…and with a translated leaked German Government Report in hand
stating the Corona Virus is a False Alarm
and based on my personal experience at 64 years of age
with the Corona Virus in February of 2020
and knowing this based on the known symptoms
and investigating the facts and data from around the world since March 13, 2020
I would place the Corona Virus in between the Common Cold and the yearly Flu Virus
as those who die with the Corona Virus
were already going to die before they caught the Corona Virus
and the rest is 100% Scam Political Media Science Fiction by 60 Billionaires
who own Joe Biden and Barack Obama
and the Democratic Party and the Deep State Democrats
and the majority of the Media
who Bail Antifa out of Jail
after they Bash in the Heads of Peace Officers
and Burn Down Main Street
and paying the fines of Criminals so they can vote for Criminals
November 19, 2020
….the Rebuttal ~
Those who are dying from everything there is to die from
and they are going to die
and then catch the Corona Virus before they die
do not need Ventilators they need more Oxygen ~
..as the Truth can not be known by those who side with Fascism
when knowing the proven safest place for our Grandchildren to be
is in school
where only some of our Grandchildren will be politically Brainwashed
question test rebuttal debate
…are you for Constitutional Rights or are you against Constitutional Rights ?
and are you for those protecting our rights ?
as the Billionaire Democrats have stopped Life Liberty and all Happiness
while the Sun should come up tomorrow
but you never know until you know
as science is to know
while fascism rejects knowledge
To: Joe Berry
Stanford University
as you are on the side of proven frauds
while knowing it is all about Money Power and Control
based on zero real science
~ Joe ?
and are you apart of the Proven Fraud
caused by your Ignorance ?
or do you know you are a fraud in science
as History will know
if the Billionaire Democrats do not allow Antifa to Burn all the Books
as science is: to know
…this Web Page has been Suppressed by Fascism
and what does Fascism not want you to know ?
Proven Political Media Ignorance is now in Charge of Science and Medicine
all paid for by 60 Billionaires who own Joe Biden
and our Criminal Governor of Montana Steve Bullock
All of We the People
want a free and safe place to be
People are leaving New York
just as they are leaving many other Democratically Dictated Cities and States
all across America as they are leaving as fast as they can
and how long before New Your City is just a Lawless Crime Infested Sewer
caused by Fascism
where the number one crime will be for not wearing a Mask
that is doing only test proven harm and zero good to everyone
as the mask is protecting no one from the Corona Virus while making healthy people sick
from the 20% reduction of Oxygen to the brain and internal organs
while trapping CO2 in the body
while re-breathing CO2 that does not escape the mask
while bacteria and mold are growing in the Mask
all damaging your immune system
while the mask is not protecting you from the Corona virus
and if you are are already Dying and going to Die
and then you catch the Corona Virus
then you will still die
while 99.99% of those who are not already dying and caught the Corona Virus
do not die of this very mild Virus
while Lock Downs and Wearing a Mask
is proven to make the spread of the Corona Virus much worse not better
and saves no one
as Scientifically Proven and Ignore by Fascist Lunatics
Mandates are not Law of the Land by Law Makers
Mandates are Un-Questioned Un-Tested Un-Debated
Lunatic Political Media Science Fiction by Ignorance by Fascism
by Lunatic Dictators who can only prove they failed 3rd grade science
as they do only test proven Harm and zero Good
caused by their Ignorance caused by their refusal to know tested reality
for the sake of their Political Power for Control and Greed
There is zero Questioned Truth in Dictated Mandated Fascism
by Proven Criminals of Tested Reality
as Fascism is Treason against All of We the People
Proven Fascism by Proven Criminals
who are Killing many more People while Saving no one
caused by their proven political ignorance rejecting proven fact tested reality in Science
because Fascism refuses to allow Public Question Test Rebuttal and Debate
as their Fascist Utopia is a Proven Scam by Proven Billionaire Scam Artists
as the proven political media Ploy is not Science its Fascist Treason destroying Freedom
as they Force All Healthy People to become Sick
by Proven to be Criminal Lunatic Fascist Mandates
that are not based on real Science
they are based on rejecting real science
Forcing All of We the People to be Sick is not Science or Freedom
November 17, 2020
and when there can be no question then there can be no truth
when there are many questions
as we must find the answers to: know
