…the hardest part of life for many is accepting the test proven truth ~
…and how many Children will be Brain Damaged
by the very well known
Medically Test Proven Oxygen Deprivation from Wearing a Mask ?
and will the Government of the State of Montana continue to be Organized Crime ?
February 3 ~ May 17
for the peer-reviewed science data
Carbon based Humans made by and from this Carbon based Earth
by a Carbon Oxygen Hydrogen Cycle caused by
Carbon based Oxygen = CO2 = Carbon Dioxide
are responsible for the
Catastrophic Doomsday Climate Warming Crises Emergency
that is not happening but is Preached by Test Proven Political Media Frauds in Science
who Silence the Truth for Political Power Control and Profit doing only Harm to Nature
by those who do not comprehend and reject the Science proving they are Frauds
Doomsday Climate Paranoia
is a Lunatic Political Media Brainwashed Religion for Profit
based on zero science data
~ The Rebuttal ~
Bruce A. Kershaw
45 years Atmospheric Emission Science Physics and Chemistry
that No One will Publicly Debate
or can provide Science Data to prove they are not Frauds in Science
as Proven Frauds in Science Politically Dictate a Lunatic Reality doing only Harm
The Biden Family have more then proven they are on the side of Terrorism
Question Test Rebuttal Debate
~ Question ~
why is it
The Experts at Stanford University
are only allowed to state their expert opinion on Fox News ?
as I observe about four hours of news everyday by all of the media
to keep track of all their test proven political disinformation and lies
as the proven frauds just ignore the experts for their political agenda
…and if the same people who have shut off some oil energy Pipe Lines
could then shut off the Electrical Power Grid for one month
at two weeks we would see Cannibalism in America
and if your Electric Car runs on Electricity made from Coal = HC = Hydrocarbon =
Hydrogen and Carbon
its dirtier than a Car that runs on Gasoline = HC = Hydrocarbon =
Hydrogen and Carbon
Gasoline is Cleaner than Coal while Cars that run on Gasoline
have not polluted the air since 1980
CO2 is Green
Carbon based Oxygen = CO2 = Carbon Dioxide
with water vapor and Sun energy is the cause of all Green
and is the evaporated byproduct of warming not the cause of warming
as all life is caused by the byproduct of energy
in a carbon oxygen hydrogen cycle recycle
Pumping CO2 into the Ground
on this CO2 Starved Carbon based Earth
A ~ reduces what Plants and Trees need four times more of to Breathe
to be at good normal health
B ~ reduces O2 = Oxygen levels in the air
because man made CO2 is made with O2 = Oxygen from the air
and pumping CO2 into the ground does not allow the carbon oxygen hydrogen cycle
to recycle the oxygen back into the air where it came from
C ~ and when the CO2 pumped into the Ground finds it way to underground water
it turns the under ground water into an Acid
while over 97% of the CO2 in the air is caused by Nature causing new Nature
~ I hope they do not Tazer them again for not wearing a Mask outdoors ~
…knowledge is Shared not Preached and Believed
If you make believe Al Gore is God then I can not Help you
or Al Gore who Make Believes he is God too
who continues to publicly prove he failed 3rd grade science
China is Lying
while Dr. Quack Fauci is a test proven political fraud in science and medicine
who works with Mike Bloomberg who is a test proven fraud in science and medicine
just as Bill MSNBC Gates is a test proven fraud in science and medicine
who is number one with China at the world Health Organization
who Lied to We the People
…some of us are Factual while some of us are Pathological
Carbon based Oxygen = CO2 = Carbon Dioxide
from the hot Liquid core of this carbon based earth
with the majority of CO2 in the air from Volcanic Activity below Sea level
is the Cause of Green causing the Environment
causing all secondary Carbon based Life and Energy
with a Carbon Oxygen Hydrogen Cycle
on this CO2 Starved Carbon based Earth
CO2 + Water Vapor + Sun Energy = Green = Environment = Food and Oxygen
CO2 is the Evaporated Byproduct of Warming not the Cause of Warming
science is: to know
and history is the key to the knowledge of reality
You must always question the Truth to know the Truth
to know
~ We have Organized Crime in the Montana Government ~
and who cares ?
Bill MSNBC Gates is a Fraud in Science
while he is Funding Domestic Terrorist Organizations
while Terrorist from all around the world are now free to cross the U.S. Boarders
because the Air in Joe Biden’s Head is Polluted
from the improper use of a face mask
that is trapping CO2 in his Body while he is re-breathing CO2 trapped in his mask
or two masks causing twice the Oxygen Deprivation
causing twice the Acid imbalance causing twice the Hemoglobin imbalance
causing twice the Brain and Internal Organ Damage
That can Kill Him
and my Perception for Joe Biden who needs more oxygen is to Add Oxygen
and not take it away
but of course that would be the Logical thing to do
when there zero Logic in Joe’s Head
and Kamala Antifa Harris
who received zero votes in the Democratic Presidential Primary
could not be Happier
…and da zha vu
reminds me of deja vu
and if there is a God then there is a God
and if there is not a God then there is not ~
as Belief is Pathological not Factual
and those who have been convinced to Believe Humans cause Climate Warming
are Political Pathological not Scientifically Factual
as they are part of a Lunatic Political Media Religion to Profit Billionaires
that is Harming the cause of Green for Profit
as the Religion of Science is Skepticism
I am working on the Political Pathological Prediction of Tomorrows Weather
while some people call it the weather report
as Prediction is not Factual
and 30 plus years of Failed Prediction based on proven to be flawed incomplete science
can prove nothing
Facebook is Paranoid Fascism
Facebook is a Utility
just like the Power Co. or Phone Co.
and what if the Power co. and Phone co. shut you off because they don’t like you personally
as the Big Tech People are Fascist Big Dummies
who are Political Pathological Frauds and not Factual
they are Anti America
supporting the Democrats who are supporting Antifa
and they are ~ things ~ with more rights than We the People
May 4, 2021
We must test the Truth and the Lies
I am not a Democrat or a Republican
I am an Independent Montana American Scientist
The Human Race is now Devolving not Evolving
I’m 65 years old
and I have never taken any Flu Vaccine and I never will
and the Corona Virus for me was like a bad 3 day cold
while those dying with the Corona Virus were already dying before they caught the virus
and wearing a mask causes oxygen deprivation causing brain and internal organ damage
~ and ~
Joe Biden is a Crime Boss with Delusional Dementia
and President Kamala ~ Antifa ~ Harris could not be Happier
~ and ~
Former Montana State Fund Employees have stated:
Montana State Fund is a Criminal Organization
and that is why they stopped working for MSF
and the Best Crime Boss at Montana State Fund Ever
Lance Zanto
and the Best Criminal Public Servant at Montana State Fund
Tammy Gibson
with the Help of Tammy’s Friend and personal Physician Dr. Sargent
supported by Dr. Jeff Cory
who is very very well known in the Montana Legal Community
and when you need a Falsified Medical Report
Jeff is your Quack
and now you can Deny Medical care for an Injured Worker
who can not work for years and has zero income with new medical bills
The Montana Government is a Criminal Government
Committing Fraud against Montana Citizens
as they commit fraud against Work Injured Montana Citizens
as they Punish those who were harmed by their Negligent Employer
as the Negligent Employer continues to be Negligent with no penalty
and that’s just the way our Republican Law Makers want to keep it
as they protect their criminals in their government
and I’m guessing that’s just how our new Governor wants to keep it too
as the Montana Government is Legalized Organized Crime
as the Law Makers are not working for and doing what is best for
We the People of Montana
they are working for what is best for them selves
because crimes committed against We the People by ~ their ~ Government
is OK with them
as We the People live in a world of Criminal Government by Criminal Law Makers
of the Government by the Government for the Government
and in Washington D.C. the Treasonous Criminal Lunatics are in Charge
and here in Helena Montana Criminals are in Charge
and will the Crimes by the Montana Government and Montana State Fund continue
with the Blessing of our new Governor
Greg Gianforte
The Majority of We the People are Independents with Zero Representation
and We the People of Montana know Montana State Fund
is a Criminal Branch of the Montana Government
with the Blessings of our Republican Law Makers
and will our new Republican Governor give his Blessing to the Crimes
against All of We the People
May 2, 2021
To: Joe Berry
Stanford University
you are Pathological not Factual
as your unproven theory is debunked by proven fact tested reality
while you just Ignore the very proven fraud in climate science
as your Preached Paranoia is not Science
and how do we Debate your Paranoia based on your unproven theory
Debunked by Questioned Tested Reality
that you Pathologically Ignore proving your Ignorance and Paranoia
as the science for your unproven theory is proven to be very flawed and very incomplete
49 NASA Scientists do not agree with Joe Berry
87% of the National Academy of Science do not agree with Joe Berry
along with over 30,000 other scientists over 9,000 of them with PhD’s
do not agree with Joe Berry
and his unproven theory debunked by real science he Ignores for Belief
as not one Lunatic Climate Prediction based on flawed incomplete science has come true
as Al Gore Preached to us entire nations would be under water by 2013
as Al Gore along with others
have provided us with a Lunatic Political Media Doomsday Religion
that is Harming the cause of Green = Environment for their Profit
45 ~ Years Atmospheric Emission Science Physics and Chemistry
with ongoing Climate Science Investigation proving Fraud in Climate Science since 2007
Al Gore ~ Proven Fraud
John Kerry ~ Proven Fraud
Mike Bloomberg ~ Proven Fraud
Bill ~ MSNBC ~ Gates ~ Proven Fraud
who have
~ Zero Years ~
Atmospheric Emission Science Physics and Chemistry
as only the Fact Proven Frauds in Science have a Voice in the Media and Press
where there is Zero Rebuttal to Proven Political Media Fraud in Science for Profit
and why don’t they Sue me for publicly stating they are proven frauds in science
everyday since 2007
because I have sent them the data Proving they Frauds for Profit
and proving they are doing very real harm to Nature
as they reject all Question Test Rebuttal Debate
as they Preach and Brainwash Lunatic Political Science Fiction doing Test Proven Harm
to the cause of the Carbon Recycle by the cause of Green = Environment
for their power control and profit all further proving real Journalism is Dead
as the very real New Fascist Lunatic Normal is Here
as We the People are Ruled by Ignorance and Greed
doing only harm
When you just Ignore the very known basics of Physics and Chemistry
and Ignore the very proven Fraud in your so called science
your so called science is not real
and when you do not comprehend and can not Articulate 5th grade science
then you are not a Scientist
and have ~ Earned ~ zero right to Scientific Opinion
and those who are Political Media Brainwashed Pathological are not Factual
and can prove nothing with real science
as Politically Brainwashed words can prove nothing in tested reality
as those who have publicly proven they failed 5th Grade Science
Fascistly Dictate Lunatic Science
costing Trillions while doing only Harm
May 1, 2021
The Human Body is 20% Carbon made from CO2 by the Carbon Cycle
~ the carbon life and energy cycle ~
CO2 + Water Vapor + Sun Energy = Green = Environment
causing the Carbon Oxygen Hydrogen Cycle
as the byproduct of energy is the cause of all carbon based life
on this CO2 Starved Carbon based Earth
as the Evaporated byproduct of Climate Warming
~ CO2 and Water vapor causing Green ~
is not the cause of Climate Warming
it is the cause of the Carbon Energy and Life Cycle Recycle
Carbon based Oxygen = CO2 = Carbon Dioxide
with zero color taste or smell is not Toxic Poison and Pollution
as Preached by Proven Lunatics and Frauds for Profit
just as White Steam = Water Vapor coming out of Smokestacks
is not Toxic Poison and Pollution
as Preached by Proven Lunatics and Frauds for Profit
as only the Proven Lunatics and Frauds are allowed a voice in the Fascist Media and Press
Question Test Rebuttal Debate
Have you Earned the Right to Scientific Opinion ?
