…and as the Democrats and Republicans continue to Destroy each other
they continue to Destroy America
and I think we need a law that states:
if you Failed 3rd grade science twice
and you continue to Fail 3rd grade science in to your seventy’s
and you now have Dementia
while you have committed proven Treason against All of We the People for many years
~ then ~
you can not be the President
~ and this Law is known as the ~
The Twenty Fifth Amendment
making Kamala President
if the proven to be fraudulent election is Ratified by the Senate
Kamala came in very last in the Fascist Treasonous Democratic Presidential Primaries
…and what is Preached Paranoia ?
question test rebuttal debate
would you trust proven to be Fascist Democratic Billionaires
committing Treason against All of We the People = America ?
…as they Censor the proven fact tested reality in science and medicine
as they withhold real science data from the Public proving the media is wrong
proving the Media knows what they are preaching
to All of We the People is proven to be wrong
and very Proven to be a Political Media Lie
and when you confront the Media with their Proven Lies they continue to knowingly Lie
during a National Emergency they invented from one mild virus engineered by China
of 150 Viruses they ignore
To: the Lunatic Political Media Preachers who call themselves Journalist
who have earned zero right to scientific opinion
who Preach to us their Lunatic Political Science Fiction
they can provide zero science data for
to support their proven to be Fraudulent Misinformation
and proven to be Lies for their Deliberate Political Ploy
proving they are Treasonous Political Pathological Frauds
~ as ~
Fascist Treasonous Ignorance Repeats Itself
as Proven Lunatics like Bill MSNBC Gates
Preach to us we need more Lock Downs
the New York Lock Down increased the spread of the Corona virus by 60%
while destroying all Lives and the Economy
as we witness a mass exit of New York City
that is now over flowing with Murder and Crime
Child and Domestic Abuse
Drug and Alcohol Overdoses
and is now the Perfect Example of Proven Ignorance
of the Fascist Lunatic Democratic Governors and Mayors
who have publicly proven they failed 3rd grade science
as they continue their Lock Downs doing far more harm than the Mild Corona virus
as they Practice Medicine with out a Licenses with zero science data
and must be Punished for their known Crimes
…a few years back ~
after coming across ~ JC ‘s ~ Web Page that he provides for his Grade School Students
I then communicated with the Grade School Teacher online
because when you go to his Web Page it Preaches his Religion
while Preaching his Lunatic Political Science Fiction to his Grade School Students
proving we do have Grade School Teachers Brainwashing our Children in America
Proving the Public is not in charge of Public Education payed for by the Public
Proving it is time for a Positive Change
by All of We the People of all Flavors
Persuaded Paranoia is a Feeling and is not Tested Knowledge
and the Vast Majority of We the People Dying ~ with ~ the Corona Virus
were already dying before they ~ caught ~ the Corona Virus
~ while ~
many more Americans Die from Abortion
while 25,000 Carbon based Humans
~ starve to death everyday ~
on this Carbon based Earth
where all Carbon based Life is caused by Carbon based Oxygen
~ where ~
The Right to Privacy and Free Speech and Worship has gone away
along with all of our other rights
but one
the right to own a Gun
and the Number One Cancer in America
Bill Treasonous MSNBC Gates who controls the World Health Disorganization
and deliberately Laid to the World for China
& Mike Treasonous Fascist Bloomberg
and their 60 Treasonous Billionaires Friends
who own and control the Democratic Party and Deep State Democrats
and the majority of the Lying Media
and support proven to be Domestic Terrorist organizations like Antifa
the Political Media & Press
and can the Political Media Pathological be allowed to politically dictate a False Factual
by Political Media Preachers who killed Real Journalism ?
