science is: to know
and We know
we have Political Morons and Idiots who have publicly proven they failed 3rd grade science and have proven they have earned zero right to medical opinion who are making Medical Decisions for entire States and Communities based on Debunked Science
costing the Lives of Many Americans
because We now know based on real science
Lock Downs do not work and only make things many times worse
and We know
Lock Downs are not for Wellness
and We know
Lock Downs are for Fascism Controlling our Daily Lives through Fear
and We know
Lock Downs are Destroying Everyone’s Life
….and for me,
a rusty grumpy old man who will be 65 years of old age in March
the Corona Virus was like a bad three day cold ~
and the people we need to protect from this virus are those who are the most vulnerable
our loved ones who are already dying from other sickness or illness
but this will not stop them from dying
it will only stop them from dying sooner
as those who are not sick and not dying do not die from this virus
just like they do not die from the common cold or yearly flu virus
as the Corona Virus is only one of 150 Viruses
while this Mild Virus is being used by Democrats and the Media for Political Ploy
and I ~ know ~ this
based on my on going investigation since March 13, 2020
Fascism requires zero votes
as Fascism requires only Preached Fear Ignorance and Hate to control your Mind
while destroying all of your Heart Spirit and Soul
as the proven to be Fascist Political Media Brainwashing Machine continues to Destroy
All of We the People
as their proven Pathological Paranoia Hate and Ignorance dictate our Lives
based on zero question test rebuttal debate
as they reject to Question the Truth in knowledge
as they Preach their Pathological Fear and Hate based on their proven Ignorance
for their Power Control and Greed
as the Lunatic Science is Politically supported by Media Frauds and Lunatics
November 30, 2020
…the Rebuttal
its has now been reported that over 25% of Voters now believe
their was Fraud in vote counting in America
and there will no longer be Trust in our Election Process
while unknown numbers of Ballots were mailed out that were not requested
and might as well have been sent to Currant Resident or Occupant
as our voting system is now Broken and will now have zero Integrity
and history will know the 2020 election was a Treasonous Scam on All of We the People
November 28, 2020
…the Rebuttal
When Purchasing Products Online you are Destroying your Local Economy
you are destroying all Small Business the Job Market and your Tax Base
destroying the future of your Towns and Cities
as all the money leaves your Community
and provides zero support and never comes back
and then one day you need something important
and you can not buy it in your own community
and you have to rely on billionaires from far away for all the import things you need
as the Billionaires are smiling all the way to their off shore Banks
as we are turning Billionaires into Trillionaires as we Destroy our Local Communities
as the Proven to be Criminal Billionaires further control our lives
November 27, 2020
…the Rebuttal
The Survival Rate of the Corona Virus is
and those who are dying ~ with ~ the Corona Virus and not by the the Corona Virus
were already dying before they caught the Corona Virus
and a Vaccine will not stop the Deaths of the 10,000 already sick people
who will die everyday from all the other many causes of Death
like the 1600 Americans who die from Abortion everyday
The Corona Virus is not a Killer Virus
as the Democrats have turned a Scientifically proven False Alarm
in to a Crises for Political Ploy that is destroying the lives of all Americans
for their Political Gain for their Power Control and Profit
To: Our Rulers and Dictators
Dear Fascist Rulers and Dictators,
I would diagnose your Mental Disorders as
Criminal Political Insanity
Fascism is always Blind to their Crimes of Treason
as they believe their Treason against America
is their Justice for their Pathological Hate and Paranoia
as we must live with two opposing sides destroying each other
All of We the People who are America
and 200 years ago
the Criminal Democratic Governors and Mayors of today
would be Hanging from Trees
just as Nancy Pelosi
for her Unlawful Un-Constitutional Treasonous Political Impeachment
as she continues to commit Treason against All of We the People
while Barack Obama Pardoned Domestic Terrorists
as Donald Trump Pardoned an American Hero
who was Framed by the Barack Obama Treasonous Democratic Deep State
as this Treasonous crime is just Ignored by the Treasonous Media
as the proven to be Fascist Treasonous Democrats
