Hilary Clinton
who has proven she is Politically Pathologically Insane
along with many Billionaire and Millionaire and Deep State Democrats
of Lunatic Political Science Fiction
who have willfully knowingly deliberately
Commit Treason against All of We the People who are America
as they have Shredded the U.S. Constitution everyday for over six years now
along with the eight years of the Treasonous Obama Administration
and they must be confronted for their known crimes against America
and when found guilty of their known crimes
must then be placed in front of the U.S. Military Firing Squad
for their now legally proven to be Constitutional Treason
against All of We the People = America
~ as ~
the Majority of the Media continue to be Fascist Treasonous Traders to America
as Corporate America Stabs We the People in the Back and are now Corporate China
as they are all Entities with more Rights and Power than Human Beings
Are You for All of We the People who are America
or are you for trying to Destroy America
…many years ago ~
a girl friend who did not live with me said to me one day
the TV Antenna on my roof makes my house look like I’m White Trash
and of course this is called Stereotyping
but she never had anything negative to say about my Bedroom
and so my hypothetical conjecture is
the TV Antenna protected me from her moving in with me ~
while I will always consider her as a friend
while an antenna on my roof can not define who and what I Am
while I am now told by Political Lunatics who do not know me that I am a White Racist
as they tell me all White People are Racist
as only Politically Brainwashed Lunatics can say
and make believe in their Brainwashed Hate based on zero knowledge
…to state I am Racist based on the color of my Skin is Racist
as Racism is based on Ignorance and convinced feelings of Fear and Hate
used by Fascism to Divide and Destroy for the sake of their Power Control and Profit
6CO2 + 6H2O + v ~> C6H12O6 + 6O2
as Joe ~ Treasonous ~ Biden
continues to prove he failed 3rd Grade Science
by Preaching to All of We the People
CO2 is: Pollution
as I wonder how many Beverages Joe Drinks everyday that are Carbonated with CO2
while once again proving he is an Idiot in real science
CO2 + Water Vapor + Sun Energy = Green = Environment = Food and Oxygen
proving the byproduct of energy is Life on this CO2 starved Carbon based Earth
while proving the Byproduct of Warming by the variable Sun is:
Evaporated CO2 and Water Vapor causing Green
causing the Carbon Cycle with Oxygen and Hydrogen
causing all Primary and Secondary Carbon based Life and Secondary Energy
Warming occurs first causing evaporated Water vapor and CO2 causing the Environment
CO2 is not Pollution as Proven Frauds and politically Brainwashed Green Lunatics Preach
When you and I can not question the Truth then there can be no Truth in Tested Reality
Today in America
~ things ~
have far more rights and power than Real People
…and how many Americans were murdered in Afghanistan today ?
as Terrorist continue to freely Illegally cross our U.S. Boarders everyday ~
while Today on this Carbon based Earth
only 25000 Carbon based Humans made by and from this Carbon based Earth
continue to starve to Death everyday
November 10, 2021 ~ February 10, 2022
To: Joe Berry
to perpetuate illness while preventing wellness
is by Evil
as we now live in a proven to be political deep state of organized Crime
by of and for the Deep State Government against all of We the People
as I continue to agree with George Washington
as George publicly stated as did many others
that Political Parties would be a bad thing
as now scientifically proven
question test rebuttal debate
~ question ~
Who or what should own and control our America ?
All of We the People or China ?
because China and Mike Bloomberg own and control the Democrat Party
of Doomsday Paranoia for Profit
~ while ~
I do not think Bill ~ MSNBC ~ Gates
is Intelligent enough to know he is a Test Proven Fraud and Lair
making Bill a Political Pathological Lair as he believes his proven Lies
who continues to do only harm to every Mind Heart and Spirit living in every Soul
and regardless of what he knows and does not
Bill is a proven Phony and Fraud in Tested Reality in Science
as Bill profits from his proven political ploy of Preached Ignorance
as you Joe,
abstract the tested reality too
as we continue to live with Brainwashed Arrogant Ignorance and Hate
to profit the few
and thanks to Politically based Teachers Unions for many years now
we have students in America for many years
who Graduate 12th grade who can not read at a 1st grade level
as we are now 23rd on this carbon based earth
in and what is the most expensive education system on this carbon based earth
and beyond your make believe there is the tested reality in science
and with you being for Socialism is one thing
while you are being with the proven Fascism is another
as what is happening today in America is Fascism
and is your persuaded belief based on knowledge
or is your knowledge based on your feelings of belief ?
