…the Rebuttal To: Political Media Science Fiction


Four States Unlawfully Illegally Unconstitutionally Changed Voting Laws in their States

as only Law Makers can Constitutionally Change Voting Laws

and then the American Justice System

turned their backs on All of We the People

when knowing the Constitution was Broken by four States

and now there is zero Faith in the Voting System of America


China Owns America

and China and Bill MSNBC Gates control the World Health Organization

who Lie to America

and Mike Bloomberg Bill MSNBC Gates and China

control the Democratic Political Media Corporation

and our University System of America


question test rebuttal debate


To: Nancy Pelosi

and when I was very young I asked my Father

what is a Lesbian ?

and my Father then told me a Lesbian is someone who only sleeps with other Woman

as I have been a Proud Lesbian my entire adult Life

and under your new rules I can not say I am a Proud Male Lesbian

or any Gender related terminology

and my Question for you Nancy

as we can all clearly see your Mental Illness is continuing to worsen

and are you under the care of a Shrink for your obvious Mental Issues

or are you self Medicated ?


~ * ~

To: John Kerry

and do not think Montanans will be Voting for any Democrats in 2022


solar panels are made in China

and because you are a proven Pathological Liar and Political Pathological Fraud

while you have proven you failed 3rd grade science

as you profit from your proven fraud in Science

as there is zero climate emergency

and China and India are the Number one Polluters of the world

and the XL Pipe Line would have reduced CO2 Emissions

by reducing the need to move oil by rail and by truck or by tanker

while reducing oil spills

further proving you failed 3rd grade science

while over 97% of the CO2 in the air is caused by Nature

as CO2 is the evaporated byproduct of Energy

from the hot liquid core of this carbon based earth

from volcanic activity below sea level

and is the cause all Primary and Secondary Carbon based Life and Energy

on this CO2 Starved Carbon based Earth

as CO2 does not cause warming as warming increases the evaporation of CO2

making this CO2 Starved Carbon based Earth Green

CO2 + Water Vapor + Sun Energy = Green = Environment

while there is zero science data to support there is a Climate Crises or Emergency



AOC = Lunatic Ignorance by Public Education

who has no problem with the Democratic Party committing proven ongoing Treason

for the past four plus years

Punishable by Death

but of course the Democrats already Shredded the Constitution

four plus years ago


The Democratic Deep State is very Alive and Well

and is Everywhere in America

and when Politicians = Public Servants

Dictate Science and Medicine

based on zero science data

based on zero question test rebuttal debate

this is not Socialism

this is Fraudulent Fascism


China bought the Italian Clothing Market

to own the clothing Tag

~ Made in Italy ~

and when many of 30,000 Chinese went home for the Chinese New Year

and then went back to Italy to work

and provided Italy with the Corona Virus


There is a Leaked German Government Report Stating

the Corona Virus is a World Wide False Alarm

as the Virus is being used as a Political Tool by Fraudulent Treasonous Democrats

that is doing far greater harm than the Corona Virus

as we continue to live in a world of Preached Political Ignorance

distorting tested reality while harming and controlling our daily lives

based on zero question test rebuttal debate

based on zero science data

as they reject the available science data proving they are wrong

as they Preach needles Fear and Paranoia for the sake of their Political Agenda

while doing only Harm to Everyone in America


Wearing a Mask is Anti – Science




and there are many more references proving wearing a mask is Harmful

while not protecting you from the Corona Virus

while those dying with the corona virus were already dying

or they are very unhealthy and they are going to die with in the next 12 months

as 10,000 Americans die everyday in America from something

and if you caught any virus when already dying you will still die

and if we treated the corona virus like the other 150 virus

and Political Lunatics did not turn the virus into a political tool

far fewer people would have died

but it would not have stopped the already dying people who are dying everyday


 1 A ~ Doctors being wrong 50% of the time

1 B ~ Heart Disease

2 A ~Abortion

2 B ~ Cancer

3 A ~Mistakes in Hospitals

3 B ~ Unintentional Injuries

4 ~ Lower Respiratory Disease

5 ~ Stroke and Cerebrovascular Disease

6 ~ Alzheimer Disease

7 ~ Diabetes

8 ~ Influenza = 150 viruses and Pneumonia

9 ~ Kidney Disease

10 ~ Suicide

while 99.99 % of those who catch the mild corona virus do not die


To: Mask up Montana

we know from testing and studies

6 feet social distancing does not work


we know from testing

12 feet social distancing does not work

and we know from testing and studies

wearing a mask does not slow the spreed of the Corona virus

and only increases the Spreed of the virus

and we know from testing and studies

improper use of a Mask will harm you and can kill you

and we know

we have Political Organizations who are not Science Bodies

who have earned zero right to science opinion

who ignore the available science

who are preaching to the Public

to wear a mask

that can only do harm and zero good

as Scientifically Proven

as you ~ Mask up Montana ~ are practicing medicine with out a licence

while committing malpractice doing only harm to the public

while you do not educate the proper use of a mask to prevent harm

while wearing a Mask will not prevent anyone from catching the corona virus

while causing very real Oxygen Deprivation the the Brain and Vital Internal Organs

as you ignore the available science as you do only criminal harm


Bruce A. Kershaw

Helena Montana

Investigating and Proving Fraud in Science for over 25 years


January 28, 2021

To: Joe Berry

Stanford University


the byproduct of energy is Life ~



Arrogant Ignorance is the New Reality

~ rejecting ~

question test rebuttal debate


who brainwashed You ?

[email protected]

6CO2 + 6H2O + v ~> C6H12O6 + 6O2

CO2 + Water Vapor + Sun Energy = Green = Environment


Food to Eat and Oxygen to Breathe

on this CO2 Starved Carbon based Earth


CO2 is Green


Reducing CO2 Reduces Green

on this CO2 Starved Carbon based Earth


CO2 and Water Vapor is the Evaporated byproduct of Climate Warming

by the Variable Sun


 Nature is the cause 97% of the CO2 in the Air causing the Carbon Cycle

causing all carbon based Life on this CO2 starved Carbon based Earth


CO2 = Carbon based Oxygen = Carbon Dioxide


from the Hot Churning Liquid Core of this CO2 Starved Carbon based Earth


the byproduct of energy is the cause of life


 January 28, 2021


The Safest Place for Children to be is

in School

while School Teachers who are 70 years of age or older

who are Obese Diabetics with Heart and Lung Disease

who are already dying

should stay at home and not Teach

as the vast majority of Death with the corona virus are in this group of people

who were already dying


Healthy people do not die from the Corona Virus

and if you are not already dying

your odds of dying from the corona virus

are about 0%

while the improper use of a mask will make you sick

from the 20% Oxygen Deprivation Damaging the Brain and Vital Internal Organs

and could Kill you

or you may die from the Mold and Bactria growing in your Mask you now Breathe

or from the CO2 coming out your of body you now Re-Breathe

so if you are trying to make very Healthy Children and very Healthy Elderly People

very Sick

then force them into Lock Downs and to Wear a Mask


the Democratic Party is the Party of Death

for their power control and profit


The Democrats have Proudly ignored the Rule of Law for the past four plus years

~ and ~

it is not ~ if ~ it is when

Joe Biden will be removed as President

by the Twenty Fifth Amendment or by Impeachment

and Kamala Harris can not wait for this to happen

as the Grounds for the Impeachment of Joe Biden

were already in place before Joe become President

while Kamala Harris is Cheering for and Supporting Antifa

…as Billionaires Preach we need more Lock Downs  ~

as Joe Biden is now Breaking the Law

…because of Joe Biden’s proven Ignorance in United States Law

as Joe is Signing Executive Orders that are Unconstitutional and Break United States Law

as stated by Judges

as Joe does not know he is Acting like a Fascist Dictator to We the People

as Proven Treason against All of We the People by the Democrats and Media continue

as the Media is for a Criminal President and not for We the People

as Joe Biden continues to further Destroy

~ We the People ~

to Profit 60 Billionaires and China and Russia

as Joe Biden has taken the side of Crime and Disease Invading America

and taking away jobs from the Honest Americans

as Joe Biden continues to prove he is Anti American

while he is not intelligent enough to know it

as Puppet Biden continues the Democratic Treason



Joe Biden Chuck Schumer Nancy Pelosi

in 2022

for their four plus years of proven ongoing Fascist Treason against

All of We the People

~ as what goes around comes around ~

as the Democrats continue to Shoot the Foot in their Mouth

as they continue to Shred the Constitution

and destroy the Lives of All of We the People

for 60 Criminal Fascist Treasonous Billionaires they are Loyal to for their Profit

like Mike Bloomberg and Bill MSNBC Gates

Destroying America for their Power Control and Greed

and to Hell with We the People they continue to knowingly Kill

with Unconstitutional Forced Lock Downs

and forced wearing of the Mask

that are proven to do only harm and zero good

as they Profit from the Sickness and Death they cause in America

as they Deliberately Destroy All Freedom in America proving their Fascism

with their proven Media Lies and Disinformation 24 / 7

as they are the Proven Treasonous Traitors to

We the People who are America


~ January 27, 2021 ~

…those who voted for Joe Biden failed 3 grade science  ~

…as Children continue to commit Suicide


Teachers are Killing our Children not the Corona Virus

while many Teachers are not Teaching Children how to Think

they are Teaching our Children how to Politically Make Believe

as Teachers Unions today are Destroying our Children

and their Families and Education in America


question test rebuttal debate

~ Question ~

do the Democratic Shrinks and the Republican Shrinks have Shrinks ?


we now have more than a few scientifically test proven Lunatics

in charge of the Un-United States Government


I will be 65 years of age in 2021

and I had the Corona Virus in February of 2020

and it was like a bad 3 day cold

while in my now 64 years of age I have had many Flu Illnesses

that were far worse than the Corona Virus

and today those who dying with the corona virus

were already going to die

as 10,000 people die everyday in America from something

and some of those already dying people caught the Corona virus and then still died

and today People are dying after taking the Corona Virus Vaccine

and are any these people under 50 years of age

who are healthy

who do not need to take the vaccine Die ?


if you are in good health the Corona virus will not Kill you

unless you are already dying

and then you will still die regardless of the virus


The Day Joe Biden took the Oath of Office

I received three emails from

The Nut House

and as of January 25, 2021

The Joe Biden Nut House is now Blocking my Emails

[email protected]

I guess they are not interested in Learning and Knowing and Growing Forward

in tested Reality

and how long before the Democratic Fascism removes my web page ?