Climate Science is a Brand New Science
and we have far more to learn than we know today
and those who are Preaching the Variable SUN
with many Cycles as the Sun continues to be Warmer and Brighter
is not a Climate Variable are proven Lunatics in Science
just as those who Preach the Variable Distance between the Sun and this Earth
is not a Climate Variable are proven Lunatics in Science
just as those who Preach the Variable Ozone Hole caused by Variable Solar Activity
is not a Climate Variable are proven Lunatics in Science
Those who Ignore more than a Dozen Climate Variables in their so called Climate Science
can only prove their Lunatic Ignorance
as they Ignore the science data proving they are Frauds in Science
as those who have not Earned the Right to Scientific Opinion
Preach Lunatic Political Science Fiction for Power Control and Profit
while doing only Harm to all Living Nature caused by their Proven Ignorance in Science
Science is to know and they do not know they make believe
as they Reject Tested Knowledge for Politically Persuaded Belief
as they are Politically Persuaded by those who failed 5th grade science
by those who can Articulate zero science
as they Preach Doomsday Climate Paranoia based on proven Lies
as they Profit from their proven lies while doing only harm
as Political Media Fascism Dictates Lunatic Science
as they Reject all Scientific Method
Further Proving
Al Gore is a Lunatic and Fraud in Science
Bill ~ MSNBC ~ Gates is a Lunatic and Fraud in Science
Treasonous John Kerry is a Lunatic and Fraud in Science
Mike ~ Sierra Club ~ Bloomberg is a Lunatic and Fraud in Science
Joe Dementia Biden is a Lunatic and Fraud in Science
Barack Obama is a Lunatic and Fraud in Science
and the list goes on and on and on ~
and when requested they can provide zero science data to prove they are not
Lunatics and Frauds in Science
There is zero Scientific Consensus in Debunked Unproven Theory
there is only a Preached Lunatic Political Media Consensus
by Proven Lunatics and Frauds
who Silence the proven fact tested reality in science
as they Preach Doomsday Paranoia doing only Harm as they Profit
April 30, 2021
I am a Realist not a Believer
~ convinced belief is not reality in science ~
My repeated science argument
that no one will allow public debate
or can provide science data to debunk the available science data
further proving they are frauds in science
as they reject all Question Test Rebuttal Debate
self debunked prediction of the unknowable future
based on unproven theory
based on a proven to be very flawed incomplete study with proven to be fraudulent data
that just ignores many other well known climate variables
does not prove CO2 or Humans cause climate warming or change or disruption
on this Carbon based Earth
as the Proven to be Frauds Preach the Science is Settled
when settled science does not exist
as Climate Change is very real for the past 4.6 billion years
for a dozen plus known reasons
No One Preaching Political Media Doomsday Climate Paranoia
can provide me with any science data to prove anything beyond their Preached Paranoia
The Sea Ice has increased by 40% since 2012
as the Sea level continues to rise and fall the thickness of a dime
while Carbon based Humans have been moving to higher ground for the past 26,000 years
about 350 to 400 feet
while we know from Ice Core Science
there have been Ice Ages with many times the CO2 level than in the Air today
as Proven Frauds Preach Catastrophic Ice Melt and Catastrophic Sea level Rise
based on zero science data
I have been Investigating and proving Fraud in Science for over 25 years
and I am student of Constitutional Law and History since 1980
Climate Science ~ vs ~ Climate Religion
CO2 + Water Vapor + Sun Energy = Green = Environment
6CO2 + 6H2O + v ~> C6H12O6 + 6O2
evaporated CO2 and Water Vapor is the byproduct of warming by the variable Sun
not the cause of warming
causing the Carbon Cycle on and by this Carbon based Earth
and there is zero science data to prove there is any Climate Crises or Emergency
and there is zero science data to prove
Carbon based Humans cause any Climate Disruption
as the real data proves 100%
the very real Political Media Fraud by and for 60 Billionaires
who failed 5th grade science
who own the Democrats and Deep State Democrats and the Media and Press
as they are doing only test proven harm to Nature for power control and profit
as Nature produces over 97% of the CO2 in the air causing all the of Green
causing the environment
and Plants and Trees need more CO2 to Breathe on this CO2 starved Carbon based Earth
as the Natural Death of all life on this Carbon based Earth
will be from the lack of CO2 = Carbon based Oxygen = Carbon Dioxide
as Scientifically proven in Photosynthesis & Botany & Greenhouse Science
as we spend and waste many trillions of dollars to reduce the cause of Green
as the byproduct of carbon based energy is all carbon based life
in a continuous cycle with Oxygen and Hydrogen
and reducing CO2 reduces Life
and reducing the cause of Green the cause of all life
is Criminal Lunatic Political Science Fiction
based on zero open question test rebuttal debate for their Profit
doing only proven harm to Nature
as only Lunatics can Dictate a False Reality
as words and lies can prove nothing
and Preached Doomsday Climate Paranoia is a Political Media Brainwashed Religion
as Scientifically Proven
Wisdom is the ability to use knowledge constructively while doing no harm
The Primary Responsibility of the Commander and Chief
of the Republic of the United states of America
is to Protect Our Borders
in order to Protect All of We the People
and Joe Biden is Deliberately committing Treason against We the People
as Joe Biden is not Serving We the People
as he continues to Destroy We the People who are America
as he continues to allow Terrorism from all over the world to Invade America
as Democrats continue to allow Crime to Flourish all across America
Joe Biden is not a President he is a Puppet Fascist Dictator for 60 Billionaires
April 28, 2021
We live in the new Lunatic normal of Paranoia based on Ignorance
and when I should be Writing about real Science I must now waste my time writing about
Treasonous Lunatic Political Science Fiction
Preached by Political Media Frauds in Science
fraud that is doing only harm in tested reality
The Punishment for Treason against America is Death
and as I have stated for many Moons
John Kerry
truly believes his test proven Lies
and is a proven Treasonous Traitor and very proven Fraud in Science for Profit
as he Preaches Lunatic Political Science Fiction doing only Harm in tested Reality
that he does not comprehend as he continues to publicly fail Grade School Science
John Kerry is a very proven Political Pathological Fraud and Lair
who rejects all question test rebuttal debate
who likes to make Treasonous back door deals with our Enemies
John Kerry does not Represent We the People
he represents 60 Billionaires who own the Democratic Party and Media and Press
who are Preaching proven Lies to We the People
as John Kerry is very Good Friends with our Worst Enemies
just like
Bill ~ MSNBC ~ Gates
who is number one with China and the World Heath Organization
who Lied to We the People of America about the Corona virus China Engineered
and they are profiting from
while Bill and many others are Funding Domestic Terrorist Organizations
like Black Lives Matter
so they can continue to Riot and Burn Down Main Street America
science is: to know
and those who want to know are Scientists
while those who reject Questioned Tested Debated Knowledge for persuaded belief
are the proven Fools
and the Democratic Agenda is:
Scientifically Test Proven Fascist Lunatic Insanity
for power control and profit
…with out Carbon Oxygen and Hydrogen
nothing would be on this Carbon based Earth
” the doctrine that the truth in all knowledge must always be in question “
Independent Scientist
for the truth in life and knowledge for a better life for all
and those who refuse to allow question test rebuttal debate are not Scientists
they are Fraudulent Dictators who reject tested knowledge for power control and profit
as Dictated Science supported by the Media and Press is Lunatic Political Science Fiction
doing only Harm for Profit
and when closed minds control the open minds this is fascism not freedom
as those who fear knowledge fear reality
April 13 ~ 27
~ 2021 ~
Science is to know
~ words prove nothing ~
and data can be interpreted in many ways and misinterpreted in many more ways
Pathological is not Factual
as persuaded belief is make believe
and we must always separate the questioned tested knowledge
from the persuaded unquestioned make believe
as knowledge can join us together as make believe will break us apart
~ as some of us can admit Failure and Grow Forward and some of us can not ~
and Preaching Hate and Violence is not Leadership it is a lack of in sight
as those who side with Hate and violence caused by Ignorance
are the criminals of tested reality
while Political Parties are the proven Cancer not the Cure
as Political Brainwashing is not reality in science
…and the Number One Criminal Organization in Montana
~ is ~
Montana State Fund
by the Democratic Governor of Montana Steve Bullock
who is no longer the Governor
as the Crimes of Steve Bullock continue at Montana State Fund
against All of We the People of Montana
and maybe it is time to stop the Crimes by Criminals
The NAZI Party
used Racism to Succeed with their Fascism
…as the Democrats continue to Distort the Tested Realities
for their Fascist control of All of We the People
as Joe Biden and the Democrats continue their proven Treason against America
America is not Racist
Democratic City’s are Racists
because I do not know of any ~ Republican ~ Black Communities that are Living Sewers
Controlled by Violent Gangs who are Murdering and Dealing Guns and Drugs
and If you are a life long Criminal and Drug Addict in a Gang with a Weapon
and you just killed someone and you are now Resisting Arrest
I am routing for the Good Guys
as over 100 Peace and Law Enforcement Officers while Protecting the Public
were killed last year by Criminals
MS-13 & Antifa & Black Lives Matter along with others Criminal Organizations
are Domestic Terrorist Groups
with some of them Supported by the media and Press and Democrats like Kamala Harris
when only Criminals support Criminals
The ~ Democratic ~ Black Communities are Self Destructive Social Sewers
…and the Number one cause of Death for Black Americans
are other Black Americans in Democratic Cites and States
proving only some Black Lives Matter to some Black People
where Democrats control their lack of Life and Liberty
as it is the Democrats who Preach and use Racism as a Political Tool
against everyone of every color for their Power Control and Profit
as Democrats are the number one cause of Politically Brainwashed Racism in America
for Political Ploy
In 1850 a Group of Rail Road Barons Bribed Everyone in Washington D.C.