…as the media continues to Censor the tested truth while preaching proven lies
and when the truth is Censored by political ignorance
then there can be no tested reality in science
The Lunatic Fascist Treasonous Traitors are now in Charge of your Life
as they control what you can know and can not know
as science is to know proving their fascism in science
question test rebuttal debate
To: Neil Young
I love your music
and would you like mine ?
or can only your voice be heard = Fascism
as only your make believe can be ?
and where is your scientific data to support your hearsay political science fiction opinion ?
and when I am proven wrong I will Admit it and learn and know and grow froward
in tested reality beyond Preached political make believe
and when there can be only one unquestioned untested opinion
then there can be no science and no truth in tested reality
and then whos make believe do you believe in ?
Justice Breyer
and how many suite cases full of cash did it cost ?
Mike Bloomberg ?
as you continue to politically shoot the foot in your mouth
while in 1850 the U.S. Supreme Court was taking Political Bribes in 1850
from Rail Road Barons
tested knowledge
~ vs ~
untested belief
redefining words proves nothing in science
as something smells fishy to me
and may I question your reality in science ?
as the already proven to be Treasonous Fascist Biden Nut House
continues to break the Law of the Land
to be continued
~ question test rebuttal debate ~
….and is there a hell in heaven or a heaven in hell ?
and does Malpractice Fauci ~ Believe ~ his proven lies ?
and will Kevin McCarthy be the next President
after he Impeaches Joe China Biden and Kamala Antifa Harris
for their already known Treasonous Crimes against All of We the People who are America
…as the Politically Brainwashed continue to wear a Mask ~
and if you want to wear a mask that grows Bactria and Mold
in just a few hours and then breathe through the Bactria and Mold for hours
a mask that is trapping CO2 in your Body
as proven in testing in the U.S and Germany
~ as these studies have been removed from Google ~
Al Gore is the Number one adviser at Google
who is removing science from the internet that prove he is a fraud in science
you are re breathing the CO2 trapped in your mask
causing an Acid imbalance causing a Hemoglobin imbalance
causing Permanent Brain and Vital Internal Organ Damage as scientifically proven
~ go for it ~
Hurt Yourself caused by your proven Ignorance in tested reality
but do not force me to harm myself as you are doing everyday of your life
reducing the flow of oxygen into your body for the past two years
can only do unnecessary harm while the mask is not protecting you
and why are the studies proving harm from wearing a mask
being removed from the Internet ?
~ Answer ~
Political Fascism
as many facts have been removed from the Internet over many years
that scientifically debunk the Politically Fascists Frauds in Science and Medicine
as the Media only allows their political Beliefs to be Preached to the Public
as the media does not provide all the available facts
as they decide for you what is real and what is not = Fascism
as they do not want you to Think
they want you to just believe what they Preach
while those who are among the 10,000 Americans who die everyday of something
and are in the hospital dying but not from the corona virus but with the corona virus
do not need a Respirator they need Oxygen
as the Politics continues to Kill more people than the Virus
as only the Studies that agree with the Political can be Preached
as they allow zero Question Rebuttal or Scientific Debate = Fascism
as they control your Life while they Censor real science
as they do only harm to everyone
because Evil is the Desire for Power Control and Greed
regardless of the proven harm
Right Bill ~ MSNBC ~ Gates
as you are One with China
and together you control the World Wealth Organization
as you Lie to the World together
and how are your shared Desires and Plans with China
for a world wide Sterilization Program going ?
~ and from what I can see ~
so far so good
as China continues to Kill many Americans everyday with out using a signal Bullet
and you are on their side Bill Gates
as you are a proven Lunatic and Fraud in science for profit
To: Joe Berry
and if you believe in science
~ as to believe is to make believe ~
then you have scientifically proven you are not a real scientist
~ * ~
My Hypothetical Conjecture is:
Kamala Loves Donald more than Joe
~ while based on Tested Science and not on my Personal Emotional Feelings ~
it is ~ not ~ the Corona Virus that is causing the Blood Clots
that is causing the Erectile Dysfunction in the Healthy Men who did not need a Vaccine
as it is the Vaccine that is causing the Blood Clots causing the Pain and possible death
~ while ~
Wars are caused by Insanity
by Fascist Political Lunatics for only their power control and profit
~ as ~
Joe Biden continues to commit Constitutional Treason
as we know the Treason by Joe Biden began during the Treasonous Obama Administration
Treason committed against All of We the People who are America
and Today Scientifically Proven Treasonous Fascist Evil continues to control Joe Biden
and just ask all the many Billionaires who give money to the Biden Crime Family
…and who owns and controls your Brain ?
as the truth is tested and known and never just believed
…and how can I not be Cynical and Sarcastic in the tested reality ~
beyond the politically Brainwashed reality
~ * ~
proven fact tested reality in science
science is: to know
Question Test Rebuttal Debate
~ Question ~
how many of you out there ~
have an Opinion in Atmospheric Emission Science Physics and Chemistry
but have zero working back ground in the science ?