continue to shoot the foot in their Treasonous mouth
as they are Proud of their Treasonous Crimes Against All of We the People
proving they are Criminal Lunatics who need padded Jail Cells and Shrinks
Those who fear Love Hate
while those who fear Hate Love
and will Hate Win and Love Lose
as there can be no sides in Freedom for All
as only Fascism refuses to Debate Reality as they Dictate a Test Proven False Reality
Fascism Promises Everything
as Fascism Provides Nothing
while taking everything you already have away
as those who Destroy History and Today Destroy the Future of Tomorrow
as Fascism continues to Destroy the Tested Truth
and what will Win ~
Fascism or the Tested Truth
as those who do not comprehend the Science of Nature
Destroy both Nature and Science for Profit
as Fascism Preaches Fear and Paranoia to control our daily Lies based on test proven Lies
as they Destroy America to win Control of America
taking America away from All of We the People
as the Fascist Monsters the Democrats have Created
they can no longer Control
as the Billionaire Owned and controlled Democratic Political Media Corporation Party
based on Preached Hate while committing and supporting Crime begins to Implode
as they are Blinded by Belief rejecting tested reality
as they can win nothing with honesty
and when you win unfairly and criminally you gain nothing
as you only Further Destroy Reality
~ vs ~
Billionaire Fascism
….and will the Fascist Treasonous Traders to America Win ?
will the Media Brainwashing Machine
Preaching Hate Ignorance and Paranoia while supporting Crime Win ?
will the Fascist Treasonous Deep State Democrats Win ?
will those supporting Fascist Domestic Terrorism against All of We the People Win ?
will those Preaching Proven Disinformation in Science and Medicine for Profit Win ?
will those who refuse to allow Question Test Rebuttal Debate in Science Win
~ Defeating Freedom in America ~
Defeating the Declaration of Independents
Defeating the United States Constitution
Defeating the Bill of Rights
Defeating Right and Good for Proven Wrong and Evil
Destroying America
will Proven Billionaire Democratic Treasonous Fascism Win
will Political Media Pathological Win and Scientifically Factual Lose
will the Proven Brainwashed Lies Win
and America Lose
When I was a young Hippie in the 70’s
~ We Protested by Preaching Peace and Love ~
and not by Preaching Hate Ignorance Paranoia while Killing
the Brainwashing Lies in Science and Medicine are doing only Harm to Everyone
to Profit proven to be Fascist Treasonous Billionaires
When you are not allowed to Question the Truth
then there can be no Truth or Justice
by allowing only Dictated Lies Destroying Freedom and America
Will the Proven Fascist Hate Machine Win
Will the Peace and Love Win
Those who are Denied the Questioned Truth are Denied Tested Reality
and so who’s Preached un-questioned Lies do you just Believe in
as to Believe is to Make Believe
and when Preached Hate Ignorance Paranoia and Crime Wins Everyone Loses
November 26, 2020
…the Rebuttal
Happy Thanksgiving
and if the Police show up at your door today
just tell them you are Peacefully Protesting the Lunatic Governor and Mayor
who are committing very test proven Political Medical Malpractice with out a License
Proven Ignorance Dictating Proven Ignorance
based on zero Question Test Rebuttal Debate
is Proven Ignorance not Science
Dictated Mandates by Dictators are not Laws by Elected Law Makers
and should be taken only as very bad Lunatic Recommendations by proven Lunatics
who are doing very proven Harm to Everyone
and Lunatic Dictated Mandates should not be Enforced by Law Enforcement
as they are not Real Laws
as they are Lunatic Political Ploy by Fascist Lunatic Dictators
who Failed 3rd Grade Science
and have earned zero right to Medical or Science Opinion
~ * ~
I am not a Democratic or a Republican
I am a Scientist for the Truth in all of Life and knowledge for a better Life for All
Based on the available Medical and Science knowledge
that is Ignored by Democratic Governors and Mayors
that will cause life long Mental a Physical Illness
to all of our Children
whose Brains and Vital Organs did not Develop Properly
because they were forced to wear a Mask as a Child
that deprived them of 20% of the very necessary oxygen required for proper development
of their growing Minds and Bodies and Immune system
as they are forced to wear a Mask that will not protect them from the Corona Virus
as they need no protection from this very mild virus
while the safest place for all of our Children would be in School
as Democratic Governors and Mayors continue to Commit Medical Malpractice
