The Rebuttal ~ to: Idiot-ology


July 11 ~ 15




~ of ~

We the People

are being Used and not Represented

~ and ~

to those who Hate America while living in America

why don’t you move to Cuba or China or Russia or Iran or North Korea

or any Fascist Country where the People of those counties want to live in America

and maybe those who Hate America

should go live in a fascist country for one year and then come back

and then know why people are coming to America any way they can

even Proven Criminals Illegally crossing a now unprotected boarder

 and Deliberately Intentionally allowing unprotected boarders is a Constitutional Crime

by Joe Biden a Proven Political Treasonous Puppet


The Republic of the now Un-United States of America

sent me a letter years ago during the Obama Biden White House


everything they have to know about me has been stolen from the U.S Government


I am guessing the Government knows much more about me than I do

and in their letter they suggested that I buy Identity Protection from Big Tech

~ question ~

and just what would I be protecting

now that all of it has been stolen

and most likely stolen by our proven Cyber Enemies and Big Tech as they are one

while now there is nothing to protect

and so how much does it cost to protect something that has already been stolen

from the Government by Big Tech

from all over this Carbon based Earth

where everything has carbon in it


that’s like buying car theft insurance for your car that has already been stolen


Montana State Fund is Proven Organized Crime

Proving the Montana State Government is Organized Crime

and the Buck Stops at the Governors Desk

~ and ~

how much more Proof do we need to further prove Dementia Joe Biden

is out of his Mind

as he continues to further commit proven treason

against All of We the People who are America

as he continues to help all of our Proven Enemies Foreign and Domestic


The Byproduct of Energy is Life

~ science is: to know ~

and If you can not Articulate your so called science

or provide peer-reviewed Science Data to prove your so called Science

then your so called science is not Reality by Question Test Rebuttal Debate

and can only scientifically prove you have earned zero right to scientific opinion


97% of the CO2 in the air is caused by Nature making new Nature

in a continuous carbon oxygen hydrogen cycle

with the majority of CO2 in the Air caused by evaporation by warming by the variable Sun

as Warming occurs first and then Water vapor and CO2 levels rise

making this CO2 starved Carbon based Earth Greener as scientifically proven


CO2 = Green

and the United Nations

~ are ~

Scientifically Proven Frauds in Science

and not a science body

who are doing only Harm to the Carbon Life and Energy Cycle

made by this Carbon based Earth

~ for ~


Power Control and Profit

while they continue to prove they Fail 3rd Grade Science

as China Builds a New Coal Fired Power Plant Every Year

so they can Pug In their Electric Cars

and where does the Coal come from ?


as we are almost giving the Coal away to Asia

as the price of Coal is very cheep

while China is free to burn as much coal as they can and do

while in California there is not enough Electricity to plug in their new Electric Cars

while the amount of energy to just build one new car is:

the equvelent to the amount of energy to drive your old car for three years

while Electric Cars that run on Electricity made from Coal are Dirtier

than Cars that run on Gasoline

as Gasoline is HC ~ Hydrogen and Carbon just as Coal is HC ~ Hydrogen and Carbon

while Gasoline is more Hydrogen than Carbon and the Coal more Carbon than Hydrogen

making the Gasoline cleaner than the Coal

and because we had to increase mining all around the world by 100%

for all the Special Raw Materials

needed to make Electric Cars and the Battery to power the Car

while the Battery will be worn out before the Car is worn out

as batteries slowly lose their ability to be charged and hold a charge

so at the halfway point of the battery life you will have half the driving range

and a new Battery will cost much more than the value of the Car

while I love the License Plate on the Electric Car that I see almost everyday that says

~ NO CO2 ~

proving they are idiots in science

to everyone who did not fail grade School Science

as the License Plate should say

Big Dummy

~ and ~

we must have a solid primary source of all energy

before we can have any Secondary energy reducing the need for Primary energy

because without primary energy you can have secondary energy

while proven frauds in science put the Cart before the Horse

as their science is proven to be backwards

as we can only learn know and grow forward by admitting our mistakes = Science

as Profit Power and Control Ignore all of their Mistakes

as they ignore the truth in knowledge proving they are wrong


science is: to know

~ as ~

The Truth in Reality is Questioned and Tested

and not Politically Media Preached and then just Believed

as Persuaded Belief in Preached Hate and Paranoia

Denying Tested Reality

is not Knowledge


[email protected]


July 10, 2021

Preaching to White Colored 5 year old’s in Public Schools that they are Racist

and they should feel guilty the rest of their life for being White

does not work for me

just as Preaching Hate does not work for me

just as Preaching Paranoia does not work for me


July 8, 2021

…and Joe is a Proven Raciest since the 1970’s

while Joe is: not their ~ today ~

as Joe allows the Child Sex Slave Trade

along with Terrorists Gangs Murderers Rapists Guns Weapons

and Drugs killing many to cross the U.S. Boarders

~ while ~

Kamala Antifa Harris

told everyone on this Carbon based Earth

” Joe Biden is a Raciest “


 Kamala who came in last in the Democratic Presidential Primary

who is now Laughing at All of We the People

while both Joe and Kamala with their known Crimes

have earned their Constitutional Right to Impeachment

making Nancy Pelosi President

and with her known Constitutional Crimes

of an Unlawful Unconstitutional Treasonous Political Impeachment

of President Donald Trump

based on proven Fraud by Deep State Democrats

has earned the Constitutional Right to Her Impeachment

for the known Treasonous Crimes against All of We the People

Who are America

as China and the Russia Military are now poised to Invade their Peaceful Neighbors

as they Attack America from ~ With In ~ and by Cyber Attacks

and if our Power Grid was shut off for one month the majority of Americans would die

as many would die from Cannibalism

while Dementia Joe is allowing Russia to construct a Pipe Line to sell Energy

allowing Russia to control energy and to control those who they sell energy to ~

after Joe and Russia shut down energy in America

as Russians give Hunter Biden Millions

as Hunter Biden is Laughing all the way to many China Banks

as our Enemies Treat Hunter Biden very well

while Hunter shares 10% with the Big Guy

~ Joe ~

who is struggling with reality

as Hunter and the Biden Family use Puppet Joe for Profit

as Joe continues to fail 3rd grade science since 3rd grade


July 6, 2021

CO2 + Water Vapor + Sun Energy = Green = Nature and the Environment

CO2 can not harm this carbon based Earths Greenhouse

as the Earth makes CO2 causing the Greenhouse

by causing the Carbon Cycle with Oxygen and Hydrogen and Sun Energy

and is the cause all primary and secondary carbon based Life and secondary energy

in a continuous cycle of recycle


Billions of years of climate change is real

and evaporated CO2 and Water Vapor

is the byproduct of Climate Warming by the Variable Sun with many cycles

…as We must always question the truth in knowledge  ~


 ~There is zero science to support the Political Media Preached

Human caused Climate Warming

and there is zero science to support the Political Media Preached Climate Emergency

and there is zero science to support the Lock Downs the Schools Closings

or Wearing a Mask was Medically Necessary

and there is zero science to support Joe Biden is Competent

as the Biden Nut House is a Rest and Nursing Home for the Puppet Dementia Joe

and the Democratic NAZI Party is in Charge

and are one with China and Russia

as the Democrats support Antifa

and now ask Hunter Biden for his 2 cents worth billions

as the Biden Nut House is:

the most criminal and corrupt White House in American History


May 17 ~ July 2



Political Frauds always ignore the Hard Science proving they are Frauds


Today July 2, 2021

Stanford University Experts have just Stated

the very same thing I have publicly stated and continue to state since March of 2020