as we become more like China everyday


The Climate Emergency

is a Scientifically Proven Political Scam by Democrats and the Media

to Profit Billionaires


For the past 600 million years

the cause of Green causing the Environment is

Evaporated by the Variable Sun

CO2 and Water Vapor

as the Variable Sun with many Cycles continues to be Warmer and Brighter

and is the number one Climate Variable for Billions of years

as the Proven Climate Lunatics Preach to us the Very Variable Sun

is not a factor in Climate Change


CO2 with zero Color Taste or Smell

is the byproduct of Energy and is the Cause of Green

causing all Secondary carbon based life on this CO2 starved Carbon based Earth

and I have Investigated and followed the Climate Science Data since the spring of 2007

and since 2012

Sea Ice has increased by 40%

as the Sea level continues to rise and fall the thickness of a Dime

as we were told entire nations would be under water by 2013

based on proven to be flawed incomplete science support by proven to be fraudulent data

while 2019 was a record cold year here in Montana

as Glacier Montana is growing not shrinking

while 1000 years ago Montana had California Climate for 200 years

while Ice Core Science shows us Ice Ages with many times the CO2 in the Air than today


the Number One Proven Climate Scam Artist is

~ John Kerry ~

who has earned zero right to scientific opinion

who continues to publicly prove he failed 3rd Grade science

as he can Articulate zero science

or provide science data to prove he is not a Fraud in Science

who will harm the cause of Green causing the Environment

on this CO2 Starved Carbon based Earth

for his Personal Profit


Dear John,

in June of 2010

I requested from you your Science Data to support the Political words you preach

and in your response Letter June 14, 2010

you provided a Political Sermon with Zero Science Data

further proving you are a Political Pathological Lunatic and Fraud in Science

as there is zero science data to support there is any Climate Crises

or Climate Emergency of any kind

as you preach climate paranoia for profit based on zero science

as not one U.S. Senator since 2007

can provide science data to prove the words they preach


Bruce A. Kershaw

John can prove nothing beyond his Pathological Words of Lunatic Belief

that will do harm to the cause of Green and the Carbon Cycle for his Profit


Climate Change is Real

and Human caused Climate Warming is a Scientifically Debunked Un-Proven Theory

and over 30,000 Scientists have signed a Petition

disagreeing with the United Nations flawed incomplete debunked Study

based on proven to be Fraudulent Science for Fraudulent Billionaire Profits

as they refuse to Publicly Debate the available science data of the past 30 plus years

proving they are Frauds for Profit doing only harm to the Environment for Profit


Gina McCarthy

is a Scientifically proven Lair and Fraud in Climate Science

as she preaches her political sermons while providing zero science data


Years ago

as I requested from Gina McCarthy

her Science data proving Carbon based Humans

made by and from this carbon based Earth

cause Climate Warming

and nothing

as the real science data debunk the words of belief she Preaches

as the proven frauds refuse to publicly debate the science data proving they are frauds

as the Media continues to allow only the fraudulent side of the story to be told

as they can provide zero science data when requested to prove they are not Frauds

while not one Democrat can Articulate their Lunatic Political Science Fiction

as Political Lunatics Dictate Lunatic Science

that will do only proven harm to the Environment for their Profit


After Investigating Climate Science since the spring of 2007

with 45 years of back ground in

Atmospheric Emission Science Physics and Chemistry

~ Catastrophic Doomsday Climate Warming Paranoia ~

is a Political Media Brainwashed Religion for Profit based on Zero Science

Climate Change is real for billions of years and

CO2 and Water Vapor are the Evaporated byproduct of Warming by the variable Sun

and not cause of Climate Warming

while Carbon based Humans produce less than 3% of the CO2 in the air


CO2 + Water Vapor + Sun Energy = Green = Environment

Plants and Trees need more CO2 not less CO2 to Breathe

and spending Trillions to reduce the cause of Green

will have zero effect on Climate Change

as Scientifically Proven

while only harming the cause of Green


All of We the People are America

and Executive Orders are not Law by Law Makers

as Media Preached Political Pathological Paranoia now Dictates a Lunatic Realty

as Joe Biden is being Used

as Joe’s job is to read the Teleprompter and then take no real Questioners

and then Sign Executive Orders he does not read or understand

that Break the Law of the Land


…and after the 7 day Break In Period

it is now safe to say ~

The White House is now

The Nut House

run by

The Obama Treasonous Deep State 2.0

controlled by the

Billionaire Owned

Democratic Socialist Political Media Corporation

of the now

Un-Republic Fascist Un-United States of Un-America

as 60 Billionaires Laugh all the way to their Bank



I stated last summer when Democrats were Bailing Antifa out of Jail

that Antifa would turn against the Democrats as they are now doing


~ January 26, 2021 ~

I Challenge

Mike Bloomberg


Bill ~ MSNBC ~ Gates

to an open Public Debate in Proven Fact Tested Reality in Science and Medicine


I may be Painfully Honest with the Painful Truth

but I am a Rescuer not a Predator

and when big people censor little people ~

that is called Fascism

just like they do in China

with the Help of

Bill ~ MSNBC ~ Gates

who is number one in China and the World Heath Organization

who Lied to All of We the People who are America

for China

as Both China and Bill Gates continue to Lie to All of We the People

and the more sickens we have on this carbon based Earth

the more Money Bill makes

as Bill Preaches to us

we need more Lock Downs

when scientifically knowing Lock Downs and wearing a Mask

do only Harm to the Health of Everyone


In China they deprogram and reprogram People

as the Democrats are now Preaching to us we must do

to those who do not politically make believe as they are brainwashed to make believe

and the non believers must now be Punished and Reprogrammed

~ while ~

The improper use of a Mask can Kill You

and Kill your Healthy Children and Kill your Healthy Grand Children

by slow suffocation causing brain and internal organ damage

and by breathing the mold and bacteria growing in the mask

while damaging the immune system

while making your body more vulnerable to all 150 Viruses and Illness


Testing and Data show us ~

wearing One Mask

did not decrease the spread of the Corona Virus

as it increased the spread of the Corona Virus

while causing Oxygen Deprivation

causing Brain and Internal Organ Damage

as the improper use of one mask can kill you

and wearing two masks will only double the slow suffocation rate

of all Men Woman and Children who are Healthy

and do not need to wear a mask

while the elderly like Joe Biden need more oxygen not 20% less


Dr. Fauci is a Proven Fraud

doing harm to many Men Woman and more so to Children

as the Press and Media continue to support Fraudulent Fauci

while ignoring the available science data proving Fauci is a Political Fraud

as the reduction of Oxygen does only harm and zero good at all ages

while proven to only increase the spread of the virus

as the 20% reduction of oxygen from wearing one mask does not promote wellness

as scientifically proven

and wearing two masks will only promote more illness to Healthy People


10,000 People Die everyday in America from many things

and those who died with the corona virus

were already dying before they caught the virus

just as happens with the many yearly flu viruses every year

of 150 viruses

as the Lock Downs and the mandatory wearing of a Mask

have done far greater harm than the Virus


The Democratic Party and the Media do not Care about We the People

they Care about 60 Billionaires

and will my next Election Ballot mailed to me say:

To: Occupant or Currant Resident ?


From Webster’s Dictionary



out from the mind,

mental deficiency or impairment


Dementia is now in charge of All of We the People

of the

Republic of the now Un-united States of America

as Backwards Puppet Biden continues to Fail 3rd Grad Science


To : Joe Berry

Stanford U


Debunked by Nature ~ Unproven Theory

proves nothing

and I did not vote for Donald Trump because I like Donald Trump

I voted for Donald Trump because I like Freedom more than I like Fascism



Chief Justice John Roberts

stated to:

All of We the People who are America


~ He will not be at the Impeachment Trial of Donald Trump ~


based on

Constitutional Law

Chief Justice John Roberts

~ knows ~

this is not a Constitutional Impeachment Trial

it is an Un-Constitutional Political Impeachment based on Political Paranoia

and is Treason against All of We the People


while for the sake of recorded history

I am very much looking forward to the Treasonous Political Trial

as the Democrats are now Banning Books

and how long before they are burning books


…it is one thing to live in your reality

and another to Dictate your Lunatic Reality to everyone else

as We the People are now ordered to call each other

~ its ~

by Nancy Pelosi


The Democrats are now proven Fascism Dictating a Lunatic Reality

doing only harm

Democrats who are owned and controlled by 60 Billionaires

and some of We the People can be Political Media Brainwashed

while some of us can not

while the Obama Deep State Treason Team is back together again


We Made China what it is today

as China continues to Stab We the People in the Back

and how many Suitcases full of Cash will Hunter Biden & Family share together

if Father Biden rolls over and plays Dead for China


an Impeachment Trial can only be used to remove a sitting President

and that would be Joe Biden

as it is Un-Constitutional

to have a Trial of the Un-Constitutional Impeachment of Donald Trump

while Nancy Pelosi has Acted Treasonously Un-Constitutionally for the past four years

and should be Punished for her proven Treason against We the People

as She still does not comprehend she is our servant

as she believes we are her servants

while of course I can not call Nancy a she or her

so I will call Nancy an it

before the It Ruler demands we can no longer have names

as she can no longer be referred to as a Woman or Lady or Girl

and I will just call ~ it ~ the Ruler

while one thing is proven and certain

~ it ~

is a Certifiable Treasonous Lunatic

who just ignores the U.S. Constitution and All of We the People who are America

as only Deliberate Fascism can commit Treason while removing All Gender

and this how Nancy unites We the People

by Dictating a Lunatic Reality

and I hope the Lunatic Treasonous ~ It ~ Impeaches me

as a Noun is a Person Place or Thing

as an it is all the above

and to hell with nouns because ~ it ~ is all we need

because who needs definition in reality


I am for Green

~ as ~

Ignorance Dictates Ignorance

~ and ~

 Preaching Paranoia Proves nothing in Science

and are you a Clone to ignorance or do you have a mind of your own ?


Putin is Happy with the Pipe Line Shut Down

Our number one goal should be the Elimination Oil Tankers

that require a Billion times the Energy to move the oil than by a Pipe Line

while Oil Tanker Spills cost Billions the times of Money and Energy to Clean up

than Pipe Lines that can be shut off with the the push of a Button

while increasing National Security by increasing Energy Independence

and who would you rather buy oil from ?