and now ~ Things ~ have more Rights than All of We the People
~ Things ~ with more Rights than All the State Governments
Things that Control the Un-United States Federal Government
as both Democrats and Republicans take money from the very same Corporations
while the same Corporations gave each Political Party 500 million dollars
at the same time for one of their past Presidential Party Conventions
and of course it does not matter who wins
because ~ Things ~ will always have some kind of control over both Parties
while both Parties in their best efforts to Destroy each other Destroy America together
while I will guess Coca Cola will lose 50% of their Customers
for siding with the Fascist Democrats who have committed Treason for the past five years
against All of We the People who are America
April 12, 2021
Wearing a mask traps CO2 in your body
while you are re breathing CO2 trapped in your mask
causing an Acid imbalance in your body
causing a Hemoglobin imbalance in your body
causing Brain and Vital Internal Organ Damage
to your body
April 11, 2021
…for the truth in life and knowledge for a better life for all ~
as Fascism Silences the Truth in Questioned Tested Reality
as All of We the People are now living in the Biggest Political Scam in American History
caused by 60 Billionaires who own the Democrats the Deep State Democrats
the Media and Press
and Control Corporate America and the Stock Market
and are One with China
To: All Montana Lawmakers
in my opinion
The Tax on Marijuana is a Sales Tax
and should go in to the General Fund then Benefiting all Montana Tax Payers
by reducing both Income and Property Taxes of All Montanans
while Medical Marijuana should not be Taxed
To: All Fascist Political Lunatics
when you Kill Baseball or any Sport with Politics you Kill America
Pathological is not Factual
and Belief in Preached Ignorance is the Devil of Tested Reality
In 1850 a Group of Rail Road Barons
Bribed everyone in Washington D.C. and soon there after
the United Sates Supreme Court Granted Constitutional Rights
to Things = Entities = Corporations
Rights that were Intended only for Living Breathing Carbon based Humans
and today
Things have more Rights than Living Breathing Carbon based Humans
made by and from this Carbon based Earth from CO2
CO2 + Water Vapor + Sun Energy = Green = Environment
The Carbon Oxygen Hydrogen Cycle
causing All Carbon based Life and Energy by a Carbon Cycle
as the by product of Energy is the cause of Life
in a continuous Cycle
George Washington along with many others were against Political Parties
and If we could abolish all political parties
and reverse the 17th amendment
this would return all control of the U.S. Senate to State Governments
returning control of the U.S. Government to All State Governments
making the States once again United
and this would end the majority of our problems and negative issues in America today
by stopping the Federal Government from Dictating to the State Governments
and once again allowing the State Governments to better Control the Federal Government
by once again All State Governments being a working part of the Federal Government
rather than States being Abused by the Federal Government as today
as the Seventeenth Amendment did not solve a problem
it made the problem 100 times worse
and we must learn from our mistakes to know and grow forward from our mistakes
because who should decide the Votes in the now Un-United States Senate
Billionaires and Special Interest Groups
All of We the People
Our State Governments Re-United
as Democratic Fascism now Dictates to All of We the People who are America
Woke and Cancel Culture Define Predigest and Reverse Discrimination
The Democrats never let a Deliberate Pre-planed Crisis go to Waste
as they Fraudulently Treasonously Invent the Crisis
and Preach their Disinformation and Paranoia based on debunked unproven theory
while silencing the fact tested realities
for political ploy
for Power Control and Profit
and if you are not a Democrat you are then their Enemy
and must be punished as they said they would do and are doing today
as the Democrats who have proven they are fascist lunatics
Preach to us
those who are not Clones to their Fascist Lunatic Reality need Political Reprogramming
just like China is doing to many people in China today
Wearing a mask while driving is Impaired Driving
caused by the 20% oxygen deprivation to the Brain and vital internal organs
causing Brain and internal organ damage
Wearing a mask is bad for your over all health all of the time
and wearing a mask is proven to not protect you from the Corona Virus
Sun Energy Destroys Bactria Mold and Viruses
and prevent much of the spreed of all 150 virus
Sun Energy Separates Frozen Water = H2O
as the O = Oxygen Evaporates the Dirty H2 = Hydrogen Flows
while Sun Energy separates NOx = Nitrogen and Oxygen bonded together by Lighting
and by Heat and Combustion above 2500 degrees
O3 Oxygen = Heavy Oxygen = Ozone = causing the Ozone Layer
and Lock Downs Breed more Bactria Mold and Viruses
and if we were locked outside rather than locked down inside
the virus would have been stopped with in a week of sunny weather
as the safest place to be is at the Beach in the rays of the variable Sun
with or with out clothing
and with the less clothing the less Bactria Mold and Viruses
while to much Sun is bad for you
as scientifically proven
and Sun Screens can cause cancer too
while less clothing increases the heart rate and this is good for your overall Health too
…there are some people Shrinks can not help ~
while there are Shrinks who need a Shrink too
while Healthy Doctors can be wrong 50% of the time
science is: to know
and those who know are scientists
and those who believe do not know
and I have been told you can shame people into the Truth
but you can not shame Pathological with Factual
as there are many proven Pathological Lunatics living on this carbon based Earth
and proven fact tested reality in science has zero meaning in their Lunatic life
I do not want to kill anyone
and if I did
I would not ~ need ~ a Gun
so tell me Joe,
as you Fascistly Dictate by Executive Order
if someone uses a Pencil to Kill someone
I should then be able to Sue the Pencil Manufacture
and the persons who sold the Pencil
and if Antifa
Bashes in the Heads of over 50 Police Officers with Tire Irons
we should be able to Sue the Manufactures of the Tire Irons
and persons who sold them the Tire Irons
while allowing the Antifa Terrorist to go Free
and when someone has been Hung by a Rope
we should be able to Sue the Manufacture of the Rope
and the persons who sold the Rope
and if someones uses a large Rock to bask someones head in
then we should be able to Sue God who manufactured the large rock
and the persons who may have sold them the large Rock
while Knives Kill far more people than Guns
while Killing people with Cars and Trucks is becoming more Popular
as Newlyweds like to push one of them off Ships or Cliffs
and what are the Terrorist who are now freely crossing the Borders going to use to Kill
~ while ~
AOC is a Proven Fraud and Lunatic in tested Science
Al Gore is a Proven Fraud and Lunatic in tested Science
John Kerry is a Proven Fraud and Lunatic in tested Science
Joe Biden is a Proven Fraud and Lunatic in tested Science
Bill MSNBC Gates is a Proven Fraud and Lunatic in tested Science
Mike Bloomberg is a Proven Fraud and Lunatic in tested Science
Michael Mann is a Proven Fraud and Lunatic in tested Science
Bill Nye is a Proven Fraud and Lunatic in tested Science
and the list goes on and on and on
and anyone Preaching there is a Climate Emergency are Proven Frauds in tested Science
because there is zero scientific consensus in scientifically debunked unproven theory
there is only a test proven Lunatic consensus by test proven Lunatics
and just because the Democrats Believe in
their own scientifically test proven Brainwashed Lies for Profit
does not mean the Majority of We the People
just Believe in the Democratic scientifically test proven Lies for their Profit
…and when there can be no questioned truth then there can be no tested reality
and today the proven Lairs have the power to censor the questioned tested debated truth
in the reality of science
~ * ~
Ignorance is the True Enemy of Justice and Freedom
and one sided argument is not tested reality in science
and is there a reality beyond their Preached Paranoia
while its OK to be who you want to be ~
as long as you are not hurting anyone
and every time Joe Biden and the Democrats commit Treason against We the People
they Blame their Crimes on Donald Trump
and when is the next Bus leaving for a Republican City in a Republican State ?
