…the Rebuttal To: The Puppet Biden Nut House


March, 7 2021

The Corona virus is Real

just like the other 150 viruses

as the Politics of the Corona virus is a proven Political Scam

supported by proven Disinformation and Lies by the Media and Press

as they Censor the voice of the real Experts in Science and Medicine

for proven Political Ploy

and are we now going to do the very same for the other 150 viruses

so proven fascism can control our daily lives

based on their proven to be debunked political science fiction


10,000 Americans die everyday of something

and those who died with the Corona virus were already dying before the caught the virus

and when I had the mild Corona virus at 64 years young

I then knew the yearly flu virus is many times worse than the Corona virus


Those who have earned zero right to Scientific Opinion

Dictate their hearsay Lunatic Political Science Fiction

for power control and profit

while doing only test proven harm to everyone


March 5, 2021

when you ban history you then ban growing forward and then go backwards


prior to the

Seventeenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution

State Governments Decided all the Votes in the U.S. Senate

as State Governments Instructed their Senators how to vote

as U.S. Senators were the Messengers for the votes not the Deciders of how to vote

in the U.S. Senate

making the States a working part of the U.S. Government

making the States United

and today States do not decide the Votes in the U.S. Senate

Billionaires who own and control Political Parties Decide the Votes in the Senate

as the States no longer have any Control or Say over the U.S. Government

and now the U.S. Government is Dictating to all of the Un-United States Governments

instead of All the State Governments together Dictating to the U.S. Government

while the same Billionaires who now Own the Senate

Own Dementia Joe Biden

and Paranoid Nancy

and I will not Assume a Girls name means Nancy is a Girl

while I almost said She


The Senate is the Voice of All the States United

and that voice is now missing and must be restored

or be forever the Un-United States of America


March 4, 2021

Ignored Proven Fact Tested Reality in Science

as the Preached Political Media Paranoia continues to grow


question test rebuttal debate

To: Joe Berry

Stanford University



and show me if I am Wrong ~

CO2 + Water Vapor + Sun Energy = Green = Environment

and the more CO2 and Water Vapor going into the air

the Greener this CO2 Starved Carbon based Earth

as CO2 and Water vapor is the byproduct of warming not the cause of warming

causing all carbon based life on this carbon based earth



To: Bill Gates


~ when you pump CO2 deep into the ground ~

1 ~ You reduce CO2 for Plants and Tress to Breathe

2 ~ You reduce O2 = Oxygen levels in the air for you and I to Breathe

3 ~ You turn underground Water into an Acid


the testing by Harvard at the University of Montana Bozeman

was very flawed

while the testing did prove CO2 turns underground water into an Acid

the testing did not use what is being pumped into the ground in their testing

the test used only one of many Exhaust Gases

and not providing the needed outcome

because the testing did not incorporate all the known variables

making it flawed because it is incomplete

as we do not know more than we do know

because their are too many unanswered questions

because we already know there is much more available to know

because we know there is a test to do that we have yet to do

then knowing there is much more to know

to be continued


Blinded by Persuaded Faith to Profit Billionaires

as we are now being Punished by Political Insanity


Political Parties are the Cancer not the Cure

and we should Abolish all Political Parties

and Reverse the 17th Amendment


…and up until about four years ago

I gave a little money to a few Democrats

and now I only give money to Republicans


Tested Reality is: Proven and not Preached and Believed

 Paranoia is: Living in Fear of something that is not Real or not happening

Fascism is: One Political Party Dictating a False Reality

as the Fascist Party of Doomsday Paranoia

Controlled by 60 Billionaires

who are now proven Fascist Treasonous Traitors

and are now back in Charge and are further Destroying America

for their power control and profit

who tell us

when there is a Real Crises that the Crises that is happening is not Real

because Paranoia can not see proven fact tested reality

while their Preached Racism is a politically brainwashed state of mind for political ploy

just as the NAZI Party did too

just as the NAZI Party Ban Books too

while proving to us their preached paranoia is not just for political ploy

proving their Dictated Paranoia is Real Paranoia

as the Paranoid preach to us

who are not paranoid that we need reprogramming

just like they do in China too


…their proven Political Media Insanity is ~ their ~ Un-Tested Pathological Reality


~ Impeach Puppet President Kamala Harris ~

as the Democrats will have to remove their Dementia Puppet Joe


When Blinded by Persuaded Faith

you can not Look and See

as you just believe the test proven lies you are told to just believe

but to know the truth you must know the proven lies

as the truth in knowledge must always be in Question

as the truth can not be persuaded by feelings

as the truth can only be tested and always in question


science is: to know = factual

and not personal emotional feelings of persuaded make believe = pathological

as only Lunatics can Dictate Lunatic Political Science Fiction

as Political Faith in Media Preached Ignorance dictates lunatic science

as only Ignorance can dictate Ignorance


Bruce A. Kershaw

45 plus years

Atmospheric Emission Science Physics and Chemistry

Investigating and Proving Fraud in Climate Science

since the spring of 2007

[email protected]


The Byproduct of Energy is: Life


All Carbon based Life on this Carbon based Earth is the Byproduct of Energy


All Primary Carbon Based Life

Above Sea Level

is caused by

CO2 + Water Vapor + Sun Energy = Green = Environment

with the majority of CO2 from

Very Variable



Volcanic Activity below Sea level

Acidifying the Oceans over Billions of Years

while causing all Secondary Carbon based Life and Energy

above Sea level

all in a continuous Recycle by the Carbon Cycle


The Increase in Evaporated CO2 and Water Vapor is the Byproduct of Warming

by the variable Sun with many cycles

as the variable Sun continues to be warmer and brighter

as Warming by the variable Sun occurs first

and then evaporated Water Vapor and CO2 levels rise


CO2 causing Climate Warming is a Debunked Unproven Theory

preached as settled science

in a brand new science

when settled science does not exist

Preached by Political Media Doomsday Climate Paranoia

to profit billionaires doing only harm to the carbon cycle


There is zero Catastrophic Doomsday Climate Warming

there is zero Catastrophic Doomsday Ice Melt

and there is zero Catastrophic Doomsday Sea Level rise

as Scientifically Proven

as Political Media Brainwashed Climate Paranoia is a Lunatic Political Religion

to profit billionaires doing only harm to the carbon cycle

on this CO2 starved carbon based Earth


Failing Grade School Science and Medicine


…as Joe Biden continues to Fail 3rd Grade Science


Bill ~ MSNBC ~ Gates

continues to Fail 5th Grade Science

and we can not allow the Pathological to Dictate the Factual ~

as there can be no Factual in Pathological


49 NASA Scientists do not agree with Bill Gates

87% of the National Academy of Science do not agree with Bill Gates

and over 30,000 other Scientists over 9,000 of them with PhD’s

do not agree with the Fascist Lunatic Traitor for Profit

Bill ~ MSNBC ~ Gates

as they together are number one in Political Media Brainwashing

for Bills Power Control and Profit

who allow zero question test rebuttal debate to their proven disinformation and lies