as the proven to be Treasonous Fascist Media
continue to Preach proven to be disinformation and political lies for Political Ploy
doing only Harm to All of We the People
and is here to stay
by Democratic Billionaires who own and control everything
and everyone they can and do
To: Political Media Treasonous Fascism
~ persuaded belief is: religion ~
as to believe is to make believe
proving persuaded political belief is political religion
~ as ~
The Truth in Knowledge is Questioned not Dictated
~ because ~
Pathological is not Factual
~ when ~
science is: to know
…my 2 cents worth for free ~
and when living Life stops ~
moving changing and growing forward in America
then Freedom is Dead
~ and ~
Dictated and Brainwashed Paranoia is not Science
as Paranoia is a Mental Disorder
…and when Capitalism is Broken it must then be Repaired
while Donald Trump is fixing the Broken Capitalism for All of We the People
while Donald Trump is his own worst enemy
while Donald is on the side of the Tested Truth Reality
I am not a Democrat or Republican
I am with the Majority of All of We the People who are the Independents
and I am a Student of Constitutional Law and History since 1980
and a Scientist since the day I was Born March 27, 1956
and when there is Question
and there can be no Test and Debate
…and when you are Forced to take a Vaccine against your Will
that is
Fascism not Freedom
and if Bill MSNBC Gates
has a Shrink
then both Bill and his Shrink need a Real Shrink
as Bill’s Brainwashing Machine Continues
to Preach Paranoia for Profit
~ as ~
The Science Data from all around this Carbon based Earth
has clearly scientifically Proven
Lock Downs only make things many times worse
while further scientifically proving
Bill MSNBC Gates is a Proven Fascist Treasonous Lunatic
who is on the side of his Friends in China
as Bill has clearly proven he is not on the side of All of We the People who are America
as Bill has clearly proven he is for His Power Control and Profit
along with his 60 or so Billionaire Friends
Bill is a Ruler and All of We the People are the Peasants
as the More Harm Bill can do to All of We the People
the more Rich and Powerful he becomes
as Bill MSNBC Gates continues to Destroy America
to own and control All of We the People
~ Question Test Rebuttal DebateĀ ~
and are we going to use our Children who are not effected by the Corona Virus as
Guinea Pigs ?
for a brand new vaccine
and what happens when the vaccine is Accidentally Thawed
and then refrozen and then thawed again for use ?
while the number three cause of death in the U.S.A. are caused by mistakes in Hospitals
while forcing Children to wear a mask will do more harm than the Corona virus
from the lack of Oxygen to the Brain and Vital Internal Organs
while Harming the Immune system
while the very same applies to all Adults
while the mask is proven not to protect you from this very mild virus
and Six Feet Social Distancing does not work because Twelve Feet is proven not to work
and Lock downs are scientifically proven to only make things many times worse
as the proven Political Media Scam and Preached Paranoia for Political Ploy continues
My repeated Argument in many forms for the Truth in Life and knowledge
Science is new everyday because we learn and know something new everyday
and I have Investigated and Proven Fraud in Science for the past 25 years
My Hypothetical Conjecture
based on the Available Data and Available Known Tested Facts
withheld from the Public by the Media and Press
~ and ~
The Number One Scam Artist is:
Bill ~ MSNBC ~ Gates
as we already know Bill is Paranoid about over Population
and maybe that is why
25,000 Carbon based Humans continue to Starve to Death Everyday
while Bill Gates who is Number One with China
and Number One with the World Health Dis ~ Organization
as they Lied for China to the World
about a Virus that is equal to the Common Cold and yearly Flu Viruses
of 150 Viruses
and for myself at 64 years of age was like a 3 day cold
as the only People Dying ~ with ~ the Corona Virus
were already dying before they contracted this very mild virus
as 99.99 % of those with the Virus continue to Live
while the 00.01 % who were already dying still died
as Bill Gates is now making a Fortune on a proven to be un-necessary Vaccine
and I will not be taking any vaccine made by those
who have overwhelmingly proven to me they can not be trusted
and what is ~ In ~ the proven to be Scam Artist Vaccine ?
that the majority of those under 50 years of age do not need
and what are the long term Neurological effects of the new very rushed Vaccines
as the Corona Virus has Neurological Effects and so will the Vaccine
and what happens when a vaccine has not been kept at the right Temperature
because the majority of those who provide Vaccines do not have – 94* F Refrigeration
and is then given to those who do not need a Vaccine ?