because science is: to know
Steve Bullock
is Responsible for many More Deaths not Fewer Deaths
because Steve is a scientifically test proven Moron in science
and there can be no truth in Dictated false reality
and George Washington would agree that
Ignorance is not Science
Ignorance is the lack of Science
and Preaching Hate Ignorance and Paranoia to control our lives will save nothing
Billionaires do not need to follow the Rules because they are the Rulers
who make the fascist rules based on zero science and zero votes by We the People
and the reality of Fascism is: there can be no reality
and the mask police are coming
by Billionaire Fascism taking over the World
while the very scientifically proven Medically safest health place for our children to be
in School
but the Billionaire Rulers who want to be Trillionaires
~ paid for by you and me ~
have decided differently
and they will tell Joe Biden what to say
while the Media refuses to allow Question
as they Censor question
proving Fascism
The Corona Virus is a Political Tool for Billionaire Fascism
and Democratic Governors now take their orders from Billionaires
about 60 Billionaires who Own the Democratic Political Media Corporation
and you can not trust something you can not Question
and you can not prove the knowledge of reality when you can not test reality
…and when you reject knowledge you reject reality
and being politically incorrect is not punishable by
Unlawful Unconstitutional Treasonous Political Impeachment
while the media is afraid of
what All of We the People ~ will ~ learn and know
by and from our questioning to Dictated reality
tested reality the Media refuses to acknowledge
as All of We the People learn and know and grow forward
as they refuse to learn and know and grow forward with us
as they are against us
as they cover for the now proven crimes by Democrats
as the Media are the proven Criminals of Tested Reality
The majority of the Media have become Lunatic Political Church’s
based on zero real Journalism
while Dictating to All of We the People their Belief
when you reject knowledge you reject reality
Mandated Curfews
are not Law by our Elected Lawmakers
and in a 24 hour world like Los Angeles
Curfews are Lunatic Political Pathological Science Fiction
…the Rebuttal
~ science is: to know ~
by: question
and we must always question test rebuttal debate
to find and know the truth in tested reality
and while there is tested reality
we now live with Dictated Reality ignoring tested reality
by those who reject to question
rejecting science rejecting knowledge for
Political Make Believe
for fascist power and control based on zero science data
Dictated Political Pathological is not scientifically factual
Letter to the Editor
Dear Editor,
I’m not Perfect are You ?
and can there be Question Test Rebuttal Debate ?
or can there only be your belief with out question ?
are you
questioned tested knowledge or programmed make believe ?
~ are you Pathological or Factual ?
and are you on the side of all of we the people
or ~ ? ~
and do you reject the Questions of the Majority of We the People
the Independents who want to know
who are allowed zero voice and have zero representation
as the Media will only allow their Belief to be Preached and never Questioned
always rejecting proven fact tested reality in science
for political make believe
November 16, 2020
…the Rebuttal
…and if you want to remove all of the already dying
Carbon based People
made by and from this carbon based Earth
then the Corona Virus is just for you
as 10,000 Carbon based Humans die every day in America
from everything there is to die from
and of those who are already dying who caught the corona virus they then died sooner
and for me now at 64 years old the Corona Virus was like a 3 day cold
while many who catch the corona virus will have no symptoms of Illness
and so if you are not already dying and caught the corona virus
then you will not die ~ with ~ the corona virus
but if you jump off a Bridge with the Corona virus with no symptoms of the virus
then your death certificate will state you died from the corona virus
and it had nothing to do with the fact that you are far beyond depression
from 10 months of forced and proven to be un-necessary Lock Down
with no life for 10 months
while hearing only Hate and Paranoia and Disinformation from the Media for 10 months
while Mandates are not Law by Law Makers
and those who Mandate are Dictators not Law Makers
while its all water under the Bridge you jumped off
November 15, 2020
…the Rebuttal
All Supreme Court Justices
are Private Citizens of America too
and must be allowed their Right to Public Free Speech too ~
as we can not allow un-law to restrict any questioned tested Reality to
All of We the People
as all opinion must be shared and not silenced by the few
…and who will Survive the Mask of Death ?