based on very real very available peer-reviewed science and testing

available before the Corona virus outbreak

that Wearing a Mask is Bad for your Health for many reasons

as the mask traps CO2 in the body while you are re-breathing CO2 trapped in the Mask

causing Oxygen Deprivation causing Brain and Vital Internal Organ Damage

while the majority of masks and face coverings do not protect you from the Corona virus

further proving Malpractice Fauci is a Political Fraud

as he wants you and your children to wear two masks

causing twice the Brain and internal organ damage as the proven fraud profits

as the Media Praises the proven frauds in science and medicine

with out knowing the science and medicine

as they Preach Fraudulent Political Ploy

based on zero question rebuttal or debate

doing only Harm to All of We the People and much worse to our Children

and when I began investigating and writing about the Corona virus on march 13, 2020

after having the Corona virus that was a bad three day cold for me

Joe Berry Stanford University

a proven fraud in climate science was telling me to shut up

and once again I have proven Joe Berry is Wrong with Stanford University Experts


Joe Biden is Committing Treason in every way possible

and the New Homeless in Montana are from Democratic States and Cities

who are moving to Montana from everywhere as fast as they can

and there is no more Storage Space Available in the State of Montana

and good luck finding a House or Apartment to Rent

as the price of buying a home is going up very fast

as People and Families are living in their Cars and Motor Homes in Montana

and they are not vacationing

~ July 1, 2021 ~

We must always Question the Truth in Knowledge

to Know the Truth in Science

and Attacking proven frauds for being proven frauds is not Racist

and Attacking Kamala Antifa Harris for her crimes against All of We the People

is not Racist as Treason can see no Color

and crime is a crime regardless of color

as the number one cause of Black Murder is Black Murders

and Politically Preaching Racism is what the NAZI Party did to Win Power

as they destroyed everything that did not agree with them

~ June 30, 2021 ~

The U.S. Justice Department is not working for We the People

as they are proven Deep State Democrats

since the Obama Biden Political Crime Wave

who are working for the Fascist Democratic Organized Criminals

owned and controlled by 60 Billionaires

who Joe Biden is trying to turn into Trillionaires

while the Biden Family is Organized Crime too

as they are all committing proven Treason against All of We the People

~ June 29, 2021 ~

At the Equator the Earth is spinning at 1000 miles per hour

and at the Poles the Earth is spinning at less than 1 mile per hour

and when the earth and the air are moving at the same speed then there is no wind

and when the Earth is moving faster than the air then there is wind

and when the air is moving faster than the Earth then there is wind

as all of the above is variably happening all at the same time 24/7 everywhere

and where I live here in Montana the Earth is spinning at about 500 miles per hour

and normally the air is moving faster than the rotation speed of the Earth here in Montana

because gravity is pulling the air at the Equator at 1000 miles per hour

while the Earth is not moving at the Poles

causing the wind speed at the poles to be very fast a furious

as cold air is crashing downward too causing the Ice at the Earths Poles

caused by hot air rising

as all heat rises in real physics causing frozen air to crash downward

~ June 28, 2021 ~

…forcing children to wear a mask will cause brain and vital internal organ damage

from oxygen deprivation

as scientifically proven

~ June 27, 2021 ~

…there is far to much Oil far to deep in the ground

and far far to much Oil far far to deep below the floor of the Oceans

to be caused by dead Dinosaurs


The Oil in the ground has been here on this carbon based earth

for as long as water has been here

and this would help explain why

we have Volcanoes pumping CO2 and SO2 and Water vapor into the Air

causing with Sun energy all the Green

causing the Carbon Cycle causing Nature and the environment

as there must be Oil flowing into the Hot Churning Liquid Core of this Carbon based Earth

making this Carbon based Earth an Internal Combustion Engine

with the byproduct of this carbon based energy causing all carbon based life

above and below sea level

on this CO2 starved Carbon based Earth


science is: to know


Computer Ouija Board Prediction

based on one factor while ignoring more than a dozen other factors

is Lunatic Political Science Fiction


Prediction of the unknowable future is not knowledge

and the feelings of belief in a prediction of the unknowable future

based on Media Preached Paranoia

is not science

and predictions of the unknowable future

based on proven to be flawed incomplete and fraudulent political science fiction

never come true

as we were told entire nations would be under water by 2013

as we were told that Manhattan would be under many years ago

based on a proven to be Flawed Incomplete Study

supported by proven to be Flawed and Fraudulent Science Data

and now we have a brand new Catastrophic Doomsday Prediction

based on the very same Self-Debunked Fraudulent Garbage Political Science Fiction

supported by 30 plus years of Failed Predictions

supported by scientifically proven Political Media Lies

by those who reject Question Test Rebuttal Debate for Profit


The very same proven Frauds and Lunatics

continue to make the very same Doomsday Predictions over and over that never happen

as Media Brainwashed Fools continue to just believe very same proven lies over and over


Climate Science

~ vs ~

Political Media Climate Religion for Profit

doing proven harm to nature


All Heat Rises in Real Physics

causing Frozen air to come crashing downward to fill the void cause by warm air rising

as Frozen CO2 = Dry Ice is crashing back downward

cooling the air 10 times faster and 20 times longer

than the increased levels of frozen water vapor crashing downward

causing the Ice Caps at the Poles of this Carbon based Earth

and as long as all heat rises there will always be Ice Caps at the Poles


Over 97% of the Carbon based Oxygen = CO2 = Carbon Dioxide in the Air

is Generated by Nature causing the Carbon Oxygen Hydrogen Cycle

while all the Lungs on this Carbon based Earth Generate more CO2 than all the Cars

as Ice Core Science shows us Ice Ages with many times the CO2 in the air than today


1000 years ago

During the Mid Evil Warming Period

Montana had California Climate for 200 years

as it was much warmer 1000 years ago with much lower CO2 levels

as there are more than a dozen climate variables ignored by proven to be

Political Frauds in Science

as they preach to us the number one climate variable

the Sun with many cycles

is not a Climate Variable

as the variable Sun with many cycles continues to be warmer and brighter

as the Sea Level continues to rise and fall the thickness of a Dime

while Humans have been moving to higher ground for the past 26,000 years

as the sea level has risen about 350 to 400 feet during that time

as the Sea level has been 100 feet higher than it is today millions of years ago

and since 2012 Sea Ice has increased by 40%

as the Montana Glaciers are once again Growing not Shrinking

as the Glaciers have melted many times before in between many Ice Ages

as variable climate change is very real for billions of years


The Climate Emergency is a scientifically proven Political Media Lie

by the Democratic Party

as they are doing scientifically proven harm to Nature

costing trillions of dollars to do only proven harm and zero good


CO2 + Water Vapor + Sun Energy = Green = Nature = Environment


Evaporated CO2 and Water Vapor is the Byproduct of Warming not the cause of Warming

causing all Primary and Secondary Carbon based Life

on this CO2 starved Carbon based Earth


Climate Science is a Brand New Science

as we learn and know something new every day in every science


as we now live in a state of Preached hypothetical conjecture

that rejects all knowledge debunking the hypothetical conjecture

as they preach to us the science is settled ~

scientifically proving they failed 5th grade Science

as proven Frauds in Science Dictate Lunatic Science doing only harm to Nature

for Power and Control and Profit

as Political Media Brainwashed Lunatics who failed grade school science

continue to Preach their Catastrophic Doomsday Climate Warming Paranoia

while they can provide zero science data to prove they are not Frauds in Science

as they reject all Question Test Rebuttal Debate

as the reject all science debunking them

while they have earned zero right to scientific opinion


question test rebuttal debate

~ question ~

is: Hugging someone still a Social Political Media Crime in America ?