caused by their Lack of available Information they reject for Political Ploy
as their proven Ignorance is doing only many times the harm to everyone
as they limit their Medical Input from very few Government Doctors
who are not up to date on all the available Medical facts
as Governors and Mayors make Lunatic Medical Decisions based only on their Ignorance
as they are not aware of the very important available science and medical facts
Debunking their Proven Malpractice
Medicine is not an Exact Science
for many reasons
like no two doctors are alike
we have doctors who were in the top 5% of the Class and those who were in the bottom 5%
all Practicing Medicine
and if you become Sick you can go to three different Doctors
and have three different Medical Opinions and all of them wrong
as Doctor if honest can be wrong 50% of the time
contributing to the 10,000 deaths in america every signal day
while beyond the fact Doctors are not Perfect number three cause of death
is from Mistakes made in and by Hospitals
and beyond that the many who die from Staff infections caught in hospitals
as we are now putting dying people on ventilators when they need oxygen
and for me as I am pushing 65 years old
as the Corona Virus for me in February of 2020 was like a bad three day cold
and this did not stop me from doing my daily routines
while Lock Downs and being forced to wear a Mask is doing only harm and zero good
as Scientifically Proven
as we live with 150 virus
and we can not stop all life on this Carbon based Earth for only one of the mildest Virus
as the Corona virus is not Killing People
People who were already dying from other medical conditions
caught the virus before they died and nothing could have saved them
as they did not die ~ from~ the Corona Virus they died ~ with ~ the Corona Virus
and a Vaccine is not going to save any of the 10,000 Americans who die everyday
from everything there is to die from
if you are dying from Heart and Lung Disease
and you are Vaccinated and do not catch the Corina Virus
you will still die from the Heart and Lung Disease
the vaccine will not save anyone who is already dying from other Medical conditions
who then catch the virus before they die
as healthy people are not dying from this mild virus
as the proven Democratic Political Media Fraud in Science and Medicine Continues
to control and destroy all of our daily lives while killing far many more People
as they can save no one with their Fascist Lunatic Political Science Fiction
and how many of our Children will now have life long Mental and Physical Illness
because they were forced by Political Lunatics to Wear a Mask
as slow suffocation will protect you from nothing
as the Government Quacks Ignore the Facts as they do only Harm to Everyone
as they are costing many lives while saving no one
as scientifically proven
as Political Media Morons in Science Fascistly Dictate a False Reality
as they Ignore the proven Harm they are proven to do to Everyone
~ peace ~
November 25, 2020
…the Rebuttal
…and the more small business can be destroyed the more Billionaires will Make
Lunatic Political Media Pathological Make Believe is not Reality in Science
I am not on the side of Donald Trump
I am on the side of Proven Fact Tested Debated Reality
…and can Joe Biden debunk the available science data he ignores ?
and how much does it Cost
Mike Bloomberg and Bill MSNBC Gates
and 60 other Billionaires
to have Barack Obama Preach
their Pathological Paranoid Political Media Science Fiction
for their proven to be Treasonous Profit Power and Control
~ while ~
People are leaving Democratic Cities and States as fast as they can
but don’t believe me
ask U-Haul and Tow Truck Drivers
proving it is time to reverse the 17th Amendment and Abolish Political Parties
To: Fascist Power Control and Profit
having nothing to do with Proven Fact Tested Reality in Science
Joe Biden is a Quack
committing malpractice
with question test rebuttal debate
proving John Kerry is a very proven Political Pathological Fraud in Climate Science
over and over and over
and how did John earn his right to opinion in
Atmospheric Emission Science Physics and Chemistry
and can I have an Intelligent conversation with John on the subject matter ?
because John is a test proven political media fraud in science
as the Media continues to Lie Misinform Dis-inform and Censor and Withhold
very importance Science and Medical information about the Corona Virus from
All of We the People
for 60 Billionaires
for 10 months
causing more Deaths
as we continue to have Political Frauds and Lunatics
Practicing Medicine with out a License
is waiting in line to be tested for the Corona Virus
the best way to catch the Corona Virus ?