Joe Biden,
~ sadly you are being used ~
while the price is right
while wearing a mask can and will make you sick
from reduced oxygen
and wearing a mask while riding your Bicycle or Exercising or Physically Working
can and will make you very sick
and is Lunatic Science doing only harm to everyone
as the proper use of a Mask is missing from your Brain
as your Lunatic Doctors are withholding very important Medical Information
from the Public while providing proven to be disinformation
on the proper use of wearing a mask that will not protect you from the corona virus
as scientifically proven
and ignored by your Lunatic Doctors proving Political Ploy Malpractice
proving you are Political Pathological Fraud in Science and Medicine doing Harm
as you reject Test Proven Fact for Political Media Science Fiction
harming everyone’s Health and Life caused by your proven Ignorance
as the Top Experts are silenced my your Fascist Media
who disagree with your Lunatic Doctors
and forcing Children to wear a mask can and will cause
Brain and Internal Organ Damage while damaging the Immune system
by slow Suffocation
while doing the very same to Adults
making everyone more vulnerable to 150 Viruses and Illnesses
as only the Political Media Lunatics are allowed a voice in Science and Medicine
and I refuse to Drink your Quack Cool-Aid
so send your Mask Police
and if you want to further Brain Damage yourself that is your choice not mine
as it is my choice how a risk my daily life based on the questioned truth in knowledge
and you can not force me to Harm Myself for your Ignorance
as your Quack’s do not allow Question Test Rebuttal Debate
as your Quack’s are Debunked by Proven Fact Tested Reality in Science
they continue to Ignore for Your Political Ploy
as some People may follow you off a Cliff Joe
but I will not
and if I were you Joe
I would get more oxygen to your brain not less
as you are already pre-qualified for the 25th Amendment
and Kamala who came in second to last in the Democratic Primaries with zero votes
will make a great Lunatic Treasonous Fascist President
and maybe she will pick Criminal Montana Governor Steve Bullock
who came in Dead last in the Democratic Primary to be here Vice President
as they will take their orders from Mike Bloomberg
and Bill ~ MSNBC ~ Gates
who is number one at the world health organization
that lied to America about the corona virus
while Microsoft Bill knows how to fix Voting Machines
as he knows how to Censor the Internet
while Mike knows how to fix those who count votes
while Mike pays the fines of Criminal so they can vote for proven political Criminals
as they are all for making everyone sick by Forcing Everyone to Wear a Mask
to protect all of us from a virus that only people who are already on their Death Bed
die with and not from
as 10,000 Americans die every day
and some of them caught the Corona virus before dying from their Illness
as they would have still died if they had not caught the Corona virus
while more than twice as many Americans die from Abortion
than die with the corona virus not by the corona virus
Doctor Honor
Joe has not earned the right to Medical or Science opinion
as Joe does not Question the Truth in Science
as Joe Dictates to All of We the People as he has been told to Dictate
and when Joe is Removed by the Billionaire Democrats
when Joe can no longer remember his name
then Kamala who dropped out of the Democratic Presidential Primary
before a single vote was Cast
could be the first President of the un-united states
fascistly treasonously installed by 60 billionaires
who own the Democrats
who own the Deep State Democrats
who own the Media
who Bail Antifa out of Jail
who have deliberately destroyed the Life of every Man Woman and Child
in America
because they pathologically hate Donald Trump
and Kamala
who not one Democrat voted for
will do the Same as Joe and do as she is told to do by 60 Billionaires
as Joe Biden is Mentally pushing 100 years old
while 99.99% of those who catch the corona virus do not die
as only those who are already dying die sooner
as the available and ignored science data proves
as the Political Quacks continue to preach their proven Media Lies
Joe Biden’s Election
regardless of who wins the election
scientifically proven to be Dishonest
and as Bill Clinton Stated:
define what is: is
….is: ~
is: what you can prove ~
fact questioned tested debated reality
…Marbles can always be lost and found ~
while You can no longer go to Church
but you can go to Sin City
…when Reality is Dictated ~
there can be no Truth in Science
as Brainwashed Belief in a False Reality proves nothing is Science
is not a Mental Disorder as Preached by the Democrats
and Preached by the Media the Democrats own and control
~ because ~
science is: to know
Question Test Rebuttal Debate
” to find and to know the truth in proven to be fact tested reality in Science “
I am a skeptic
I am told by Green Lunatics ~
” Skepticism is a Mental Flaw “
~ when ~
skepticism: is
” to always Question the Truth in knowledge “
and to now Question the Truth is: now a Mental Disorder
as preached by the scientifically test proven Lunatics
We are All the Byproduct of Energy
CO2 + Water Vapor + Sun Energy = Green = Environment
~ The Rebuttal ~
as those who failed 3rd grade science
who now dictate un-questioned lunatic political science fiction for Profit
…and my Question ~
what is their public science argument ?