Our Friends in Canada by very efficient Pipe Line

who are a stones throw away


Our Enemies by Oil Tankers

who want to destroy All of We the People


Oil Pipe Lines are a Billion times Cleaner and Safer and reduce CO2 Emissions

that Plants and Trees need more of not less of the Breathe

CO2 + Water Vapor + Sun Energy = Green = Environment

and is the evaporated byproduct of Climate Warming

and not the cause of Climate Warming by the Variable Sun

causing all Carbon based Life on this CO2 starved Carbon based Earth

as Scientifically Proven

6CO2 + 6H2O + v ~> C6H12O6 + 6O2

as Green Lunatics who Failed 3rd Grade Science want to stop the cause of Green for

Power Control and Profit


Nature Produces over 97% of the CO2 in the air

the majority of CO2 from volcanic activity below sea level

causing the Carbon Oxygen Hydrogen Cycle above and below sea level

causing all Primary and Secondary Carbon based Life

and all Secondary Carbon based Energy

that is recycled by Nature back in to Primary and Secondary Carbon based Life

while CO2 causing Climate Warming is a Scientifically Debunked Un-Proven Theory

as Al Gore who Failed 3rd Grade School Science Preaches the Science is Settled

when Settled Science does not exist in 5th Grade Science

while Al Gore can provide zero science data to prove he is not a Fraud in Science

while becoming very rich from his very proven Fraud

as Al Gore who is the Number One Adviser at Google is very much for Green = Money


The Catastrophic Doomsday Climate Warming Crises

caused by Carbon based Humans made from the Carbon Cycle caused by CO2

is a Scientifically Test Proven Democratic Political Media Scam for Profit


Carbon Dating can tell us many things on this CO2 Starved Carbon based Earth

where everything has Carbon in it

and my Hypothetical Conjecture is:

Political Ploy has been around for about 7 million years

back when 50 different kind of Carbon based Apes Ruled this Carbon based Earth

for about 2 million years

and now we are down to only one of many different kinds of Carbon based Apes

still roaming this Carbon based Earth

who are the Carbon based Rulers

as Political Ploy is still with us


I have always been an Independent

and for the majority of my Adult Life I have Leaned Democrat

but never again


~ I am thankful ~

Greg Gianforte

our new Governor of Montana

is bringing our Montana National Guard Back Home

where they will not be politically used and then treated like dirt

as they should have been treated as they serve We the People with Honor

as they should not be treated like Trash while in the United States Capital

as they are already Treated like Trash when Captured by our Enemies

and you would think the Government of the United states of America

could treat our Worriers better than our Enemies


How can our Protectors of our Lives and Liberty

Protecting the Steps of our Capital in Washington D.C.

be treated worse than Criminals

and the Criminals who cross our Boarders everyday Illegally

who Murder and Rape Americans Everyday

and when those who are in charge of the Government

treat the criminals better than they treat those who are protecting them from Criminals

~ what does that say ~

as they Trash the Guards who serve with Honor

who are all together from Every State of the Union


…an Un-Constitutional Political Impeachment is:

an Act of Treason against All of We the People who are America


…and those who are for another Un-Constitutional Political Impeachment

are committing Political Suicide



How can you just trust People who you can continuously Prove are Lairs ?

and when you provide the science data to the Political Media Preachers

Debunking the Words they Preach

they then continue to Lie to We the People

further proving they are Political Pathological Frauds for Political Ploy


To: Chris Wallace

Fox Bogus News Show Sunday

~ putting words in the mouth of other people is not Journalism ~

and finding other people to lie for you is not Journalism


It is the Media and Press who Muzzle the Truth

while Preaching Disinformation and proven Lies in Science and Medicine

as the Media continues to do only proven Harm to All of We the People

as you too are proven to Muzzle the Truth for Political Ploy

and would you like to publicly debate the proven fact tested reality in Science

that you are proven to ignore for your political ploy ~

and here are some Questions for you Chris that no one can answer

~ WHY ~

does the U.S. Government continue to allow

~ Poisoned Pet Food from China ~

that continues to Kill our Pets for as long as I can remember ?

proven by the many ongoing continued law suites for many years

and by my now dead dog Nitro too

as I did not know the Can of Dog Food from Walmart was from China

I should have read the Label

as the stores were out of the Brand of Dog Food we normally buy

because of the unnecessary Democratic Lock Downs

so I blame myself for my best Friends Death

while the last time I had a can of Mandarin Oranges a few years ago from China

I got Sick and so I stooped eating can food from China

and do you think we should send the 75 million American Patriots who voted for Freedom

to China for Reprogramming ?

because no Government on this carbon based earth

can deprogram and reprogram people better than China

and how many Suitcases of Cash will Hunter Biden bring home in the first 100 days ?

while the very best you can do Chris is Play the Political Blame Game

and that is not Journalism informing We the People that is proven political media ploy

by a proven Political Media Fraud

so do not fool yourself Chris as you are not fooling Us = We the People

because you are not a real Journalist you are just another Political Media Scam Artist

you are a Phony Political Preacher Trying to Scam All of We the People

but it is not working on most of us

and that’s the best you can do for America

and so who Programmed you

while I hope one day you will acknowledge the tested Realities you just ignore

for your political ploy

and as we say ~ down here ~ in the real world you just ignore

Get Real


for the Proven Fact Tested Reality in Science = Truth in Life

Bruce A. Kershaw


… Political Media Preached Personal Emotional Feelings of Hate

are pathological and not proven fact tested reality

~ as ~

All of We the People

are now Witnessing the First Puppet Presidency

as only fascism can dictate a false reality

as Joe Biden ignores the Science Data he will never comprehend

proving he is a Political Pathological Fraud in Science and Medicine


~ Insurrection ~

a rising up against established authority; rebellion


as we Witness four years of proven fascist rebellion against

the President of the United States of America

by the Billionaire Democratic Political Media Corporation Destroying All of America

for their Power Control and Profit


Sen. Chuck Schumer

one of the proven Leaders of the four plus years of Rebellion against

All of We the People

Stated ~ Erection ~ on the floor of the U.S. Senate

and then corrected himself by then stating Insurrection


To: U.S. Senator of New York

Chuck Schumer

Dear Chuck,

and as you stated on the floor of the U.S. Senate

your overwhelming concern about Donald Trump

and his resent ~ Erection ~ on the U.S. Capital

but you must first prove

there was an Erection by Donald Trump beyond any and All Reasonable Doubt

before you can Impeach Donald for his unproven Erection

as this is like proving Ice is Hard after it melts

and of course if you want an Impeachment Trial of the President

then you will now have to Impeach Joe Biden

because Joe is now the President

while you have no proof of any Erection by Donald Trump that will Stand Up in a real Trial

while the more you can disrupt reality the easier it is to dictate a false reality



Student of Constitutional History and Law since 1980

and if they go Forward with another Un-Constitutional Impeachment Trial

then we can Impeach Barack Obama and Joe Biden for their Deep State Treason

while there are plenty of other things to Impeach Joe Biden for

but only after the Investigations

while Nancy Pelosi should be punished for her already Proven Treason against

All of We the People

while the only thing Chuck can prove is his Tongue is Slippery than others

and he is out of his mind as his mind was proven to be somewhere else

and so it is OK for the Democrats to Commit Treason for the past four plus years

but its not OK for Donald to have an Erection

if he did

as hearsay is not science as science is to know

and 200 years ago

Chuck Schumer Proven Treasonous Traitor for Fascist Tyranny

would have been Shot for his Treason against All of We the People

as the Proven Open Tyranny Continues against All of We the People

as the Democrats continue to blame the President for their Treasonous Crimes

they them selves have Committed  and Continue

and those who are not on the side of their proven Treasonous Rebellion

against All of We the People will be Punished and Reprogrammed

just as they do in China

and how do you Brainwash 75 Million Patriots

with the help Bill MSNBC Gates providing proven Disinformation and Lies to the Public

while allowing zero rebuttal to the prove fraud in science and medicine

as the Political Media Brainwashing Continues


…if you hate Donald Trump then Treason is not the answer for your Paranoia

that is what Shrinks are for ~

while everything positive that happens to We the People

Lunatic Treasonous Billionaires Deliberately Destroy


question test rebuttal debate

while connecting ~ all ~ the dots


The many Experts who disagree with Fraudulent Fauci

are Censored by the Media and Press

Experts who want to better inform the Public about the Corona Virus

as the Media and Press continue to provide Disinformation and proven Lies to

All of We the People


Fauci is a Proven Political Fraud

as proven by all the available data

and why ?

is Fauci a Fraud just for the fun of it ?

or did someone like Mike Bloomberg drop off suitcases full of Cash at Fauci back door ?

and how much Cash are we now going to drop off at Iran’s back door again ?

and how much Cash is Hunter still getting from China ?


When I am Proven Wrong

I admit it and learn from it and know and grow forward in test Reality


The Truth in knowledge is based on repeated Admitted Failures

supported by science data

and not based on Media Preached Lunatic Political Science Fiction

supported by zero science data

as the Media and Press continue to support very proven Fraud in Science and Medicine

for their political agenda doing test proven harm

while profiting the Billionaires they work for

while Joe Biden is not Intelligent enough to know he is Lying

as the Democrats provide We the People who are America with another

Un-Constitutional Treasonous Political Impeachment to Unite America

based on Zero Due Process of the Law

Zero Investigation

Zero Hearings

and Zero Debate

further proving Nancy Pelosi is a Treasonous Lunatic


Today there is Zero Creditable Democratic Leadership in Washington D.C.


