Corona Virus as the Political Media Paranoia Strikes Again


It is time to Stop the Political Cancer Destroying the America of We the People

it is not ~ their ~ America it is Our America

because when it is only ~ their ~ America then America will have Died

and if we could end all Political Parties and stop being Obedient Followers

of Treasonous Traders to We the People

who Preach Hate and Paranoia and Doomsday’s that never happen

and become Real Independent Free Thinking Individuals

and not Political Clones to Preached Lunatic Debunked Belief

that continues to reject Real Science for Profit

and Reverse the 17th Amendment

then this Carbon based Earth would be a far better place

for Carbon based People to live and be

as the Proven Fraud in Science and Medicine by Democrats

for Democratic Billionaire Profits continues

as this Democratic Political Scam is doing far greater harm than the Corona Virus

as the Quack Lunatic Democratic Government Doctors

Preach to us we need an 18 month Lock Down

and only Scientifically Proving they all need a Shrink


About Bruce A. Kershaw

Born ~ March 27, 1956 at 11:10 pm Long Beach California other wise I'm still breathing O2 made from CO2 and eating food made from CO2 ~ the rest is Icing on the cake ~
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