and so are we going force everyone to take the Vaccine and see what happens
and you will then have to carry around in your pocket your vaccine card
or be allowed to do nothing in Public ?
and will it Cure Bill’s over Population Paranoia too ?
as history will know the now proven lies and dis-information
as we continue to learn and know new proven Lies and proven Disinformation
by Bill ~ MSNBC ~ Gates
Preaching and Selling Fear and Paranoia to Control Everyone’s Life everyday
as Bill is a Proven Demon and Trader to America
just like Mike Bloomberg
who buys and owns Politicians of every flavor everyday
The Corona Virus is a Proven to be Fascist Treasonous Political Tool
being used Against All of We the People
with the Help of Government Deep State Democrats
seen in every part of Government and Education
and with the Help of the Treasonous Media and Press they own and control
The K-12 Students in the U.SA. before the Corona Virus
were already two to three years behind Students in counties like Germany
and after the Corona Virus they will be four plus years behind the rest of the Free World
as the Free World continues to slip away caused by proven Ignorance
as the Public Education system and the Media continue to Dumb Down America
by Politically Pro Democratic Teachers Unions
when there should be zero Education Dictated by Teachers Unions
with Scientifically Proven Political Media Lies
while in Places like Germany only the top 5% of Students may go on to Teach
while here in the U.S.A. the bottom 5% can go on to Politically Preach rather than Teach
while China’s Goal is to Dominate the Entire World
as Bill and Mike have very much proven they are helping China to Destroy America
while there continues to be the un-answered Questions
as they Fascistly refuse to acknowledge the Questions or allow Public Debate
as they ban and silence the available data and facts in Tested Reality
proving they are Frauds in Science and Medicine
while the more Mom and Pop business continue to needlessly go under
the more Proven to be Scam Billionaires make
Mike Treasonous Bloomberg & Bill MSNBC Gates
& 60 other Fascist Treasonous Billionaires
who own and control the Democrats the Deep State Democrats
To: the Scientifically Proven to be
Fascist Treasonous Traders of the Political Scam Media and Press
owned by the proven to be 60 Fascist Treasonous Billionaire Traders
Science is Flawed and not Perfect
because Carbon based Humans made by and from this Carbon based Earth
by the Carbon Cycle with Oxygen and Hydrogen
caused by Carbon based Oxygen = CO2 = Carbon Dioxide
are Flawed and not Perfect
and this is why the Truth in knowledge must always be in Question
today Medicine is under the Thumb of Lunatic Politics
by those who have earned zero right to opinion
and am I guilty or not of Reality ?
and can the Truth be Tested
as the Democrats continue to Preach for the past 30 plus years
we are all going to die soon
on zero science data
Preached as Settled Science by the Fascist Media and Press
when settled science does not exist in proven fact tested reality
as new knowledge continues to debunk old knowledge
and there will always be un-answered questions
and today the proven to be Treasonous Fascist Media of America
does not want you to know about the Leaked German Government Report
stating the Corona Virus is a World Wide False Alarm
that is now being used by Democrats to Fascistly Dictate every second of our Lives
while all the restrictions by Fascist Democrats are proven to make things worse not better
and Governors and Mayors who are Preaching the Science support the Lock Downs
are Scientifically Proven Lunatics and Frauds in Medicine
and are causing far more Harm than the Virus
as they are Practicing Medicine with out a License
and are committing Deliberate Malpractice
and should be Sued and Punished for their Negligence and Fraudulent Malpractice
while Dictated Mandates by proven to be Political Pathological Lunatics
are not Law by Law Makers
and can not be Legally Enforced by Law Enforcement
if a proven Lunatic Mayor tells you it is now Mandated by
~ me ~
everyone jump off the Cliff
and then if you do not jump off the Cliff
then you can not be arrested
because it is not a Real Law Passed by Real Law Makers
it is proven Fascist Treasonous Lunatic Political Science Fiction
Destroying America for Power Control and Profit
I voted for Freedom not Fascism
…and when Deep State Judges Deny Due Process of the Law
are they Denying Constitutional Reality for Political Make Believe ?