For the Questioned Tested Debated Truth in Science

with 45 years of Atmospheric Emission Science Physics and Chemistry

Invited to Participate in the London Symposium on Climate Change

at the Oxford and Cambridge Club, London June 2013

the same year Al Gore and the Democrats Preached to us

~ Entire Nations would be Underwater ~

as NASA Preached Manhattan would now be underwater

based on proven to be flawed incomplete and fraudulent science data

they refuse to publicly debate

as they ignore their own data proving they are political frauds in science

as 49 NASA Scientists disagree with the NASA Political Wing Nuts

and their proven to be Lunatic Predictions of the unknowable future

as they ignore the knowable facts debunking their unproven theory

as the Sea level continues to fall and rise the thickness of a dime

with a 40% increase in Sea Ice since 2012

with record cold years in Montana

where we had California weather 1000 years ago for 200 years

as Lunatics continue to Preach their Doomsday Climate Paranoia based on zero data


Bruce A. Kershaw

[email protected]


C ~ is: carbon

O ~ is: oxygen

H ~ is: hydrogen

v ~ is: Sun Energy

causing the carbon oxygen hydrogen cycle

causing the primary and secondary carbon life and energy cycle and recycle


6CO2 + 6H2O + v ~> C6H12O6 + 6O2


carbon based oxygen + hydrogen based oxygen + sun energy  = Green = Environment


Evaporated by the variable Sun

with many cycles

CO2 + Water vapor + Sun Energy = Green = Environment

with the majority of CO2 from volcanic activity below Sea level

causing Primary Carbon based Life = Plants and Trees

as CO2 is the scientifically proven byproduct of warming not the cause of warming

making this CO2 Starved Carbon based Earth Green causing the Environment

causing Oxygen to Breathe and Food to Eat and all Secondary Carbon based Life

including all Carbon based Human Beings

as we Carbon based Humans are made from the byproduct of Energy = CO2

and plants and trees need more CO2 not Less CO2 to breathe

to be at good normal heath

as scientifically proven and ignored by Political Lunatics for Profit


and to those who failed grade school science

I can not help you

because if you failed grade school science you can never comprehend

my 45 years Atmospheric Emission Science Physics and Chemistry


John Kerry is a Proven Fraud in Science

who has zero comprehension of Atmospheric Emission Science

who has publicly proven he Failed Grade School Science

while his Catastrophic Doomsday Climate Warming Crises Paranoia

has nothing to do with real science

and everything to do with Billionaire Profits

based on very Proven Fraud in Science

doing only Harm to the Carbon Cycle the cause of the Environment

as 97% of the CO2 in the air causing the environment is caused by Nature

causing all Carbon based Life on this CO2 Starved Carbon based Earth

~ while ~

Joe Biden and Malpractice Fauci

are scientifically proven Frauds in Science and Medicine

~ because ~

wearing a mask does not decrease a health risk it only increases a health risk by many fold

as scientifically proven

and Ignored by Fascist Political Lunatics

who want to fascistly control your life even if it causes harm to all life

by Fascist Political Lunatics

who are Carbon based Humans who are 20% carbon made from CO2

who want to spend trillions to reduce CO2 on this CO2 Starved Carbon based Earth

proving they are Lunatics doing only harm for profit and not real Scientists


January 22, 2021


there can be no Legal Lawful Constitutional Impeachment Trial

in the Un-United States Senate

because Donald Trump Civilian

is no longer the President

further Proving Nancy Pelosi does not comprehend the U.S. Constitution

and will go down in History as Committing Treason  against America


Kamala Harris supported Antifa all summer long

as they bashed in the heads of over 55 Peace Officers

while Burning down Main Street U.S.A.

doing Billions of Dollars of Damage

as Joe Biden told us Antifa is just an Idea

as Kamala Cheers them on

as Democrats Bailed them out of Jail


Pipe Lines are the most Energy Efficient and Safest way to move Oil

and will reduce CO2 Emissions verses moving oil by Oil Tankers

and shutting down the Keystone Pipe Line will have zero Effect on CO2 Emissions

and when the Pipe Line is finished it will reduce CO2 Emission

and reduce Oil Spills in to the Oceans

that can not be shut off like a Pipe Line

as an Tanker oil spill can not be shut off with the push of a button

and tanker oil spills require a billion time the energy to clean up

on this CO2 starved Carbon based Earth


Shutting Down the Keystone Pipe Line

 will not reduce Energy Independence

while only further harming National Security and the Economy

and will make Energy more expense and not reduce CO2 Emissions

that Plants and Trees more of not less of to Breathe

Proving Political Lunatics Dictate Lunatic Science


CO2 + Water Vapor + Sun Energy = Green = Environment

CO2 can not Harm the Environment

because CO2 is the cause of the Environment

and all Carbon based Life on this CO2 Starved Carbon based Earth

and shutting down the Keystone Pipe is Lunatics Political Science Fiction

doing more harm and zero good


January 21, 2021

Impeach Joe Biden

but do a real Investigation first

as there are many crimes to investigate

~ as ~

I am for the Freedom of the Truth

and what are you for ?

~ while ~

I am told I need more Humor

~ so here we go again ~

Sometimes I am a Smart Ass

and sometimes I am a Dumb Ass

while sometimes I am Just an Ass

and of course sometimes my Head is up my Ass

making me a Pain in my Ass

but I always try not to shoot the foot in my mouth when I am talking out my Ass

as only one thing is certain

we all have an Ass

while some are just bigger than others

and if you want to debate your Ass off

I’m ready

or if you want to laugh your Ass off

is it working ?

as I am always looking for a good argument funny or not

while the proven Lunatics in Charge of the Cuckoos Nest make me laugh

as they continue to make to cry too

as they do only harm and zero good as scientifically proven


I am guessing I am being spy on by the Joe Biden Obama Deep State Democrats

because out of the blue

Yesterday I received three Emails from the White House

and I replied using the Contact form allowing up to 2000 words

and I then filled out the form for the White House News Letter to stay up to date

and today about 10:30 this morning while walking the Dogs

as nice new white Helicopter with no markings comes over the hill next to my house

and then goes around the hill behind my house and then came around to the front

very slow just a stones throw away

so I waved as we continued our walk

and since 2007 I have had many people follow me while in my car

and many times over the years a Helicopter will fly around my house

and stop in front of my house and just hover

while I have spotted people in Business Suites walking around my 14 Acres

surrounded my BLM Forest

and once a van parked about 1/2 mile away for a few days

with the back windows pointed at the front of my house with no one in sight for days


I guess that makes me popular

while I have reported the license Plate numbers 2 or 3 times

of those following me in my car

and one time the local law enforcement reported to me one person following me around

for about three weeks

was a Criminal who was recently released from Jail and not from Helena

so why ?

and do I live in Fear ?


while there is plenty of room to land a Helicopter in my front yard

but they never do

as I would love to go for a ride

while I have nothing to hide

so spy away on me I don’t care

~ while ~

The NAZI Party used Racism as a Political Tool

but not to unify Germany but to Divide Germany to control Germany

just as the Democrats are using Racism as a Political Tool

while Antifa supported by Democrats are doing just as the NAZI private army police did

but not to unify but to further Divide

for their proven to be Fascist control over All of We the People

by the Billionaire Owned Democratic Political Media Corporation

who are the Scientifically Proven Fascist Treasonous Traders of America

as they continue to Destroy America to Control America

as scientifically proven

and ignored by those who are programmed by their treasonous Media

who continue to Lie to We the People for Political Ploy

as they Preach Fear and Paranoia based on scientifically proven Lies

as they refuse to allow Question Rebuttal or Debate

to their scientifically proven Democratic on going lies and disinformation


Who wants to be Unified

with proven to be the Fascist Treasonous Traders of America for Tyranny

who are Deliberately Destroying America for their Power Control and Profit

as they take away our Freedoms and Liberties as they take away Equal Justice for All

as their proven Treasonous crimes against All of We the People go unpunished

as the Rulers do not Live by their own Rules

as Fascism Preaches Racism to make Racism Happen for Political Ploy

as proven Political Media Lies with zero rebuttal is Proven Fascism not Science

 as they Preach Unity as they make Fascist Threats

as Fascist Ignorance continues to reject Real Science

for power control and profit

as the Media is for their Free Press while against the Free Speech of We the People

as Joe Biden continues to Preach to us his Sermon based on his Political Make Believe

based on Scientifically proven Lies


…you can just Believe the Lies or Question the Truth


The Number One Cancer and Crime Organization in Montana ?

~ Montana State Fund ~

as they Deliberately Further Destroy the Lives and Families

of Work Injured Citizens of Montana

to Fraudulently Save Money that is not Theirs to save

with the Blessings of Montana Law Makers

as they are proven to Pay Doctors to Falsify Medical Reports

as they are Proven to Pay Attorneys to Practice Medicine with out a Licenses

in what is proven to be very rigged system against Injured Montana Workers

by a proven Dynasty with in the Montana Government

Destroying Lives to Save Money that is not Theirs to Save

as Fraudulent Doctors and Lawyers get Rich

all Rubber Stamped by the Department of Labor

as the Montana Law Makers have continued to make it harder

for Injured Montana Citizens to seek Justice

with the cost of Justice coming out of their pockets

while making it much easier for Montana State Fund to openly commit Fraud

against Injured Montana Citizens

as the Tax Payers then must pick up the Tab for injured workers

when Montana State Fund Commits Fraud

so they can save money that is not theirs to save as it is the employers funds

for their injured workers

and I would Abolish the Number One Cancer in Montana

and Prosecute the Doctors and Lawyers and the Employees of the State Montana

who are committing Fraud against All of We the People of Montana

and thank you for further destroying my life

Gov. Steve Bullock

Lance Zanto and Tammy Gibson and Her Personal Doctor

Dr. Sargent of Sage Medical Clinic

and the Doctor who is very proven to Falsify the Medical Report

Jeff Cory

Bozeman Heath Deaconess Hospital

who name is very well known in the Montana Legal Community

as Jeff Cory has a long history of Medical Fraud in Montana

as Jeff works for a hospital that has been in Legal trouble for Pryor Illegal kick backs

as we proven criminal Doctors working for criminal Hospitals


Negligent Employers can not be Sued

while their Insurance Company Montana State Fund are proven Frauds

as if Injured Montana Workers don’t have enough to deal with

especially if you have a Head – Brain Injury

then they screw you more


January 20, 2021

and I agree with George Washington who stated

” Political Parties would be a Bad Thing “

as the Majority of We the People do not belong to any Political Party

while knowing political Parties are Corporations who take charge and control

of our Government

while the Senate Pryor to the 17th Amendment

was Controlled by State Governments and not by Political Parties

as U.S. Senators then voted as directed by the State Law Makers

and not as directed by Special Interest Groups = The Billionaires

who own and control the majority of the press and media

providing disinformation and proven Lies to We the People for Political Ploy

while knowing we can not end the other Parties ~

proving now would be a good time to begin with President Trump his new Patriot Party

so the Majority of We the People will have a Voice by Representation too

and how about the

Patriot Freedom Party


Real Peace

by and for the questioned truth in all of life and knowledge for a better life for all

by the Majority of All We the People

and take back America for Freedom and Tested Reality


…the only thing Joe Biden can Prove in Questioned Tested Science is his Ignorance


I have Received three emails from the White house today

and I responded with my 2 cents worth in Climate Science

that will be rejected

and the proven fraud in climate science by the new White House

will continue to prove they are Pathological Frauds in Science

as they can provide zero science data to prove they are not Frauds

as CO2 causing Climate Warming is a Self Debunked Un-Proven Theory

as nature is responsible for over 97% of the CO2 in the Air

causing the carbon cycle with oxygen and hydrogen

causing all carbon based life on this carbon based earth

CO2 + Water Vapor + Sun Energy = Green = Environment

6CO2 + 6H2O + v ~> C6H12O6 + 6O2

causing the Primary and Secondary Carbon based Life and Energy Cycle

on this CO2 Starved Carbon based Earth

where everything has carbon in it

as the Frauds Preach to us carbon and oxygen together is toxic poison and pollution