Fascist Censorship
while providing disinformation
November 13, 2020
and if and in Joe’s first 100 days
Joe will allow more Corona Virus to come across the Border
to the U.S.A.
The proven to be Treasonous Media does not call Elections
…as we who are not politically brainwashed observe those who are
…as we must sadly always know on this Carbon based Earth
there will always be ~
Real People in Politics and Paid Actors
and there will always be ~
The Politically Criminally Deranged Destroying Tested Reality
for their Power Control and Greed based on their Test Proven Ignorance
as Pathological Destroys Factual
as the Democratic Political Wing Nuts of the U.S. House of Repetitiveness
are Scientifically Proven Political Pathological Frauds Committing Treason
All of We the People
as we are just their Peasants
November 12, 2020
Joe Biden wants a six week nation wide Lock Down
when lock downs have already been very scientifically proven
to not slow the Spread of the Corona Virus
and are very proven to Increase the Spread of the virus as much as 60%
as proven in New York and all around this Carbon based Earth
and the very same is scientifically proven to be true for wearing a Mask
while wearing mask is also proven to do very real harm
by reducing oxygen to the brain and vital body organs
while making you more vulnerable to 150 other virus and many other Illness
proving Joe Biden’s Scientists are Political Lunatics
who are doing only harm to everyone’s body in America
while making everyone sick by wearing a mask that will not slow any virus
while making everyone very sick
while the only people dying with the corona virus
are people who were already dying before they caught the Corona virus
and would have died regardless of the virus
as 10,000 people die everyday in america
and some of them caught the virus before they died of other illness
and a Vaccine will not stop the deaths of already dying people
who are not dying because of the Corona virus
as they are already dying from other heath issues
before they caught the virus
Lock Downs and wearing a Mask do not work
and are very proven to only make everything many times worse
as Lock Downs and wearing a Mask is scientifically proven Ignorance
doing only test proven harm and zero good to everyone
proving we have Lunatics Dictating a False Reality Destroying America
who do not allow Question Test Rebuttal Debate to their Lunatic Science and Medicine
as only the Proven Lunatics have a voice in our proven to be Fascist Treasonous Media
November 10 ~ 11 2020
When you reject the available facts before reviewing the Facts
you are then Pathological not Factual
To: Joe Biden
Your political media brainwashed personal Emotional feelings
are your Reality not mine
Everyone has a different opinion in Life
and we can not all live by only your opinion based on test proven Ignorance
while the Media is Rejecting the Law
and its OK when Al Gore goes with the Rule of Law
but its not OK if President Trump does the same
as the Democratic double standard lives on
while Voters regardless of the out come want to know the truth
so what is the Media hiding as they reject All due process under the Law
as they have done for the past four years
having earned zero credibility
as the Democrats and the Media have proven they are against the Rule of Law
and its OK if the Democrats commit Treason
and with peace and truth for all
The Democrats are Against the Law
and those who are against the right to due process under the Law
are Anti-American Fascist
the deference of opinion is tested and argued
and not dictated by the proven to be Politically Bias Treasonous Fascist Media
with the Democratic Party as they are one in the same
science is to know
by Skepticism:
” to always question the truth in knowledge “
you do not need votes to destroy lives
and when you reject question test rebuttal debate
you then reject tested Reality
….Political Parties ~
there will always be a Deep State
and now we are going to Hunt Down Trump Supporters and Punish them
as the Nazis were not the first to use a Deep State to control with out a vote
and there will always be Democratic Proven Fascism and Treason in the U.S. Government
as the Democratic Political Media Crimes against All of We the People
continue to Destroy America
and the Deep State Fascist Democrats will always be there
proving to All of We the People we can no longer have Trust in our Government
or the proven to be Fascist Media