while those under 50 years of age with no symptoms
do not need to be tested
and if you are waiting in a line with people who do have symptoms
waiting to be tested and you test negative
and then days later you do have the virus
only because you waited in long lines with sick people
as Testing lines could be the number one cause
of the resent increase in the spread of the Corona Virus
while 99.99% of those who catch the Corona Virus will
~ Live ~
because they were not already dying before they caught the Corona Virus
while testing will have zero effect on the out come of the Corona Virus
as the Political Media Paranoia Machine continues to preach their paranoia
while Lock Downs and wearing a Mask are very proven to not work
and are proven to only make things worse
so if you know someone who is already dying and then they catch the Corona Virus
they are still going to Die
while healthy people with the virus may never know the had this mild virus
as the majority of those dying are over 70 years of age
and were already dying before the caught the virus
November 24, 2020
…the Rebuttal
….while I have always wondered why ~
People who hate Freedom live in America
The 2020 Election is a proven Billionaire Democratic Political Media Scam against
All of We the People
while I can only wonder
how the Cash Flow increases to the Hunter Biden Retirement Cash Fund are doing for the
Big Guy
and I think anyone and everyone Elected to Public Office must be Required to have a
and a Shrink for the Shrink
~ because ~
Making your Body unhealthy and sick by wearing a mask will save you from nothing
as the Improper use of a Mask can and will make you very unhealthy
while not protecting you from 150 Viruses
reducing your Protection from all Illness proving stupidity not science
as Scientifically Proven
as the Media does not want you to know any real science data
as Political Media Lunatics and Frauds Dictate Lunatic Science and Medicine
that is doing far greater Harm while doing zero good
as they continue to make everything worse and nothing better
as the only People Dying ~ with ~ the Corona Virus
were People already dying before they caught the Corona Virus
as 10,000 Americans die everyday from something
and some of them caught the Corona Virus before they died
while Democratic Billionaires Profit from this Virus Scam
and is just another world wide scam doing only test proven harm to everyone
as scientifically proven and ignored by the Media for their political ploy
by the Billionaire owned and controlled Media
as they do Deliberate Harm to All of We the People
for Power Control and Profit
proving We are their Cattle
Preaching Paranoia to Profit 60 Democratic Billionaires proves nothing in Science
as they can provide zero science data to prove they are not Frauds in Science for Profit
as they do only test proven Harm in tested reality for Profit
and will the proven Frauds allow Public Question Test Rebuttal Debate
of their test proven Fraud in Science
and will Billionaires become Trillionaires doing only test proven Harm
to the cause of Green causing the Environment
while having zero effect on climate change
6CO2 + 6H2O + v ~> C6H12O6 +O2
Evaporated by the variable Sun
CO2 + Water Vapor + Sun Energy = Green = Environment
with the majority of CO2 from variable unpredictable Volcanic Activity below Sea level
as over 97% of the CO2 in the air is Caused by Nature
causing the Carbon Oxygen Hydrogen Cycle
causing the Primary and Secondary Life and Energy Cycle
as All Carbon based Life on this Carbon based Earth
is the byproduct of Carbon based Energy
and in Photosynthesis Botany and Greenhouse Science
Plants and Trees need four times the CO2 in the Air today to Breathe
to be a good normal Health
as CO2 causing climate warming is a self Debunked Unproven theory
and the end of all Carbon based Life on this CO2 starved Carbon based Earth
will be caused by a lack of CO2
as evaporated by the variable Sun
CO2 and Water Vapor is the byproduct of Climate Warming
not the Cause of Climate Warming
as the Catastrophic Doomsday Climate Warming Crises
is scientifically proven to not be happening
and is a Scientifically Proven Political Media Lie to Profit Billionaires
as there is zero Catastrophic Sea level rise
with a 40% increase in Sea Ice since 2012
and the rest is Lunatic Political Media Science Fiction for Fraudulent Profits
doing test proven Harm to cause of all living Nature
based on zero Public Question Test Rebuttal Debate
as Science is Dictated by Political Media Frauds who failed 3rd grade science
who are harming the cause of Green and the Environment while costing Trillions
Its all about Billionaire Power Control and Greed based on Zero Science
November 23, 2020
question test rebuttal debate
and will Al Gore have this Web Page Removed ?
as programmed paranoia continues to dictate a false Reality ~
…and when their is proven dishonest science
can there be tested realty
while knowing
and the most treasonous carbon based humans in america today call them selves
and when will Donald Trump allow himself to be more likable ?