nor can they provide when requested for many years

real science data to prove they are not Frauds in Science and Medicine


as the real scientists who do not agree with Bill Gates are called

The Deniers

and are allowed zero voice in the media for rebuttal

while Bill Gates who can not articulate or debate his lunatic science

has proven he has earned zero right to opinion


carbon oxygen hydrogen cycle


Nature Produces over 97% of the CO2 in the Air

causing the

Carbon Cycle with Oxygen and Hydrogen

causing the primary and secondary Life and Energy cycle


Joe Biden and Bill Gates will never Comprehend

as they have proven they have earned zero right to scientific opinion

as they Preach to us their Lunatic Opinion

as they can only prove their Ignorance in real science and medicine

as they profit from their Lunatic science doing only harm to all living breathing nature

as they refuse to allow Public Question Test Rebuttal or Debate

as they reject real science data proving they are wrong

as they can provide zero science data to prove they are not proven frauds in science

for their Power Control and Profit

as they are Scientifically proven to be Pathological not Factual


carbon oxygen hydrogen

carbon and oxygen


C = carbon & O2 = oxygen

oxygen that is ~ based ~ to carbon is: carbon ~ based ~ oxygen =  Carbon Dioxide

 Di = 2

oxide = oxygen

Di-oxide = 2 oxygen atoms = O2



carbon and oxygen bonded together

caused by

the hot churning liquid core of this carbon based earth

causing the carbon based Life and Energy cycle above and below sea level


there can be zero tested Legal Science Argument in a Lunatic Reality for Profit


Antifa is turning on Nancy


To: Nancy Pelosi ~

and how many more parts and words of the Dictionary

do you want to remove from Tested Reality ?

Dear Nancy,

I know some very Real People who can Help You with your Paranoia

~ but for now ~

I guess the only way I can secure my Social Safety

is to tell People I am a Lesbian

because You Nancy Pelosi say I can no longer be a Man

or a Son or Brother or Father or Grand Father

or Grandson or Great Grandson

or a new born boy

I can now only be a new born

or be a young boy

I can now only be young and not a boy

or be a young Man

or anything beyond less than nothing

as I can no longer be who I am

and just for You Nancy

…and if You would like to talk ?

its OK with Me

and is it OK to say ~ Me ~ right now

is it OK for Me to be a Me ?



Nancy is far beyond a Pathological Lunatic

while she is wearing a mask that is trapping CO2 in her body

while she is re-breathing CO2 trapped in her mask

causing oxygen deprivation to her body

doing real damage to her brain and vital internal organs

while if her mask is not changed every four hours

she is then breathing from the mold and bacteria growing in her mask

doing further damage to all of her body and whats right or left of her Brain


To: Malpractice Fauci

wearing a mask is slow suffocation

depriving up to 20% of the oxygen needed for the body to stay and be healthy

and if you can smell car exhaust through your mask it can not protect you from Viruses

while the Elderly need more Oxygen not 20% less

while Joe Biden is now wearing two masks and doing twice the harm of one mask

as Joe is already proven to be Mentally Impaired by his obvious Dementia

while Joe’s Brain is very much in need more oxygen not less oxygen

and depriving your body of oxygen everyday for one year will do only harm and zero good

as there is Silent Harm happening to everyone caused by the improper use of a mask

and more so for Children and the Elderly


We are making Healthy People not effected by the Corona virus slowly Sick

while the Lock Downs and Mandatory wearing of a Mask is very proven

to only make everything much worse

and is a Fascist abuse of Power

as only Time will Tell

the many negative effects caused by this abuse of Power

by those who failed grade school science

who reject real science for their Power and Control and Profit




Preaching Doomsday Paranoia

 with many failed Doomsday Predictions over the past 30 plus years

with a new Doomsday Prediction after every failed Doomsday Prediction

based on debunked unproven theory in science

Scientifically Proves Nothing

in the Laws of Science or in the Science of Law

but Preaching Fear and Paranoia is the best way to Control People

who allow their Persuaded Faith in Political Ignorance to Dictate their Life

while those Preaching Doomsday Paranoia are not Scientists

they are Paranoid Doomsday Lunatics

with many Lunatic Doomsday Predictions based on Proven Ignorance

that obviously never happen as they Profit

as the prediction of the unknowable future is not science

as those who failed 5th grade science and have earned zero right to scientific opinion

as they Dictate Science and Medicine for Power Control and Profit

~ like ~

Bill ~ MSNBC ~ Gates

who Preaches we need more Lock Downs

but only when he is not Preaching his Doomsday Climate Paranoia for Profit

while Censoring the Questioned Tested Debated Truth in Knowledge

for more Profit


Bill ~ MSNBC ~ Gates

is the very Best Political Media Brainwasher in America

for his Power Control and Profit


Bill is the Devil behind the Mask

and a proven Political Media Fraud in Science and Medicine for Profit

as Proven Lunatics and Frauds are in Charge of the Biden Nut House

who are Destroying the America of All of We the People


Bill ~ Microsoft ~ NBC ~ Gates

is Number One in China and the World Health Organization

and is a Proven Political Media Fraud in Science and Medicine for Profit

and is Backed 1000% by the Media and Press he owns

as Bill the best Political Media Brainwasher can do no wrong

as Bill refuses to allow Question Test Rebuttal Debate

Bill is a True Leader in Political Media Organized Crime

Hiding behind ~ Freedom of the Treasonous Press


March 2, 2021

~ question test rebuttal debate ~

Joe Biden Won the Personality Contest


…and who will Mike Bloomberg Choose ~

to be the Vice President for President Kamala Harris ?

~ because ~

Joe Biden with his obvious Dementia is not really the President

as Puppet Joe just signs all the Documents placed in front of him

by Fascist Treasonous Billionaires

as the Criminal Kamala Harris

who supports Antifa

who won zero votes in the Democratic Presidential Primary Race

is the real puppet President


and will Mike Bloomberg Choose Himself to be Vice President ?