as the Democratic Employees in the U.S. Government
are the Fascist Treasonous Traders and will always be the Enemy of Tested Reality
All of We the People
When you can not test the truth then their can be no truth
as there can be no truth in persuaded belief
while the Treasonous Media has Lied to All of We the People for the past four plus years
and after years of proven Lies
now they want us to trust them
as the Democratic Billionaire controlled Media continues to Stab America in the Back
The very proven to be Fascist Political Brainwashing Media are not our Friends
as those who Silence the Truth are the proven Enemy to Reality
Those who Look and See will Know
while those who are Blinded by Belief will know nothing
as the Treasonous Media continues to Pamper the Treasonous Joe Biden
as the Billionaire Democratic Political Media Corporation
continue to make their political demands
on behalf of We the People
proving their continued Treason and Fascism against All of We the People
as they preach the rule of law can not happen
and the Truth can not be known
rejecting the Truth in knowledge that History will always know
a Real Scientist supports their public statements with Science Data
while the Political Media Preachers can prove nothing when requested
…and the Democratic response to political insult is their Treason
as Treason far exceeds political Insult and is punishable by Death
as the Crimes of Treason continue against America by the Media
~ while ~
The Politically Brainwashed Green Lunatics want to stop the cause of Green
…and what is Reality
and how do we test reality ?
~ answer ~
by question test rebuttal debate
and the scientifically proven to be Politically Programmed Green Lunatics reject
question test rebuttal debate
as they truly believe and do not know as they refuse to look and see the Real Science Data
as they are Politically Programmed and not Factually Educated
as they are Brainwashed Fools doing only Harm to the Environment to profit Billionaires
Politically Brainwashed Insanity is not Science
and giving Trillions to Democratic Billionaires
to reduce or stop the cause of Green
will not stop Billions of years Climate Change
as Political Media Brainwashed Green Lunatics
who failed grade school science and can prove nothing with real science
want to Kill the cause of Green
Proving Political Media Brainwashing Works
and turning Billionaires who own the Political Brainwashing Machine
into Trillionaires
will not stop Climate Change
Persuaded Belief is not knowledge
science is to know and not persuaded belief
because belief is to make believe
and Un-Questioned Belief in proven to be Lunatic Science is Lunatic Make Believe
…some of us Confront and Question the Truth in Reality
while some of us do not
The Rebuttal
November 9, 2020
Election Day must be the Cut Off Date for all Votes
anyone and everyone who want to vote
must be allowed to vote until all the mail in votes are in
More Americans have Died from Abortion than the Corona Virus
and only Ignorance and Evil can Dictate a False Reality
Democrats are scientifically proven Evil Ignorance
The Democrats are committing proven Treason
All of We the People
since 2015
~ why stop now ~
as the Election for Democrats was not based on Facts
it was based on Pathological Personal Emotional Feelings of Hate and Paranoia
President Trump Foolishly Tweeted Insults
as the Media then Preached the Democratic Hate Ignorance and Paranoia
while ignoring the Proven Treason by Democrats
with the Treasonous help of their Deep State Democrats
while the Majority of the Treasonous Media is owned by Treasonous Democrats
If you are already Dying
and then you catch the Corona Virus then you will still Die
and if you are not already Dying and catch the Corona Virus then you will not Die
the Corona Virus is a proven World Wide False Alarm for Political Ploy
by Treasonous Billionaire Democrats
and for those who are Paranoid of the Corona virus
and because Adults are the primary carriers of the Corona virus
then the safest place for Children to be is in school
I guess Joe Biden forgot
that we have a Separation of Church and State
in the Republic of the Un-United States of America
but Joe gave a great religious sermon for ~ Joe’s ~ Religion
~ and ~
Preaching Paranoia Proves nothing in Science
while proving
Joe Biden is a Scientifically proven Moron in Science and Medicine
as Joe is now Practicing Medicine for All of We the People with out a Licence