Carbon based Oxygen = CO2 = Carbon Dioxide

causing all the oxygen we Breathe and all the food we eat

as they preach to us white steam = water vapor coming out of smoke stakes is Pollution

proving they failed 5th grade science

as they dictate science based on Zero Question Test Rebuttal Debate

as they ignore the science data proving they are frauds

and how long before Joe unplugs my science web page ?

as there is zero science data to prove Carbon based Humans

made by and from this Carbon based Earth cause Climate Warming

it is a scientifically proven Democratic Political Media Scam for power control and profit

as they are doing test proven harm to the environment

as they Preach they are saving the environment

caused by their Self Ignorance for Profit


there is no climate crises

as scientifically proven

and the cause of Green causing the Environment does not cause Climate Warming

as CO2 and Water vapor is the Evaporated by Product of Warming by the variable Sun

and 1000 years ago it was much warmer than it is today for 200 years


… it is very unlikely

Joe Biden

who is a proven Political Pathological Fraud in Science

who can not Articulate his debunked science or prove his lies are not lies

and will not finish his first term in Office

do to his obvious poor Mental Health and or His Crimes of Treason with his Son

that is still under Investigation

and of course the Deep State Democrats will kill the Investigation

but they can not fix his broken mind


Kamala Harris who received zero Votes in the Democratic Primary

will be the next President

and no one will be surprised when the Republicans

take control of the U.S. House and Senate in 2022

and it is very unlikely Kamala Harris who Supports the Antifa Domestic Terrorism

can when a Presidential Election in 2024

and who will Kamala pick to be her Political Partner in Political Crime as Vise President

while you can thank the Democrats for the very unnecessary Lock Downs

and future unnecessary Lock Downs doing far greater harm the mild Corona virus

taking the lives of already dying people who still would have died

if they had not caught the virus or 150 other viruses

of the 10,000 who die everyday from every cause

as the Democrats have just finished over four years of Deliberate Treason against America

and will Freedom win

or Democratic Political Media Fascism by 60 Billionaires

as the proven Fraud and Scams in Science by the Democrats continue

for their Power Control and Profit

as the Sea level continues to rise and fall the thickness of a Dime

and Sea Ice increase by 40% since 2012

as the Washington D.C. Swamp continues to rise again

because the Treasonous Traders are back


January 19, 2021

Liz Chaney is for Halliburton just like her Father Dick Chaney

and of course you can no longer use the word Father

or any words of Gender

in the Nancy Pelosi U.S. House of Representatives

as we are now all its and things


…and now that I have stated on this web page  ~

President Trump can not be on Twitter

but Pornography can

people are now sending me Pornography


…and the United States Military

the most powerful Military in the Free World

~ if needed ~

would not be capable of taking back control of the U.S. Capital

from a bunch of Lunatics ?

caused by a lack of security by Nancy Pelosi

who is in charge = responsible of Capital Security

of the United States Government

and when President Trump tries to Stop the Domestic Terrorism all across America

by Democrats = Antifa

the Democratic Governors and Mayors reject the ability to restore Peace

as they keep everyone in Lock Down

but only for Control

causing the Corona Virus to spread faster and killing many more

already dying People

causing Democratic Billionaires like Bill MSNBC Gates to get very much Richer

while those who are not under Billionaire Democratic Rule

are doing very well in the Free Part of America


January 17, 2021

~ question test rebuttal debate ~

…and who decides for all of us ~

…what is proven fact tested reality in science ?

and who is your political media Programmer ?


as those who have publicly proven they continue to flunk 3rd grade science

now dictate science


…and what if there was zero gravity ?


The wind speed at the Equator would be 1000 miles per hour

and zero miles per hour at he Earths Poles

and if heat did not rise we would be living in steam

and if all the volcanic activity below sea level was above sea level

we would be living in wet steamy ash many miles thick moving 1000 miles an hour

at the Equator

~ and ~

if you are part of a Religion in China you will be Reprogrammed by the Government

just as Democrats want to Reprogram Americans in America

for not believing in their Democratic Fascism


To: Joe Biden

Forcing Children and their Parents to become Brain Damaged from Oxygen Deprivation

from wearing a Mask is not Science

its Ignorance



Ideas did not win the 2020 Election

Political Media Brainwashed Hatred Won the Election

as Joe Biden did not tell us his Ideas until after the Election

as the Election was Pathological not Factual

based on scientifically proven Hate Disinformation

and Sensationalized proven Lies

as the proven political scams are by the Media and Press and not by We the People

as We the People can not Trust the Media and Press as We see and know the Proven Lies

and those who just believe the Proven Lies are the Proven Fools of tested Reality

who are doing only Harm to America based Un-Questioned Persuaded Make Believe

as the test proven facts are just ignored by those who just believe the proven Lies

and when Persuaded Feelings Dictate Reality then there can be no Reality

and those who truly believe in the Proven Political Media Lies

are Proven Political Pathological Frauds and are not Scientists

who live in a test proven Programmed Lunatic Reality rejecting Sanity in tested Science

for their programmed emotional feelings based on zero provable facts

as they reject question and debate for their personal feelings

that can prove nothing in tested reality

as the Truth in knowledge is Questioned

and is not the programmed feelings of Hate for Political Ploy

and when the Boob Tube and all the late night shows Preach Political Media Hate 24/7

how can their be Peace


Johnny Carson and David Letterman and Jay Leno

did not Preach Political Pathological Hate

and I can no longer watch Late Night TV

by those who preach proven Political Lies and Political Hate for Political Ploy

as those who do watch are now programmed with Hate Destroying America

as Hate programming ignorance and lies is not healthy Satire

as the Media and Press have Fascistly Divided We the People of America

as they now Demand Unity as they continue to Preach their Hate

as it is now their way or no way = Fascism

as they preach they will punish those who do not agree with their Fascism

while we can not do as they do we can now only do as the say

as they have now ended freedom and tested reality


…when their can be no real Questions then there can be no real Answers

and Dictated Executive Orders are not Law by Law Makers

or the Will of We the People

as Dictated Executive Orders are Political Fascism doing Harm

as everything Real Scientists are against Political Media Lunatics are for

as the Proven Political Media Lunatics refuse to allow Question Test Rebuttal Debate

of their Lunatic Political Science Fiction doing only Harm

further proving they are political pathological frauds

for their Power Control and Profit doing only Harm to everyone

as many believe and Preach the proven lies are the truth

while they refuse to publicly debate or can prove is their truth with science data

as preached words prove nothing is science

as words prove nothing is science


January 15, 2021

…and science data must supersede all Politically Preached Make Believe

and you can not Impeach the President of the now Un-United States of America

because the President hurt your personal emotional pathological feelings of true belief


and sometimes I am just plain Local

as it just depends on what Plane you are on


To: The Mayor of Helena Montana

Wilmot J. Collins

and obviously you do not comprehend any of the science data I have hand delivered to you

or emailed you based on tested science and medicine

and I challenge you to an open public debate in tested reality in Science and Medicine ~

as you are a proven fraud in Science and Medicine doing test proven harm

Bruce A. Kershaw

[email protected]


The Mayor of Helena Montana

Wilmot J. Collins

can only Prove his Ignorance

as everything coming out of the Mayors Face behind the Mask in Medicine

is a Scientifically Proven Un-Questioned Political Media Lie

doing test proven harm to all of our Children and all of our Grand Children

and to all of We the People of Helena Montana

and would the Mayor like to publicly debate the questioned tested science ?

~ no ~

because the Mayor of Helena Montana

is a proven Moron in tested science reality

just like the New York City Mayor

Destroying All Lives

caused by their scientifically test proven to be

Political Media Brainwashed Ignorance

rejecting Proven Fact Tested Reality in Science


10,000 Americans die everyday

and those with an underlying Illness

weather they know they have an Illness or not

and are going to die in the next 12 months

and caught the Corona virus before they died

still died

as the very same happens to those who catch the Yearly cold and few viruses

of the many of the 150 viruses

we do not Politically test for


…there is the Democratic Politically Correct

and there is the Republican Politically Correct

~ and there is ~

Proven Fact Tested Reality in Science

and I may not like Trumps Foolish Hateful Tweets

that hurt Pathological Feelings

that do nothing but make more Enemies of would be Friends

but President Trump is still the best thing to Happen

to All of We the People who are America

and if the Republicans do not want President Trump

then Donald should run for President in 2024 as an Independent

but only if the Republicans do not Ratify the Next Treasonous Political Impeachment

based on zero question test rebuttal debate

that would Treasonously prevent Donald Trump

from Running for the Presidency once again

caused by a Fascist Treasonous Political Impeachment

while Treason is still Punishable by Death

and maybe Donald should start a Reality Internet

a Free Internet for Free Speech

that Pathological Fascists who are proven to be working against Freedom in America

can not turn Off like a Light Switch


Montana U.S. Senator Jon Tester has now clearly Proven to

All of We the People of Montana

he is a Fascist Treasonous Trader for the Fascist Treasonous Political Impeachment

of President Trump

as Jon has clearly Proven he is for 60 Billionaires who own the Democratic Party

and the Deep State Democrats and own the majority of the Media and Press

providing Disinformation and proven Lies in Science and Medicine to Profit Billionaires

as We the People of Montana come Last

as our Will is not what Jon wants

Jon wants what Bill ~ MSNBC ~ Gates wants

and what Mike Deep State Bloomberg wants

and what 60 other Treasonous Billionaires want

Jon wants more Proven Treason against All of We the People who are America


Montana is NRA Country


To: The NRA

National Rifle Association

if New York does not want you

you are very Welcome here in Montana


Pathological is not Factual

Factual is something you can See Touch Taste and Smell

while Pathological is Belief = Make Believe and can prove nothing Factually


Nancy Pelosi is Pathological

as Nancy Pelosi continues to use the very Words and Language

she has Ban from the Peoples House

as Rules do apply to the Fascist Treasonous Traders of America

because Rules are not for Rulers

while Nancy has now very further proven with her Intelligence Committee choices

that She is One with China when China’s Goal is to Rule the World

further proving her Deliberate Treason against All of We the People

that Nancy Pathologically believes we can not See

and she refuses to publicly allow We the People to question test rebuttal debate


~ January 14, 2021 ~

as we are now being told by many Democrats and by the Democratic Media

~ as Joe Biden Preaches to us we must all come together  ~

that 74 million Americans are now White Supremacist Raciest


who must be Punished in every way possible

based on

Zero Evidence Zero Investigation and Zero Trial

~ and so who are the Real NAZI ?