so he can replace Criminal President Kamala Harris

when she is removed from office

so Mike can be the proven to be Fascist Treasonous Traitor President

or will Mike pick some one like the Criminal Governor of Montana Steve Bullock

who came in last in the Democratic Presidential Primary

who did not qualify to be in the Primary Presidential Debates

but is now owned by 60 Billionaires

who own and control the Democratic Political Media Corporation


We will have a President who won zero votes in the 2020 Presidential Election

who is owned by 60 Billionaires or is one of the 60 Billionaires

who will continue to Destroy and Trash We the People who are America

the same Billionaires who own the proven to be Fascist Fraudulent Media and Press

who Censor the Questioned Truth in Fact Tested Reality

who continue to provide proven disinformation and proven lies

doing only harm to everyone as they Profit


The proven to be Fascist Democratic Party is proven Organized Crime

for their Power Control and Profit

as they Punish those who are not for them

as their goal is to destroy all freedom as they continue to do

as they allow all Crime to Flourish

as their Deep State continues to commit Treasonous crime against

All of We the People who are America


March 1, 2021


Saturday Night Live

and we are not doing President Joe Biden

because Joe is in the first stages of Dementia

and is being used ~

as Reality is Confronted

and not Preached and just Believed


Tested Reality is Factual and not Preached Political Pathological


The Political Media Brainwashing of Debunked Science


Malpractice Fauci

who Politically Ignores test proven science and medicine

as he is then Praised for his Fraudulent Ignorance

by those who are paid to Preach Fraudulent Political Media Ignorance

who reject Hard Science while Preaching Paranoia to Politically control everyone’s Life

that is doing only proven Harm to All of We the People

as the Media and Press Provide Political Disinformation

the Deliberate Proven Lies

and Censorship

of the proven fact tested reality in Science and Medicine

as they reject tested reality

supported by Scientific Reference by Peer-reviewed Science

withheld from We the People by the proven to be Fascist Media and Press

Destroying America

for the proven to be Fascist Billionaires who own and control the Media and Press

who are on the Side of Fascist China and Fascist Global Elitism


Cancel Culture is: Prejudice Fascism

just as the NAZI party did

and I call it

~ Preached Lunatic Political Science Fiction ~

by Political Media Brainwashed Lunatics


am I pathologically factual or factually pathological

and do you think or just believe

as I am now just a noun with no gender designation

according to test proven Politically Cloned Prejudice Fascist Lunatics


I am just a Person Place Thing or Action

or none of the above

and nothing beyond that now

and is time a noun before and after now

as yesterdays tomorrow is today


the byproduct of energy is life

causing new energy causing new life

in a continuous recycle


February 26, 2021

after watching the Kennedy Assassination

I leaned democrat the majority of my 65 years of life

but now that I am not for any Democrats

 I will and must now I be Punished by Democrats


we no longer need background cheeks to buy a gun

we can now just buy the guns and drugs coming across the boarders again

for the Criminals who are in America who have just been let out of Jail

who can now buy or be given the guns coming across the boarders

from the MS 13 Gang Members

who now dominate some south american country’s

~ and we will even buy them Lunch when they get here ~

and thank goodness

the Child Sex Slave Trade is up and Running again in America too

and for who ?

~ while ~

The Seventeenth Amendment

~ Un United the United States ~


…if you try to Politically Brainwash Me

can I then try to Politically Brainwash You ?

or did your Fascism Deliberately committing Treason already Kill Freedom in America ?


science is: to know


question test rebuttal debate

and if you do not comprehend my science argument

then you do not comprehend science

and have earned zero right to scientific opinion


Pathological is not Factual


and what ever happens Happens

February 24, 2021

the year of ?


 when only one politically persuaded make believe can dictate all Life

on this CO2 starved Carbon based Earth

CO2 + Water Vapor + Sun Energy = Green =

Environment = All Secondary Carbon based Life and Energy

caused by Primary Carbon based Energy causing Primary Carbon based Life

known as the Carbon Cycle caused by this Carbon based Earth

where every thing Breathing and not Breathing has Carbon in it

with the exception of a hand full microbes


All Carbon based Life is the byproduct of Carbon based Energy

in a Continuous Carbon Oxygen Hydrogen Cycle and Recycle

over and over

above and below sea level


Letter to the Editor

My Rebuttal to the Clones of Political Media Fascism Preaching Paranoia

for Political Ploy

for the sake of their power control and profit


science is: to know




~ to look and see ~

and then review analyze question test rebuttal debate

what you can see

to know the tested reality

as the truth in knowledge must always be in question

and to Ban Education is to Ban Tested Reality

and to Preach disinformation and proven to be lies in science

while Banning all Education and all Rebuttal is: Fascism


question test rebuttal debate

~ and ~

not living: to keep myself alive ?

as the Political Media Brainwashing continues to Destroy We the People


…for there to be proven fact tested reality

~ science is: to know ~

and with the history of knowledge to know better


Billionaire Big Dummies: continue to know nothing for their Profit for Power and Control


I am a Scientist not a Writer,

investigating and proving fraud in science for over 25 years

investigating climate science since 2007 proving fraud by Many

in my continued argument in many forms to many fools

who can not separate their Persuaded Pathological Emotional Feelings

from Factual Knowledge

as they refuse: to know

as they reject all tested fact for persuaded belief they refuse to debate

as they refuse to allow question test rebuttal debate to their true belief

as they are test proven pathological rejecting factual in science

as they do only Harm while believing they are doing only Good

as their Persuaded Faith has destroyed the real science: to know

as they have Fascistly Silenced the voice of knowledge

as only persuaded words can prove nothing


February 23, 2021

~ if ~

 John Kerry

did in fact go behind the Back of the U.S. State Department

and make any Notification and or any Deal with any one of the Iranian Regime

on behave of the Democratic Party

this will be just another proven Deliberate Act of Treason by Democrats

after more than four years of Deliberate Treason by Democrats

against All of We the People who are America

and John Kerry must be Arrested and Tried

and then Punished for his Deliberate Acts of Treason

Against America

while before Iran can achieve a Nuclear Weapon

the Israelis as they did to Iraq

will take out the Nuclear Threat to Israel in Self Defense

of the continued promise by Iran to remove Israel from the Map

while the Dementia Biden Nut House will once again provide Iran with Billions in Cash

to be used against the United States

just as the Treasonous Obama Administration did

and all put together by John Kerry

and what was John Kerry’s profit on this cash deal ?

as we see money going to Democrats from all over this Carbon based Earth

 all paid for by All of We the People to make our proven Enemies Stronger


John Kerry is a Traitor to America

just as John is a proven Traitor to proven fact tested reality in Science for his Profit

on this CO2 Starved Carbon based Earth

CO2 + Water Vapor + Sun Energy = Green = Environment

John Kerry is a Certifiable Lunatic not a Scientist

John is Pathological not Factual

as he believes his proven lies

John is a test proven Political Pathological Fraud in Science


John Preaches Political Science Fiction for Profit


February 22, 2021

We are now Ruled by the Political Media Brainwashing Machine


Terrorist can now Freely cross the U.S. Border

while I do not have Barbwire and the National Guard

protecting my House

~ proving ~

Nancy Pelosi is Politically Pathologically Paranoid


Doctors can be wrong 50% of the time

as you can go to three different Physicians with the same Illness

and all three Doctors can have a different opinion and all of them wrong


the Improper use of a Mask can Kill you

or do serious harm in many ways

and more so for the Elderly and Developing Children


Malpractice Fauci

failed mask science

Fauci has proven his Ignorance in the many serous risks of wearing a mask

and is a Political Fraud working with Mike Bloomberg who is a proven Political Fraud