while Fauci is a Scientifically Proven Political Media Quack Committing Malpractice

who is doing very real harm to

All of We the People


….there are People living in Buildings in Montana ~

Buildings that should have been Condemned and Demolished over 50 years ago ~

while the number one City in Montana for Slum Lords is Butte

and the number two City is:

The Queen City

the Capital City of Montana


and so much for the Government

providing good Regulation and Enforcement of all Commerce

to keep All of  ~ We the People ~ Safe from All Harm

as Slum Lords get away Murder

as State Agencies get away with Murder

while it is the Governments Job to Protect our Boarders and Enforce all Law

and to Regulate all Commerce and Utilities and the Big Tech Utilities

who own much of the commerce and political parties that are controlling the Government


All of We the People

as the Government now Regulate most All of We the People for All Commerce

while Capitalism works well when the Government is not controlled by the Commerce

as Commerce controls the Political Parties

as Political Parties Destroy each other Destroying America

as Land Lords put fresh paint on Death Traps to rise the Rent

as many People are moving to Montana

and the Slum Lords will do Well


Wearing a Mask

still causes Brain and vital Internal Organ Damage

from Oxygen Deprivation

while not protecting you from the Corona virus

as Scientifically Proven


I am an Independent Scientist for the Truth in Life and Knowledge


There are more Independents in America

who have zero Representation in the U.S Government

than there are Democrats or Republicans who control the U.S. Government


The Democrats have decided for You and Me ~

that their Fascism is better for You than your Rights and Freedoms

with out voting on it

and our Public Schools are no longer for Educating our Children

and are now for politically brainwashing our children like they do in China


All of We the People

~ vs ~

Democratic Lunatic Fascist Treasonous Political Science Fiction

doing only Harm


The Democrats are 24/7 scientifically proven Liars

~ who are just believed ~

by those who do not question the Truth in knowledge


question test rebuttal debate

~ and when the cost of energy goes up ~ the cost of everything goes up ~

and when the cost of Lumber goes up 300% while trying to Build a Home

is: that Inflation ?

as is describes what is and what is not

…the word Science for Democrats is: for Political Ploy

as their so called Science is: Proven Fraud in Science

while their Democratic Socialism is: Fascism


~ Scam Political Media Science Fiction ~

by 60 Billionaires

who continue to remove the Voices of many Americans


Democratic Critical Race Theory is the opposite of the Martin Luther King Dream


Democratic Woke-ism is more Fascism

as Woke means to be Aware of the truth in the realities in Life

while Democratic Woke means to be Politically Brainwashed

and be unaware of any truth in the many realities of Life

as Democratic Cancel Culture is Pure Prejudice

and the Fraudulent Political Unconstitutional Impeachment of President Trump

with the help of the Democratic Deep State Justice Department

was Treason against All of We the People who are America

just as open Borders is Treason against We the People

as our rights are being taken away

as they Prevent and Deny Law and Order

with the help of the Political Media Lunatics who Preach Hate to Divide We the People

as they Preach Paranoia

with disinformation in Science and Medicine to control our lives completely

as the Corona Virus along with 150 other Viruses is very real

and everything beyond the Virus was all Political Ploy by Frauds in Science and Medicine

to control our lives with Preached Paranoia

as they are Deliberately Destroying America

for their Power Control and Profit


…and the Number One Patriotic State in the Union

~ Montana ~

because We the People of Montana are True Patriots of America

True to the Decoration of Independents

True to the United States Constitution

and True to the Bill of Rights

as We Know Our Rights that We are Protecting from all Evil

and thank goodness for the many Patriots in every State in America

who are on the side of Law and Order

as it takes All of We the People All together to be America

as those who divide us are not Americans


Bruce A. Kershaw

…and when you can not Articulate your science then it is not science ~

and when you can not provide science data to prove the words you Preach

then it is not science as words can prove nothing

just as emotional feelings of belief in Preached words can prove nothing is science

45 years Atmospheric Emission Science Physics and Chemistry

Invited to Participate at the London Symposium on Climate Change

at the Oxford and Cambridge Club June 2013

while I have an ongoing Science Debate ~ Argument for many years with

Joe Berry

Stanford University

who will never publicly debate the science

who can not prove Humans cause Climate Warming

or prove with data there is any Catastrophic Doomsday Climate Warming

or Catastrophic Ice Melt

or Catastrophic Sea Level Rise

because: it is not happening

as Joe Preaches his Paranoia based on Debunked unproven theory

based on proven to be flawed incomplete science

supported by proven to be Fraudulent Science Data

as Joe rejects question test rebuttal debate

as the available science data further debunk his self-debunked unproven theory

and I am a very proud

Honorary Member of the Montana Sheriffs & Peace Officers Association

and the best way to reduce crime in America ?

Enforce the Law


June 23, 2021

Elected Public School Servants are now Dictators in America

who are Politically Brainwashing our Children

while our Children are now three years behind in Education than in Germany

while a leaked German Government Report states:

the Corona Virus is a World Wide False Alarm


June 22, 2021


C = Carbon

O = Oxygen

H = Hydrogen

V = Sun Energy


6CO2 + 6H2O + v ~> C6H12O6 + 6O2

CO2 + Water Vapor + Sun Energy = Green = Nature = Environment

causing all the food we eat and all the oxygen we breathe

with Carbon Oxygen Hydrogen in a continuous recycle

as all life is the byproduct of energy

while Plants and Trees need four times the CO2 than in the air today to Breathe

to be at good normal health

and that is why we have added CO2 and water vapor to Commercial Greenhouses

for many years


Carbon based Oxygen = CO2 = Carbon Dioxide

can not Harm the Greenhouse


Carbon and Oxygen

is the Cause of the Greenhouse

and is the byproduct of Energy = Life


To: Joe Berry

Stanford University


Carbon based Humans

made by the Carbon Cycle caused by Carbon based Oxygen = CO2

made by the Hot Churning Liquid core of this Carbon based Earth

can not stop 4.6 Billion years of Progressive variable climate change

caused by more than a dozen climate variables ignored by Frauds in Science

who Preach Catastrophic Doomsday Climate Warming Paranoia

based on self debunked unproven theory

to Preach Paranoia

for power control and profit while doing only harm to the carbon cycle

CO2 + Water Vapor + Sun Energy = Green = Nature = Environment

and is the evaporated byproduct of warming by the variable Sun

causing all Primary and Secondary Carbon based Life

on this CO2 starved Carbon based Earth


There is zero science Data to prove there is a climate crises

but there is a lot of science Data proving fraud

in a very flawed incomplete study

to make predictions of the unknowable future based on unproven theory

Preached as Settled Science

based on zero question test rebuttal debate

as every Catastrophic prediction never happens further debunking the unproven theory

as we live with a new Paranoid Catastrophic Perdition of the unpredictable future

based on already proven to be Garbage Science


There is zero scientific consensus in debunked unproven theory

as the Media and Press Preach there is a consensus

proving they are frauds in science

and spending trillions to reduce the cause of green

will have zero effect on 4.6 billion years of climate change

as scientifically proven by Nature

as Ice Core Science shows us Ice Ages with many times the CO2 in the air than today