…what is and what is not ~

by question test rebuttal debate

while we know

if Fascist Treasonous Billionaire Democrats Do not Like You

they just put you out of business with the push of a Button


…is the Billionaire Reality test proven Insanity ?

as only their shrink knows for sure

while it looks like the Democratic Supported Antifa and Black Lives Matter

were at the Capital Riots too ?

and are Nancy Pelosi’s Domestic Terrorists

and was this a plan to push and allow another Democratic

Un-Constitutional Treasonous Political Impeachment

based on ~ this time

Zero Question ~ Zero Investigation ~ Zero Debate

with zero evidence

as the already Proven Democratic Fascism continues


and maybe it time to Question the Truth for Reality

after ~ and why not ~ before

the Treasonous Democratic Political Impeachment

as we watch the Destruction of Freedom in America

 by proven to be Treasonous Fascist Lunatics

further again Proving Nancy Pelosi’s Shrink needs a Shrink


~ January 13, 2021 ~

We the People of Montana just voted for Tested Reality rejecting proven Insanity

while I do not belong to any Political Party

I am a Part of the Party for Montana

I am an American Montanan for Montana

~ while ~

Today Democrats did not hurt President Trump

Today the Democrats further Hurt America


I did not vote for Donald Trump for President in 2016

but I did vote for President Trump in 2020

and Joe Biden’s obvious oblivious Dementia is not proven fact tested reality in Science

as Reality is what Happens to All of We the People

as the Circus Show must go on Preaching proven to be Lunatic Political Science Fiction


…and can Democratic Fascism provide Equality for All of We the People

or only Equity for just the Few ?

~ as we will now see ~

the Fascist Treasonous Democratic Government Implode

as the Democrats continue their efforts to Pathologically Destroy and Deny History

as it Happens


Pathological is not Factual


What is Tested Reality ?

by question test rebuttal debate


~ knowing ~

President Trump is against all Violence and did not Instigate or Entice Violence

as President Trump Preached Peace

President Trump asked his supporters to be Peaceful

as President Trump spent the entire summer stopping All Violence against We the People

as Kamala Harris and the Democrats Instigated and Enticed Violence

in the Streets all across America

as the Democrats supported the Violence of Antifa all summer long

as Kamala Harris gave her 100% support to Antifa and only some Black Lives Mater

who Burned Down Main Street U.S.A.

as they destroyed their own communities

while President Trump Condemn the Violence

as the Democrats who are owned by Fascist Billionaires

and China

continue to shoot the foot in their mouth


…debunking political media hearsay brainwashed paranoid make believe ~

success is based on admitted failures

by learning and growing forward by our Mistakes

by question test rebuttal debate to find and know the truth in life

as science is to know

and we can not grow forward by not knowing and ignoring our Mistakes

as ignored history continues to prove our repeated Mistakes


November 30, 2020 ~ January 12, 2021

…to not allow the President of the Republic of the Un-United States of America

to Tweeter to All of We the People is Treason


Treason is Punishable by Death


a Political Impeachment is:

Treason against All of We the People who are America

and the last Unlawful Unconstitutional Treasonous Political Impeachment

was based on the very proven Treasonous Fraud by Democrats

while the Democrats have begun a new Politically Treasonous Impeachment

Proving Scam Political Science Fiction is now the new Normal for America


Who is reasonable for Security in We the Peoples’s Nations Capital

Nancy Pelosi

and before allowing Question

before allowing the FBI to Investigate the Facts

before allowing Hearings and an Open Debate based on discovery of fact

to bring all the facts forward to We the People who are America

as the Democrats once again Shred the Constitution

Shred the Bill of Rights

as they Reject Due Process of the Law

while basing their Impeachment only on their Political Media Hearsay Belief

and this is the Democrats best efforts to bring All of We the People back together

by once again committing Treason against America

while 200 years ago those voting for any Un-Constitutional Politically based Impeachment

would be Shot or Hanging from Trees for their Deliberate Treason

against All of We the People

as this is proven Fascism not Democracy

as the Democrats continue to Preach to We the People

Go to Hell

as Nancy Pelosi Cuckoos Nest continues to prove they are Treasonous Lunatics

as for the past four years the House of Representatives has been a Lynch Mob

Spiting in the Face of We the People

as Democrats have only Proven they are Fascist Organized Crime against America

who are proven to support Domestic Terrorism by Antifa

Burning Down Main Street U.S.A. and that is OK

as the Democrats do not Protect Life Liberty and Property

as they Deliberately Destroy it to Sell their Fascist Fear and Paranoia

for their Fascist Control over We the People

as proven to be Treasonous Fascist Lunatics are in Charge of the Cuckoos Nest

as the White House and Senate are now a Cuckoos Nest too

as the Democrats provide Zero Rule of Law as the Reject the Rule of Law

as Zero Rules apply to Democrats as they only Care about Themselves

and to Hell with We the People

as We the People are just their Peasants and they are the Rulers

as the Democrats are not here to serve We the People

as We are here to Serve them

and that is how Proven Fascism works best for Democrats

as they are the Proven Cancer of America not the Cure

as four years of proven treason by Democrats continues

and based on known history

in 2022 the Republicans will take back control of the House and Senate

and then based on Real Do Process of the Law based on the Rule of Law

they will Impeach Joe Biden for his known Treason

and then they will Impeach President Kamala Harris for her known Treason

and the Speaker of the House will then become President

as we continue to Witness a Political Impeachment by Treasonous Traders to America

a Criminal Pathological Impeachment

by those who have earned the Punishment for their Proven Treason

as they Politically Impeach the President

for the very Crimes they themselves have committed for the past four years


Maybe Twitter and the other Fascist Tech Giant Monopolies

should tell the world that only Democrats can use their services

and any one who tries to provide any services to anyone else will be destroyed

while Terrorist all around the world have not been Banned from Twitter

just the Americans they do not like who have been Banned by Fascist Tech Giants


…and who owns more Democrats ?

China who own the Joe Biden Family

or the many other governments all around the world  ?


Mike Bloomberg

who pays the fines of Criminals so they can Vote for Criminals


Bill ~ MSNBC ~ Gates

who would like us to be more like China

or the 60 other Billionaires who own America



are no longer Educators

and have become Political Preachers

and are now Political Churches


January 11, 2021

as Joe Biden continues to preach the very same very proven lies over and over again

while the Chinese Democratic Treasonous Party will soon be in Charge of America

and question

is it True there were members of Antifa at the Rioting at the U.S. Capital ?

~ Antifa who are proven to be supported by Democrats ~

who have been bailed out of Jail many times with the help of Kamala Harris ?

who received zero Democratic Votes

and will be the next President owned by 60 Billionaires

while not all Democrats are Treasonous

just the Democrats owned by the Billionaires


January 10, 2021

Those who can not accept they are wrong when proven wrong are not Scientists


~ question test rebuttal debate ~


All knowledge must be shared not Denied ~

and how long before I am further silenced by the Media ?

as the Media continues to silence the truth in knowledge

as not one of my many Letters to the Editor in Science Rebuttal

since 2007

and supported by Hard Science Data and Published Peer-reviewed Science

that debunk the very Proven Deliberate Lies

printed by Garbage News Papers all across America

has ever been printed

and if you question the truth in knowledge

you are then called a Denier

as they Preach your Skepticism is a Mental Flaw

because you question test rebuttal debate to find the truth

as skepticism is the bases for all truth in all knowledge

as we see and learn something new in all knowledge everyday

as the Media provides Disinformation for Political Ploy for their Political Agenda

doing only Harm to themselves and everyone

caused by

Ignorance rejecting tested knowledge for Personal Pathological Emotional Feelings


Do you question the truth ?

~ or ~

do you just believe the scientifically test proven Political Media Lies ?

as real knowledge can only be

Reviewed Analyzed Questioned Tested Rebutted and Debated

as knowledge can not be

Dictated by persuaded convinced programmed brainwashed ignorance Belief

Belief is Make Believe and Religion is not knowledge

while silencing knowledge is a crime against the realities of all humanity

as knowledge comes from history as history is knowledge

and destroying history is destroying tested knowledge destroying tested reality

and even when Written in Stone the Truth can be Destroyed

and when is the next Book Burning by Ignorance

by those who have never read the books and do not know what they say

as the proven to be Treasonous Democratic Party supports Antifa a proven to be

Domestic Terrorist Organization

as the Media has proven they are not on the side of We the People

as they are proven Lairs for proven Treasonous Democrats


To: Rob Farris-Olsen


and My HD79 Montana House Representative


I would rather work with you to make a better world in Montana for everyone

than work against you

and this can only happen when all sides of the science can be allowed to be known

and not only one persuade Belief

as we can only learn and know and grow forward when we put all our minds together

as I am not a Democrat or Republican

I am an Independent Scientist

for the truth in all of life and knowledge for a better life for all


and will my next ballot say ~

To: Occupant or Current Resident ?


and now the Democrats want a Nation Wide Mask Mandate

based on zero question test rebuttal debate

~ when we already know scientifically ~

Mandatory Deliberate ~ Slow Suffocation

will not protect you from 150 Viruses

and in fact increases the Spreed of the Corona Virus

while the Slow Suffocation is Damaging the Brain and Vital Internal Organs

and the Immune System

while the Media and Press continue to withhold from the Public

this vital medical information or even the proper use of a mask

that would prevent the harm caused by the improper use of a mask

as only Ignorance can mandate the wearing of a mask

as the proven to be ~

Fascist Treasonous Traders at Tweeter

along with their proven Partners in the Media and Press

are for Child Pornography while against Free Speech

but only against the Free Speech of those they disagree with

based on their proven ignorance

as Free Speech is only for those preaching their Lunatic Political Science Fiction

doing test proven harm to everyone with Zero Intelligent Scientific Rebuttal

as they are just like the Talking Heads of the Boob Tube

with their Scientifically Proven to be One Sided Fascist Disinformation and Lies

Destroying All Freedom for All in America

~ for ~

60 Treasonous Fascist Billionaire Traders

who are Destroying  All of  We the People

in order to Own and Control All of We the People

as Proven Fascist Lunatics Dictate a Political Media Brainwashed False Reality

for only their Power Control and Profit based only on their proven Ignorance

doing scientifically test proven Harm to everyone

and I will forward to you the science data proving my statements

as you can provide only Lunatic Political Media Hearsay

based on Debunked Words that can prove nothing beyond

Politically Preached Paranoid Make Believe


Bruce A. Kershaw

Helena Montana


You must first Destroy America to Own and Control We the People who are America


We must do what is best for Children

and not what is best Billionaires who want to be Trillionaires

who Already Dictate how We All Live Life in America


January 8 ~ January 9


It is Scientifically Proven where there is a Mask Mandate

the Corona Virus spread many times faster to many more people

allowing many more People to Die sooner as they were already dying

and If you are Healthy with no underlying Illness

wearing a Mask deprives Oxygen in to your body making you Un Healthy

making you many times more vulnerable to all Illness and Disease

as scientifically proven and Ignored by Political Lunatics

and if you are already Un Healthy for any reason Wearing a Mask will make you Sicker


