth cause Climate Warming
or scientifically prove there is a Climate Warming Emergency
as the only thing you can scientifically prove to me is: your Paranoia
based on debunked unproven theory
CO2 + Water Vapor + Sun Energy = Green
The Carbon Cycle
Oxygen and Hydrogen
made by this CO2 Staved Carbon based Earth
where everything living and not living has carbon in it
with the exception of a few Microbes
as you refuse to hear or can answer the most important Questions
to your Debunk unproven theory
supported only by Politics
who preach unproven theory is Settled Science
while they can provide zero Science Data when Requested
to prove they are not Lying to the Public
as they Preach Political Ploy while doing only Harm to All of We the People
as your Political Pathological Reality is not my Investigated Tested Reality
as you are the one Preaching Paranoia not me
when Paranoia can only prove Paranoia in Science
I will Shut Up when you stop Preaching Paranoia
as I use Ploy to find the Truth You use Ploy to Preach the Lie causing the proven Harm
~ for ~
Power Control and Profit
and now prove a Climate Crises that does not exist is caused by Humans
Self Debunked Paranoid Prediction is: not Science
as unproven theory proves nothing
as you ignore the proven basics of all science for your proven make believe and why ?
as those who have proven they failed science
dictate lunatic science
while only your un-questioned reality matters to you
as your Fascist mind has scientifically proven
only your side of the story can be told
as you continue to Preach to me to Shut Up
only further proving your fascism in Science
you refuse to allow public scientific question test rebuttal debate
Your Preached Feelings of Belief
and if you believe science is based on personal emotional feelings in belief
as you have proven to me
then you have scientifically Proven
you need a Shrink