Tammy Gibson is an Employee of the Government of the State of Montana
who has Committed Fraud against me and many others
and Justice is not always Limited to the Statues of Law
and the only way to reverse your Incompetence
is to admit and repair your mistakes
and then I can no longer state you are Incompetent Frauds
Murphy Law
Michael Goggett Attorney
Odegaard Kovacich Snipes Trial Lawyers
~ vs ~
Questioned Tested Reality
~ as I am still paying Medical Bills ~
for my Head Injury
caused by the Negligence of my Employer
the Helena Scholl District
Tammy Gibson has Successfully Prevented this Legal Case
~ That Proves ~
Tammy Gibson and her Friend and Personal Physician are a Frauds
from Legally going forward
and how did that happen ?
and with the help of who ?
and for the sake of further argument
I have given the case to other Attorneys for further review to gain a further consensus
to be continued
To: Jeff Cory PhD
Deaconess Hospital Bozeman Montana
~ Jeff ~
you are a very proven Medical Fraud proving you are a Quack for Profit
Bruce A. Kershaw
to be continued
Deference is based on Belief ~ vs ~ Fact
Belief ~ vs ~ Belief
based on zero fact
and to not allow the Logical Debate between Belief and Fact is Fascism
and to physically change the Chemistry of the natural Human body is
and to do this to Children before they know the deference
by deciding for Children what they are before they know them self
Lunatic Criminal Political Science Fiction
Frankensteining Children
by Lunatic Adults
as the Ignorance of tested reality is the new normal
as we now have Political Physical Mental Experimentation on Children in America
science is to know
and the religion of science is skepticism ~
of Preached Pathological Feelings of Hate and Doomsday Paranoia
and Proves nothing in knowledge = science
Mask = Slow Suffocation = Slow Brain and Vital Internal Organ Damage
as Scientifically Test Proven and Ignored by Deep State Malpractice Fauci
who works with Mike Bloomberg
and what is the Pay Scale for Deep State Democrats Committing Treason
Against All of We the People who are America
The Rebuttal
February 3 ~ April 7
~ 2021 ~
I have nothing but Respect for Albert Einstein
who moved away form NAZI Fascism to the Free America
who was an Office Clerk for a Living
Einstein was about Life and Knowledge and not proven Lies for Profit
while I have zero Respect for People like
Michio Kaku and Bill Nye
and how much does the Weather Channel and the Media pay Michael Mann to Lie
along with many others who call themselves Scientists
who preach Lunatic Political Science Fiction for Profit
as they are about Profit not Reality in Science
as they are For Sale beyond proven fact tested reality
while rejecting Proven Fact Tested Reality for Political Pathological Gain
as the Media and Press allow zero Question Test Rebuttal Debate
to their proven Brainwashing Lies in Science
The Lunatic Fascist NAZI Party used Racism to take over and control Germany
and then all of Europe and parts of Africa
and it is the Democrats who continue to prove their Racism
as they Preach Pathological Hate and Paranoia based on zero proven truth
as they Preach and Use Racism that does not Exist
to further control all of our daily lives
…and no more Coca Cola for Me
as they Trash We the People
while I stopped Watching Political Brainwashing Late Night TV over four years ago
as they and many other Corporations are on the side of proven Fascism
as it was more than Racist to move the All Star MLB Game from Atlanta to Denver
as this further destroyed the Back Community and the many Black Business of Atlanta
and after sleeping on it
I am Done with Baseball
while I still remember the very First Baseball Game my Grandfather took me to
I was about 12 years old and we went to the Anaheim California Angels Game
and for many years before my Father passed away
I would give him two yearly books of tickets for his Birthday and Fathers Day
as they were only days apart
to go watch live Baseball together
and today
Baseball can go to Hell
and I think they should move the All Star Game to China
and the Lying Fascist Racist Democrats can go to Hell too
as Joe Biden is the New Puppet Jim Crow
and Puppet President Kamala Antifa Harris knows Dementia Joe is a Racist
as Joe is a Good Old Boy from long ago
as Puppet Joe’s Treason against All of We the People continues
for Billionaire Democratic Fascism
that continues to Destroy America for their Power Control and Profit
as their Empty Suit
is now in Charge of the Billionaire Controlled Fascist Democratic Lunatic Reality
who are World Wide Organized Crime and are One with China
and their Fascist Reality is the Political Media Brainwashed New Normal
as Brainwashed Ignorance now Dictate a Lunatic Pathological Criminal Reality
Joe Biden has Clearly Scientifically Proven to the World
that any Treasonous Predigest Fascist Idiot can be a Puppet President
for 60 Treasonous Predigest Fascist Billionaires
who Failed Grade School Science
and if you are not a Democrat then you are a Racist
as the Democrats support Antifa who define Fascism
as the Majority of the Media support and Lie for the Democratic Fascism
Destroying America for 60 Fascist Billionaires
who use Racism who use Black America
…refusing to look and see is not tested Reality ~
I am for
question test rebuttal debate
and what are you for ?
as some of We the People are for tested reality
while some of We the People are for untested Persuaded Make Believe ~
while only Good Lawmakers can learn and know and grow forward from proven mistakes
caused by the unquestioned undebated Preached political hearsay
as we must always acknowledged questioned tested failure to succeed ~
Stan was an Honest Journalist
and as the Governor of Montana
Stan was a good guy not a bad guy
To: All Montana Lawmakers ~
In today’s very fast paced world of change against tested reality
maybe you should meet every year instead of every other year
as you meet only for 90 Days for every 730 Days to do your Job
to Make All the Laws of the State of Montana
with only 640 days off
and how about only 550 Days off
and deal with all of the Reality
of All of We the People
every year
because We the People must live with everyday
and not for only 90 Days of every 730 Days
as Reality is Based on Question Test Rebuttal Debate Everyday
Please Google
Murphy Law ~ Great Falls Montana
and read my Google Review
I have Investigated and Proven Fraud in Science for over 25 years
and the Media and Press have Ignored all the Science Data
I have sent them for many years
Proving they are Frauds in Science and Medicine
The Majority of the Media and Press are not Journalist
they are Political Media Preachers for Democratic Fascist
who Preach Lunatic Political Science Fiction
CBS is proven to be Fraudulent News along with the Majority of the Media and Press
who are proven Political Frauds in Science for the Democratic Party
since Al Gore and his proven Fraud in Science the Inconvenient Truth
just as the Weather Channel are very proven Political Frauds in Climate Science
as Human caused Climate Warming and or Change
is a Scientifically Debunked Unproven Theory
while CBS 60 Minutes and the New York Times
are by far the Number Ones in Proven Political Fraud in Science
as they allow zero rebuttal to their fact proven Lies
and can provide Zero Science Data to prove they are not Lairs
as they allow zero Public Debate of the real Science
as they tell only the Politically Fraudulent side of the Story
as they are proven Political Ploy doing proven Harm in tested reality
The Bases for Fascism are Political Media Lies
and the bases for the Democratic Party owned by Billionaires
who Own the Majority of Media and Press
are their very proven to be Political Media Lies
as we now live in a world of
Political Media Brainwashed Make Believe rejecting tested Reality in Science
I worked for Harry Clark Buick in Compton California ~
My Great Grand Parents had a Rabbit Farm = Ranch
in Compton California
where my Grandfather Grew up
and I watched the Watts Riots on TV from about 35 miles away
in Fountain Valley California
on the same TV I watched the Assassination of President John F. Kennedy
and the Assassination Dr. Martin Luther King and the Bobby Kennedy Assassination
while I am still alive ~ real TV is not
Black Americans not White Americans are Burning Down their own Communities
and the Number one cause of Death for Black Americans
are Black People in Democratic Cites in Democratic States
as Black Americans continue to live in a Politically Brainwashed Fascism
Preached to them by White Democrats
as their Democratic Political Religion is Dictated by Billions
for their Power Control and Profit
and who cares how many Black People Kill Black People in Fascist Democratic America
who cares if they destroy their own Cites and Towns
as they destroy them selves
as the Number One cause of Death for Black Americans are Democratic Cites
as it was the Democrats who tried to stop the Freedom of Black Slaves
as it was the Lincoln Republicans who Freed All Slavery in America
of All Color
as Americans of All Color are moving away from Democratic Cites and States
as fast as they can
The Separation of Church and State is the Separation of Belief from Knowledge
Deliberate Political Media Preached Ignorance is caused by Power Control and Greed
question test rebuttal debate
rejecting to find and see the truth in knowledge
…as the Biden Crime Family Preaches to We the People ~
they do not Remember Committing Treason Against All of We the People who are America
Who is the Fascist Lunatic who decided we all need a Vaccine Passport
for only 1 of 150 Virus