~ while ~
Collecting Sea Shells at 8,000 Feet above Sea Level
proving you ignore the proven fact tested reality in science
for your Make Believe reality
proving your ignorance in known tested reality
while proving your fascist reality too
~ Bruce ~
Independent Scientist
as the Democrats Preach to us we are all going to Die again in 9 years
~ again ~
based on their next and new
Doomsday Prediction
~ preprogrammed ~
Computer Ouija Board Prediction
of the unknowable future
based on Debunk ~ unproven ~ Garbage Political Science Fiction
after many Failed Doomsday Predictions of the unknowable future
based on the very same garbage political science fiction for their Profit
doing only harm to the Carbon Cycle
while costing only trillions in wasted dollars and energy
to profit the few
the 60 billionaires who own the Biden Crime Family
The number one Evil on this Carbon based Earth is: Politics
for power control and profit
~ The United States is a Republic not a Democracy ~
In a Democracy the Majority Rules
and in a Republic the Individual is Equal to the Majority
where no one Rules over anyone
The Seventeenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution
removed the Majority of States Authority in the U.S. Government
~ UN-Uniting the States of America ~
and now the Federal Government is dictating to the State Governments
when prior to the 17th Amendment the State Governments
owned and controlled and decided the votes in the U.S. Senate
and today Billionaires and Special Interests Groups
own and control the U.S. Senate
as the U.S Senate Holds and Controls the Cheek Book for All of We the People
as one person in the U.S. Senate now controls the U.S. Cheek Book of America
and that would be the Chairman = Chair Person
in charge of the Senate Finance Committee
and now the fascist controlling party controlling the majority of the U.S. Government
is trying to take away what little remaining power the state governments still have
in the now UN-United States of America
caused by the 17th Amendment
as Political Parties in their best efforts to destroy each other
~ destroy America ~
Today Political Parties Decide and Confirm who will be on the Supreme Court
when prior to the 17th Amendment
it was State Governments who Decided and Confirmed
who would be on the Highest Court in the America of All of We the People
~ * ~
Do not confuse my Legal Science argument with who I am ~
and now prove I am wrong ~
today’s argument was not settled yesterday
as Ignorance is caused by Belief rejecting new and old knowledge
Science is: to know
Review Analyze Question Test Rebuttal Debate
over and over again and again
as we learn and know and grow forward everyday in every science
According to our DNA Funnel
there were 15 Breeding Woman left on this Carbon based Earth
after a Supper volcano 74,000 years ago
carbon based humans have been moving to higher ground for the past 20,000 plus years
~ while today ~
Doctors are refusing to take the Corona virus Vaccine
that is causing Blood Clots in the body causing for some massive strokes causing death
as the Vaccine is doing other Brain Damage similar to the damage of Parkinson Disease
while causing and doing other Neurological harm
along with harm to the Hearts of Men and harm to the Ovaries of Woman
while one of the Chemicals in the vaccine will cause Allergies
to those who have never had Allergies
a Vaccine doing only harm to those who did not need the Vaccine in the first place
as scientifically proven
as I refuse to take an Emergency Vaccine that I know can harm me
when I already had the cold and flu like virus
making my Immune system many times better
than a proven to be harmful vaccine that is not working
and is not protecting people from the virus
wearing a mask causes oxygen deprivation
causing brain and internal organ damage
and wearing a mask when sick will make you sicker
those dying with the corona virus
were already dying before they had the Corona virus
while mandatory lock downs and mandatory wearing of a mask
are proven to increase the spread of the Corona virus
Malpractice Fauci has scientifically proven he is a Political Fraud in Science
as he continues to Preach his Lunatic Political Ploy = Proven Lies
doing only further proven harm to everyone for the past two years
~ while ~
the Ten Wealthiest Carbon based Humans made by and from this Carbon based Earth
have now Doubled their Wealth from the Man Made Corona virus
as they have made their Fascist Cure for control and profit
many times worse than their Disease
Fascism is a Mental Disorder
~ and ~
Those who ignore the tested realities live in a fantasy
as the Religion of Science is:
” to always Question the truth in knowledge “
as Joe Biden and Biden Nuthouse ~ are not ~ Mandating to All of We the People