as we now live in a world where experts in Medicine are now Silenced
by the Media owned by Democrats for Political Ploy
while politicians who have earned zero right to medical opinion
now make medical decisions that are doing many times more harm to everyone
as Joe Biden continues to prove he Failed Grade School Science
as Joe Biden and his Political Media Paranoia Machine are proven Frauds in Science
for Profit
November 8, 2020
…science is proven
and not believed or predicted
as Prediction of the unknowable future is not knowledge
Prediction based on a very flawed incomplete study
that ignores more than a dozen climate variables
that is supported by proven to be False Data
and is scientifically proven self-debunked unproven theory
and is: Make Believe
as we are interring Joe Biden’s
~ long cold dark winter ~
during Joe’s Preached Catastrophic Doomsday Climate Warming Crises Paranoia
when NASA Data clearly Proves
there is Zero Catastrophic Doomsday Climate Warming Crises
and clearly proves there is Zero Catastrophic Sea level rise
as the sea level continues to rise and fall the thickness of a dime
and clearly proves there is zero Catastrophic Ice Melt on this Carbon based Earth
by the 40% increase in Sea Ice since 2012
as we must live with Joe’s Pathological Climate Paranoia based on zero Data
to support the Proven Political Media Fraud in Science for Profit
doing only Harm to the cause of the Environment
in science Joe has zero comprehension of
while everything Joe Preaches he is going to do for All of We thee People
to save All of We the People
Donald Trump already did
and is continuing to do for All of We the People
and why did Joe not Save us 48 years ago
and why is Joe getting money from all around the world from our Enemies ?
through his Son ?
as All of We the People must Question Test Debate to Know the Truth in Tested Reality
as Joe was for the Un-Lawful Un-Constitutional Treasonous Political Impeachment
of the President of the Republic of the Un-United States of America
by the Democratic Party
~ Letter to the Editor ~
…as not one of my many Letters to the Editor in Science has been printed since 2007 ~
as the Editors only allow their Debunked Beliefs to be printed
allowing zero Rebuttal to their test proven Lies
and when requested they can provide zero Science Data
to Prove they are not Frauds in Science
as the Proven Frauds have yet to debunk me
as they Silence the Truth in Science and Tested Knowledge
for their Organized Political Agenda based on Test Proven Lies in Science
as they have decided for All of We the People
what is real and what is not
Proving Fascism
All of We the People
The Democrats have Committed Proven Treason
All of We the People
for the past four plus years
…my Rebuttal to:
Belief in Programmed Hate Ignorance and Paranoia
with my continued Science argument in many forms
as Reality for some is Tested while for others Reality is Programmed Belief
and the tested truth in reality is not un-tested make believe
as the Belief in Programmed Ignorance is debunked by tested reality
because Belief is not science
as Belief is a feeling not knowledge
as one is Factual and one is Pathological
Wearing a Mask is very Scientifically Proven to be Bad for your Health
as this test proven fact is very Ignored by Political Frauds and Lunatics
as the Media continues to Censor the very best in this Field of Medicine
~ the Media preventing the Public from being properly informed on the Corona virus ~
during their Programmed National Emergency
that I have Investigated everyday since March 13, 2020
as the Political Media is
preventing the public from maintaining their best possible health at all times
that would prevent any harm caused by Deliberate Ignorance
by those in the Media who have earned zero right to scientific opinion
who are in fact providing deliberate disinformation for political ploy
as they are using the Corona virus as a political tool
while doing only further harm to All of We the People
~ and ~
my hypothetical conjecture is:
Joe Biden does not know he is Lying
Joe does not know he is a Scientifically Proven Political Pathological Fraud in Science
as Joe Believes and Preaches what he told to Believe and Preach
as Joe does not comprehend the science
as Joe can not Articulate ~ Joe’s ~ Science
and Joe can not allow Public Question Rebuttal or Debate to His Science
as Joe can not Separate His True Belief from Proven Fact Tested Reality in Science