while any Terrorist can now cross the U.S. Boarder with a Weapon of Mass Destruction
along with every Virus known to Mankind
while receiving Free Room and Board and Health Care
and then Vote with out any Identification
and maybe we should just send Absentee Ballots to all Carbon based Humans
on this Carbon based Earth
as the number of Homeless Americans continues to Rise
as the Democrats continue to openly Break the Law of the Land
as the Media and Press look the other way
as they Preach their Paranoia based on proven Ignorance debunked by real science
as they silence the Tested Truth in knowledge
as the Fascist Deep State continues to Distort Reality and History
as they together commit Treason against America
while Fraudulent Fauci
has no problem with any viruses freely crossing our U.S. Boarders
while the rest of us need a vaccine passport for only one mild virus
and that is how Democratic Fascism works in America
as the same 60 billionaires who own and control the Lunatic White House
own and control the Democrats the Media and Press
the Stock Market and all the Corporations as they now Preach their Fascism in Sports
with all the above now one with China
all together Destroying America
for their Power Control and Profit
while doing only Test Proven Harm to All of We the People
and do not forget to force all your children to wear a mask
Starving their Brain’s for Oxygen
I am guessing the sales of Coca Cola at the next Atlanta Braves Game
will be little to nothing
because I now know what I will be Boycotting
and if I never drink another Coca Cola in my Life it wont hurt my feelings
as Sports was one way to get away from all the Preached Lunatic Political Media Fascism
but no more
and they lost me
and ~ if ~ I should Watch any Game again on the Political Brainwashing Boob Tube
I will Record it and put an End to All the Commercials
and maybe Every Sports Fan on this Carbon based Earth
will Boycott the Fascist Corporations who love China
as the Media and Press are all proven Fascist Frauds and Lairs for the Fascist Democrats
and those who Vote for Democrats are Voting for Fascism
based on Belief in proven Ignorance and proven Lies
as the CEO’s of these Mega Corporations Boycotting anything based on Lunatic Hearsay
have Politically Proven their Fascism and Ignorance
and they are CEO’s
who have proven they are Big Dummy’s and Fools
who have their Heads up their Butts
as they Shoot the Foot in their Mouth
There is zero Freedom in Fascism
as the Scientifically Test Proven Political Media Scam against We the People continues
…and the Cardboard Sign along the Texas Highway said
~ Child Sex Slaves & Weapons & Drugs from China ~
50% Off
and what is Hunter Biden’s Cut for the Big Guy
and after 65 years of Living
I am still far more Alert than Joe Biden
I am not Alert enough to be President of the Republic of the United Sates of America
and today
with many Terrorists from all around the world now free to cross
and now crossing the U.S. Boarders
how long before a Suite Case Size Nuclear Weapon takes out a City in America
because Joe Biden is a Puppet Lunatic
who does not know he is Pretending to be President
while Kamala is the Lunatic Antifa President owned by 60 Billionaires
who own the all the Democrats
along with the majority of the media and the press
and your Job
~ as ~
The CDC rejects real science for Democratic political science fiction
~ while ~
It would take an Amendment to the U.S. Constitution to take away any States Rights
and Pelosi’s HR- 1
will make all of We the People Slaves to the Fascist Billionaire Democratic Party
and would take away more states rights
as it would Un Constitutionally erase States Rights
and is Un-Constitutional
just like her Un-Constitutional Treasonous Political Impeachment of President Trump
based on Democratic Deep State Political Fraud and Treason
as the Treason Continues Against All of We the People
you can not fix things that are broken by Politics
as Politics is the destruction of other politics
destroying each other while further destroying America
as fascism is the byproduct of preached lunatic ignorance
caused by persuaded feelings rejecting tested fact
as preached paranoia controls many
but does not control everyone
Does your new Electric Car run on Electricity made from Coal ?
as Coal is Dirtier than Gasoline
while the amount of energy to build a new car
is about the same amount of energy to drive your old car for three years
so if you bought a new car to save our carbon based Earth from carbon
causing the carbon cycle causing all Primary and Secondary Carbon based Life and Energy
in a continues cycle of recycle
as you just paid for putting three years of CO2 in the air
by just driving your new car off the lot
CO2 + Water Vapor + Sun Energy = Green = Environment
6CO2 = 6H2O + v ~> C6H12O6 + 6O2
as CO2 and Water Vapor is the variably evaporated Byproduct of warming
by the variable Sun
and not the cause of warming as this is very proven in real science
just ignored by Political Media Brainwashed Lunatics
who do not question the truth in knowledge and just Believe
and the more CO2 = Carbon and Oxygen we put in the Air
the Greener this Carbon based Earth
while Carbon based Humans who are 20% carbon
holding there body together
produce less than 3% of the CO2 going into the air causing more Green
Climate Change is Real
CO2 causing All Climate Change is a Debunked unproven Theory
supported by a proven to be flawed incomplete study
supported by proven to be Flawed and Fraudulent Data
Those Preaching Doomsday Climate Paranoia for
~ Power Control and Profit ~
who are supported by over 30 plus years of failed Lunatic Doomsday Predictions
by those who are proven to be Lunatic Political Pathological Frauds
who can only prove they failed 5th Grade Science
as they refuse to allow public question test rebuttal debate
while they can not articulate their make believe science
or prove their debunked unproven theory is tested Reality
Its all about Power Control and Profit doing only harm to the carbon cycle
based on zero science
spending trillions to do only harm to the cause of Green causing the Environment
causing you and me
…and what Malpractice Fauci
is not informing you of and does not want you to know is:
Wearing a Mask causes Oxygen Deprivation
trapping CO2 in your body while you are re-breathing CO2 trapped in the mask
causing Brain and Internal Organ Damage
while proven to not protect you from viruses
and Lunatic Fauci want you to wear Two Masks
doubling the suffocation rate to your Brain and Vital Internal Organs
for what is proven to be a very mild virus
as only those who were already dying died with the corona virus
as 10,000 Americans die every day of something
and some of them caught the Virus before they died
as 99.99% of those who caught the Corona virus live
with many People not knowing the had the mild virus
and for me now at the age of 65 the corona virus was like a bad three day cold
as the yearly Flu virus was far worse for me than the Corona virus
that is being used politically to Fascistly control our Lives
as the Lock Downs have done far greater harm than the Corona virus
and Fauci is a Medical Political Fraud for Democratic Fascism
as Fauci and his Fascism have been many times worse than the Virus
as he withholds very important Medical Information from the Public
proving Deliberate Malpractice doing Deliberate Harm
and how many Children
who are not effected by this very mild virus
will now Die or be Brain Damaged with other Medical Issues
from the Forced and improper use of a Mask
or worse two masks causing twice the suffocation rate
and how many Children may Die
from Breathing from the Bactria and Mold Growing in their dirty mask
that was not changed every four hours
and not informing the Public of these known facts
is this Fascist Political Fraud or Lunatic Ignorance or Both
it is now much easier to vote in Georgia than where you come from ~
once again proving Joe is a Political Pathological Fraud
as Every time Joe Biden Preaches his words they are all test proven Lies
while Joe Biden does not know he is Lying
while committing Treason against All of We the People
Preached Paranoia is not Science
Belief in Persuaded Make Believe is not Tested Realty
while it is from the holes in ours lives we can find much of what we know
that others will never know
as they refuse to know for belief
as they destroy history
as destroyed history repeats it self
again and again
Socialism is not Freedom
Socialism is a form of Fascism
and if you do not like Freedom
then Please Leave
as you are free to go
and move to China where they will Politically program you
while the MS 13 Criminals who are now again coming back from across Border
will be more than very happy to take your place
regardless if you are a Fascist or Free
Black People in Africa
were Hunted down by Black People in Africa
to Trade with the Dutch Merchant Traders
as many things were traded
and Black People traded many Black People
in trade for
~ Things ~
and in America Today
the majority of Black Americans who are Killed
are Killed by Black Americans
just as the majority of Asian Americans and White Americans
are Killed by Black Americans who Kill other Black Americans
as only some Black Lives Mater in America by some Black Americans
as the proven Number One Enemy to Black Americans are Black Americans
as they have proven they are Prejudice to themselves
and for me
I do not want to Kill anyone
I just want to be Free
while Democrats Support Back Lives Mater
who Kill Black People
as the Democrats Preach to me I am Raciest
when I am not
~ Inflation ~
is that when the price of Lumber more than Doubles in under 6 months ?
