Political Science Fiction
is not proven fact tested reality in science
…and its OK with the Media ~
the Democrats have Committed Treason for the past four years
as they continue to Commit Treason against We the People who are America
Life is what you See
and not what you make believe
and for the Good the Bad and the Ugly
the Presidential Debate was Real
while the number one Lairs and Frauds in America providing only Disinformation
to All of We the People
while allowing zero rebuttal to their Proven Lies
are the Billionaire Owned Democratic Political Media Corporation
as they reject proven fact tested reality in Science they refuse to debate
as they Preach Political Ploy Sermon
while words prove nothing in science
when belief proves nothing in science
as words of belief is Religion not science
and the Fraudulent Fascist Media can not prove the words they Preach are not Lies
as the Democrats have already Shredded the U.S. Constitution
by their past four years of proven Treason Against All of We the People
The Political Death Mask of Joe Biden
as Joe takes the 5th on real questions
and does not question the Truth as he just believes his Proven lies
as Joe is for the Green New Deal
and then states in the Debate he is not for the Green New Deal
and maybe Joe just forgot he for the Green New Deal
….sadly Joe Biden is off his Rocker
~ while ~
Joe Biden is being Used by 60 Billionaires
and as Everyone can plainly See
Joe Biden is a Pale Frail and Weak Old Man
who is not of Sound Mind and not Physically up to the Job of President
as I am in much better Condition than Joe and I am not up to the Job of President
~ so ~
you are not voting for Joe Biden you are Voting for 60 Democratic Billionaires
who own and control Kamala Harris
so lets
Question Test Rebuttal Debate
~ question ~
Has anyone shown Joe Biden the many videos of himself Incoherently Babbling
while speaking to the Public ?
and is Joe Biden aware of the Fact he has Committed Treason against America
as the Obama Biden House of Cards continues to Fall
and I would suggest Joe stop reducing the Oxygen to his Brain by 20% by wearing a Mask
and switch to an Oxygen Mask as Joe is obviously in need of more oxygen
and should get out of his cave and get some sun energy
Every scientist has a different opinion in unproven theory
while not one Democrat or the Democratically Controlled Media
Preaching their Catastrophic Doomsday Climate Warming Crises Paranoia
can Articulate their Lunatic Political Media Science Fiction
or Provide Real Science Data to prove their Settled Lunatic Science is Real
When Government Doctors allow Political Bias to Influence their Medical Opinion
this is Deliberate Malpractice
as the Government Doctors have only proven their lack of Credibility
~ and If I was the President ~
I would allow the Opinions of all Doctors to be Heard
rather than all the Doctors who disagrees with the Government Doctors to be Silenced
by the proven to be Criminal Media providing the Public with proven to be Disinformation
for Political Ploy
as the Media has Censored the Real Experts in Medicine
proving Political Fascism in Science and Medicine by the Media
Owned by Democratic Billionaires
Preaching Fear and Paranoia based on the unknowable future
based on debunked unproven theory for profit is not Science
My First Questions to Joe Biden the now Expert in Science would be ~
who are your Scientists ?