while Montana had California climate 1000 years ago for 200 years

and just ignored by proven frauds in science

as we now ship from America to all over this Carbon based Earth

far many times the coal than burned in America

and only We the People who are America must now pay many times more for Energy

as the byproduct of Carbon based Energy is: Carbon based Green

causing all Carbon based Nature causing the Carbon based Environment

~ Bruce ~


June 21, 2021

…and never take Medical Advice from a Politician or Media Preacher


they are Practicing Medicine with out a License

as the majority of Politicians and Media Talking Heads

who do not investigate the science

who are brainwashing proven to be disinformation to the public

and can only prove they failed 3rd grade science

have earned zero right to any Professional Scientific or Medical opinion

as they are proven wrong the majority of the time while doing only further harm

as they commit Malpractice with out a Licence


we are now seeing Heart Inflammation in Children

who were forced to take a vaccine they do not need and should not take

while we knew schools were the safest place for Children

as all Children suffer today from Political Social Injustice

as many of our youth are now gone from Suicide and Drug Over Doses

all based on Political Hearsay in Lunatic Medicine and Science

based on proven lies by Political Lunatic Quacks who call them selves Doctors

while Honest Doctors can be wrong 50% of the time

scientifically proving a Quake is a Quack is not an Attack on Science

as Science is to Question Test Rebuttal Debate

to find the truth in knowledge

as only Quacks and Frauds Dictate Lunatic Political Science Fiction

and Profit from their fraud


I do not take ~ any ~ advice from Politicians or Media Preachers

or Government Doctors and Scientists

because they are to often proven to be Political Frauds

for Political Ploy for Political Agenda


June 19, 2021

…question test rebuttal debate ~


If California can not make enough Electricity to turn on their Lights everyday

than how can they make enough Electricity for their Electric Cars ?

and if you own an Electric Car in Montana

then your Car Runs on Electricity made from Coal

and Gasoline is Cleaner than Coal


June 18, 2021

Science today on this CO2 starved Carbon based Earth

is Political Media Brainwashed Ignorance


Joe Biden is Flooding America with Terrorism and Organized Crime


knowledge is tested reality

and the truth in knowledge must always be in Question

~ while ~

Dementia Joe Biden

has very clearly scientifically proven he is Mentally Unfit for the Job

as Kamala Antifa Harris

who won Zero votes in the Democratic Presidential Primary


” climate change “

is why there are more child sex slaves crossing the boarders

and more Terrorists and MS 13 Murders and Rapists

who are now Returning to America again with more Weapons Guns and Drugs

from all over this Carbon based Earth

as the Treasonous Joe Biden continues to shoot the foot in his mouth

as Joe Biden Make Believes he is in Charge

as he continues to unknowingly commit treason against

All of We the People


Every Day

I question the truth in knowledge to know the truth in science

because science is to know

and change is continuous and a variable

and climate change is real

and very available Science Data for many years

has Debunk the unproven theory

Humans cause Climate Warming or Change or Disruption

or what ever they have changed the name of their politically brainwashed Paranoia to

as preached words prove nothing in science


June 9 ~ 17


~ * ~

Volcanic Ash Rejuvenates

mineral depleted soil

as decomposing soil generates Nitrogen

that is now 78% of the Atmosphere


~ if ~

 you live in Helena Montana 

then you should know

you can drive to the top of Hog Back

and Collect very small Sea Shells 

at 8000 feet above Sea level


…as We can See and Know Joe Biden is being Used

~ and should reality be ~

Questioned Tested and Debated

or should reality be politically convinced make believe

and will Joe be Removed before the 2022 Election or after

as only Kamala Antifa Harris maybe knows for sure

while I am Guessing before

and what is most interesting

 Kamala does not like the tasks given to her to do for We the People

and then how will she do when having the very same tasks as President

will she be like Joe and just give the hard stuff to the new Vice Vise President

while the only thing they can prove together with science

is their incompetence and lack of responsibility

as neither can do their job

as Kamala states:

she Hates her Job


both of their scientifically proven lies continue


…you can Shame People into the Truth

but you can not Shame Things into the Truth

because things have no Mind Heart or Spirit living in a Soul

while today things have more rights than

All of We the People


To: Joe Berry


science has proven you are a fraud in science

~ and is that Profitable for You too ~

just like many so other self proclaimed so called scientists

committing fraud in science for profit


My Logical Common Sense Constitutional Conjecture Guessing is ~

after being a student of Constitutional History and Law since 1980

The United States Supreme Court

would agree with my Argument

that Banning Dr. Sues is: Un Constitutional

~ and what do you Think ?



…Life is not Fair because one day it will End

and if you are living for the End then you are not Living


Personal Emotional Feelings of True Belief are Pathological not Factual


science is to know = factual

and are You Factual or Pathological

are you a Teacher with facts in hand

or a Preacher of words that can prove nothing beyond Make Believe

and have you been convinced to just believe without questioning the truth

or do you know the truth based on question test rebuttal debate


do you know or do you make believe ?

are You factual or pathological ?

as Political Pathological now Dictates Science

as we now live in a world of Media Political Science Fiction

completely Controlling our everyday lives doing only harm to everyone

for sake of Power Control and Profit for the very few

based on Scientifically proven Political Media lies


Have you been Convinced and Programmed to believe the proven Political lies ?

with out questioning the truth in knowledge


Those who Preach Hate and Paranoia are Politically Pathological and need a Shrink

and sadly we have many Politically Pathological Shrinks who need a Shrink

and who Politically Brainwashed you ?


Bill ~ MSNBC ~ Gates ~

the New York Times the Washington Post along with the majority of the Press

who are the side of Crime against We the People

as they are all scientifically proven Frauds and Lairs in Science and Medicine

for Political Ploy

and Proven by the fact

 when you request their science data to support their Public statements

they can provide zero data

with the Political Fraud further proven by the fact

when you send them science data proving they are wrong they continue to Lie to the Public

as they do not allow and reject question test rebuttal debate

proving they do not investigate the truth in knowledge

as they Brainwash Hate and Paranoia for Political Ploy


If we could Abolish all Political Parties and Reverses the 17th Amendment

this Carbon based Earth causing all Carbon based Life would be a far better place to be


Political Parties are the Cancer not the Cure

and those who believe only some of us should have the right to free speech are fascist


The Montana Law Makers are Criminals

as they are proven Law Breakers not Law Makers

and that is why

The Montana State Government is Organized Crime

starting at Montana State Fund

and does Montana State Fund Own our Law Makers ?

as I can prove Montana State Fund is Committing Fraud

and Own and Control Doctors and Lawyers in Montana

who Deliberately commit Fraud for Montana State Fund

~ and ~

The Number One Treasonous Fascist Criminals in America ?