from $11.32 to $23.52
for one
2 x 8 x 12
and so much for finishing my new half completed Garage
I have been working on for the past Five Plus Years
I have seen Dementia in my Great Grandparents Grandparents and Parents
and from all of my Observations
Joe Biden has not been fit to be President since 1976
and now Joe is living in Dementia
and how does President Kamala feel about this known reality
Knives Kill Three Times the Number of People in America than Guns
as Democrats now Reward Lunatic Criminals and Punish the Victims
as they support Domestic Terrorist Groups like Antifa
who destroyed Main Street U.S.A. all around the U.S. all Summer long
and now the Democrats are going to try to Tax your gun away from you
You can not Tax Constitutional Rights in order to take away Constitutional Rights
while maybe we should Tax Fascist Criminal Political Ignorance and save many Lives
as returning Criminals are now Smuggling Guns Drugs and People
Freely across the U.S. Borders
We can provide Humanitarian Aid south of the Border
while protecting our Borders from Criminal Terrorist Invasion from all over this World
and what is now happening at the U.S. Border is Presidential Treasonous Lunatic Insanity
~ of the People by the People for the People ~
and why is the worst Insurance Company in Montana
owned by the Government of the State of Montana
as they further destroy the Lives of very Broken Montana Citizens
to save money
…if you do not Look then you can not See and Know
the Number One Cancer in Montana is Montana State Fund
I can Overwhelmingly Prove the Fraud at Montana State Fund
and that is why they have prevented my case form seeing the light of day in a Court of Law
three times that I can prove
after four plus years of Investigation with three attempts of Legal Motion for Justice
for Crimes I can Prove
that Gov. Steve Bullock was very aware of
as well as Lance Zanto the Chair Person of Montana State Fund
as well as Tammy Gibson of MSF
who Committed the Fraud with the Help of her Personal Physician and Friend
Dr. Sargent
Sage Medical Clinic
Helena Montana
To: All Montana Law Makers
on page 2
~ Warning ~
Based on my Personal Bad Experiences after many Physical Body and Head Injuries
~ Do Not Go To ~
Thomas Murphy Law Office ~ Great Falls Montana
Michael Doggett Attorney at Law ~ Missoula Montana
Odegaard ~ Kovacich ~ Snipes
Trial Lawyers
Billings ~ Great falls ~ Helena
as Tammy Gibson now owes them a Favor
I would call their work Deliberate Malpractice at Best
and in no way can you Trust these very Cruel People with your very Broken Life
as they are proven Back Stabbers and much Worse
as they have proven their very Unprofessional Dishonesty to me
while one can only wonder about the many back door deals that happen
with already proven to be Criminal Insurance Companies
as it is not about wellness for you its about profit for them
and the only winners here are those who are Negligent in a system of proven injustice
caused by Prejudice and Bias
by Criminals who play God with your Life
as those who we must blindly trust are sometimes the proven to be real enemies
…ignoring all tested knowledge for one belief is not science
while the Show must go on ~
a Governor is someone who enforces what the Law Makers tell the Governor to do
and not what the Governor tells the Law Makers
what the Governor is or is not already doing
regardless of the Law = Fascism
question test rebuttal debate
is always rejected by
Power Control and Profit
the new PCP
The New Democratic Normal for America is:
Lunatic Political Media Science Fiction
Preaching Fascist Hate Paranoia and Lies
I Back the Blue
and sometimes they must waste their very important time
for proven politically bias and predigest Lunatics
and if and when the Blue ever want my help
I will be there
as they are always there for all of us
Have you ever been called by local Law Enforcement
who are doing their Job as Peace Officers
with a Legal Complaint against you for Email Trespassing
for Emails that contain zero threats or harm to anyone
that provide Facts to a Government and or Public Email address
sent to a Taxpayer owned Computer on a Taxpayer owned Desk
to a Public Servant in a Public Building
~ well I have ~
and guess what I do
when I receive far more than just a few Junk Emails everyday
I Delete them
so if you don’t like my junk
and if it makes you feel better
Dial 911
and then maybe I should Dial 911 every time an unwanted Pop Up Occurs
my many repeated arguments in many forms
based on my investigations proving fraud in science for over 25 years
March 25, 2021
the Democrats are the Party of Hate Paranoia and Fascism Committing Treason
to All of We the People who are America
and now Joe Biden is going to give 4 Billion Dollars to Countries south of the Border
Money that will go into the Pockets of very Corrupt Criminal Rulers
making them more Corrupt and more Powerful
and more repressive to the People
We need to send direct Help and Aid to the People
and not money to the Criminals in Charge
as the only thing Joe has Proven to me
he is a Mindless Lunatic Criminal with Dementia being used by Criminal Democrats
March 24, 2021
when I am Denied do Process under the Law
that is Predigest Fascism
while together 60 Billionaires can spend a Trillion dollars buying all the Democrats
while the Billionaires already own and control the proven to be Fascist Media and Press
and if Joe Biden would like to spend a day arguing together
or just go for a drive and enjoy the view together
that’s OK with Me
Kamala Antifa Harris
who received zero votes in the Democratic Presidential Primary
is in Charge of the Predigest Fascism Committing Treason
I have not seen my $ 1’400.00 yet
maybe the Fascist Democrats are only giving the $ 1’400.00 to Fascist Democrats
and to all the Criminals crossing the boarder and to all the Criminals in Jails
while maybe they should give the money to the Victims of these Criminals
as Mike Bloomberg is already paying the Fines of Criminals
so they can Vote for Criminals
and what is the cut for Hunter Biden from the Organized Crime from south of the border
that is coming here from all over this world
and what is the big guy Dementia Joe’s cut
~ at the turning point in freedom ~
We the People
of the
~ Republic ~
of the
United States of America
are now
Some of the People
of the
~ Democracy ~
of the Un-United States of America
un-united by the Seventeenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution
In a Republic the Individual is Equal to the Majority
and in a Democracy the Majority Rules
while the Majority of Americans are not Democrats or Republicans
the majority of Americans do not belong to any Political Party
and have zero Representation in the U.S. Government
and because of the 17th Amendment
State Governments no longer have Representation in and Control of the U.S. Government
because the 17th Amendment removed Control of the U.S. Senate from State Governments
and now the U.S. Government can Dictate to the State Governments
because today Political Parties owned by Billionaires now control the U.S. Senate
and today one Political Party
who are not the Majority of We the People
now own and control the U.S. Government
as neither We the People or State Governments
have any Authority in the now Fascist American Government
and if we Reverse the 17th Amendment
then All State Governments
by All of We the People
will take back control of the Senate and reunite the States of America
stopping a single Political Party from controlling the U.S. Government
and Controlling all State Governments
as state governments would control the federal government
instead of the federal government controlling all the state governments
as there are no longer states rights in the Democratic Fascism
as one political party is now dictating to the Majority and the Minority of We the People
as they dictate to all state governments
and in reality this is called Fascism
as states right includes the ownership and control of the U.S. Senate
to control the Federal Government along with the Peoples House of Representatives
as our President today is not following and enforcing the Law of the Land
he is Breaking the Law and Dictating how we may live our lives
to be continued
~ * ~
March 23, 2021
Criminals will always have Guns
because they do not buy Guns from Gun Stores
because anyone can Buy a gun from MS 13 who are now back across the boarder again
along with the Brand New Terrorism
while Joe Biden has decided for All of We the People
that we are all now going to pay the room and board for criminals from all over the world
with a free bus ticket to somewhere
as they are Busing all of them to somewhere
into the Small Towns of America
and its a Surprise coming from the off ramps
from all along the side of the Highway of somewhere
many Homeless American War Hero’s are Committing Suicide everyday
and how does Kamala Antifa Harris Feel about all of this ~
… just for Laughs
in the New Normal of Democratic Fascism
March 22, 2021
…Children build their immune systems by eating dirt
and by being a living part of all of the living and non living environment
while wearing a mask deprives oxygen to the Brain and Vital Internal Organs
but who cares about already one year of slow Suffocation to everyone
as the Ignored Science can do far more harm than a Virus
and this is known as Ignorance of the very available knowledge = Science
reality is tested science and not dictated
as science and law are tested and argued not dictated
tested reality is: tested knowledge
My Science: to know and Legal Argument
are based on the past 500 years of the laws of science
supported by the Science of Law
and the very basics of Physics and Chemistry
since the early 1800’s
all debunking Humans cause climate warming
~ example ~
Geological Climate History
just ignored by the flawed incomplete climate study
Humans cause Climate Warming
along with many other very real Climate variables
just very ignored by
the Flawed Incomplete Political Media Preached Make Believe Climate Study
Preaching ~ their ~ very Test Proven Political Science Fiction
~ while ~
at 210 ppm CO2 in the Air Plants and Trees begin to Die
and at 160 ppm CO2 in the Air
the Carbon Oxygen Hydrogen Life and Energy Cycle will End
above sea level
The Increased CO2 and Water Vapor levels
causing all the Green and the Environment
are the Evaporated Byproduct of Climate Warming
and not the Cause of Climate Warming
as scientifically proven and just Ignored by Climate Religion for Profit
who just ignore proven fact tested reality in science
they do not comprehend
science is to know
question test rebuttal debate
~ and ~
not one Carbon based Human on this Carbon based Earth
Preaching Doomsday Climate Paranoia
will publicly Debate the Science or allow Question or Rebuttal
or provide a test or data to prove the debunked unproven theory is proven science
as Democrats continue to Preach
as the Bill MSNBC Gates Media is Brainwashing
their Lunatic Doomsday Political Science Fiction for
~ Profit ~
and for power and control of our daily lives
based on proven to be Garbage Science
while Harming the cause of Green and the Environment
costing us only trillions and trillions of Dollars
until all the plants and trees have died
ending the food and oxygen energy cycle for you and me
CO2 + Water Vapor + Sun Energy = Green = Environment
Carbon based Humans have been moving to higher ground for the past 26,000 years
while the Sea level has been 100 feet higher than today
and 350 ~ 400 feet lower than today
and when the rate of variable evaporation by the variable Sun with many cycles
exceeds the rate the Ice is melting the sea level declines
as the sea level will continue to go up and down regardless of Carbon based Humans
made by and from this Carbon based Earth from CO2 = Carbon and Oxygen
by the Carbon Oxygen Hydrogen Cycle
as Plants and Trees need Four Times the CO2 than in the air today to be at Good Health
Ice Core Science shows us Ice Ages with many times the CO2 level than in the air today
all the Lungs on this Carbon based Earth generate more CO2 than all the Cars
for plants and trees to breathe in the carbon life and energy cycle
as those who failed Grade School Science Dictate Science they can not Articulate
and do not comprehend
and have yet to prove beyond debunked unproven theory
From: Bruce A. Kershaw
45 years Atmospheric Emission Science Physics and Chemistry
with an on and off science debate with Joe Berry Lead Lab Chemistry Stanford University
Since January 1, 2011
To: Chuck Schumer
Dear Chuck,
you may have past a Law Exam
as you and the proven to be Treasonous Democrats are Deliberately Breaking
The Republic of the United States Constitutional Law
from Sea to shining Sea
while you continue to Fail 3rd Grade Science
$100’000.00 Reward for the Peer-reviewed Science Data
scientifically proving their is a climate emergency
and that humans are the cause of the climate emergency
while I have made this request well over 40,000 times since 2007
as I stopped counting years ago
as I continue to make this scientific request to everyone everyday who are
Preaching Catastrophic Doomsday Climatic Warming Paranoia
for the past 30 plus years of many Failed Lunatic Doomsday Predictions by Democrats
based on Un-Proven Theory supported by a proven to be very Flawed Incomplete Study
that is based on proven to be Bogus and Fraudulent Data
all debunked by available science data
that you obviously do not Comprehend
~ to be continued ~
March 21, 2021
Hypothetical is not Factual in working Science
as the Religion of Science is Skepticism
and my tested reality is:
Yesterday was the First Day of Spring on many Calender’s
and when the Mayan Calendar ran out
the Lunatics who Preach Doomsday’s were proven wrong again
When a Mayan Calendar ends a new Mayan Calendar begins
based on the Positions of this Carbon based Earth
based on a Rotation Cycle of the Earth Axis of 26,000 years
at this time
as the Earths rotation slows as the Moon moves further away
making everyday longer over time
while reducing the Gravity on this Carbon based Earth
and is only one of many factors in variable weather
and progressive climate change of the past 4.6 billion years
Repetitiveness is the Key to Deprogramming
my Prescription for Joe Biden is Oxygen
as those using Joe Biden are preventing Oxygen from going to his his Brain
Everything that has gone wrong
for the past 4.6 billion years and for the next 4.6 billion years
will now always be Donald Trumps Fault
because the Democrats Make Believe
they are never wrong and are always right and perfect
and this should be made into a new Law soon
Joe Biden is an Insult to all Intelligent Tested Reality in Science Medicine and Law
and how many Terrorists and Returning Criminals have now Crossed the Boarder ?