who controls with 60 other Billionaires the Democratic Party

as Lunatic Fauci Preaches we will still be wearing a mask in 2022

while wearing a mask reduces Oxygen to the Brain and vital Internal Organs by 20%

causing Brain and Internal Organ Damage

to 100% of us who are wearing a mask

while those dying with the corona virus were already dying before they caught the Virus

as 99.99 % of those with the virus Live

while about 10,000 Americans die everyday of something

and some of them catch one of 150 viruses before they Die

~ and they do not need Ventilators ~

they need

~ Oxygen ~

while Lock Downs and wearing a Mask are proven world wide

to increase the spread of the virus

and if we treated the corona virus just as we have treated all other viruses

far fewer people would have Died

as the yearly Flu virus has always been much harder on me

than the corona virus was on me one year ago

as the Corona virus is being used a Fascist Political Tool

for Power Control and Profit

as Fascism is Happening in America


I am told more Humor

to help deal with the fact we have Proven Fascist Treasonous Traitors

in Control of America


All Time is Measured from

~ before and after now ~

proving time is now

as before now is history and after now is always unknown

and all measured from now in time

proving time is now

as history is the key to knowledge

when Belief in the unknown future is Make Believe

and not proven fact tested reality in science in time

because belief is not knowledge in time


We have Smart Lunatics as We Have Dumb Lunatics


We have Factual Lunatics and We have Pathological Lunatics

and when you destroy Yesterday and Today ~

you then Destroy Tomorrow

and when you are forced to do nothing in Life

 you are then their living Dead


science is: to know

~ and ~

Everything the Billionaire Puppeteers

~ Don’t want you to know ~

 and as they say

to many Puppeteers pulling on all the same Strings

Spoil the Soup

while the new Normal is: Democratic Billionaire Fascism


February 21, 2021

Happy Birthday Larry

and that makes you 63 years Wiser than 63 years ago

and I hope all is well for you and everyone

take care



Reducing the cause of Green caused by warming by the variable Sun

will have zero effect on Climate Change caused by the variable Sun

while the Paris Climate Accord

is by a group of Politicians who Preach White Steam = Water Vapor

coming out of Smokestacks is Toxic Poison and Pollution

proving they Failed 3rd Grade Science

and have proven they have earned zero right to scientific opinion in

Atmospheric Emission Science Physics and Chemistry

while they have yet to provide science data to support their Preached Paranoia

in science they can not articulate

as they support their proven to be Flawed Incomplete Climate Study

with proven to be Flawed and Fraudulent Data

while in June of 2010

I requested from then U.S. Senator John Kerry

who is now the Climate Czar

Czar: (zar) (Caesar) emperor of Russia

2 ~ an autocrat – czarina

his Science Data to support the words he continues to Preach

and in the Response Letter from John Kerry

June 14, 2010

there was zero Science Data with a nice Political Sermon

as John Kerry can Prove nothing but his Ignorance in Science

for Profit


…as the very proven Lies and Disinformation in Science and Medicine

for Political Ploy


by the Media and Press Owned by Fascist Billionaires

who are for their Power Control and Profit

that is doing only Harm to All of We the People who are America


question test rebuttal debate

~ Question ~

and after more than 40,000 requests since 2007 with a reward for the Science Data

proving humans cause climate warming

Where is the Data ?


~ $ 100,000.00 ~


for the Peer-reviewed Science Data

Proving Humans cause Climate Warming and or Change

as the available Data shows us there is no Sea level rise and a 40% increase in Sea Ice

while there is a lot of proven to be Flawed and Deliberately Fraudulent Data out there

by proven Frauds in Science

as scientifically proven

~ while ~

this Carbon based Earth

has been through billions of years of climate warming and cooling periods

caused by many climate variables

Ignored by Political Media Preached Doomsday Paranoid Climate Religion

while Humans have been moving to higher ground for about 20 thousand plus years

~ and ~

After 30 plus years of Failed Doomsday Predictions by Democrats

the World is going to End

~ again ~

in Nine years

and then we will here the Democrats Preach to us their next Doomsday Prediction

in Ten years

and then

~ again and again and again ~

based on proven fraud in Science for their Power Control and Profit

~ as ~

Bill Gates has Publicly Proven he Failed

Atmospheric Emission Science Physics and Chemistry

as Bill Gates Preaches his Test Proven Ignorance to the World for his Profit

as Bill is very much for Green = Money and the Power and Control that goes with it

~ and ~

I Just watched the Bill Gates Lunatic Sermon in proven to be Fraudulent Climate Science

on Fox News Sunday with Chris Wallace

and their will be no Scientific Rebuttal to proven Lies by Bill Gates or Fox News

in Climate Science ~ vs ~ Their Climate Religion

as we must live with Lunatic Science preached by Fox News to Profit Bill Gates

based on Zero Public Question Test Rebuttal Debate

…and its tomorrow somewhere

because somewhere its tomorrow

and Human caused Climate Warming is a Debunked Unproven Theory

and Doomsday Climate Paranoia is a Test Proven Lunatic Political Media Religion

based on Brainwashed Lunatic Political Science Fiction

to profit Democratic Billionaires

as this proven to be Media Brainwashed Paranoid Climate Religion refuses to allow any


Question Test Rebuttal Debate


6CO2 + 6H2O = v ~>C6H12O6 + 6O2

CO2 + Water Vapor + Sun Energy = Green = Environment

and is the evaporated byproduct of warming

causing the Carbon Oxygen Hydrogen Life and Energy Cycle

and if you remove all the CO2 from the Air

this will have zero effect on billions of years of climate change

but will end all carbon based life above sea level

at 160 ppm CO2 in the air

as plant suffocation begins at 210 ppm CO2 in the air

while Plants and Trees need four times the CO2 in the air today to be at good health

as warming occurs first and then evaporated CO2 and Water Vapor levels rise

making this Carbon based Earth Green causing the Environment

allowing Secondary Carbon based Life You and Me

causing Secondary Carbon based Energy

in a continuous cycle recycle

on this scientifically proven to be CO2 Starved Carbon based Earth

as all Carbon based Life is the by product of all Carbon based Energy

and with out Carbon based Energy their can be no Carbon based Life

on this Carbon based Earth

and Bill ~ MSNBC ~ Gates

and his political media paranoia brainwashing machine

based on proven to be Flawed Incomplete Fraudulent Science for Billionaire Profits

will not allow any Debate of the test proven facts proving he is a Lunatic

 nor will Chris Wallace and Fox News allow scientific rebuttal to test proven Lies

or provide any Science Data to prove the Lies are not Lies

as words can prove nothing in real science

Bruce A. Kershaw

45 years

Atmospheric Emission Science Physics and Chemistry

with ongoing climate science investigation since 2007 proving Fraud in Climate Science