…as test proven lunatics dictate a false reality ~
as we mask ourselves away from reality
…the Rebuttal ~
I was born March 27, 1956
and in my Life Time no one person has done more for
All of We the People who are America than President Donald Trump
…as Billionaires Brainwash and Dictate a False Reality
and will Dumber and Dumb
who continue to prove they Failed Grade School Science
be in Control of America for 60 Fascist Treasonous Billionaires
who are Destroying America for their World Wide Power Control and Profit
who are one with China
and how many democrats are receiving money from China
through their sons and daughters
while the Media can lie to all of We the People
and all that they want too with out rebuttal
as 60 Treasonous Fascist Billionaires have Rigged an Election
Against All of We the People who are America
as we are just their Peasants
as they are the proven scum of this Carbon based Earth
…and it is time once again for
Question Test Rebuttal Debate
Censored and Rejected by thee Billionaire Media for Political Ploy
as the proven Fascist Treasonous Fraud continues to be ignored
November 22, 2020
…the Rebuttal
…as the Political Media Preached Paranoia Syndrome continues to Grow ~
so just tell the Peace Officers that your Peaceful Protest
is just Disguised as a Thanksgiving Meal
and would you please come in and join us
because Mom’s Protest Pumpkin Pie is the Best
Joe Biden knows how to listen to the Proven Lies
and Believe in the Scientifically Test Proven Lies in Science and Medicine
as his Ignorance in Real Science and Medicine will do only Harm
and can Joe Support his proven Political Pathological Lies with real science data ?
and can I prove Joe Biden is an Lunatic in Science and Medicine
because anyone with half a Brain would know
Exercising ~ riding a bicycle ~ while wearing a Mask
that is depriving very needed Oxygen to the Brain and vital Organs
is Scientifically Test Proven Lunatic Science and Medicine by proven Lunatics
making you more Vulnerable to 150 Viruses and all other Illnesses
while damaging your Brain and Internal Organs and Immune system
while not protecting your from the corona virus
as Scientifically Proven
and Ignored by Proven Lunatics
who profit billionaires
who are your Doctors and Scientists ?
because they are Scientifically Test Proven Lunatics in Science and Medicine
who refuse to allow Question Test Rebuttal Debate
who reject hard science for Brainwashed Lunatic Political Science Fiction
doing only proven Harm
There is Proven Fraud in the Media
as the majority of what I hear in the media are Scientifically Proven Political Lies
with their Deliberate Misinformation doing Harm to All of We the People
as the Media allows zero rebuttal to Proven Lies and Misinformation
and there is Proven Fraud in the 2020 Election
causing Public Reasonable Doubt Politically Ignored by the Media
and there is Proven Fraud by prove to be Treasonous Democrats
Politically Ignored by the Media proving Fascism by the Media
and will the Proven to be Fraudulent Fascist Treasonous Billionaire Democrats
Steel the Election
~ while ~
the Media continues to Ignore the Available Tested Truth in Science and Medicine
as they preach only their Political Belief side of the Story
that is killing many more Lives by their Deliberate one sided Preached Ignorance
by their proven Political Disinformation for Political Ploy
as the Media is Proven to Censor the Questioned Tested Realities in Science
as only their fascist opinion can be Preached
while the majority of top experts who have very import medical information
to share with Public are Silenced by the Media
further proving their Fascism against All of We the People
and when the Truth in knowledge can not be Questioned it is not the Truth or knowledge
as the only thing I hear from the Fascist Media is
Un-Questioned Scientifically Proven to be
24/7 Political Media Brainwashed Bull Shit
Destroying America
and thanks
Bill ~ MSNBC ~ Gates
for all the Preached Hate Ignorance and Paranoia
Destroying America for your Gain
and the Gain of your 60 Billionaire Fascist Partners in Treasonous Crimes
as the Media Ignores the Treasonous Crimes against America
by the Billionaires who own and control them
as the Treasonous Media supports the Treasonous Crimes against All of We the People
while the Democratic Doomsday Scenarios and Predictions