Joe Biden is committing Terrorism against We the People
Joe Biden is committing Treason against America
by Executive Order that is Breaking the Law of the Land
The Variable Evaporated Byproduct of Variable Warming
by the Variable Sun with many Cycles
causing the Carbon Oxygen Hydrogen Life and Energy Cycle
caused by this Carbon based Earth
where everything Living and Breathing and not Living and Breathing
has Carbon in it
~ is ~
CO2 and Water Vapor
the CO2 comes from the Majority of Volcanic Activity below Sea level
now add Sun Energy causing Green causing the Environment
6CO2 + 6H2O + v ~> C6H12O6 + 6O2
~ while ~
All the available Scientific Climate and Weather Data of the past 150 years
with Ice Core Science
and all known Geological Climate History
there is zero Climate Emergency
there is zero catastrophic Climate Warming
there is zero catastrophic Ice Melting
and there is zero catastrophic Sea Level Rise
while climate change is very real
Human caused Climate Warming is Debunk unproven theory
and those Preaching Catastrophic Doomsday Climate Warming Paranoia
are scientifically test proven Lunatics
who continue to publicly prove they Failed 5th Grade Science
as they reject 5th Grade Science
Pathological is not Factual
and scientifically proven over and over again and again
the majority of the Media and Press are deliberate Political Pathological Frauds in science
as their proven political media Ignorance dictates science
My continued work in progress ~
by question test rebuttal debate
and by age 30 you realize you were not as smart as you thought you were at age 20
and at age 40 you realize there is far more to learn than you know
and by 65 you realize you wish you could be 20 again and Stupid
We the People
live in a world of test proven Lunatic Political Science Fiction dictating our daily lives
and what will be the long term negative effects of forcing children to wear a mask
that does cause test proven Oxygen Deprivation to their Developing Brains
and all Developing Vital Internal Organs
while it is Black People who are proven to be Harming Asians not White People
as proven to be Criminal Democrats Preach Racism by White People
as this is a political tool for political ploy
while the vast majority of Black Deaths in America are caused by Black People
as only some Black Lives Matter to some Black People
I voted for Ron Paul in the 2008 Primary Election
and then 8 years later I did not vote for Clinton or Trump in the 2016 Election
while sometimes I have a Bad Day ~
Adolf Hitler was a Psychopath
and what are the Leaders of Russia and China today ?
and just like the Deep State NAZI Party in Germany
the Deep State Democrats are very alive and well today in America
as the Democratic Party is a Lunatic Political Media Religion
owned by a Large Group of Billionaires from everywhere who own the Media too
as the Democrats today are now Punishing those who are not Democrats
while their new Dementia Puppet President Joe Biden
~ they are using ~
belongs in a Rocking Chair on a Sinking Island
where Joe can politically preach his proven to be
Lunatic Climate Doomsday Paranoia
so Billionaires can Profit
based on debunked unproven theory and zero fact tested reality in science
and what will the already Acting Puppet President Antifa Harris do ?
as Criminal Billionaires Control America Today
as their Fascism has decided for us what is best for All of We the People
The Fascist Democratic Party is Arrogant Ignorance committing Treason against America
while controlling your life with preached fear and paranoia
based on proven fraud in science medicine and Law
doing test proven harm to themselves and everyone
I began my Scientific Investigation of the Corona Virus on March 13, 2020
and the Media and Press are Political Media Preachers not real Journalists or Scientists
as they Politically Preach Disinformation and proven Lies to We the People
99.99 % of those who caught the Corona virus continue to Live
while those dying with the virus were already dying of something
as 10,000 Americans die everyday of something
and some of them caught the virus before they died
as the majority of those dying with the corona virus were
in the last 1 to 12 months of their life
Obsess Diabetics with Heart and Lung Disease over 70 years of age
while more Americans die from abortion everyday
than die from the Corona Virus
and where Masks were Mandated versus not Mandated
in some cases the virus spread at the the same rate
while in some other cases the Mask Increased the spread of the virus
proving mask mandates are all for political ploy for control of your life
while causing slow Suffocation damaging the Brain and Vital Internal Organs
just as the Lock Downs have only made things many times worse for everyone
all over this Carbon based Earth
while a leaked German Government Report states:
this is all a world wide false alarm
as the corona virus is a mild virus and only one of about 150 viruses
and are we now going to do the very same political crimes for all the other viruses too ?
as this is all Democratic Political Scam for Power Control and Profit doing only Harm
The yearly flu virus was much worse for me than the Corona Virus
as the Corona Virus was like a bad three day cold
as I am now 65 years of age
while I tell people I am 105 years old
because I always add 40 years to my age
so to always look good for my age
and I will say this again
all Honest Doctors can be wrong up to 50% of the time
Malpractice Political Pathological Fauci
is a scientifically test proven Political Fraud in Mask Science
as there are very real Scientifically Test Proven Facts from Real Medical Studies
showing us very real serous Health Risk associated with wearing a mask
with twice as much harm from wearing two Masks
as Fauci just Ignores the very real very available science facts proving he is wrong
or maybe this is simple Ignorance on his part
as Fauci Ignores the very real harm from the Improper use of a Mask
just as Mask Up Montana are Proven Political Frauds in Mask Science they just Ignore
that is doing very real harm caused by very real oxygen deprivation
to the Brain and vital Internal Organs
along with many other very real health risks
that Malpractice Fauci does not want you to know
as he Preaches Lunatic Political Science Fiction doing test proven harm
because we know slow suffocation from wearing a mask will not prevent any Illness
or twice the suffocation from wearing two masks
as Real Ignored Test Proven Science continues to Debunk Malpractice Fauci
and those who have not reviewed the available Science Data
have earned zero right to Preach their Lunatic Political Science Fiction
by very proven to be Disinformation and Proven Lies
for their political ploy
as there are zero peer-reviewed science facts available from the Media and Press
question test rebuttal debate
as we know Fauci is working with Mike Bloomberg who owns the Democrats
as Mike is always changing the rules for the Democratic Party for his own Benefit
and in my book that makes Fraudulent Fauci a Deep Sate Democrat
and how much are Deep State Democrats Paid ?
to Politically Lie to All of We the People
as the Media rubber stamps the proven Lies
proving fascism rejecting science
page one = 1
March 17, 2021
…being a senor at Helena High in 1973
was many times easier than today
~ as ~
the Number Two cause of Death for Teenagers is Suicide
as many of them were the best in their class
as they did not die from a virus
they died from a lack of freedom
caused by the closed minds that refuse to look see and know
How Comforting to know
today any Terrorist from anywhere can now freely cross the U.S. Border
Joe Biden was a Big Dummy before his Dementia
and now Joe needs more Oxygen not 20% less from wearing a mask
To: Preached Doom and Gloom Paranoia Dementia Joe
who over 60 billionaires gave money to
as Hunter is doing very good too from all over the world
and is there anyone their ?
to debate proven fact tested reality in science ?
by question test rebuttal debate ?