and In Joe Biden’s America

MS 13

Murders Rapists Gun and Drug and Human Traffickers

coming across the U.S. Border again and again

are now treated better than the Homeless and Homeless Veterans in America

and maybe we should put all of them on buses and send them to Washington D.C. to Live

or maybe to San Francisco


Save America


Reversing the 17th Amendment

and if possible

Abolishing all Political Parties


February 18 ~ 20, 2021

John Kerry just informed All of We the People

and to All Carbon based Humans on this CO2 Starved Carbon based Earth

” its all over in Nine years “

~ again ~

as the democrats continue their paranoid Doomsday Predictions that never come true

based on debunked unproven theory


if Americans do not reduce their CO2 Emissions

and regardless if we do

we will be punished with a Carbon Tax

that will have zero effect on Billions of years of Climate Change

but it will make the right Billionaires much much richer

on this carbon based Earth where everything has carbon init

but China and India do not have to reduce their CO2 Emissions

or pay a carbon tax

while we have been Preached to many times over and over for many years

by proven Political Media Lunatics that Doomsday will be here soon

while many Lunatic Doomsday Predictions later

we are all still here

as NASA Preached to us Manhattan would be underwater by now

based on proven to be flawed incomplete science supported by proven to be flawed data

while they are still driving around in Cars in Manhattan and not in Boats

as Al Gore Preached to us

that entire nations would be underwater by 2013

as the Sea Level continues to rise and fall the thickness of a dime

while Sea Ice has increased by 40% since 2012

as the Lunatic Scam for Billionaire Profits continues

and as we are now seeing record cold temperatures like here in Montana

as the Lunatics continue to preach to us we are having record warm temperatures


the Data is Deliberately Flawed

and we have Scientists who have admitted

their Ocean temperature measurements were Flawed


they did not average their High Temperature measurements with the Low measurements

as they used only the Highest Temperature Measurements of the Oceans

while the Oceans and Earths Crust and Lower Atmosphere

are primarily heated by the earths hot churning liquid core


Weather Stations in the coldest climates on this Carbon based Earth

have been turned off

and many new Weather Stations placed on Tarred Roof Tops

next to Heating and Air Conditioning outlets

and along busy paved highways

providing us with Manipulated Fraudulent Weather Measurements

that can no longer be averaged with the now missing lowest Temperature Measurements

to support a political agenda of Climate Warming

that is not happening

and is Scam Science Fiction to make Democratic Billionaires Rich

while doing only harm to the cause of Green

 the cause of the Carbon Cycle the Environment and all Carbon based Life


Evaporated by Warming by the variable Sun with many cycles

CO2 + Water Vapor + Sun Energy = Green = Environment

ignored by paranoid climate Religion


and this is only a small part of the proven Political Media Fraud in Climate Science

by 60 Billionaires who own the Democrats and the majority of the Media and Press

as we have many proven Fascist Frauds in Science and Medicine

who are supported by the Billionaire Democrats and their Media and Press

who allow zero scientific rebuttal in their Fascist Fraudulent Media and Press

as they Preach to us their Doomsday Paranoid Climate Warming Religion

based on Scientifically Debunked Unproven Theory

as we live with Deliberate Fraud in Science and Medicine to Profit Billionaires

who are Destroying America for the sake of their Power and Control

over All of We thew People


Nature is responsible for over 97% of the CO2 in the air

while the majority of CO2 comes from volcanic Activity below Sea level

while all the Lungs on this Carbon based Earth produce more CO2 than all the Cars

and regardless of CO2 generated by Carbon based Humans

CO2 is proven to not be causing Catastrophic Climate Warming

as Preached by proven Frauds

and we know from Ice Core Science there have been Ice Ages

with many times the CO2 in the air than today

and we know it was much warmer 1000 years ago for 200 years

caused by the number one climate variable

the variable Sun with many cycles

while the Lunatics Preach to us the variable Sun is not a factor in climate change

proving they are certifiable Lunatics

as we have Forestry Majors in Universities with zero back ground in

Atmospheric Emission Science Physics and Chemistry

who preach to us they are the experts in this brand new Climate Science

as they Preach Proven to be Fraudulent Lunatic Science that will do only Harm

as the self proclaimed experts refuse to debate their flawed incomplete lunatic science

or provide science data to prove they are not Lunatics and Frauds


a climate study that just ignores all other known climate variables

is not a Scientific Climate Study

when a study ignores

the variable distance between the Earth and Sun

the variable Ozone hole

the majority of the Earths atmosphere is -200 degrees F below zero

and ignores the Ice Caps on this carbon based Earth are caused by all heat rising

forcing -200 * F air to come crashing down

with increased levels of Frozen Water Vapor and Frozen CO2 = Dry Ice

with the Dry Ice cooling the air on the way down

10 times faster and 20 times longer than the frozen water vapor

as this is more than off setting warm CO2 rising


as all heat rises in real physics and is replaced with frozen air

causing the Ice Caps at the Poles of this Carbon based Earth

as there are many more variables and factors missing

from this proven to be flawed incomplete study for Billionaire Profits


and in real physics ~

if the Atmosphere was the size of a Football Field

CO2 would be the thickness of Kite String the thickness of a Dime

down the middle of the Fifty Yard Line

~ question ~

how does something the thickness of a Kite String

Trap Heat in something the size of a Football Field ?

~ answer ~

its not possible in real physics

and more so when you know all heat rises in real physics

and all gases absorb and radiate heat while expanding and rising

while CO2 absorbs and radiates a little more heat and energy than the other gases

while all Heat is rising and removing heat from the lower atmosphere

and can not trap heat


as all heat rises it is off set by frozen air crashing downward to fill the void

causing the Ice caps at the Poles

and the faster all Gases are heated the faster they all rise

and the faster frozen air take its place


To: Bill Nye

the proven Lunatic and Fraud Science Guy

paid by Al Gore to Preach proven lies in science

like his Lunatic Brainwashing Book for those who failed 5th grade science

” What if all the Ice Melts “


 as long as Heat Rises in real physics

there will always be Ice Caps at the Poles of this Carbon based Earth

until the variable Sun with many cycles that continues to be warmer and brighter

Vaporizes this Carbon based Earth



Bill Nye is the biggest proven fraud in science for his profit

and I have requested from Bill his science data to prove he is not a fraud and nothing

while I have challenged Bill for many years to an open public debate in real science

and of course no response

while there are many other proven frauds in science for their profit

who do not respond to any requests for science Data or to debate the science

since 2007


question test rebuttal debate


science is: to know

and the Religion of Science is:


” the doctrine that the truth in all knowledge must always be in question “

…and this week on Fox News Sunday with Chris Wallace

the one and the only

Malpractice Fauci

and everyone’s favorite Political Science Fiction Writer

the number one Scam Artist in Science


Devil Himself

Bill ~ MSNBC ~ Gates

while over 30,000 Scientists over 9,000 of them with PhD’s

who have zero voice in the media and press

disagree with Mr. Bill

while Bill is number one in Political Media Brainwashing in America

and Bill is here with us today with his New Paranoid Climate Religion Bible

” Media Brainwashed Debunked Lunatic Political Science Fiction for Sale “

to all of those who failed grade school science

who will just believe what they are told to make believe and Preach to others

with zero science data to prove the words they Preach

and there can be no open Question Rebuttal or Debate

because they are always right and you are always wrong


and this is known in real science as Political Fascism

and I am not on the side of proven political fascism in science


and have you ever tried just talking to one of these

political media brainwashed paranoid lunatics

who can only prove they failed 3rd grade science

as they can articulate zero science or prove the words they preach with real science

proving it is a political pathological programmed lunatic paranoid Religion

as the new lunatic doomsday predictions keep coming

based on proven fraud in science


Factual ~ vs ~ Pathological

…and is Bill Pathological ?

or does Bill Gates know he is a proven fraud for profit

as Bill is Destroying America as he Profits

because Bill knows whats best for everyone weather you like it or not


49 NASA Scientists

disagree with the NASA Deep State Political Wing Nuts

proving there is no consensus at NASA in the unproven theory

Humans cause climate warming and or change

as this is a debunked unproven theory

and after many years with many Requests


can provide zero science Data to prove there is a Climate Crises or Climate Emergency

as not one lunatic catastrophic Climate Prediction of the unknowable future

based on flawed incomplete science

has come true

there is zero scientific consensus in debunked unproven theory

that is preached as Settled Science by Proven Frauds for Profit

when settled science does not exist

and more so in a brand new science where we learn something new everyday


6CO2 + 6H2O = v ~> C6H12O6 + 6O2

CO2 + Water Vapor + Sun Energy = Green = Environment

allowing all Carbon based Life on this CO2 Starved Carbon based Earth


Chris Wallace and Fox News

have now Proven they are a working part of the proven fraud in Climate Science

as Chris will allow Bill MSNBC Gates

to Preach his Fraudulent Sermon in Climate Science backed by Zero Science Data

while there will be zero Scientific Rebuttal from those who are real Scientist

who can Prove Bill Gates if a fraud in Science for Profit

fraud that will do only harm to the cause of green and the environment

CO2 = Carbon and Oxygen and can not harm the Greenhouse ~ Environment

because Carbon based Oxygen is the cause of the Greenhouse and the Environment

and neither Chris Wallace or Bill Gates have earned the right to Scientific Opinion

in Atmospheric Emission Science Physics and Chemistry

as they will allow Zero Question Test Rebuttal Debate

further proving it is not proven fact tested reality in Science

and is Media Lunatic Political Science Fiction doing only Harm

costing many Trillions of Dollars

as Chris allows We the People only one side of the story

as Chris has decide for All of We the People what is real and what is not

proving Chris is not a real Journalist

Chris is a proven to be Fraudulent Political Preacher for proven Frauds in Science

because there is zero Climate Warming Emergency

as a real Climate Emergency would be the next Ice Age

while Carbon based Humans made from CO2

are responsible for less than 3% of the CO2 in the air

and Bill would like us to give him trillions to put CO2 Scrubbers in the air

and remove CO2 put there by Nature

causing all Carbon based life on this CO2 Starved carbon based Earth


Bill Gates is a proven Lunatic and Fraud for profit to reduce the cause of green


Evaporated CO2 and Water vapor is the byproduct of warming not the cause of warming

and there will be no scientific debate in the Media and Press

as the real Data shows

Zero Catastrophic Warming

Zero Sea Level Rise

and a 40% increase in Sea Ice since 2012

and the rest is a Political Media Lie to Profit Billionaires

who already control our lives

who own the Democrats and the Majority of the Media and Press


Bill MSNBC Gates is a very proven Fraud in Science for Profit doing Harm

and is supported by Chris Wallace and Fox News

who will allow zero rebuttal to the proven fraud in science

as the tens of thousands of real Scientists who disagree with Bill Gates

have zero voice in the Media and Press

as they call the real scientists proving the Fraud

The Deniers

as only the proven Frauds have a Voice in the Media and Press


Bill Gates Preaches Paranoia for Profit

when knowing

Human caused climate warming is a scientifically debunked unproven theory

because I have sent the science data to

Bill ~ MSNBC ~ Gates


[email protected]

 [email protected]

 [email protected]

and to

[email protected]

[email protected]

and to many at the New York Times

and to every one preaching Climate Paranoia

while requesting their Science Data as they can provide nothing

but a proven Lunatic Political Media Religion for Billionaire Profits

as I have sent them the Data many times over many years proving they are Frauds

as they continue to be Frauds for Profit for Bill Gates

and 60 other Democratic Billionaires

who pay the Media and Press to Lie to All of We the People

in Science and Medicine

as none of them comprehend the real science

as they just believe their proven lies

as they are proven political pathological frauds

who can prove nothing with real science

and we have many proven Frauds in Science and Medicine working for the Government

who are working for the Democrats too

while not one University when requested can provide science Data

to support a Climate Crises or Climate Emergency

since 2007 when I began my investigation in Climate Science

based on a proven to be Flawed Incomplete Study

supported by proven to be falsified and inaccurate Data

and there can be no Public Question Test Rebuttal Debate

with the proven Frauds for Profit in Science and Medicine


February 18, 2021

when you refuse to look

then you can not see


I found most of the proven Frauds in my Life Time to be Pathological Lunatics

and after 45 years of working back ground in

Atmospheric Emission Science Physics and Chemistry

and ongoing investigation in Climate Science since the spring of 2007

Proving Fraud in Climate Science for Profit for Billionaires

I can overwhelmingly Prove Bill MSNBC Gate is a Fraud in Climate Science

and I Challenge the proven Fraud in Science and Medicine

Bill MSNBC Gates

to an open public debate in Science

as Bill can provide zero science Data to support his proven lies to We the People

and the Climate Emergency is a test proven Political Media Scam

doing only Harm to the cause of Green and the Environment for Profit


~ Yes ~

the Stock Market is very rigged with Supper Computers by Billionaires

who own the Democratic Party and most of the Media and Press


The now Un-United States

has been one of the most Fuel Efficient Countries on this Carbon based Earth

since day one of Fuel Efficiency on this Carbon based Earth


…and if there was no Electricity in America for 30 Days

the Majority of We the People would be dead long before the 30 Days

so why do the Democratic Billionaires want to have the power

to cut off at will All energy to All of We the People

maybe they have Life Insurance Policies on All Americans

but then who would be their Slaves

as they drowned in Green money while doing only harm


To: Bill ~ Proven Lunatic ~ Gates

Dear Bill,

would you like to have an open public debate on your MSNBC Political Sermon Show

as only Ignorance can just believe the Preached test proven lies

as your Bill ~ MSNBC ~ Gates Paranoia Brainwashing Machine

continues to preach the proven Lies

as you Bill Profit from your proven Fraud in Science and Medicine

doing only harm to All of We the People


Bruce A. Kershaw


…and what do Billionaire Democrats and the Media they own and control do best ?