and are these the same Scientists who Preached to all of We the People
” Entire Nations would be underwater by 2013 “
and please provide us with your Scientific References
and Please Articulate to All of We the People
~ How ~
Carbon based Humans
made by and from this Carbon based Earth
are causing all of the Catastrophic Doomsday Climate Warming Crises
NASA Data has Scientifically Proven there is
~ Zero ~
Catastrophic Doomsday Climate Warming Crises caused by CO2 regardless of Humans
because there is Zero Catastrophic Climate Warming
and Joe can not answer the many Logical Questions based on Joe’s Public Statements
proving Joe is a Political Pathological Fraud in Science
Proving Joe Preaches Lunatic Political Science Fiction
based on zero comprehension of the Science
and zero scientific Data he can not provide
Joe’s Science is based on Preached Lunatic Political Media Brainwashed Hearsay
while Joe’s Ignorance in Science does not allow him to know
he is a Proven Political Pathological Fraud
as Prediction is not Science
and 30 plus years of Self Debunked Prediction Proves Nothing
~ while ~
6CO2 + 6H2O + v ~> C6H12O6 + 6O2
~ translation ~
CO2 + Water Vapor + Sun Energy = Green = Environment
and in Photosynthesis Botany and Greenhouse Science
Plants and Trees need four times the CO2 than in the air today
to Breathe
and be at good normal health
and if this Carbon based Earth did not Generate Greenhouse Gases
there would be no Greenhouse
there would be no Carbon Oxygen Hydrogen Cycle
there would be no Carbon based Life on this Carbon based Earth
there would be no Carbon based Humans who are 20% Carbon made from CO2
as Greenhouse Gases are the proven Byproduct of Warming not the cause of Warming
~ * ~
The variable Sun has caused a Cycle of Ice Ages and Warming Periods for Billions of Years
as the variable Sun with many cycles continues to be Warmer and Brighter
and is the number one cause of climate change
while the variable Sun is not a Factor in the proven to be
Flawed Incomplete Climate Science used to make 30 years of self-debunked Prediction
as the flawed Incomplete climate study ignores more than a dozen other climate variables
to predict the unknowable future
The Byproduct of Variable Warming by the Variable Sun
is variably Evaporated CO2 and Water Vapor
with the majority of CO2 from volcanic activity below sea level
coming from the Hot Liquid Core of this CO2 Starved Carbon based Earth
~ causing ~
all of the Primary and Secondary Carbon based Life and Energy Cycle
above and below sea level
while the unproven theory CO2 causes Climate Warming
is Scientifically Debunked by Nature
while Nature is responsible for over 97% of the CO2 in the air
and spending Trillions to stop and remove the cause of Green from the air is
Lunatic Political Science Fiction the Lunatics refuse to publicly debate
as the Real Scientists who have proven the political fraud in Science
are called the Deniers
and are allowed zero voice in the Media
proving Fascism in Science
to turn Billionaires into Trillionaires by Killing the cause of Green
the cause of the Environment for the past 600 million years above Sea level
as NASA Data Clearly Proves
there is Zero Catastrophic Doomsday Climate Warming Crises
while proving Political Media Brainwashed Paranoia
as the Sea level continues to rise and fall the thickness of a dime
with a 40% increase in Sea Ice
as not one Computer Ouija Board Climate Prediction
over the past 30 plus years
based on proven to be flawed incomplete Science
based on proven to be Falsified Data
has come true
and the rest is all Proven to be Political Media Lies
by those who Failed grade school Science
and have earned zero right to Scientific Opinion
as they Preach their Paranoia based on Proven Fraud in Science
they refuse to allow Question Test Rebuttal Debate
while they try to Kill the cause of Green for Profit
and when requested repetitively for many years
can provide Zero Scientific Data to prove they are not Proven Frauds
as they ignore all science that further debunk their unproven theory
debunked science they can not articulate and Preach is Settled Science
when settled science does not exist and more so in a Brand New Science
as those who have publicly failed Atmospheric Emission Science Physics and Chemistry
Dictate Climate Science
Proving this to be Fascist Fraudulent Lunatic Political Media Religion
trying to Destroy the cause of the Environment on this CO2 starved Carbon based Earth
for Fascist Power Control and Profit
as the cause of Green does not cause Climate Warming as Scientifically Proven
as Proven Political Media Frauds Dictate a False Reality
doing only Harm to all Living Carbon based Life
as they refuse to Debate Proven Fact Tested Reality in Science
they do not and will never comprehend
as those who have earned the right to Scientific Opinion are Denied their Free Speech
Stopping the cause of all carbon based life will not stop climate change
as proven Lunatics Preach their Lunatic Doomsday Climate Paranoia
based on Proven to be Political Media Brainwashed Fraud in Science
as Political Media Brainwashed Green Lunatics are trying to Kill the cause of Green
that is Evaporated by the Variable Sun by many known Cycles
CO + Water Vapor + Sun Energy = Green = Environment
and is the Byproduct of Warming not the Cause of Warming
as Scientifically Proven and Ignored by Politically Brainwashed Ignorance
for Profit
as scientifically proven
and Ignored by Political Media Ignorance for Political Ploy
as science has proven CO2 does not cause climate warming
regardless of Carbon based Humans
The Republic of the United States of America
is a Republic not a Democracy
and Political Science Fiction
is not Proven Fact Tested Reality in Science
Political Science Fiction is Political Pathological Fraud in Tested Reality
and the U.S. Constitution does not require thoes Running for the Office of President
to Provide their Tax Returns to Anyone or Anything
while the majority of We the People don’t give a Damn