as they refuse to look and see
I have no Legal Council
I am my own Legal Council
based on the Questioned Laws of Science
by the Questioned Truth in Knowledge
science is: to know
~ opening argument ~
…the Russian Conspiracy was by and with President and Hillary Clinton
and not by or with President Trump
as the Clinton’s committed Treason not President Trump
Joe Biden is now Owned by China
and after Joe Biden refused to listen to us
Joe now demands we listen to him
~ while ~
Donald Trump
the President of the Republic of the now Un-United States of America
Un-United by the 17th Amendment
~ was ~
Politically Fascistly Treasonously
Un ~ Constitutionally Impeached
for sending foolish insulting tweets and then was unlawfully Impeached
by those who have committed Treason against All of We the People
for the past four plus years
~ while ~
200 years ago Nancy Pelosi for her Treason would be Hanging from a Tree
along with the other proven to be Treasonous Frauds
Pathological is not Factual
and Fascism is not Freedom
and we need to send those who commit Voter Fraud to Jail for 10 to 20 years
for their Treason against All of We the People
as the Treason against All of We the People continues
by those who today Fascistly Control our Lives
based on their debunked political science fiction
…as we live on a Carbon based Planet
where everything has Carbon in it
where 25,000 Carbon based Humans Die of Starvation Everyday
from a lack of Carbon based Food
where Politically Brainwashed Fascist Green Lunatics who failed 5th grade science
want to stop the cause of Green causing the Environment
where 10,000 Americans Die Everyday
from everything there is to die from
and those who are Dying with the Corona Virus
were already dying before they caught the Corona Virus
and would have still died regardless of the Corona Virus
and the rest is scientifically proven Political Media Scam by 60 Billionaires
who own and control the Democrats the Deep State Democrats
and the majority of the Media and Press
providing scientifically proven Disinformation and Lies
while allowing zero Question Test Rebuttal Debate to their proven Lies
as they Preach and Sell Fear and Paranoia to control All of We the People
while Silencing the Proven Fact Tested Truth in Reality in Science and Medicine
doing only harm to All of We the People for their Power Control and Profit
as the Scientifically Proven Political Media Scam Continues
to Destroy America for Proven Billionaire Fascism
who are one with China
as they are trying to make America more like China where Religion is a Political Sin
and People are Politically Reprogrammed by the China Government
as Democratic Governors and Mayors Fascistly withhold Law Enforcement
allowing main street USA to be burned down to the Ground
to sell Fear and Paranoia
and now Fascistly prevent Religious Worship in America
by using a proven to be Very Mild Virus as a political tool
to control our daily lives
as the Lock Downs have nothing to do with real Science
and everything to do with very real Fascism
and what happens when People are forced into Political Lock Downs
they travel out side the Lock Down
taking the very mild corona virus with no symptoms with them
as we know the Lock Down in New York
increased the spread of the Mild Corona Virus by 60%
as the Lock Downs are not to slow the spread of the Virus
they are to Fascistly Control your Life
and this Fascist Democratic Experiment will Fail sooner or later
…the Rebuttal
To: the Brainwashed words of persuaded belief
based on scientifically debunked unproven theory
while Testing shows
the improper use of a Mask can do far greater harm than the Corona Virus
as the Empty Talking Heads who can Articulate zero science Preach to us their Paranoia
and Debunked Fraudulent Lunatic Science they do not comprehend
as they just Preach what they are told to Preach
I wear a mask an average of 10 minutes a day
5 days a week
and the more you wear a Mask
the more harm to the Brain and Vital Internal Organs from Oxygen Deprivation
and the less you wear a Mask the less Damage to all of your Body
as Surgeons know the Ill effects of wearing a mask for more than one hour
while the safest place for Children to be is in School with out a Mask
and if I had a Grade School Child and the school told me my Child must wear a Mask
I would remove my Child from School
because depriving Oxygen by 20%
to the Developing Brain and Internal Organs and Immune system of your Child is
Fraudulent Lunatic Science