The 60 Billionaires who own and control their Puppet Dementia Joe Biden

who own the Democrats and the Deep State Democrats

and own the majority of the Media and Press

as they are one with our Enemies

who are providing us with Cyber Attacks shutting off our energy supply

while preventing Ford Motor Co. from building new cars


and the fastest way to kill all Americans

Shut Off the Power Grid

and in one or two weeks we will see Cannibalism




carbon and oxygen = Carbon based Oxygen = Carbon Dioxide

2 oxygen atoms based to one carbon atom

Di ~ oxide = 2 oxygen atoms

Di = 2

oxide = oxygen


CO2 has zero color taste or smell

and is a natural refrigerant in nature


Frozen CO2 is called Dry Ice

and cools the Air 10 faster and 20 times longer than frozen water

as CO2 absorbs Heat from the surrounding gases making the surrounding gases cooler

as all gases absorb and radiate heat while expanding and rising

and the faster they are heated the faster they rise

forcing Frozen air downward with increased levels of frozen CO2 and water vapor

causing the Ice caps at the Poles of this Carbon based Earth


Beginning in 1972

there has been an Emission Control Device on your Cars Internal Combustion Engine

called an EGR Valve = Exhaust Gas Recycle Valve

to reduce NOX Emissions

by recycling a small percentage of CO2 from the very hot Exhaust System

into the Air Fuel Mixture going into the Combustion Chamber

this then lowers the Explosion Temperature in the combustion chamber by 500 Degrees

reducing NOX Emissions = Nitrogen and Oxygen bonded together by Heat

while this EGR Valve can only be opened at above Idle Speed

because when the EGR Vale is open at Idle Speed

the Engine will not Run or not Idle Properly

and making the combustion chamber 1% CO2

makes the air at Ground level cleaner since 1972

and reduces Respiratory Illness

while the first emission control Device began in 1960

while since 1980 cars have not Polluted the air

and the more efficiently your cars engine is running the higher level of CO2 is produced

for Plants and Trees to Breathe making Food and Oxygen


 CO2 reduces the explosion temperature in the combustion chamber 500 Degrees

reducing NOX going into the air

making the air we Breathe cleaner since 1972


NOX = is Nitrogen and Oxygen bonded together

by Combustion and Heat above 2500 Degrees and by Lighting

as Nature produces the majority of NOx Emissions caused by Lighting

and then Sun energy separates the Nitrogen from the Oxygen

making O3 Oxygen = Heavy Oxygen = Ozone

causing the Ozone Layer


CO2 Fire Extinguishers are the best Fire Extinguishers

as they do not just put out the fire it removes the heat caused by the fire too

and the higher the level of CO2 in the air the Cooler the flame of any fire

and at 1% CO2 in the air you can not light a fire


and again Frozen CO2 is called Dry Ice

and Cools the air 10 times faster and 20 times longer than frozen water

and as all heat rises in real physics

as all warm CO2 rises too

and the faster CO2 is heated the faster it rises

as frozen CO2 ~ Dry Ice ~ is crashing downward with frozen water vapor

more than off setting warm Air and CO2 rising

while causing the Ice Caps at the Poles of this Carbon based Earth

and if heat did not rise there would be zero ice on this carbon based earth


CO2 can not harm Nature because CO2 is the cause of Nature

CO2 + Water Vapor + Sun Energy = Green = Environment

causing all the Carbon based Food We Eat and all Oxygen We Breathe

CO2 is the cause of all secondary carbon based life and energy

as all life is the byproduct of energy

with the CO2 from the hot churning liquid core of this Carbon based Earth

causing the Carbon Oxygen Hydrogen Cycle

as less than 3% of the CO2 in the air is caused by humans

as the majority of CO2 is evaporated from the Oceans

as the majority of CO2 is from Variable Unpredictable Immeasurable

volcanic activity below sea level

causing the carbon cycle by this carbon based earth

and is the byproduct of variable warming by the variable Sun

as the Sun has many cycles causing Ice ages and Warming periods

as the variable Sun continues to be warmer and brighter

and will one day vaporize this carbon based earth

were everything has carbon in it


The Human body is 20% carbon made by the carbon cycle caused by CO2

caused by the Internal Energy of this Carbon based Earth

Energy causes CO2 causing Life in a continuous cycle of recycle


6CO2 + 6H2O + v ~> C6H12O6 + 6O2

causing Nature causing all secondary life and energy


as Proven Lunatics Preach CO2 is Toxic Poison and Pollution

and if there was zero carbon to be the base foundation holding this planet together

nothing would exist

Carbon is not Pollution

Oxygen is not Pollution

and the Carbon Oxygen Hydrogen Cycle caused by this Carbon based Earth

with Sun Energy

is not Pollution

as Lunatics Preach the cause of Life is Pollution

as they are doing only harm to nature costing trillions of dollars

to reduce the cause of Green causing all nature

as Plants and Trees need four times the CO2 than in the air today to Breathe

on this CO2 starved Carbon based Earth

CO2 can harm the Greenhouse CO2 is the cause of the Greenhouse


CO2 is not Pollution

for past 100 plus years we have added CO2 to our Beverages


Carbonated Water is CO2 and Water

CO2 + Water Vapor + Sun Energy = Green = Environment

causing secondary carbon based life and energy


Carbon Oxygen Hydrogen

is the key to all life and energy on this CO2 starved Carbon based Earth

in a cycle of recycle by nature

and the natural death of this carbon based earth will be from a lack of CO2

as Lunatics want to reduce the cause of all living nature and all living life

on this CO2 starved Carbon based Earth

when Plants and Trees need four times the CO2 than in the air today to Breathe

and at 210 ppm CO2 in the air

Death begins for Plants and Trees

at 160 ppm CO2 in the Air

this Carbon based Earth will be Dead


CO2 and Water Vapor is the Evaporated by Product of Warming by the Variable Sun

not the cause of warming

as the Preached backwards science is Lunatic Science by proven Lunatics

for their Power Control and Profit


Reality is Knowing the Questioned Tested Debated Truth in Science

and knowing

we have many Shrinks in America who have Scientifically Proven they need a Shrink

and knowing

we have many proven Frauds in Science and Medicine for Profit

and knowing

the Democratic Political Media Party continues to prove they failed 3rd grade science

as they continue to reject question test rebuttal debate

and can not provide science data to support their proven to be fraudulent statements

~ proving ~

we have Pathological Treasonous Lunatic Nut Cases Preaching Lunatic Science

who now control our lives as they do only harm in tested reality

to All Nature and the Environment

and to All of We the People

for their power control and profit


The Number One Threat to All of We the People

is not

Preached Catastrophic Doomsday Climate Warming Paranoia

based on proven fraud in science for profit

based on debunked unproven theory

the Number One Threat to America is a Cyber Attack by all of our Enemies

making the real number One Threat to All of We the People

Joe Biden

and the more CO2 We the People Produce

the Greener this CO2 staved Carbon based Earth

warming by the variable Sun occurs first

and then evaporated CO2 and Water vapor levels rise

causing the Carbon Cycle

causing All Primary and Secondary Carbon based Life


The Byproduct of Energy is the Cause of All Life

and spending trillions to reduce the cause of Green causing Nature and the Environment

based on Proven Fraud in Science

is Test Proven Lunatic Criminal Political Insanity

and is not

Questioned Tested Debated Reality in Science

and spending trillions more

to remove CO2 put in the air by Nature by placing CO2 Scrubbers in the air

is a Suicide Mission to profit Billionaires who failed 3rd grade science

when knowing over 97% of the CO2 in the air is caused by nature causing all life

when knowing Plants and Trees need more CO2 not Less

the Byproduct of Warming is not the cause of Warming as Scientifically Proven


To: Joe Berry


as Proven to be Fraudulent Fauci Preaches to We the People

” Attacking Him is Attacking Science “

when the reality is

Science is Attacking Fraudulent Fauci

who is a scientifically proven lair


Fauci is a Treasonous Trader ~ as ~ Scientifically Proven

and the Lawful Penalty for Treason against America is Death


Scientific Testing and Data from all over this Carbon based Earth

Show Us

where the mask was politically mandated the Corona Virus spread faster

and where the Lock Downs were politically mandated the Corona Virus spread faster

and the majority of those dying with the corona virus were already dying

weather they knew it or not

and needed Oxygen not Respirators


other Scientific Testing and Study and Data Show Us

Wearing a Mask causes Oxygen Deprivation

causing Brain and Vital Internal Organ Damage

and wearing two masks as prescribed by Malpractice Fauci

will cause twice the brain and internal organ damage

further proving Fauci is a Fraud in Science and Medicine

as Fauci continues to Preach Political Lies

as Fauci and the Media just ignore the very available Science Data

proving he and they are Frauds and Fascist

as they Preach Paranoia based on Proven Lies

for power control and profit


Fauci is a Political Scam Artist

working with the Billionaire Political Media Scam Artist Mike Bloomberg

as both are proven Frauds in Science

while the Real Experts in Science and Medicine are Silenced and allowed zero rebuttal

by the proven to be Scam Media and Press

as they make Hero’s out of the Scam Artists and Political Frauds doing proven harm to