Have you ever been called by the Sheriff Department for

“Email Trespassing”

to a Public Servant in a Public Building

with a Public Owned Email Address on a Public Owned Computer

paid for by Voters and Taxpayers

for emailing data proving the Public Servant and their Doctor is a Fraud ?

a Doctor who is paid by the State of Montana to Falsify a Medical Reports

to save the proven to be Criminal Steve Bullock Montana State Fund Money


The Sheriffs Department was only doing their job and I back every color of Blue all the way

and if they ever need me I will be there for them

as they are always there for me

as they are the messenger not the judge and jury

and I am thankful they are there to protect life liberty and property

as they are the bases of All Freedom in a Free America


Mandates are not Law by Law Makers Mandates are Fascism by Dictators

and only a Jury in America can decide what is Justice and what is not Justice

as Fascist Mandates by Lunatic Dictators must be decided by Juries

until you get to the Supreme Court

and do not think Lunatic Mandates by Lunatic Dictators

can make its way to any Supreme Court

unless of course the Lunatic Dictators is being Sued

other wise I do pretend to be an expert in Law

while I have won more cases than I have lost with out an Attorney


and once again

in medical studies all around the world have medically proven

where there was a Mask Mandate for the Corona Virus

this did not slow the Spreed of the virus as it very much increased the Spread of the Virus

while doing many times more Harm to every

and there is zero data to prove wearing a mask will protect you from the Corona Virus

while there is a lot of data proving wearing a mask can be very life threatening

as wearing a mask is extremely very bad for Health

as scientifically proven and ignored by political ignorance

for their political power and control

so if you are Healthy and would like to be Un Healthy

the improper use a mask that will not protect you from the corona virus is the way to go

as the Mask Mandates are proven Lunatic Political Media Science Fiction doing Harm

as the Political Media Paranoia Machine

continues to provide proven disinformation to the Public

as they get away with murder

as the Media and Press for Political Ploy

continue to Deliberately Stab We the People in the Back


When you do not Know the Science then you have not earned the right to opinion

and when you Play Politics with the Health of others you are not a Doctor

you are a Criminal in Medicine

and when you Practice Medicine with out a License you are just a Criminal


Wisdom is the ability to use tested knowledge constructively with out doing harm


science is: to know

and persuaded belief is not knowledge


Pathological is not Factual by Question Test Rebuttal Debate

…and why is Lewis and Clark County Commissioner

Andy Hunthausen

Preaching proven lies to the Public ?

and does Andy Just Believe the Proven Political Media Lies

with out Questioning the Truth in Knowledge

as Ignorance is by not knowing the available science data

or by rejecting the tested science with out looking at the tested science

with no data to debunk the tested science

and maybe someone should be Teaching and Informing the Proper and Safe use of a Mask

beyond Politically Preaching just wear a Mask

and never mind the improper use of a mask can Kill You

or will only cause Brain Damage or Vital Internal Organ Damage

to Healthy People who do not need to wear a Mask

who do not need slow suffocation to protect them selves from illness

or for Proper Brain Body and Immune System Development of a Child

or unborn child

because depriving Oxygen to your body can never make you more well

and if you are not well then you need more Oxygen not 20% less Oxygen

and reviewing the available data and facts is always better than

Politically Ignoring the questioned tested truth in knowledge = science

and when you can not allow question test rebuttal debate then there is no Reality

and only Preached Political Media Make Believe

doing only test proven harm to everyone


To: The New Governor of Montana

Greg Gianforte

Congratulations Greg

and to:

Mask Up Montana

~ who are a political body not a science body ~

who can provide zero science data to support there proven Lies

as they have not earned the right to scientific opinion

as they preach political Paranoid make believe

while political bias in medicine is malpractice

and as I have stated many times based on my ongoing daily Investigation

of the Corona virus since March 13, 2020

with all the available data I have seen

~ and if you do not know ~

 it is scientifically proven in medical studies the Improper use of a Mask can Kill You

~ maybe you should know ~

wearing a mask can cause Brain and Vital Internal Organ and Immune System Damage

while wearing a mask is scientifically proven to not slow the spreed of 150 Viruses

while those dying with the Mild Corona Virus

were already dying before they caught the mild virus

and if you are under 50 years of age then the death rate is near zero

as for me at 64 years of age the Corona Virus was like a bad three day cold

while 10,000 Americans die everyday of everything there is to die from

and some of them caught one of many virus before they died and then died sooner

and a Vaccine would not of Prevented their Death

and every year the yearly cold and flu viruses take many lives of those already dying

and mandating the uses of a mask that does not protect you from any virus

but will cause serious unnecessary harm to every part of the Human Body

Proving Lunatic Science

because slow suffocation

Depriving your Body of Oxygen will do far greater harm than the Mild Corona Virus

as Oxygen Deprivation traps CO2 in the Body

while you are re-breathing some CO2 that is still in many Masks

as this causes an Acid imbalance in the Body causing an Hemoglobin imbalance

damaging the Brian and Vital Internal Organs

while the Mold and Bactria now being found in many masks

can and will do far greater harm than the Corona Virus

as the death rate for the Corona Virus is 00.01 %

while the known harm from wearing a mask is for 100% of all of We the People

all of the time

while doing far greater unnecessary harm to our Children

and 6 feet social distancing does not work because we know 12 feet does not work

as the mask is a proven lose lose with zero win for anyone

and if you are not educated on the proper use of a mask you should not wear a mask

and never wear a mask when exercising sleeping or driving alone

or if you are a Child or Pregnant

and never wear a mask for more than an one hour at a time

as the over use of any mask will cause only harm to the entire body

and if you must wear a mask for more than an hour at a time

you must change it at least every four hours if not more

and the less you must wear a mask the healthier you will be

as any Surgeon will tell you

as the 20% reduction of Oxygen into your body can do only Harm and zero good

as Scientifically Proven

and so we are now going to make everyone sick caused by proven to be

Politically Preached Paranoia based on very proven Ignorance

as the science has proven where the mask was mandated the Spread of the Virus Increased

and as a Leaked German Government Report clearly states

” the Corona virus is a world wide false alarm “

while here in America the Corona virus is being used as a Fascist Political Tool

by Democrats

against all of We the People to Fascistly control our daily lives

that is doing only far greater proven Harm to everyone than the mild corona virus

so I hope you will stop the Proven to be Democratic Political Scam by Steve Bullock

who should be Punished for his Crimes against all of We the People of Montana

that is scientifically proven to be doing only Harm and zero good

as the Media and Press have Silenced the Top Medical Experts

in this Medical Field of Study

as the Media and Press provide the Public with proven Disinformation for Political Ploy

in their Treasonous support for the proven to be Treasonous Democrats

who want the power to turn all of We the People of America

on and off like a light switch

so please stop the known ongoing Democratic Fascism in Montana

and help make Montana and America Better

as Un-questioned Preached Paranoia based on proven Political Media Lies

is Bad Medicine

by those practicing medicine with out a License belong in Jail

and if you are an Obese Diabetic with Heart and Lung Disease

over 70 years of age

and you are going to die in the next 12 months

then you need to protect yourself from all 150 viruses

while the rest of us must be allowed to live our daily lives

without being Harmed by Lunatic Political Media Science Fiction

so we can better help those we know are going to die

and not force them to die all alone


Bruce A. Kershaw

Doctor Honor in Science

Investigating and Proving Fraud in Science for over 25 years

Class of 74 Helena High

Helena Montana

where I am still Friends with some of my High School Teachers and Instructors

who are still among my Mentors today along with some of my Friends of High School

along with the many Friends and Family since High School

as I am Proud to know those who know me

as science is to know

and I will continue to Attack preventable Ignorance

in the Laws of Science and in the Science of Law

and when only one person is allowed to decide reality for everyone

that is not Science

[email protected]


We have Politicians Playing God with Everyone’s Life

and the unearned opinion of one person cannot dictate the reality of everyone

while we live with very proven political media fraud in Science and Medicine

and if you are wearing mask to protect your Life from a mild virus of 150 viruses

it may be the mask that kills you


January 7, 2021

Violence is always Wrong

but only wrong for Law Makers when at their Doorsteps


January 6, 2021

Hillary Clinton has yet to accept her Loss

causing over fours years of Proven Treason by the Democrats

as She Denies Due Process Denying Tested Reality


To: Rachel of Bill MSNBC Gates


the only thing you can scientifically prove to those who Know the tested knowledge

is your ignorance

as Freedom Supporters are Responding to the Democratic Antifa Example

and I did not vote for Donald Trump in 2016

while Joe Biden is: scientifically proven to be off his Rocker



…and History already knows the tested truth ~

~ Nancy Pelosi committed Constitutional Treason ~

to  All of We the People who are America


you can just believe the lies or test the truth


You can not Censor the Lies for the Truth

and you can not Censor the Truth for the Lies

because to know the questioned truth is to know the Questioned Lies

and no one can decide for you what is the truth and what is the lie

as you must be allowed to see all there is to See to decide for yourself

and when Tweeter Decides for you

~ the Truth ~

that is Fascism not tested Reality

as the number one scientifically proven Lairs

to All of We the People are the Media and Press

who have proven they are not on the side of Freedom or We the People

as they have proven they are on the side of Fascism

as they Censor both the Tested Truth and the Tested Lies for their Political Ploy

as they are Against the Foundations of All Freedoms for All


…all Evidence must always be Reviewed Analyzed Questioned Tested Rebutted Debated


before and after now is: measured from now

as all time is measured from now

~ and as before now ~

Fascism Distorts and Dictates a False Reality ~

and do you comprehend the tested deference ?