Brainwash Paranoia


Power Control and Profit


After having the Corona Virus

one year ago at the age of 64

and having a few of the many of the 150 virus floating around the world

over my life time

I’ll take the Mild Corona Virus again over all the other Viruses in my life time

as the Democrats are using the Corona Virus to advance their Fascist Agenda

as we hear nothing but their test proven lies and disinformation about the virus

for their Power Control and Profit that continues to Destroy America


because if you can destroy it

you can then own and control it


Wind Generators are Subsidized by Tax Payers

while making China and their supporter partners in the U.S. very rich

and are a very unreliable and a very intermittent source of energy

and are worn out before they pay for themselves

and then they are buried in the ground and not recycled

while there are many Dead Birds at the base of Wind Generators

including Eagles

while Solar Energy is just as unreliable as Wind Energy

as they of course generate zero energy in the dark

or when covered with snow for days or weeks

and can only be a secondary source of energy

that must be backed up by a always available Primary source of Energy

that can be turned on with the push of a button when secondary sources fail


while the Preached Climate Emergency is: a Scientifically Proven Political Media Lie

to profit the 60 Billionaires who Own Dementia Joe Biden and a majority the Media

while Joe has publicly proven he failed 3rd grade science

and has earned zero right to any scientific opinion


CO2 = Green = Environment

and is the proven evaporated byproduct of Warming by the variable Sun

causing the Carbon Cycle caused by this Carbon based Earth


Evaporated by the variable Sun

CO2 + Water Vapor + Sun Energy = Green = Environment

and is the proven Evaporated byproduct of warming by the variable Sun with many cycles

not the cause of warming on this CO2 Starved Carbon based Earth

as the Media Brainwashed Green Lunatics who failed grade school science

want to spend trillions to reduce the cause of Green causing the Environment

as the proven Morons in Science now Dictate Science

based on zero question test rebuttal debate

as they can provide zero science data to prove any climate emergency

as not one Climate Lunatic can Articulate their proven to be debunked unproven theory

as the Media Brainwashed Green Lunatics continue to Preach to us

that White Steam = Water Vapor coming out of Smokestacks is

Toxic Poison and Pollution

as the only thing theses proven Lunatics can prove in real science is their Ignorance

while the bottom line is

we have Democratic Billionaires who are doing only harm to the environment

for very Big Profits for themselves and China

as China is the Biggest Real Polluter on this Carbon based Earth


Nancy Pelosi

has proven over her past fours years of Deliberate Treason against America

that She is a Insane Paranoid Lunatic

as her condition is much worse today

and maybe this from the known 20% Oxygen Deprivation

damaging her Brain and vital Internal Organs

caused by wearing a mask

that traps CO2 in the body while she is re-breathing CO2 trapped in her lovely mask

causing an Acid imbalance in the body causing a Hemoglobin imbalance

Damaging the Brain and vital Internal Organs

while the Mold and Bactria growing in the mask

and then breathing from this growing contamination in the mask

can only cause more severe sickness


the improper use of a mask will only make very Healthy People and very Healthy Children

very sick

and wearing two masks will only make you twice as sick much faster


The Elderly need more Oxygen not less Oxygen for good health

as Nancy continues to Deprive her body of the necessary Oxygen to function normally

while wearing a mask is proven to increase the spreed of the Corona virus

and of course slow suffocation is only going to make you sick

Mentally and Physically

and only more so

with those like Nancy with her obvious preexisting Mental Illness


Dr. Fauci is a proven Political Fraud in Medicine

doing only further harm to All Americans


February 17, 2021

Political Media Preached Words of Belief Prove Nothing in Science


Based on my ongoing Climate Science Investigation since the spring of 2007

proving Fraud in Climate Science

while I have Investigated and Proven Fraud in Science for over 25 years


We live in a world of proven Political Media Brainwashed Insanity

dictating proven to be Lunatic Science and Medicine

doing only Test Proven Harm to everyone

based on zero question test rebuttal debate

to profit 60 Billionaires who now own and control the Biden Dementia Nut House


science and medicine is full of proven fraud for profit


~ The Carbon Oxygen Hydrogen Cycle ~

causing All Primary and Secondary Carbon based Life and Energy

caused by

the Byproduct of Energy

from the Hot Churning Liquid Core of this CO2 Starved

Carbon based Earth

with the help of the Energy from our Star the Sun

as the Variable Sun with many cycles is the proven Primary cause of Climate Change

on this CO2 Starved Carbon based Earth


Bruce A. Kershaw

20% Carbon from CO2 by the Carbon Cycle

the same CO2 causing all the Plants and Trees causing the Carbon Cycle

Independent Scientist

45 years Atmospheric Emission Science Physics and Chemistry

Invited to Participate in the London Symposium on Climate Change

at the Oxford and Cambridge Club June of 2013


Climate Science is a new Science

and we learn and know something new everyday

and there is more proven science missing from climate science today

than in climate science today

and a proven to be flawed incomplete study based on proven to be false data

to make Predictions of the unknowable future that never come true

is not proven fact tested reality in science


Human caused Climate Warming is a scientifically debunked unproven theory


~ Paranoia for Sale for Profit ~

To: Joe Berry


Correct Me if I am Wrong



Carbon Oxygen Hydrogen = Energy

Carbon Oxygen Hydrogen = Life

The Byproduct of Energy is Life

The Byproduct of Life is new Energy


CO2 is Carbon & Oxygen = CO2

and with Hydrogen & Oxygen = H2O = water + Sun Energy

causing Green

causing the Environment

causing the Oxygen we Breathe and the Carbon based Food we Eat

for We Carbon based Humans

who are Carbon Oxygen Hydrogen

caused by the Carbon Oxygen Hydrogen Cycle


C = Carbon

O = Oxygen = 1 oxygen atom = monoxide = 1

O2 = Oxygen = 2 oxygen atoms = dioxide = 2

O3 = Oxygen = 3 oxygen atoms = heavy oxygen = ozone = trioxide = 3

H = Hydrogen


H2O = Water = Hydrogen and Oxygen

HC = Hydrocarbon =  Hydrogen and Carbon

Gasoline is: Hydrocarbon = Hydrogen and Carbon


We put Hydrocarbons in our Bodies to Eat

and Hydrocarbons in our Cars to Drive

the Plants We Eat are Hydrogen and Carbon and Oxygen

while We are Hydrogen and Carbon and Oxygen too

and We secondary carbon based life

all need Oxygen to Breathe to Burn the Hydrogen & Carbon we Eat

causing the Carbon to bond to the Oxygen

making CO2 = Carbon & Oxygen = Carbon based Oxygen = Carbon Dioxide

coming out of our lungs

for Carbon based Plants and Trees to Breathe with Water Vapor

and then add Sun Energy

causing the environment

all in a continuous cycle recycle

all the Byproduct of Energy

the energy came first

and then the byproduct of this energy is:

All Carbon based Life

made from Carbon based Oxygen

from the hot Liquid core of this Carbon based Earth

and from our Lungs from our carbon based bodies

and from the Tail Pipe of your Car

on this CO2 starved Carbon based Earth


and as Scientifically Proven

CO2 and Water Vapor is the Byproduct of Evaporation

by the variable Sun with many cycles

as the Sun continues to be warmer and brighter

as 97 % of CO2 in the air is caused by Nature

causing the Carbon Oxygen Hydrogen Life and Energy Cycles

the byproduct of Energy is Life

the byproduct of Life is new Energy


In Photosynthesis Botany and Greenhouse Science

plants and trees need four times the CO2 in the Air to Breathe to be a good health

and the more CO2 the better and Greener

as Scientifically Proven

and at 210 ppm CO2 in the Air plants and trees are suffocating

and at 160 ppm CO2 in the Air

all carbon based life on this CO2 starved carbon based Earth

will cease to exist above sea level

and trying to stop the cause of Green is Insanity for Profit by Lunatics

that is based on proven to be fraudulent Science Data

as the Media and Press refuse to allow public question test rebuttal debate

of their proven fraud in science and medicine


and if you do not comprehend this science

then you have earned zero right to Scientific opinion on this subject matter


I have an on and off again science debate with

Joe Berry

Stanford University

since January 1, 2011

who can not prove with science data their is a Climate Emergency

nor can anyone Preaching Doomsday Climate Paranoia for Profit

while 87% of the National Academy of Science do not agree with Joe Berry

just as over 30,000 other Scientists

over 9,000 of them with PhD’s

disagree with Climate Religion that is based on a proven to be debunked unproven theory

preached as settled science by proven Frauds and Lunatics

who can provide zero data to prove there is a Climate Emergency


~ Ten or Twelve or so Years ago ~

Al Gore Preached to us

that by 2013

~ based on proven to be very flawed incomplete and proven to be fraudulent science ~

to make a Lunatic Prediction of the un-knowable future

that Entire Nations would be Underwater by 2013

while the NASA Political Wing Nuts

~ who 49 NASA Scientists disagree with ~

who Preached to us that Manhattan would be underwater by a few or ten years ago or so


 the Sea level continues to rise and fall the thickness of a dime

with a 40% increase in Sea Ice since 2012

while here in Montana the Glaciers are growing not shrinking

where we have had record cold temperatures for many years

where we had California Climate 1000 years ago for 200 years

while there have been Ice Ages with much higher levels of CO2 in the air

in the Ice Core Science of this Carbon based Earth


We 20% carbon based Humans can live

thanks to the Carbon Oxygen Hydrogen Cycle

CO2 + Water Vapor + Sun Energy = Green = Environment

6CO2 + 6H2O + v ~> C6H12O6 + 6O2

causing the Primary and Secondary Carbon based Life and Energy Cycle Recycle

where Plants and Trees need more CO2 not Less CO2

on this CO2 Starved Carbon based Earth


The Climate Emergency

is a scientifically test proven Political Media Lie

supported by Zero Science Data

while the proven Lairs refuse to allow any Public Debate

to their scientifically proven Fraud in Science for Profit




for the Peer-reviewed Science Data Proving Humans cause Climate Warming

while Nature Produces over 97 % of the CO2 in the Air

causing all Carbon based Life above and below Sea level

on this CO2 Starved Carbon based Earth

and spending Trillions to reduce Carbon based Oxygen

will have zero effect on 4 Billion plus years of Climate Change

but it will make Democratic Billionaires Trillionaires

to reduce the cause of Green causing the Environment

causing all Carbon based Life and recycled energy causing new life

the byproduct of Energy is Life

causing new energy

causing new Life


Paranoid Climate Religion is not Science

~ because ~

science is: to know


question test rebuttal debate


~ question ~

Do I like Donald Trump ?


Did I vote for Donald in 2016 ?


Do I think President Trump is the best President in my Life time of 65 years ?


and do I know

if Donald Trump did not Tweet Insults this World would be a better place ?


and is Tweeting Insults a Crime ?


~  *  ~

200 Years Ago

the Majority of Democrats in Washington DC of the past four plus Years

would have been Punished by Death for their Proven Deliberate Acts of Treason

against All of We the People who are America

and who and what is siding and helping the Democrats ?

Proven to be Anti-American Criminal Political Organizations

and Terrorist Fascist and Communist Countries

as Vice President Kamala Harris is

an admitted proven supporter of proven Domestic Terrorist Organizations

in America


Chief Justice John Roberts

was not at the Impeachment Trial

because it was

~ Un-Constitutional ~

it was a bunch of Political Pathological Hate Lunatics committing Treason against America


when the Chief Justice is not there

~ its not Reality ~

it was only a Lunatic Pathological Political Media Scam Circus Show

by Political Media Lunatics who Failed and Ignore Constitutional Law

as they Shredded the Constitution when they began their Treason against America

over four years ago

as the Treasonous Censorship and Political Brainwashing

with their proven Disinformation and proven Lies by the Media and Press continue

as the proven Political Cancer in America continues to Grow

for and by

60 Billionaires

and at the top of the list

Mike ~ Deep State Treasonous Traitor ~ Bloomberg


Bill ~ MSNBC Treasonous Traitor ~ Gates

as proven Political Insanity continues to Treasonously control all of our daily Lives

as the Democrats and the Media and Press they own and control

have proven they are on the side of Fascist control against Freedom

as they provide only Political Ploy to We the People

proving they are the primary Cancer and not the Cure

as our Dementia Puppet President does as he is told

as the Biden Family gets richer

while Joe Biden’s words continue to be Proven Lies

further Destroying America

as the Treasonous Lunatics continue to ignore the Truth in Proven Fact Tested Reality

for their power control and profit


February 3 ~ February 14

~ 2021 ~

…everything is a Hypothetical until you prove other wise ~

My Argument in Progress

to the imploding political Ignorance


Reality is Factual

Factual is what can be Proven beyond words of persuaded belief

Pathological is not Factual

Pathological is Make Believe not Science



~ vs ~

Political Media Pathological Lunatic Science Fiction


~ My Political Science Argument ~

~vs ~

Lunatic Political Science Fiction

~ as ~

there are Lunatic Political Predators out there

and I Think the best days to go Fishing are on the Impeachment Trial Days


About Bruce A. Kershaw

Born ~ March 27, 1956 at 11:10 pm Long Beach California other wise I'm still breathing O2 made from CO2 and eating food made from CO2 ~ the rest is Icing on the cake ~
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