All of We the People


My Father and I both voted for Barack Obama

and I contributed to the Obama Campaign

and now I know it was a Mistake to believe what was politically preached to me

and as I gave Barack Obama me and he stabbed me in the back

and now he is Stabbing America in the back again


…and history will know ~

The Barack Obama Administration committed Treason against America

with Deep State Democrats


Barack Obama is a Fascist

now working for

The Biden Nut House

as the Nut House is Preaching 24/7 Proven to be Lies and Disinformation

to All of We the People who are America

as the Nut House Pathologically believe the Proven Lies they Preach to We the People

while the U.S. Boarder was Secure until the Biden Nut House Unsecured the Boarder

as they Make Believe and Preach the U.S. Borders are Closed

when We the People can clearly see the Biden Nut House is Lying

and doing very real harm to America

as Terrorist from 29 different countries are Invading America

Proving Treason against All of We the People by the Biden Nut House

while the Criminal Gangs we deported to South Central America over the many years

now control South Central America

and we should have put these Criminals in Jails and not free them into outer countries

where they can do many times the harm and come back to the U.S.

and do many times the harm

while Phony Kamala ~ Antifa ~ Harris has proven she supports Domestic Terrorism

and the very best she can do when confronted with the realty of a Crises and Tragedy

is Laugh it off and Smile

as We the People live with the most incomplete incompetent people in my life time

in the Nut Case White House

as the Media and Press continue to Support the Proven Treason by Dementia Joe Biden


June 8, 2021

The Republic of the United States of America is no longer United

while the Un-United States is still a Republic not a Democracy

and in a Republic the Individual is Equal to the Majority

while in a Democracy the Majority Rules over the Minority

and an individual has zero Equality

and the New Fascist Treasonous Criminal Democratic Party

is not Listening to the Democratic Americans

and Democrats are leaving the Democratic Party

that is no longer representing the Democrats

as the Democratic Party ignores the many voices of their own American People

because the Leadership or lack there of the Democratic Party is Proven Organized Crime


June 7, 2021

Humans have been around the Corona Virus

for as long as Humans have been around Dogs

and one of the vaccines we give our Dogs is for the Corona Virus

while most Humans are Immune to the Corona Virus

as the China re-engineered Corona virus is not killing Healthy Humans

just the already Dying Humans that would have soon died regardless of the virus

as 10,000 people die everyday in america of something

and some of those already dying died a little sooner with the Corona Virus


I had the Corona Virus in February of 2020

and at 64 years of age the Virus was like a bad 3 day cold


I have investigated the Corona Virus everyday since march 13, 2020

and in that investigation I came across a Leaked German Government Report

that states the Corona Virus is a World Wide False Alarm

and I agree with that statement

as the Mild Corona Virus is real

while only the already very sick with 12 months or less to live died with the corona virus

as 99.99 % of those with the virus lived

and many others who had the virus did not know they had this mild virus

while every year the yearly flu virus takes the lives of the already unhealthy weak and frail

while the Political Media Paranoia Brainwashing and

the Lock Downs

the Schools Closings

the Mask Mandates

are all a very scientifically proven Political Scam

and only made everything much worse for everyone

as the Media and Press controlled by the Billionaire Democrats

ignored and withheld this leaked German Government statement

along with many very important Medical facts

withheld from the Public by the Media and Press

that prove Malpractice Fauci is a Fraud in Medicine

as the majority of the Media and Press

continue to Preach Proven Frauds in Science and Medicine are Hero’s

while the Media and Press have earned zero right to Scientific Opinion

as the Media and Press continue to provide the public with proven political lies

and disinformation doing only further proven harm to

All of We the People

while everything I have stated since March 13, 2020 on this web site

about the Corona Virus

continues to be true today and proving Fraud by Malpractice Fauci

who is a Trader to America

while people like Joe Berry Stanford University were telling me to


as Stanford University Doctors are now stating what I stated going back to March of 2020

as people like Joe Berry can only prove their Fascism as they are against Free Speech

and are against open question test rebuttal debate of their Fraudulent Science

as there are many proven Frauds in Science

who are made into Hero’s by the Media and Press for the sake of their political agenda


The only thing the Democrats have scientifically proven is

they are Fascist against Freedom who are Politically Brainwashing our Children

in Public Schools against the wishes of their Parents

further proving Democratic Fascism is destroying America

with the help of China and Teachers Unions

as China is now a proven major negative influence in our Schools and Universities


June 6, 2021

To: Joe Berry

did you tell the Medical Experts at Stanford to Shut Up too ?

as I can Debunk Your Words

as your words debunk you

as you can not debunk me


My argument by me and no one else.

I am not a Puppet while Joe Biden is ~

and what are You ?

as you make believe I am being Coached like you



unlike you

I am Completely Independent

I am not a Democrat or Republican or apart of any Political Party

because Political Parties are the Proven Cancer and not the Cure

I am a Independent Scientist

working only for myself and ~ Paid ~ by no one for my work in science

for the Questioned Truth in all of Life and knowledge for a better life for All

and no one is Helping me and no one is Coaching me

I am a one man show Investigating and Proving Fraud in Science for many years

and your words can prove nothing in science

and you can not prove your flawed incomplete self debunked science is real with your

belittling words further proving you are Pathological not Factual

as you reject all question and debate in real science

as you are part of a Lunatic Political Agenda based on Fascist Power Control and Profit

that can prove nothing with Real Science Data

as you ignore the real science for your debunked true belief

as many who call themselves a Scientist are proven Frauds and Lairs for Profit



May 25 ~ June 5

~ 2021 ~

…when you catch a Timber Rattler

and skin it and throw it in a Frying Pan

as it is still wiggling with no head or skin and cook it

it still taste like chicken

and there can be no question test rebuttal debate


Face Book = Fascism

in the Home of the Free and the Brave


Joe Biden has proven he is an Idiot for over 50 years

and now he is an Idiot with Dementia

and if there is a God ~

God Bless the Universe

as the Treason continues against We the People who are America

and when the price of everything is Doubling

and Housing and Construction Materials have gone up 300%

and the people who are working

are paying for the people who are paid more money to not work

then there is something scientifically proven wrong

in our New Democratic Fascist Utopia Normal


question test rebuttal debate

~ Question ~

and when will a Terrorist with a Suite Case size Nuclear Weapon

made in Russia or China or North Korea or from any where

going to ~ Freely ~ Cross the U.S. Boarder ?