proving Joe has Earned Zero Right to Scientific Opinion
and when is Joe going to tell us who his Fraudulent Scientist is
as Joe is Preaching Test Proven Fraud in Science and Medicine
while Joe just believes his proven Lies
that can not be Publicly questioned tested rebutted or debated
as Joe’s Un-Questioned Political Media Hearsay Science is 100% Scientifically Debunked
as the Media Senors the Questioned Tested Truth in Real Science
Trust is a Personal Emotional Feeling
and the Feeling of Trust is Earned not Given
and Those who commit Deliberate Treason Against America
can never be Trusted
and those who support the Deliberate Treason are Fascist
who can never be Trusted
…the only certainty in Life is uncertainty and Death
and when proven treason and fascism Dishonestly win
then the tested truth in reality and All of We the People Lose
and now those who have committed Treason against All of We the People
want All of We the People to Blindly Trust Them
when the only thing they have Earned from All of We the People
is the right to a Firing Squad
as only Fascism can be on the side of Treason
as the Test Proven Billionaire Political Cancer continues to Grow in America
Bruce A. Kershaw
45 years Atmospheric Emission Science Physics and Chemistry
Student of Constitutional History and Law since 1980
for the Truth in Knowledge
and Peace
Joe Biden will not be the President for All of We the People
Joe will be the President for those who just believe in his proven Lies
as they just Ignore the Treasonous Crimes committed by Democrats
against All of We the People
as Joe Biden has Earned Zero Trust
as he Preaches his Sermons based on Zero Provable Science
as Joe Preaches Fraud in Science for Billionaire Profits doing only proven Harm
as we live with Lunatic Science by Lunatics who reject real science for profit
as those who Deliberately Tore America Apart for Political Ploy
now Preach to us they will bring us all back together
as their Political Ploy continues to Destroy America
and today
Treasonous Joe Biden now Preaches to Trump Voters who he calls Chumps
to give him a Chance
after the Democrats committed Treason against President Trump and All of We the People
for the past four plus years
while never giving President Trump a Chance
and if Joe Biden does become President he will lose far more than he can gain
as the proven billionaire fascist political media cancer is not the cure
and I refuse to support or trust proven Criminals
who are Destroying All of We the People who are America
I am against the Death Penalty
but I would make an exception for Treason
Proven Treason by Proven Fascism
Preaching Hate
Preaching Ignorance
Preaching Disinformation
Preaching Paranoia based on Test Proven Fraud in Science and Medicine
will not bring America together because Criminal Pathological is not Factual
and those who have not been Fascistly political media brainwashed know this
and when Scientifically proven political Insanity wins
everyone loses
and how can you Trust Proven Treason and Fascism
Preaching Hate Ignorance and Paranoia
based on
Un-Questioned Political Media Proven Lies
Bill ~ MSNBC ~ Gates
Mike Bloomberg
who gives his money to Treasonous Fascist Criminals
along with 60 other Billionaires who own Joe Biden & Company
as only half of us have been Political Media Brainwashed
and so then what will the punishment be for those of us
they could not Politically Brainwash
as they continue to Punish Everyone in every way
The Democrats can only prove they can never be Trusted
and those who Voted Joe Biden will be the Losers too
as only 60 Billionaires and their Fascism and China Win
and half of America will never trust Fascism committing Treason
and the other half will learn and know the truth the hard way
if they can learn and know beyond Persuaded Belief
as Pathological rejects Factual
and those who Dictate their Will
do not Serve the Will of All of We the People
and I would Trust the Devil
before I would Trust
the Billionaire owned and controlled Democratic Political Media Corporation
Destroying America
for the sake of their Political Power Government Control for their Profit and Greed
they are not on the side of All of We the People
they are on their side
and everyone else are their enemy
while China is their Friend
as the Democrats have lied to me for four plus years
and now they are going to stop lying to me so I can now trust them
and when Hell Freezes over I still will not Trust them