…my rebuttal to Joe Berry ~ Stanford University


November 29, 2021

To: Joe Berry

Stanford University


as you reject connecting all the dots on the many pages of dots

as you can only see one half of one dot while just ignoring all the other dots

as you just ignore more known Physics and Chemistry

than in your unproven theory debunked by Nature

because you do not acknowledge all of nature in your unproven theory

as you do not incorporate all CO2 physics and chemistry in your unproven theory

as you only acknowledge some CO2 physics and chemistry in your unproven theory

that is used to Doomsday predict the unknowable future

and that is why not one Doomsday prediction has ever come true

as Doomsday Predictions never happen in reality

while the CO2 physics and chemistry you leave out of your unproven theory

further debunk your self debunked unproven theory

that is Political Media Preached as settled science in a brand new science

when settled science does not exist in real science

and if you remember in our first series of emails ten years ago

January 1, 2011

you sent me as your Scientific Proof

~ Humans cause Global Climate Warming ~

an out dated flawed incomplete self-debunked science paper


1896 Arrhenius Paper

proving only Fraud

by the many of those and you who continue to use this garbage science paper today

as scientific proof of anything

as the proven fraud by many in climate science continues



About Bruce A. Kershaw

Born ~ March 27, 1956 at 11:10 pm Long Beach California other wise I'm still breathing O2 made from CO2 and eating food made from CO2 ~ the rest is Icing on the cake ~
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