and maybe the nuclear weapon will be Made in America by Antifa

who are supported by the Democrats who have provided Legal Funding

and Transportation for Antifa

who bashed in the heads of 55 Law Enforcement Officers last summer with Tire Irons

as only Political Lunatics and Criminals want to defund the Police

as the majority of All of We the People do not want to reduce Law Enforcement in America

as the majority of the Media and Press have sided with the proven Lunatics and Criminals

while providing We the People with only Disinformation for Political Ploy

for their Political agenda

as they silence the proven fact tested reality in science

as they have decided for you what reality is based on zero reality in science


…in the Democratic Fascist America ~

there can be no question test rebuttal debate of the science

as those who failed 5th grade science and continue to fail Grade school science

control our Daily Lives

as the same Certifiable Criminal Lunatics are in Charge of the U.S. Government

as Joe Biden continues to Commit Treason against America

as Joe and his Family have taken money from our Enemies for many Years

as Criminals from across the Borders control our U.S. Borders with Joe Biden’s Blessings

as the majority of the Media and Press have taken sides with the

Treason Against All of We the People

while Joe Biden’s Doctor Malpractice Fauci is a Proven Fraud in Science and Medicine

and is doing Deliberate Harm to All of We the People for Profit

just like Kamala Antifa Harris

and Bill ~ MSNBC ~ Gates

who funds and supports Black Lives Mater

as both are Criminal Organizations causing the Deaths of many Innocent Americans


China and Bill ~ MSNBC ~ Gates

are number one together at the would health Dis Organization

while Fauci and Mike Bloomberg are one together

while Fauci is one with China

and every word preached by Fraudulent Fauci has been Scientifically Debunked

and soon we will have the Malpractice Fauci science fiction Media Papers

for Political Ploy and Profit



beyond Preached Lunatic Political Media Science Fiction


…where I come from ~

science is debated not dictated

and ignoring facts debunking a study is not science

ignoring very available known facts in a Scientific Study debunking the study

is Lunatic Political Science Fiction doing test proven Harm

for Fascist Power Control and Profit


I have been Investigating and Proving Fraud in Climate Science since 2007

with over 45 years of working back ground in

Atmospheric Emission Science Physics and Chemistry


There is Zero Climate Crises

as Catastrophic Doomsday Climate Warming Paranoia

it is a scientifically test proven Political Media Religion

because there is no proven climate emergency

it is all a scientifically test proven political media lie

by proven frauds in science for profit

as Scientifically proven


The Ouija Board Science is Self Debunked

and the 1896 Arrhenius Science Paper

is an outdated incomplete science paper being used by many

as scientific proof Carbon based Humans cause all climate warming

and can Prove only Fraud in Climate Science


To: Joe Berry

Senior Staff Scientist Emeritus

Carnegie Department of Global Ecology

Stanford University


Climate Science is a New Science

as we have far more to learn than we know today

as Proven Lunatics Preach to us the Science is Settled

when settled science does not exist in real science

as we learn and know something new everyday in every science



” the doctrine that the truth in all knowledge must always be in question “

by Scientific Method

by Review Analyze Question Test Rebuttal Debate

as we grow forward in science by acknowledging our mistakes

as our successes are based on our admitted failures

as we must know failure to succeed

as we know the number one climate variable is the variable Sun with many cycles

while we have so called Experts in Climate Science

who are Forestry and Ecology Majors

like Steve Running who is part of NASA

who has zero back ground in Atmospheric Emission Science Physics and Chemistry

who Preaches to us the Sun is not a Climate Variable

as they ignore more than a dozen climate variables and climate history

proving they are wrong

proving they are Lunatics not Scientists

as they refuse to publicly debate their proven to be

Preached Lunatic Political Science Fiction for Profit

as there are many proven Frauds in Climate Science as they Profit from their proven lies



I Challenge You


to an open public debate

in proven fact tested reality in science


science is to know


as you reject question test rebuttal debate

when the Science Community ~ Knows ~ from Ice Core Science

there have been Ice Ages with many times the CO2 in the air than today

while Montana had California Climate 1000 years ago for 200 years

further proving you are pathological not factual

as you ignore all science and data

that continue to further debunk your self debunked unproven theory

as You Preach Doomsday Climate Paranoia based on Proven Lies

as your proven to be Lunatic Paranoid Political Media Climate Religion

refuses to allow Public Debate of your Preached Climate Paranoia

as there is more science missing from your unproven theory

than in your debunked unproven theory


as you make believe

Carbon based Oxygen = CO2 = Carbon Dioxide

is the cause of all Climate Warming

as Preached to the Public

when over 97% of the CO2 in the air caused by Nature

as warming by the variable Sun increases the rate of Evaporation of Water Vapor and CO2

causing more Green more Food more Oxygen and a more Healthy Environment

as CO2 and Water vapor is the byproduct of warming not the cause of warming

with less than 3% of the CO2 caused by Carbon based Humans

as it is Preached to the Public that all Climate Warming and Change is caused by Humans

as you ignore basic Physics and Chemistry

that further debunk your flawed self debunked unproven theory

as you ignore All Heat Rises

forcing Frozen air downward

causing the Ice Caps at the Poles of this Carbon based Earth

and in that frozen air crashing downward

increased levels of evaporated Water Vapor and Frozen CO2 = Dry Ice

with the frozen CO2 cooling the air 10 times faster and 20 times longer

than the increased levels of water vapor

offsetting the warm air rising that is leaving the lower atmosphere

as you just ignore in your unproven theory the majority of many known climate variables

while I can only think of about a Dozen Climate Variables you just ignore

further debunking your flawed incomplete self debunked Hypothetical Conjecture

as there are more Scientists who disagree with your unproven theory

than agree with the self debunked unproven theory

as the Scientific Consensus is a very proven Political Media Lie

as there can be no consensus in self debunked unproven theory

based on a proven to be Flawed Incomplete Study

supported by proven to be False and Fraudulent Data

to make self debunked Climate Predictions of the unknowable future that never come true

as we were all told entire nations would be underwater by 2013

based on Lunatic Prediction

based on Flawed Incomplete Science based on Fraudulent Data

while it is much easier for most people to just believe the many proven Political Media Lies

than to comprehend the questioned tested Truth

that is withheld by the Media and Press from the Public

as they Make Believe more than they can question test and Know

when science is: to know

and Educators who impose their political agenda on their Students

are not Educators they are Political Preachers doing only Social Harm

as we have High School Students in America

who are Failing 5th Grade Reading Writing Math and Science

who are Preaching Lunatic Political Science Fiction

as Woke and Cancel Culture define Prejudice

while Critical Race Theory is Lunatic Marxist Fascism

~ Joe ~

your self debunked unproven theory rejects tested knowledge

while Preaching Lunatic Catastrophic Doomsday Climate Warming Paranoia

when CO2 can not Harm the Greenhouse because CO2 is the Cause of the Greenhouse

CO2 + Water Vapor + Sun Energy = Green = Environment

causing the carbon oxygen hydrogen cycle

causing all Carbon based Life on this CO2 starved Carbon based Earth

and the Preached Catastrophic Doomsday Climate Emergency does not Exist

it is a scientifically proven Lie

there is only the Political Media Brainwashed Paranoia

doing only Harm to all Living Nature for Profit

and question

when did all heat stop rising

causing the Ice Caps at the Earths Poles

because if heat did not rise there would be zero Ice on this Carbon based Earth

as your Lunatic Paranoid Climate Religion Preaches Skepticism is a Mental Flaw

further proving your Paranoid Religion has earned zero right to scientific opinion

as you reject question you reject knowledge as you reject Truth

~ Question ~

if the atmosphere was the size of a football field

all the CO2 in the air would be the Equivalent to a string the thickness of a dime

down the middle of the fifty yard line

and how does something the size of a string

trap heat on something the size of a football field

when all heat rises removing heat that is replaced with sub zero frozen air

causing the Ice Caps at the Poles of this carbon based Earth

as your flawed incomplete unproven theory is supported by proven to be fraudulent data