are all based on proven to be Flawed Incomplete Debunked Hypothetical Conjecture
based on proven to be Fraudulent Data
while Preached by the Media as Settled Science
when settled science does not exist in proven fact tested reality in Science
as new science debunk old science everyday
as proven Political Fraud Rules the Majority of the Media doing test proven Harm
to everyone
The only thing trusted less than the U.S. Congress is the Media
who are Politically Brainwashing America with very proven Political Lies
while Censoring the Tested Truth
Proving Fascism
as there is very little Investigate Tested Truth in the Media
that is over whelmed with hearsay political lies
as the Media provides Fraudulent Sermons while withholding the very important facts
for Billionaire Political Ploy
you can Political Media Brainwash some of We the People some of the time
but you can not Brainwash All of We the People All of the time
because some of We the People Question Test Debate the Truth All of the time
because some of We the People are Real Scientists
November 21, 2020
…the Rebuttal
and how will 74 Million Americans be Punished for Voting for President Trump ?
~ take away our freedom ~
but they have already Fascistly done that with out a signal vote
November 20, 2020
…the Rebuttal ~
knowing by body is 20% carbon
made from CO2 = carbon based oxygen = carbon dioxide
causing my Carbon based Body caused by this Carbon based Earth
causing the foundation of all Energy with the byproduct of the Energy causing Life
then how much will I be Taxed for the Foundation of all Energy causing all Life
on this CO2 starved Carbon based Earth ?
…as We now live in Reality vs Fascism
as Good is destroyed by Evil
and there will always be good vs bad
and right vs wrong
and when you know you have been wronged and you can not stop it as it happens
then belief now dictates a false reality not tested fact
…while you do not have to always be the President to be a better leader ~
while we must allow all law to be tested
as we grow forward by Question by knowing history that is rejected by
Preached and Dictated Ignorance
I am a Scientists First
science is: to know
just as Factual Law is: to know
…and if there is a God ~
God Bless the Universe
10,000 Americans Die
~ Everyday ~
and some of the already dying caught the Corona Virus just before they died
or they caught one of the other 150 viruses just before they died
and while 1600 Americans die everyday from Cancer
1600 Americans die everyday from Abortion
Religion is based on Feelings not Facts
and everyone has a different God living in their soul
with different Morals based on their Personal emotional feelings
of what they personally believe to be what is right and what is wrong
All of We the People are a Nation of Laws
and not a Nation of Religious Morels
and that is why we have a Separation of Church and State
by Morel People
so no one Religion can Dictate the Law of our Nation
as morels are the knowing of right from wrong
but not all religions have the same morels
and a Nation of Law protects all Morels by Freedom of Religion for All of We the People
and Presidents can not be Preachers
as they must separate their Feelings from Fact
because we can not be a Nation based on the Personal Emotional Feelings of one person
as Factual Law is the Logical Foundation that allows for All Religious Morels
as Religious Law can only deny the Rights and Morels of others
and while Religions are all based on the same God
they continue to destroy each other in the name of their God
because some believe their God is Better than your God
while they are breaking the very laws of their own religions
while they have yet to prove there is a God
just as Democrats and Republicans work very hard to Destroy each other
Destroying America as they destroy each other
by Ignoring Facts for Personal Emotional Feelings of Belief
Ignoring Factual Law while Destroying America
as All of We the People now live in our America based on Political Media Preached
Hate Ignorance and Paranoia
by Fascist Treason working Against All of We the People
for their power control and greed
as must now live only by their Belief rejecting Fact
Proving Fascism
Rejecting Tested Reality for their Power Control and Greed
by those ignoring factual for pathological
as they ignore their own Preached right from wrong