you are the most Pessimistic Carbon based Human on this Carbon based Earth
as not one Democratic Doomsday Prediction over the past 30 plus years
has ever come true as your Preached Paranoia of the unknowable future continues
as you are being used
and from now on when something goes wrong
~ and it will ~
you must always blame a dead person
this works much better than blaming people who are still alive
who are not to blame for something you did wrong
that you do not remember doing and do not know you did
science is: to know
Marilyn Monroe
was served to John F. Kennedy on a Silver Platter
and that is a fact in proven history that can not be removed
as we learn and know from history to grow forward
…and as we say in Montana ~
Cowboy Up
…because you can not Tax ~
The Bill of Rights
you can not Tax Owning your Own Gun
you may in some way be Taxed while ~ buying or selling ~ a Gun
but you can not Tax ~ Having ~ a Gun
in order to take away the Ownership of the Gun
unless their is a mortgage on the gun
and if you buy the mortgage on the gun you then you can take the gun
but only by the order of a Court of Law
and then only with and by rite of execution
and then
Law Enforcement Knocks on your Door
and then they tell you
you are over three months behind on your Gun Payment
and it is time to pay up
give us the gun
and then you give the Gun to the Law Person
you can now get a much better gun just across the Boarder
for half of much that can not be Taxed
and it came with a free pound of Pot
that no one in America will buy
you can now Legally buy pot grown locally and then you pay taxes on the pot
helping our Education System Politically Brainwash our Children
and I will take the Pot over the Politically Preached Brainwashing of Paranoia
…and how about a Gun Death Tax ~
as you will always own your own gun until the day you die
and only then the government can take your gun from your dead body
science is: to know
I am for Law Enforcement Everywhere for Everyone
as the Deliberate Distortion of Proven Fact Tested Reality in Science is the New Normal
March 16, 2021
…if you want to fix the U.S. Senate
Reverse the 17th Amendment
caused by the Crimes of the Butte Copper Kings of Montana
as the 17th Amendment only made reality 100 times worse than before
~ while ~
The 16th Amendment has yet to be Legally Ratified
as not all of each
State Government Law were worded the same on the 17th Amendment
as many of each State Government were
worded and proposed differently
and then with all of the above different this was
Un-Constitutionally Rubber Stamped by the U.S. Supreme Court
as all knowledge in Law is: to know
as is
science is: to know
but if you do not look you can not see the knowledge
All of the Crime Cartels of South America and all Terrorist from all around the world
~ Love Joe Biden ~
and that’s why they buy and wear Joe Biden T-Shirts
and what is the Cut for Hunter Biden on the Sale of Biden T-Shirts
the Sign next to the opening in the Wall says open for Business
and Children Guns and Drugs are on Sale Today
with no Back Ground Cheek Required
When Public Servants become the Rulers of All of We the People
this is called Fascism Destroying Truth Justice and Liberty
of by and for All of We the People
as All of We the People who are America
Strive to repair what is Broken in America
while the Democrats are Deliberately Destroying what is not Broken
as the Media and Press are the proven Lairs and Frauds for Democratic Fascism
who prevent the Tested Truth from being known for their Fascist Political Ploy
for their Power Control and Profit
that is Being Fascistly Treasonously Stolen from All of We the People
March 13, 2021
The British Empire Shipped all their Lunatic Misbehavers to Australia
and here in America we now in time ship them to Washington D.C.
I am for Legal Immigration
and against MS 13 and other Criminals and Terrorists crossing the U.S. Boarders Freely
while our Homeless Americans continue to live and die on the Streets of America
Democratic Preached Hate Paranoia and test proven Lies for Political Ploy
is Fascism not Freedom
and without Secure Boarders there can be no Security or Freedom
I am a Student of Constitutional Law and History since 1980
and Joe Biden is Breaking United States Law
and when the President is Breaking the Law of the Land
State Governments have the Constitutional Right and Responsibility
to always Protect their Boarders and the Borders of America
from those Breaking the Law of the Land
and from any and all crime within their borders at all times
as all Law must always be Enforced
and Joe Biden is working against Justice
as Joe Biden is for Injustice
as Joe Biden is allowing for all crime to Flourish on all sides of all the Boarders
doing only proven harm to everyone
Joe Biden is a Proven Criminal of Constitutional Law
and must be Impeached for his Crimes against all Humanity
Joe Biden is not working for All of We the People
Dementia Puppet Joe
is Blindly working for 60 plus Fascist Treasonous Trader Billionaires
who have placed themselves above We the People
and have turned the Democratic Party and the Media and Press into a living Cancer
who are destroying all the Rights and all the Freedoms
of All of We the People who are America
for the sake of their Power Control and Profit
~ and ~
When you can not control and protect your own Borders
you can not protect Life and Property within your Borders
and we must do all we can to Save Humanity in all of South America
to save our selves from the Tyranny they Flee from
as they want what we have in America that is now being taken away from America
as they Flee from their Tyranny to our new Tyranny
as their Tyranny is now Free to cross our U.S. Borders
as the Democrats reward the Criminals and Punish All Americans
for Billionaire Profits
as Political Media Brainwashed Ignorance now Dictates a False Reality
I drive to Bozeman Montana from Helena Montana 5 days a week
for the Fort Harrison VA Hospital Medical Lab
~ and you can be very Proud of the many Patriots of the VA
that I have the opportunity to work with everyday ~
on my way to Bozeman yesterday or maybe the day before
~ as I am right now preoccupied with a toothache ~
I stopped at the Truck Stop at Interstate 90 and Highway 287
as this is the back door entrance to Three Forks Montana
and what I witnessed on the Off Ramp on Interstate 90
was a large White Bus with everyone unloading everything off the Bus
and my first thought was the Bus must of broke down
and they will all have to wait for another Bus to come rescue them
and as I came closer to the Bus before turning on to the on ramp of I-90
headed east on my way to Bozeman
I noticed there were many large Garbage Bags as there Luggage
and as I continued my drive to Bozeman I passed another Large White Bus
that looked just like the White Bus that was unloading People at the Three Forks Off Ramp
~ and after sleeping on it I now I wonder ~
are these Bus Loads of Criminals who Illegally Crossed the U.S. Border
who are now being dumped along side the roads of Montana ?
as these White Buses
look just like the White Buses I just saw today on the News that were at the U.S. Boarder
full of Criminals who had crossed the U.S. Boarder Freely and Illegally
and as we already know
the Puppet Biden Democratic Cancer continues to Invade America and Grow
and are they Informing Greg Gianforte our new Governor of Montana
they are Dumping Criminals in Montana ?
If you do not make believe in Joe Biden’s mindless make believe you will be Punished
as the Democrats are now Punishing those who are not on Their Side
punishing those who refuse to make believe in their Media Preached and Brainwashed
Lunatic Political Science Fiction doing only Harm
and maybe Joe can get me Fired from my Job
Transporting Lab Work and Corona Virus Tests
for the many Sick U.S. War Veterans
Its time to lock your doors and load your guns
~ while ~
There was some kind of a Banking System Crises yesterday
the system was overloaded
and I am guessing it was caused by the Feds
paying out Stimulus Funds
and the system is now back up to normal speed
March 11, 2021
~ my ~
question test rebuttal debate
a work in progress
since the spring of 2007
and have you ever tried to articulate
atmospheric emission science physics and chemistry to a 5th Grader ?
~ or ~
to the Politicians and the Political Media Preachers
who have publicly proven they failed 3rd grade science ?
You can not ignore or change preexisting hard science
with political media preached words of persuaded belief
supported by zero science data
as the Democrats are not about All of We the People
they are only for Democrats
just like NAZIS were only for Nazis
and in america today
if you are not one of them then you are the enemy
as ~ their ~Democratic party is above All of We the People
and today proven with Video and Testimony
it is Predigest Black People who Hate America in Democratic Cities
who are Attacking Asian Americans
as the Democrats Preach it is Republican White Supremacy
Attacking Asian Americans
The Billionaire owned and controlled Democratic Political Media Corporation
is: Predigest Fascism committing Treason
against All of We the People who are America
~ March 10, 2021 ~
when Lunatics can dictate a false reality
we then have trillions going everywhere but where it should go
~ as ~
We have Homeless Veterans holding up cardboard signs on the streets of America
that say Hungry
and many of them go to where ever home is that night and commit suicide
and Joe Biden is going to give MS 13 money and free room and board and medical care
and a free bus ticket to any where they want to go
while the National Guard Protecting the Capital are feed garbage
and then sleep on cement parking lot floors
as America Last is here again
as the Democrats continue to reward crime
and punish law and order and heroes
while Distorting knowledge and history
for their power control and profit
CO2 is: Green Energy
CO2 + Water Vapor + Sun Energy = Green = Environment
6CO2 + 6H2O + v ~> C6H12O6 + 6O2
causing the primary and secondary carbon life and energy cycle
in a continuous cycle of recycle
and man made Climate Warming is a debunked unproven theory
and preached by the Media and Press as Settled Science
in a new science
as we learn and know something new in every science everyday
Evaporated CO2 and Water Vapor is the variable byproduct of variable warming
by the variable Sun and not the cause of warming
as Nature provides over 97 % of the CO2 in the Air
and Carbon based Humans less than 3 %
while the climate study is very proven to be Flawed Incomplete
and supported by proven to be Flawed and Fraudulent Data
and debunked by 70 plus years of very real
Atmospheric Emission Science Physics and Chemistry
ignored by the climate study
along with many other ignored climate variables
while further debunked by Ice Core Science and known Climate History
ignored by the proven to be Bogus Climate Study
there is zero catastrophic Climate Warming
there is zero catastrophic Ice Melt
and there is zero catastrophic Sea Level Rise
it is all political media disinformation and proven lies
its all lunatic political science fiction
for power control and profit that is harming the cause of green and the environment
as they prohibit all Public Question Test Rebuttal Debate
as not one of my Letters to the Editor since 2007 has ever been printed
and no one preaching doomsday climate paranoia can provide peer-reviewed science data
to prove they are not frauds in science
after more than 40,000 requests for science data since 2007
as real data debunk no data
as preached words prove nothing in proven fact tested reality in science
pathological can not debunk factual in science
We are now back to: Political Media Doomsday Climate Paranoia
with added Political Media Doomsday Virus Paranoia
supported by proven disinformation and lies
while preaching only some Black Lives Matter Racism Paranoia
now add a little Brainwashed Nancy Paranoia
~ Nancy ~
by new Children’s Book just for you
You are the thing with no thing while I am a thing with a thing
~ while ~
I am in no Condition to be ~
The President of the Un-United States of America
I am in much better condition than Joe Biden
and we all know whats under the tip of that Iceberg
I am for the Truth in all of Life and all of Knowledge for a Better Life for All
and when I am Proven Wrong ~
I then Learn and Know and Grow Forward in Tested Reality
There can be no sides in the Questioned Tested Truth
there can only be the Death of the Truth by Ignorance and Evil
and there will always be Ignorance and Evil
…they say the best way to have a voice in Government is to give money to a Politician
and of course Billionaires have ~ all ~ the money to give to ~ all ~ the Politicians