as you Preach Paranoia based on debunked unproven theory

proving you are Pathological not Factual


you are a Lunatic Preacher and not a real scientist

who can not prove there is a climate emergency

or prove Humans are responsible for something that is not happening

as you Preach debunked Lunatic Science Fiction is Reality

as your reality is based on proven fraud in science

as 87% of the National Academy of Science did not sign your Lunatic Letter

preaching doomsday climate Paranoia based on flawed incomplete science

while 49 NASA Scientists disagree with NASA Political Wing Nuts

and your Lunatic Letter of Paranoia

just as 30,000 other Scientists over 9,000 of them with PhD’s

disagree with your self debunked unproven theory

Preached as Reality by proven Frauds and Lunatics

as you reject question because can not answer the real questions in real science

further proving you are Pathological not Factual

as you continue to ignore Fact for Lunatic Political Science Fiction

doing only Harm while costing Trillions of Dollars

as your proven Pathological Ignorance is by Political Choice



50% of Americans did not like President Abraham Lincoln

and he was Assassinated


I do not like Donald Trump


of Donald’s public personal negative unnecessary Insults

and I did not vote for Donald Trump or Hillary Treasonous Clinton in 2016

and I did not vote for Donald Trump because I like Donald Trump in 2020

I voted for Donald Trump in 2020 because I Like Freedom and Hate Fascism

and I will vote for anyone

Including Donald Trump

who will continue Donald Trumps Logical Intelligent Policies

causing Good for All of We the People who are America


The Rebuttal to Democratic Idiot-ology


Lunatic Political Science Fiction Religion is: not Science

Lunatic Political Science Fiction Religion is: the cause of War causing Death

and when you Politically Brainwash the Mind

then there is no Mind Heart and Spirit Living in the Soul


The Democrats and Republicans in the State of Montana are Criminals

and that is why the

Government of the State of Montana is a Criminal Organization

and hopefully Greg our new Governor will ~ try ~ to fix it

and Be

the Positive Mind Heart and Spirit Living in the Soul of Montana


May 17 ~ 24


…by question test rebuttal debate ~

and I can Prove my statements

and can you prove the words you Preach ?

…and if you like my science then you will like me ~

and if you do not like my science then I hope you will still like me

Bruce A. Kershaw

Class of 74 Helena High

406 – 449 – 7987


…and who Brainwashed you ?

~ because ~

ignoring test proven fact for persuaded belief is not science

~ because ~

Censorship is Fascism

and destroying and rewriting known history is Fascism

and Preaching Hate and Paranoia is not Science

and without Carbon on this Carbon based Earth

causing a carbon oxygen hydrogen cycle

causing all Carbon based Life and Carbon based Energy

in a continuous recycle

nothing would Exist


Evaporated from the Oceans caused by Warming by the Variable Sun

CO2 + Water Vapor + Sun Energy = Green = Environment

with the CO2 from Volcanic Activity below Sea level for Billions of years

Acidifying the Oceans for Billions of years


6CO2 + 6H2O + v ~> C6H12O6 + 6O2


and as warming by the Variable Sun increases

the evaporation CO2 and Water Vapor increases

causing more Green causing more O2 = Oxygen

while causing Food and the Environment = All Living Nature

as CO2 is the Byproduct of Energy and the byproduct of Warming

causing all Carbon based Life

on this CO2 starved Carbon based Earth

and not the cause of Warming

as Scientifically Proven

as Warming by the variable Sun occurs first

and then evaporated CO2 and Water Vapor levels rise

causing Green causing the Environment

causing All Secondary Carbon based Life and Energy

in a continuous recycle


The Human Body is 20% Carbon made by the Carbon Cycle

caused by Carbon based Oxygen = CO2 = Carbon Dioxide and Water Vapor

with the CO2 from the Hot Churning Liquid Core of this Carbon based Earth

as the byproduct of Carbon based Energy is the cause of all Carbon based Life

on this CO2 starved Carbon based Earth

where everything has Carbon in it

Carbon is not Toxic Pollution

as Preached by Catastrophic Doomsday Climate Paranoia for Profit

doing Harm to Nature


All of We the People

must Live with Crime in Every Level of Government in America

in the Cities Counties States and Federal Level

as All of We the People are the Victims of Criminal Government

as Ignorance Dictates our Lives


Political Parties are the Cancer not the Cure

as they do not Represent the Will of We the People

they represent their will against our will


Only State Law Makers can Change Election Laws



Four States Unconstitutionally Changed Election Laws

just prior to the 2020 Presidential Election

as these Election Laws were unlawfully changed by those who are not Law Makers

while Official Election Observers in many other states

were Denied their right to Observe the Counting of Election Ballots

and then the U.S. Supreme Court Failed

All of We the People

by rejecting their Oath and Constitutional Responsibility

just as they have done before in the Constitutional History of America

as the Media and Press provide proven Disinformation and Lies for political ploy

for a Criminal Political Party Who Own and Control the Media and Press


…and there will be Alive at Five in Helena Montana again

~ unless the Political Pathological Lunatics who failed grade school science say no ~


Joe Biden continues to medically Prove he is incoherent and incompetent

~ Mentally Displaced ~

Joe Biden is a Political Pathological Fraud with Dementia


Joe Biden is a Fascist Treasonous Trader

and he doesn’t know it

while our Public Schools are becoming Political Churches by Teachers Unions

and who brainwashed you ?


~ of the government by the government for the government ~

and the number one Criminal Organization in

The State of Montana is:

The Montana State Government


Misconstrued would best describe reality today for many People

caused by the Proven Fraud by Misinformation and Lies for political ploy

by the Media and Press

as Power Control and Profit reject the tested realities


The Dumbing Down of Joe Biden and Joe Berry

~ question test rebuttal debate ~

To: Joe Berry

Stanford University


You have an unproven theory that is debunked by known Nature

as we continue to see winter weather here in Montana 10 days away from June

as the winters continue to be longer and the summers shorter since about 2012

as we have a 40% increase in Sea Ice since about 2012

as the Sea level continues to rise and fall the thickness of a dime

proving Fraud by Al Gore and his Climate Reality Project Scam for Profit

along with all the other Political Media Preachers for Profit

as my Energy Consumption continues to go up every year

for Heating not Cooling

as our Winter Weather continues as we are going into June

and I was hoping to watch my grandson Pitch a Baseball Game

as we continue to Cancel Baseball Games

and not because of Spring Rain but for Winter Snow

as the Preached Political Media Climate Warming Emergency

is a Scientifically Proven Lie for Profit

as climate change is real for billions of years but not caused by CO2

while Carbon based Humans produce less than 3% of the CO2 in the air

CO2 + Water Vapor + Sun Energy = Green = Environment

and is the evaporated byproduct of warming and not the cause of warming

as Scientifically Proven

as we know from Ice Core Science of Ice Ages

with many times the CO2 level than in the air today

while Montana had California climate 1000 years ago for 200 years

caused by the variable Sun

as you ignore many of the known facts for Lunatic Political Science Fiction

doing harm to the cause of Green for Profit costing We the People Trillions

to do only harm and zero good

as you ignore all the Natural Cycles of Nature

that debunk the very flawed incomplete and proven to be fraudulent climate study

as debunked unproven theory is not science in tested reality

where settled science does not exist

as unproven theory is Preached and Politically Dictated as Settled Science

by test proven Frauds




About Bruce A. Kershaw

Born ~ March 27, 1956 at 11:10 pm Long Beach California other wise I'm still breathing O2 made from CO2 and eating food made from CO2 ~ the rest is Icing on the cake ~
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