~ by ~

question test rebuttal debate


do you know and comprehend before now

or are you trying to erase before now

that you do not know

as only Fascist Ignorance can Erase History


Do You Vote for Leaders or do You Vote for Puppets

~ because ~

tested law and tested science can not be dictated by ~

Political Media Pathological Make Believe


….the doctrine that the truth in all knowledge must always be in question

is: Skepticism ~

for the truth in all of life and knowledge

as science is: to know

for a better life for All

[email protected]


January 5, 2021

Socialism is Fascism

~ as ~

Both Abolish Rights and Freedoms while Destroying Nations

just as Democratic Lock Downs are Fascism rejecting the Real Science

proving Lock Downs only make everything many times worse for everyone

and causes more not fewer People to Die as the Science Data continues to Prove

and is Rejected by Fascist Governors and Mayors

who should be Sued for Practicing Medicine with out a License

and for Proven Medical Malpractice

as these Fascist Lunatics have decriminalized Crime

while prohibiting Law Enforcement from Protecting Life Liberty and Property

as they are proven Treasonous to All of We the People

as People are moving from Fascist Democratic States and City’s

at a never seen before Alarming Rate

as they are escaping Fascism to regain their Rights and Freedoms

as the Democrats continue to Shred the Constitution and the Bill of Rights

with their continued Treasonous Actions

as they are Deliberately Destroying America

because when you destroy it

you then control it


January 4, 2021

…and those who refuse to allow the sharing of minds and tested knowledge are not wiser ~

Happy New Year


Let All of We the People Hope

60 Billionaires

will allow it to be a better year for those they

Intentionally Deliberately Treasonously do Test Proven Harm

for their Power Control and Profit

while Donald Trump is the best thing to happen to America

while Donald is still his own worst enemy


this is not Constitutional Grounds for a Treasonous Political Impeachment

by Barack Obama

and his

Deep State Democrats

while the Democrats Bail Out of Jail and Support Antifa who are Domestic Terrorists

all with the support of the Politically Bias Media

as they Preach Proven Lies and Disinformation in Science and Medicine


…in March of 2020 I stated on this Web Site

the Corona virus is an Animal Virus Engineered by China into a Human Virus

as Humans have been around this Animal version of this mild virus

for as long as we have been around Animals

and those who own Dogs know they are Vaccinated for the Corona virus

as many with the Corona virus do not know they have it

because they have zero Illness


Bill MSNBC Gates

who is One with China and Number One at the World Health Disorganization

Lied to All of We the People of this World


Question Test Rebuttal Debate

….when the majority of the Press and Media are owned by Billionaire Democrats

who Preach Political Pathological Fraud

proving this is not a Free Press

proving we live with the crimes of a Treasonous Press


We the People


there was Proven Hanky Panky in this 2020 Presidential Election

as Election Fraud by Democrats is now the Reality and will continue and

how deep state is the Hanky Panky ?

~ Question ~

 Why did 74 Million American Patriots Vote for President Donald Trump

~ Answer ~


because the Democrats and Deep State Democrats and their Media and Press

and their Domestic Terrorist Organizations

have and continue to Commit Treason against America for the past four plus years

as Democrats have publicly stated they will Punish those who Voted for President Trump

~ Question ~

and how are the Democrats going to Punish 74 Million American Patriots

for Voting for their Freedom ?


Those Who Deny Due Process Under the Law

Deny Freedom


…and when you want to control People ~

you make them Paranoid

with scientifically proven Disinformation and Lies

while everything the Democrats Accuse the Republicans of doing and Being

the Democrats have already scientifically proven they have already done and Are

as the Democrats continue to Preach and Brainwash

their Catastrophic Doomsday Paranoia

as they continue to Cry Wolf and Preach the Sky is Falling

and we are all going to Die Soon

based on their Proven Political Pathological Ignorance

as they have now turned up the Volume on their Media Preached Paranoia Machine

with new Proven Disinformation and Lies doing far greater Harm

than the Tested Realities they do not comprehend

as they Censor Scientific Data from the Public

that prove they are Treasonous Frauds in Science and Medicine

as the Democrats always make things worse and never better

based on their Dictated Un-Questioned Lunatic Political Science Fiction

for Power Control and Profit for 60 Billionaires who are one with China

the same Billionaires who own and control

the proven to be Fascist Treasonous Democratic Political Media Corporation

Destroying America

as their old scientifically proven Fascist Treasonous Lies

continue to be replaced with new scientifically proven Fascist Treasonous Lies

for Political Ploy only further proving their Criminal Ignorance

as the Billionaire owned Democrats have very proven they can win nothing Honestly

and can only win with Paranoid Lies and Fascist Disinformation

as the proven Democratic Fascist Treason continues against

All of We the People who are America

as only Treasonous Fascist Traders can Destroy Freedom

as the Treasonous Democrats continue to Shoot the Fascist Foot in their Mouth

while their Lunatic Heads are up their Butt

while 200 years ago they would all be Hanging Freely from Trees


Treasonous Fascism can Save you from Nothing

as the Democratic New Normal is 24/7 Preached Paranoia for Political Ploy

and if you do not Vote for the Democrats we are all going to Die Soon

as they cause many times more Death and Destruction

as they Destroy All of We the People = America


January 1 ~ January 3


In 1850

~ 74 years after the Signing of the Deceleration of Independence ~

a Group of Rail Road Barron’s Bribed Everyone in Washington D.C.

there after the United States Supreme Court Granted Constitutional Rights to Entities

allowing ~ things ~ to have the same Equal Rights under the Law as

All of We the People who are America

and then later with the Seventeenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution

took away Ownership and Control of the U.S. Senate from State Governments

and then giving Control of the Senate to Entities ~ things ~

as the States no longer have any Power or Authority in the United States Government

making the States now Un-United

when it was a Senate Controlled by State Governments

that made We the People more United

as Fascist Treasonous things Owned by Billionaires now Dictate how we can live our Lives

Dictated by the Political Pathological Frauds Owned and Controlled by the Billionaires

and today ~ things ~ have more Rights than People


Entities now Control the U.S. Senate and U.S. House of Representatives

as we are no longer Guided by True Leadership by We the People

as we are now forced to Live as the Fascist Treasonous Entities Say


Question Test Rebuttal Debate


Do you just believe the scientifically Proven Lies ?


Nancy Pelosi

the Lunatic Criminal in Charge of the Democratic Cuckoo’s Nest

Speaker of the House of Representatives

of the

Republic of the Un-United States of America

has Committed Proven Treason against America

with her Deliberate Unlawful Unconstitutional Treasonous Political Impeachment

and maybe someone should tell Nancy

~ The Improper use of a Mask can Kill You ~

while damaging your Brain and Internal Organs and Immune system

from a lack of Oxygen if you do not Die from wearing a mask

as 99.99 % of those who caught Virus did not Die

and those who did die with the Virus they were already dying

as the Billionaire owned Political Media Lunatics

Preach to us their proven to be Lunatic Science

as they ignore the available Science Data sent to them proving they are Frauds in Science


Politically Persuaded Belief is not Proven Fact Tested Reality

Politically Persuaded Belief is Politically Persuaded Ignorance by Choice


We the People live with two political parties constantly destroying each other

constantly destroying America


Reverse the Seventeenth Amendment

and We the People will become the United States once again

and if We the People then end all Political Parties

we will then end the Political Party Cancers of America

as the Majority of All of We the People are Independents with zero Representation

as the Democrats have openly and deliberately committed Treason

against All of We the People for the past four plus years

with the support of the majority of the Treasonously Politically Bias Media and Press

as the Media and Press allow no Rebuttal to their Scientifically Proven Political Lies

as they Censor the Truth further Destroying America

as an Honest Media and Press Informs We the People with all the available facts

and does not take political sides

or decide for We the People what is real and what is not real


…and the Dumber you are the more qualified you are to deliver the Fraudulent news ~


The Number One Scientifically Proven Treasonous Lairs and Frauds in America

for Political Ploy are the Media and Press like the New York and L.A. Times and



Bill ~ MSNBC ~ Gates

as they are all Owned and Controlled by Democratic Billionaires

who reject Question Test Rebuttal Debate

who reject Real Science Data proving they are Frauds in Science

while Fox News is also Guilty by Ignorance in Opinion

that provides Inaccurate Information is Science and Medicine doing only harm


We Must Have Continuous

Question Test Rebuttal Debate to know the Truth in Life and Knowledge

~ and ~

how far will the Proven to be Paranoid Lunatics

who are Proven Political Pathological Frauds in Science go for their Power and Profit ?

as they silence the proven fact tested reality in Science supported by real Data

as the proven Treason and Fascism against All of We the People of America

continues everyday


Preaching proven Disinformation and Paranoia for Political Ploy is not Science

and when confronted with their Proven Political Media Lies

the Proven Lairs continue to Lie Proving their Fascism against We the People


CO2 + Water Vapor + Sun Energy = Green = Environment

~ and spending trillions to Stop the cause of Green will not Stop climate change ~

as Scientifically Proven and Ignored by Ignorance

by Political Media Fraud in Science

as the byproduct of Warming by the variable Sun with many cycles

is not the cause of warming

as the by product of warming by the variable Sun

is the cause of green causing the environment

as scientifically proven and ignored by proven Dictated Ignorance

who reject all Question Test Rebuttal Debate


6CO2 + 6H2O + v ~> C6H12O6 +6O2


To: Joe Berry and Joe Biden ~

to delete proven history is to delete tested reality

further proving Pathological is not Factual

and as

~ scientifically proven ~

Political Media Treason and Fascism

made 2020 a very Bad Year

a very bad year caused by very bad people

as history already knows

as science is: to know

~ by ~

the truth in knowledge must always be in Question


on going

question test rebuttal debate

and those who reject this science are test proven to not be real = political pathological

as they reject the tested knowledge for political media persuaded paranoia

by political media persuaded make believe in fear belief for Profit by power and control

as the Political Con Artists are

the proven to be Treasonous Fascist Political Media and Press

by proven to be Fascist Treasonous Billionaires

as their proven to be Scam Science continues to do only harm


See You next Year


November 30 ~ December 31

am ~ pm

2020 A.D.

[email protected]

Atmospheric Emission Science and Physics and Chemistry


About Bruce A. Kershaw

Born ~ March 27, 1956 at 11:10 pm Long Beach California other wise I'm still breathing O2 made from CO2 and eating food made from CO2 ~ the rest is Icing on the cake ~
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