Ice Core Science shows us Ice Ages with much higher level of CO2 in the air than today
while 1000 years ago Montana had California Climate for 200 years
and everything in this universe is a variable
and those who reject Factual Science Data and Climate History
for Politically Brainwashed Ignorance
are not Scientists they are Pathological Political Lunatics
who want to Kill the cause of Green to save us from their next Predicted Doomsday
based on Proven Fraud in Science as their many Predicted Doomsday’s never happen
as they get very rich by doing harm to the environment
of this CO2 Starved Carbon based Earth
as Evaporated CO2 and Water Vapor is the Byproduct of Warming
not the Cause of Warming
while causing the Carbon Oxygen Hydrogen Cycle
causing the Life and Energy Cycle
causing all the Green and the Environment
Evaporated by the variable Sun with many cycles
CO2 + Water Vapor + Sun Energy = Green = Environment
causing all Carbon based Life on this Carbon based Earth
Review Analyze Question Test Rebuttal Debate
and Learn and Know and Grow Forward
in Proven Fact Tested Reality in Science
Catastrophic Doomsday Climate Warming is:
a Scientifically Proven Lie
because the 1.42* increase in Temperature in a 2* variable
is not
a Catastrophic Climate Warming Crisis
~ Normal ~
The Sea Level Rising
a Scientifically Proven Lie
while Humans have been moving to higher ground for the past 20,000 plus years
All the Ice is Melting
a Scientifically Proven Lie
while the Ice began to melt 14,000 years ago
Preached Paranoia is not Science
Preached Paranoia is a Mental Disorder
and Preaching Doomsday Climate Warming Paranoia
when the Temperature Gauge Reads Normal is Fraud
by those who want to spend trillions to reduce the cause of Green for Profit
proving Political Insanity not Science
Doomsday Climate Paranoia is a Preached Political Media Religion
Harming the cause of Green and the Environment
to save us from their ~ Next ~ Lunatic Doomsday Prediction
based on Fraud in Science as the Proven Frauds Profit
Human caused Climate Warming is a Debunked Unproven Theory
Preached by the Democrats and the Majority of the Media they Own
as they Preach the Science is Settled proving Fraud
and spending trillions to reduce the cause of Green
will not stop 4.6 billion years of Climate Change
but it will make a lot of Billionaires much richer trying to kill the cause of Green
on this CO2 Starved Carbon based Earth