they are Dictating their Fascism
and if Politics stayed out of Science and Medicine for Profit
far fewer People would Die and life would be far better for All of We the People
while the worst possible thing we can do to our Children ~
the Teachers Unions supported by the Democratic Party
have now been doing for the past two years
as our Children continue to be Political Pawns
for Teachers Unions and the proven to be Fascist Democrat Party
as our Children and Grand Children our Jewels in our lives
are being Dumb Down for many years now by and for lunatic politics
…so how many of you Politically Brainwashed Green Lunatics
who have publicly failed 3rd grade science
who have earned zero right to scientific opinion
while holding a can of your favorite Pop in your hand
that is carbonated with CO2 = Carbon based Oxygen = Carbon Dioxide
who are Preaching and Dictating to the world ~
CO2 with zero color taste or smell is:
Toxic Poison and Pollution
~ Proving ~
you are a Politically Brainwashed Lunatic
the very same Green Lunatic who is Preaching White Steam = Water Vapor
coming out of Smokestacks is:
Toxic Poison and Pollution Too
the very same Green Lunatic who is Preaching
Doomsday Climate Paranoia
based on scientifically proven lies
with zero science Data to support a climate emergency of any kind
further proving Politically Brainwashed Ignorance is Dictating a False Reality
for power control and profit
while doing only proven Harm to the cause of Green and Nature
costing trillions of dollars to do only harm to the Environment for Profit
when since the 1830’s in Physics and Chemistry
CO2 is: a proven Refrigerant in Nature
while causing the Energy Life ~ Carbon Cycle ~ with Oxygen and Hydrogen
and is Science that is well known in the Science Community
who have been Silenced by Politically Brainwashed Green Lunatics
who are Preaching once again another Doomsday based on proven fraud in science
while doing only very proven harm to the Carbon Cycle
made by and caused by this CO2 Starved Carbon based Earth
and our variable Sun with many warm and cold cycles over billions of years
CO2 + Water Vapor + Sun Energy = Green = Oxygen and Carbon based Food
6CO2 + 6H2O + v ~> C6H12O6 + 6O2
Proving the Byproduct of Energy is the cause of all Life
CO2 = Green
on this CO2 starved Carbon based Earth
November 10, 2021 ~ January 11, 2022
I Represent Myself in Science and Law
Bruce A. Kershaw
I am 20% Carbon made from CO2
and if there was no Carbon
this CO2 Starved Carbon based Earth would not Exist
and if you are for Censorship
then you have scientifically proven you are a Fascist
against Freedom for All of We the People who are America
We are all Flawed in someway with some of us more Flawed than others
The Unproven Theory Carbon based Humans
made by and from this Carbon based Earth
cause Climate Warming is debunk by real science and Nature
Carbon ~ Oxygen ~ Hydrogen
in a continuous cycle of recycle
is responsible for all primary and secondary Carbon based Life and Energy
by this CO2 Starved Carbon based Earth
C = Carbon
O2 = Oxygen
CO2 is carbon and oxygen and are bonded together by energy
CO2 = carbon based oxygen = carbon dioxide
di = two
oxide = oxygen
~ two oxygen atoms based to one carbon atom ~
and is the byproduct of energy
and when heated can only transfer preexisting energy upward
as all heat rises in real physics
O = oxygen
O2 = oxygen
O3 = oxygen = heavy oxygen = ozone = causing the ozone layer
Carbon retards and suppresses energy as O2 Oxygen promotes energy
making carbon and O2 oxygen opposites bonded together by energy
making CO2 the opposite of energy while causing the carbon cycle
and can not generate new energy as scientifically proven
but because CO2 is not a singular Gas like the other gases in the atmosphere
it responds and reacts differently than the other gases to Sun energy
but is not generating new energy
as all gases absorb and radiate heat and energy while expanding and rising
as CO2 is transferring preexisting energy upward and can not trap energy
as all heat rises removing heat from the lower atmosphere
as frozen CO2 = Dry Ice and Frozen Water vapor
are crashing downward to fill the void left in the lower atmosphere by warm air rising
causing the Ice Caps at the Poles of this CO2 starved Carbon based Earth
The Byproduct of Increased Climate Warming by the variable Sun
is increased evaporation of CO2 and Water Vapor causing Green
as the warming occurs first and then evaporated CO2 and water vapor levels rise
with the majority of CO2 from the majority of variable unpredictable immeasurable
Volcanic activity below Sea level
Acidifying the Oceans for billions of years
as the majority of CO2 is caused by Nature causing Nature above and below Sea level